• 제목/요약/키워드: Respiratory control

검색결과 1,430건 처리시간 0.047초

5주간의 고지방식이 섭취시 흰쥐의 에너지 대사 기질 이용과 식이지방에너지 평가에 관한 연구 (Effect of 5 Week Long High-Fat Diet on Energy Metabolic Substrate Utilization and Energy Content Evaluation of Dietary Fat)

  • 황혜정;김지수;서혜정;임기원
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제41권8호
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    • pp.1094-1099
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 실험쥐 20마리를 사용하여 5주간의 고지방식이를 섭취시킨 후 CON군과 HF군으로 구분하여 식이조성에 따른 체중과 체구성 그리고 24시간 동안의 에너지 대사를 분석하였다. 그 결과 고지방식이로 인한 체중의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 5주간의 식이섭취량은 두 군간 유의한 차이가 있었고, 섭취열량은 약 6% 정도의 유의한 차이가 있었다. 산소섭취량(에너지소비량)은 두 군 간의 유의한 차이가 없었으나, 이산화탄소배출량은 유의한 차이를 보였다. 고지방식이군은 24시간 동안 유의하게 높은 지방산화량을 보였고 일반식이군은 탄수화물산화량이 유의하게 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 활동기에 두 군의 에너지 이용 기질에 많은 변화가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 두 군간 소비에너지는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 섭취에너지에 비해 HF군의 복강 내 지방이 약 33% 이상 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 이상의 연구결과를 종합하여 볼 때 식이구성에 의하여 에너지이용기질이 달라지는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 5주간 섭취한 열량과 소비된 에너지 비를 비교하였을 때 고지방식이군에서 복강내 지방이 유의하게 증가한 것은 체내에서의 지방의 식이효율이 그동안 알려진 Atwater의 값(9 kcal/g)보다 더 높은 것으로 사료되어진다. 이는 탄수화물과 고지방식이섭취에서 체내에너지 저장량을 분석하였을 때 탄수화물의 열량은 4 kcal/g인데 비해 지방은 약 11.1 kcal/g으로 보고한 기존의 연구보고(21)를 지지하는 결과로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 일반인 및 비만환자와 대사증후군 환자의 체중조절과 개선에 있어서 식이구성과 일일영양권장량의 재검토의 필요성을 시사하고 있으며 또한 전문운동선수들의 체급별 체중조절에 필요한 식단의 재구성 등 스포츠현장의 기초자료가 될 것으로 판단되어진다. 그러나 본 연구는 대사과정에 관여하는 여러 호르몬과 단백질 등의 분석이 이뤄지지 않았고, 에너지대사량과 조직의 중량만을 검토한 결과이므로 추후 체내에서의 지방산화와 관련된 호르몬 및 단백질 등의 측정과 전체 피하조직 및 근육 등에 저장된 지방의 분석을 포함한 추가연구가 필요한 것으로 보인다.

신생아 폐출혈 발생에 영향을 미치는 위험 인자 및 예후에 관한 고찰 (The risk factors and prognosis associated with neonatal pulmonary hemorrhage)

  • 박수진;윤기태;김원덕;이상길
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.503-509
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    • 2010
  • 목 적: 신생아 폐출혈은 드물긴 하나, 일단 발생한 환아는 높은 사망률을 보인다. 급성 좌심실 부전, 호흡 곤란 증후군, 동맥관 개존증, 패혈증, 혈소판 감소증 등이 폐출혈 발생에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 보고되고 있다. 저자는 출생 체중에 따라 신생아의 폐출혈 발생에 영향을 줄 수 있는 위험 인자를 규명하고 예후를 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 1995년 1월부터 2008년 12월까지 본원 신생아 중환자실에 입원한 재태 기간 37주 미만의 미숙아 117명을 대상으로 출생 체중에 따라 두 군으로 구분하였다. 폐출혈의 정의는 임상적인 정의를 적용하였고, 각 군에서 폐출혈의 발생에 영향을 미치는 요인을 알고자 병력지를 기초로 후향적으로 조사하였다. 결 과: 대상 환아 총 117례 중 폐출혈은 39례(33.3%)에서 발생하였으며, 출생 체중에 따라 극소 저체중 출생아군에서는 대상환아 총 48례 중 17례(35.4%)에서 폐출혈이 있었고 산전 산모의 스테로이드 치료 여부는 환아의 폐출혈 발생과 유의한 관련이 있었다($P$=0.001). 1분 APGAR 점수가 3점 이하인 경우, 혈소판 감소증도 폐출혈 발생과 유의한 관련이 있었다($P$<0.05). 저체중 출생아군에서는 대상 환아 총 69례 중 22례(31.9%)에서 폐출혈이 있었고 1분 APGAR 점수가 3점 이하인 경우는 폐출혈 발생과 유의한 관련이 있었다($P$=0.025). 저혈압, 산혈증, 혈소판 감소증도 폐출혈 발생과 유의한 관련이 있었다($P$<0.05). 다변수 분석에서 극소 저체중 출생아군에서는 산전의 산모 스테로이드 치료가 환아의 폐출혈 발생을 의미있게 감소시켰으며(OR=0.203, 95% CI=0.044-0.934), 저체중 출생아군에서는 1분 APGAR 점수가 3점 이하인 경우(OR=5.992, 95% CI=1.145-31.351)와 산혈증(OR=4.434, 95% CI=1.279-15.376)이 환아의 폐출혈 발생과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 결 론: 출생 체중이 적은 군에서 비교적 폐출혈이 늦게 발생하나, 일단 발생하면 사망률은 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 극소 저체중 출생아군에서는 산전의 산모 스테로이드 치료가 환아의 폐출혈 발생을 의미있게 감소시켰으며, 저체중 출생아군에서는 1분 APGAR 점수가 3점 이하인 경우와 산혈증이 환아의 폐출혈 발생과 유의한 관련이 있었다.

