• Title/Summary/Keyword: Response surface

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Development of an automatic region of interest setting algorithm based on tunnel CCTV (터널 CCTV 기반 관심영역 자동설정 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kyu Beom Lee;Hyu-Soung Shin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.563-582
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    • 2024
  • The existing tunnel CCTV-based accident detection system has a problem where false alarms occur as the pre-set Region of interest (ROI) fails to detect incidents properly when the tunnel CCTV rotates. To address this issue, this paper develops an Automatic ROI setting algorithm that automatically reconfigures the ROI in response to the rotation of the tunnel CCTV. This algorithm first sets the ROI in the original tunnel CCTV image and then applies an Inverse perspective transform (IPT) to generate a transformed image with the perspective effect removed. In the image, a lane detection algorithm extracts the slope, intercept, and direction (left/center/right) of each lane, and based on this information, the ROI is automatically reconfigured in the original image to match the rotated CCTV. To validate this, we first conducted experiments on a deep learning-based lane detection model and created datasets using the lower half and lower quarter of still images for comparison. The results showed that the model using the lower half performed robustly even when the road surface was wet or the lane markings were blurred. Based on these results, the developed algorithm was applied, and a comparative experiment was conducted by selecting three CCTV channels, with and without the application of the algorithm. The results confirmed that the algorithm consistently maintained lane direction compared to the existing fixed ROI, and corrected lanes tilted up to 37 degrees to ensure a consistent ROI. Consequently, the proposed algorithm has been proven to significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the system.

Acquisition of Moonquake Seismograms from the Apollo Program and Characterization of Shallow Moonquake Spectrum Patterns (아폴로 프로그램 월진파 확보 및 얕은 월진 스펙트럼 형상 정형화)

  • Cho, Hyung-Ik;Han, Jin-Tae;Kim, Jongkwan;Kim, Seokjung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the characteristics of shallow moonquakes on the lunar surface using Apollo lunar seismic experiment data and develop a ground motion spectrum, which are essential for the seismic design of lunar base construction. Raw moonquake data, which were converted to modern seismological standard data formats, were utilized in this study, and high-quality moonquake waveforms were collected selectively based on the signal-to-noise ratio and logistic regression analyses. Ultimately, 82 waveforms from 16 shallow moonquake events were obtained. The vertical ground motion spectra were derived, and a ground motion spectrum for conservative design purposes is proposed. The vertical-to-horizontal spectral ratios were also analyzed to determine the possible horizontal spectral characteristics; however, due to data limitations, clear conclusions could not be drawn. The moonquake waveform data and findings of this study are expected to serve as foundational data for seismic design in the lunar environment and contribute to lunar base construction utilizing in situ resource utilization technology.

Effect of mixtures of gibberellic acid and several herbicides on the herbicidal activity against wild oat (Avena fatua L.) (Gibberellic acid와 여러 가지 제초제와의 혼합처리가 메귀리에 대한 제초활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Seog;Choi, Jung-Sup;Hong, Kyung-Sik;Cho, Kwang-Yun
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 1998
  • Based on the differential growth response to exogenous gibberellic acid ($GA_{3}$) between semi-dwarf wheat(Triticum aestivum) and wild oat(Avena fatua), we examined the possibility of improving the selective performance of several herbicides by $GA_{3}$ application and the physiological background of $GA_{3}$-induced increase in herbicidal activity. Growth of wild oat was 4 to 5 times higher than that of wheat by $GA_{3}$ treatment. Pretreatment of wild oat seed with 300 ppm $GA_{3}$ increased the herbicidal activities of trifluralin and isoproturon by soil-surface application, but not of alachor and metsulfuron-methyl. $GA_{3}$ applied simultaneously with post-emergence herbicides resulted in a significant or moderate improvement of the efficacy of such herbicides as tralkoxydim, fenoxaprop-ethyl, metsulfuron-methyl, metribuzine and isoproturon, but not in the mixtures of oxyfluorfen or paraquat with $GA_{3}$. In the sequencial treatment of tralkoxydim and $GA_{3}$ at interval of one-day, $GA_{3}$ applied prior to tralkoxydim significantly increased a chlorosis and desiccation of leaf without affecting the growth inhibition by tralkoxydim. Tralkoxydim followed by $GA_{3}$ application had lower herbicidal activity than that of $GA_{3}$ followed by tralkoxydim treatment. Electrolyte leakage response of $GA_{3}$-pretreated or $GA_{3}$-untreated wild oat leaf against several compounds inducing membrane. peroxidation was compared. Differencial responses were observed in oxyfluorfen and isoproturon treatments with an increased electrolyte leakage in $GA_{3}$-pretreated tissue, but not in paraquat and rose bengal treatments. These results suggest that $GA_{3}$-induced increase in herbicidal activity is likely to be dependent on a herbicide type and may be due to activation of a metabolic ability related with herbicidal reponse as well as an increase in the herbicide absorbtion and translocation, rather than due to membrane and cell wall extention induced by $GA_{3}$, which in turn makes the herbicides easily enter.