천식유발 마우스에서의 폐 내 세포조성 변화와 IL-4 및 IL-10의 발현 양상 (The Change of Cell Distribution in the lung and the Expression Pattern of IL-4 and IL-10 in Asthma Induced Mouse)

  • 이수진;박세종;리천주;장양호;최농훈
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.780-787
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구진은 일차로 BALB/C 마우스를 이용하여 항원으로 ovalbumin을 사용하여 천식을 유발하여 폐 내 세포구성에 미치는 영향을 다른 실험방법에 의해 만들어진 천식모델과 비교하여 살펴보았고 이차로 천식 발생에 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 알려진 IL-4와 IL-10 knock out (KO) 마우스를 이용하여 천식모델을 구축하여 천식인자를 가진 개체에서의 반응과 천식관련인자가 결핍된 개체에서의 반응성의 차이를 살펴보았다. 천식의 유발은 실험 1일째 $20\;{\mu}g$ ovalbumin으로 감작시킨 후 실험 14일에 재감작을 시켰다. 그 후 nebulizer를 이용하여 nasal inhalation을 28일, 29일, 30일에 실시하여 천식을 유발시켰다. 천식 유발의 확인은 기관지폐포 세척술로 채취한 폐 내 세포액을 이용하여 총 세포수 및 염증세포의 증가와 폐 내 세포와 폐조직의 염색을 통해 분포율을 확인하였다. 천식의 발병 과정에서 IgE 관련 과민반응을 주도하는 IL-4와 Th2 세포의 기능을 억제한다고 알려진 IL-10의 면역화학염색을 통해 그 발현정도를 관찰하였다. BALB/c 마우스의 천식유발군의 경우 천식의 특징인 염증세포의 증가와 호산구의 증가와 세기관지 주위 염증세포의 침윤 및 기도 상피의 비후를 관찰할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 실험에 응용된 천식유발 방법은 적합하였으며 천식유발 절차가 성공적으로 수행되었음을 확인하였다. IL-4 및 IL-10 KO 마우스를 이용한 천식유발군의 경우 BALB/c 마우스를 이용한 천식유발군보다 호산구의 증가 정도가 미약하게 관찰되었고, 폐조직 내 염증세포의 침윤 정도도 감소하였다. 천식매개인자인 IL-4와 IL-10의 면역조직화학염색 결과에서도 양성반응이 거의 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구 결과, IL-10이 IL-4와 같이 천식과 관련하여 세기관지 염증 반응을 증가시키는 역할을 하는 것으로 생각된다.

점진부하 운동에서 중고교 엘리트 사이클 선수들의 유산소능력과 폐환기 반응 (Aerobic Capacity and Ventilatory Response During Incremental Exercise in Elite High School Cyclist)