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A Study on Characteristics of Lincomycin Degradation by Optimized TiO2/HAP/Ge Composite using Mixture Analysis (혼합물분석을 통해 최적화된 TiO2/HAP/Ge 촉매를 이용한 Lincomycin 제거특성 연구)

  • Kim, Dongwoo;Chang, Soonwoong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2014
  • In this study, it was found that determined the photocatalytic degradation of antibiotics (lincomycin, LM) with various catalyst composite of titanium dioxide ($TiO_2$), hydroxyapatite (HAP) and germanium (Ge) under UV-A irradiation. At first, various type of complex catalysts were investigated to compare the enhanced photocatalytic potential. It was observed that in order to obtain the removal efficiencies were $TiO_2/HAP/Ge$ > $TiO_2/Ge$ > $TiO_2/HAP$. The composition of $TiO_2/HAP/Ge$ using a statistical approach based on mixture analysis design, one of response surface method was investigated. The independent variables of $TiO_2$ ($X_1$), HAP ($X_2$) and Ge ($X_3$) which consisted of 6 condition in each variables was set up to determine the effects on LM ($Y_1$) and TOC ($Y_2$) degradation. Regression analysis on analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant p-value (p < 0.05) and high coefficients for determination value ($R^2$ of $Y_1=99.28%$ and $R^2$ of $Y_2=98.91%$). Contour plot and response curve showed that the effects of $TiO_2/HAP/Ge$ composition for LM degradation under UV-A irradiation. And the estimated optimal composition for TOC removal ($Y_2$) were $X_1=0.6913$, $X_2=0.2313$ and $X_3=0.0756$ by coded value. By comparison with actual applications, the experimental results were found to be in good agreement with the model's predictions, with mean results for LM and TOC removal of 99.2% and 49.3%, respectively.

Effects of Rhizoma Coptidis on Cellular Activity and IL-6 Production of LPS-treated Periodontal Ligament Cells (황련이 Lipopolysaccharide를 처리한 치주인대세포의 세포활성 및 IL-6 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Ki-Bum;Kong, Young-Hwan;You, Hyung-Keun;Shin, Hyung-Shik
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.641-654
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    • 1996
  • In infectious disease, invasion of host tissue by bacteria or their products frequently induces a wide variety of inflammatory and immunopathologic reaction. Evidence indicates that cytokines are involved in the initiation and progression of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as periodontitis. Interleukin-6, which is a multifunctional cytokine, has important roles in acute and chronic inflammation and may also be implicated in bone resorption. Periodontal diseases are characterized by chronic inflammation of the periodontium with alveolar bone resoption. A principal driving force behind this response appears to lie in the immune system's response to bacteria. Many of the cell components which have been shown to function as virulence factors in gram-negative bacteria are associated with the bacterial surface. Of these, lipopolysaccharide has been characterized as one that mediates a number of biological activities which can lead to the destruction of host tissue. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug is used for reduce inflammation, and most of NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandine $E_2$ production, but it is shown that $PGE_2$ production is stimulated by IL-1 in recent study. So, the influence of other cytokines except $PGE_2$ on periodontium can not be avoided. Therefore, new antiinflammatory drug is needed. Rhizoma coptidis is used in oriental medicine for anti-inflammation and antiseptics. In this present study, we examined the IL-6 release in periodontal ligament cells treated with the lipopolysaccharide, and also the effect of rhizoma coptidis on cellular activity and IL-6 production of periodontal ligament cells. To evaluate the effect of rhizoma coptidis on cellular activity, the cells were seeded at a cell density of $1{\times}10^4$ cells/well in 24-well culture plates. After one day incubation, 1-6, 10-9 and 10-12 g/ml of rhizoma coptidis and 5, $10{\mu}g/ml$ of LPS were added to the each well and incubated for 1 and 2 days, respectively. Then, MTT assay were carried out. To evaluate the effect of rhizoma coptidis on IL-6 production, the cells were seeded at a cell density of $1.5{\times}10^4$ cells/well in 24-well culture plates. After one day incubation, 10-9 g/ml of rhizoma coptidis and 5, $10{\mu}g/ml$ of LPS were added to the each well and incubated for 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours. Then, amounts of IL-6 production is measured by IL-6 ELISA kit used. The results were as follows : 1. Rhizoma coptidisrbelow to ($10^{-6}g/ml$) significantly increaed cellular activity of periodontal ligament cells than control. 2. Rhizoma coptidist ($10^{-9}g/ml$) significantly increased cellular activity of LPS($5{\mu}g/ml$)-treated periodontal ligament cells than control. 3. LPS(5 and $10{\mu}g/ml$) significantly increased IL-6 production of periodontal ligament cells than control. 4. Rhizoma coptidis($10^{-9}g/ml$) decreased IL-6 production of LPS ($5{\mu}g/ml$)-treated periodontal.ligarnent cells than LPS only tested group. These findings suggest that stimulation of the IL-6 release of periodontal ligament cells by LPS may have a role in the progression of inflammation and alveolar bone resoption in periodontal disease, and that inhibition of the IL-6 release of cells and stimulation of cellular activity by rhizoma coptidis may help the periodontal regeneration.

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Analysis of Growth Response by Non - destructive, Continuous Measurement of Fresh Weight in Leaf Lettuce 1. Effect of Nutrient Solution and Light Condition on the Growth of Leaf Lettuce (비파괴 연속 생체중 측정장치의 개발 및 이에 의한 상추의 생장반응 분석 l. 양액의 이온 농도 및 명ㆍ암 처리가 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • 남윤일;채제천
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 1995
  • These studies were carried out to develop a system for non -destructive and continuous measurement of fresh weight and to analyse the growth response of leaf lettuce under the different nutrient solution and light condition with this system. The developed measurement system was consisted of four load cells and a microcomputer. The output from the system was highly positive correlation with the plant fresh weight above the surface of the hydroponic solution. The top fresh weight of plant could be measured within the error $\pm$ 1.0g in the range of 0 - 2000g. The top fresh weight of leaf lettuce increased 44 times at 18th day after transferring to the nutrient solution, and the maximum growth rate was observed at 13th day after transferring. The growth rate was 10.7- 29.6% per day during 18 days. Optimum concentration of the nutrient solution for the growth of lettuce was 1.4 - 2.2 mS/cm of EC level. When the light condition was changed from dark to light, the fresh weight was temporarily decreased, but the fresh weight increased under the opposite condition. Top fresh weight of leaf lettuce in the darkness normally increased within 12 hours after darkness treatment, and then slowly increased until 78 hours under continuous dark condition. After that times, the fresh weight began to decrease.

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Effective Tillering Pattern and Grain Yield on Different Sowing Depth in Barley (보리 파종심도에 따른 유효분벽의 양상과 수량)

  • 신만균
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.671-683
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    • 1995
  • This study was aimed to provide understanding on the eco-physiological response of barley tillers as affected by sowing depth. Yield and yield contribution rate of tillers were investigated with the data of field experiments in the former Wheat and Barley Research Institute of Suwon, Korea from October 1983 to July 1984. When barley was sowed in various depth of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9cm below the ground surface, 13 mainstem leaves appeared by 3 and 5cm treatments, and 11 leaves by 1, 7 and 9cm treatments. The effective tillers were observed from 8/0 in lcm depth, while 10/0 in 3-5cm depth and 9/0 in 7cm depth. There was no coleoptile tiller in 7cm depth sowing. Deep and shallow sowings produced fewer leaves and tillers, as early growth was hindered by deep sowing whereas cold damage was apparent in shallow sowing. Accordingly, more effective tillers per plant and higher grain weight per ear were observed in 3∼5cm depth sowing. Yield contribution by the tillers with various sowing depth was as follows: mainstem, 1, 2, 11, 3, 21, 4 and 12. The contribution of 1P, 13, 2P, 23 and 31 varied with the treatments.

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The Functional and Genetic Defects of IFN-${\gamma}$ Receptor in the Patients with Tuberculosis (결핵환자에서 IFN-${\gamma}$ 수용체의 기능적 및 유전적 이상에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Gye-Young;Hwang, You-Jin;Lim, Young-Hee;An, Chang-Hyeok;Park, Jeong-Woong;Jeong, Seong-Hwan
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.497-505
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    • 2002
  • Background : INF-${\gamma}$ plays an important role in the host response to a mycobacterial infection. A complete IFN-${\gamma}$ receptor 1 deficiency is a life threatening condition because it renders patients highly susceptible to a mycobacterial infection. Several mutations in the IFN-${\gamma}$ receptor and STAT1 gene have been identified in the rare mycobacterial infections. These mutations have partial function of the IFN-${\gamma}$ receptor and similar pathologic features to clinical tuberculosis. Materials and Methods : The function of the IFN-${\gamma}$ receptor was evaluated in the patients with clinical tuberculosis. In addition, the DNA coding sequence of the IFNgR1 and STAT1 gene was also analyzed in disseminated tuberculosis patients who might have a defective IFN-${\gamma}$ receptor. Results : The cell surface expression levels of HLA-DR and CD64 in the PMBC after being stimulation with IFN-${\gamma}$ (100IU/ml, 1000IU/ml) were increased in both controls and patients. However, the rate of increase in both groups was similar. The production of TNF-${\alpha}$ in the response to stimulation with LPS was higher in the both groups ($850.7{\pm}687.8$ vs. $836.7{\pm}564.3$ pg/ml). Pretreatment with IFN-${\gamma}$ prior to LPS stimulation resulted in further increase in TNF-${\alpha}$ production between both groups ($2203.5{\pm}242.5$ vs. $2227.5{\pm}560.4$ pg/ml). However, the rate of the increase in TNF-${\alpha}$ production in the both groups was similar. The known mutations in the IFNgR1 and STAT1 coding sequences were not found in the genomic DNA of patients with disseminated tuberculosis. Conclusion : The functional and genetic defects of the IFN-${\gamma}$ receptor were not identified in clinical tuberculosis. This suggests the defective IFN-${\gamma}$ receptor that predispoe patients to a BCG or NTM infection can not alone account for the cases of clinical tuberculosis.

Studies on the Structure and Some Physical and Chemical Properties of the Egg Shell in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (가잠난각의 구조 및 물리화학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 마영일;박광의
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.55-72
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    • 1983
  • These studies were done to find out any difference, ultrastructural, physical or chemical, between the shells of diapausing and non-diapausing eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. 1. From the electron-microscopic observation, the egg shells have four distinctive layers. In addition to the four layers, the shells in the diapausing eggs has another layer with low electron density on its surface. 2. The permeability of the egg shell to hydrochloride was much lower in diapausing egg than in non-diapausing egg. Also the permeability changed in the opposite directions with the egg age: the diapausing eggs decreased while non-diapausing ones increased. 3. The permeability increased when the diapausing egg shell was treated with HCl. When they were treated with ether, however, the increase in permeability was much smaller. It seems there was an ether soluble material involved in the content of the egg shell. 4. The diapausing eggs were also much more resistant to desiccation than the non-diapausing ones. The former, when treated with HCl or chilling, became less resistant to desiccation. 5. The positive histochemical response of the egg shell to PAS-Alcian blue and protein stainings suggests presence of abundant proteins and carbohydrates in the egg shell. On the other hand, the staining response to lipid was more positive in the inner layers than in the outer layer of the shell. 6. The egg shell adhesives seems to be mucopolysaccharides produced by colleterial glands, since the oviposited eggs showed a positive responses to carbohydrate and negative to lipid-staining chemicals, but not the mature oocytes in the ovarioles. 7. There were two bands on the electrophoretic pattern of the SH proteins extracted from the egg shells both in the diapausing egg and non-diapausing one: a slow moving major component and a fast moving minor one. However, the electrophoretic mobility showed a difference in the minor components between them. It is evident that the fast moving minor one of non-diapausing egg ran a little further than that of diapausing egg. 8. In amino acids analysis, no significant differences were found in their composition between diapausing and non-diapausing egg and SH proteins contain relatively more glycine and less cystine.

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Evaluation of Efficacy and Development of Predictive Reduction Models for Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus on Food Contact Surfaces as a Function of Concentration and Contact Time of Chlorine Dioxide (대장균과 황색포도상구균에 대한 이산화염소의 살균소독력 평가 및 살균예측모델 개발)

  • Yoon, So-Jeong;Park, Shin Young;Kim, Yong-Soo;Ha, Sang-Do
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.507-512
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    • 2017
  • There has been increasing concern regarding misuse of disinfectants and sanitizers such as ethanol, sodium hypochlorite, and hydrogen peroxide for food contact surfaces in the food industry. Examining the efficacy of the concentration of currently used disinfectants and sanitizers is urgently required in the Korean society. This study aimed to develop predictive reduction models for Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in suspension, as a function of $ClO_2$ (chlorine dioxide) and contact time using response surface methodology. E. coli ATCC 10536 and S. aureus ATCC 6538 (initial inoculum, 8-9 log CFU/mL) in tryptic soy broth were treated with different concentrations of $ClO_2$ (5, 20, and 35 ppm) for different contact times (1, 3, and 5 min) following a central composite design. The polynomial reduction models for $ClO_2$ on E. coli and S. aureus were developed under the clean condition. E. coli reduction by 35 ppm $ClO_2$ for 1, 3, and 5 min was 2.49, 2.70, and 3.65 log CFU/mL, respectively. Also, S. aureus reduction by 35 ppm $ClO_2$ for 1, 3, and 5 min was 4.59, 5.25, and 5.81 log CFU/mL, respectively. The predictive response polynomial models developed were $R=0.43231-0.056492^*X_1-0.097771^*X_2+9.24167E-003^*X_1^*X_2+3.06333E-003^*X_1{^2}$ ($R^2=0.98$) on E. coli and $R=1.10542-0.20896^*X_1-0.046062^*X_2+8.30000E-003^*X_1^*X_2+8.73300E-003^*X_1{^2}$ ($R^2=0.99$) on S. aureus, where R was the bacterial reduction (log CFU/mL), $X_1$ was the concentration and $X_2$ was the contact time. Our predictive reduction models should be validated in developing the optimal concentration and contact time of $ClO_2$ for inhibiting E. coli and S. aureus on food contact surfaces.