  • 이대택;배윤정
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.437-443
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    • 2010
  • 국내 중고교 엘리트 사이클 선수를 대상으로 점진부하 운동 시 유산소반응과 폐환기 반응을 분석하는데 목적을 두었다. 남자 사이클 선수($17{\pm}1$ 세, $175{\pm}5\;Cm$, $70{\pm}9\;kg$) 12명이 신체계측, 점진부하 운동 검사, 폐기능 검사에 참여하였다. 사이클 에르고미터를 이용한 점진부하 운동 중 이들의 최대산소섭취량($VO_2max$)과 최대파워 (Wmax), 환기량, 산소 및 이산화탄소호흡당량($V_E/VO_2$, $V_E/VCO_2$), 호흡율, 일회호흡량 등이 측정되었다. 호흡반응의 시간변인으로 흡기시간(Ti), 호기시간(Te), 일회호흡시간(Tb), 흡기의무사이클(Ti/Tb), 흡기율($V_T$/Ti)이 분석되었다. 폐기능으로는 폐활량, 일초호기량, 일초율, 최대호기량 등이 측정되었다. 선수들은 최대운동시 $57.5{\pm}3.9\;ml{\cdot}kg^{-1}{\cdot}min^{-1}$$VO_2max$, $194.1{\pm}8.6\;beat{\cdot}min^{-1}$의 최대심박수를 보였으며, Wmax 는 평균 452 W에 도달하였다. $VO_2max$은 신체계측 변인들과 상관관계를 보이지 않았다. 대부분의 환기반응은 운동강도가 점차적으로 증가하면서 동반 증가하였다. 운동강도의 증가와 함께 Ti, Te, Tb는 감소하였으며, Ti/Tb는 대략적으로 일정하게 유지되었다. 250 W 이하에서 신장, 체중, 신체질량지수, 체표면적은 $V_T$/Ti 그리고 Ti/Tb 와 높은 상관관계를 나타냈다(p<0.05). 결과적으로, 엘리트 사이클 선수들의 최대유산소능력은 성인에 비해 낮은 것으로 보이며, 이는 성인과 호흡조절 양상이 다른 것으로 추정된다. 신체계측 변인은 $VO_2max$와 상관성이 존재하지 않았다. 호흡반응의 시간 변인은 운동강도 250 W 이하에서만 체격과 연관성을 가지는 것으로 보인다. 흡기율은 어린 선수들의 운동지속시간과 연관 있어 보이지만, 흡기의무사이클은 성인과 유사한 것으로 보인다.

농촌(農村) 주민(住民)들의 의료필요도(醫療必要度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study Concerning Health Needs in Rural Korea)

  • 이성관;김두희;정종학;정극수;박상빈;최정헌;홍순호;라진훈
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.29-94
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    • 1974
  • Today most developed countries provide modern medical care for most of the population. The rural area is the more neglected area in the medical and health field. In public health, the philosophy is that medical care for in maintenance of health is a basic right of man; it should not be discriminated against racial, environmental or financial situations. The deficiency of the medical care system, cultural bias, economic development, and ignorance of the residents about health care brought about the shortage of medical personnel and facilities on the rural areas. Moreover, medical students and physicians have been taught less about rural health care than about urban health care. Medical care, therefore, is insufficient in terms of health care personnel/and facilities in rural areas. Under such a situation, there is growing concern about the health problems among the rural population. The findings presented in this report are useful measures of the major health problems and even more important, as a guide to planning for improved medical care systems. It is hoped that findings from this study will be useful to those responsible for improving the delivery of health service for the rural population. Objectives: -to determine the health status of the residents in the rural areas. -to assess the rural population's needs in terms of health and medical care. -to make recommendations concerning improvement in the delivery of health and medical care for the rural population. Procedures: For the sampling design, the ideal would be to sample according to the proportion of the composition age-groups. As the health problems would be different by group, the sample was divided into 10 different age-groups. If the sample were allocated by proportion of composition of each age group, some age groups would be too small to estimate the health problem. The sample size of each age-group population was 100 people/age-groups. Personal interviews were conducted by specially trained medical students. The interviews dealt at length with current health status, medical care problems, utilization of medical services, medical cost paid for medical care and attitudes toward health. In addition, more information was gained from the public health field, including environmental sanitation, maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis control, and dental health. The sample Sample size was one fourth of total population: 1,438 The aged 10-14 years showed the largest number of 254 and the aged under one year was the smallest number of 81. Participation in examination Examination sessions usually were held in the morning every Tuesday, Wenesday, and Thursday for 3 hours at each session at the Namchun Health station. In general, the rate of participation in medical examination was low especially in ages between 10-19 years old. The highest rate of participation among are groups was the under one year age-group by 100 percent. The lowest use rate as low as 3% of those in the age-groups 10-19 years who are attending junior and senior high school in Taegu city so the time was not convenient for them to recieve examinations. Among the over 20 years old group, the rate of participation of female was higher than that of males. The results are as follows: A. Publie health problems Population: The number of pre-school age group who required child health was 724, among them infants numbered 96. Number of eligible women aged 15-44 years was 1,279, and women with husband who need maternal health numbered 700. The age-group of 65 years or older was 201 needed more health care and 65 of them had disabilities. (Table 2). Environmental sanitation: Seventy-nine percent of the residents relied upon well water as a primary source of dringking water. Ninety-three percent of the drinking water supply was rated as unfited quality for drinking. More than 90% of latrines were unhygienic, in structure design and sanitation (Table 15). Maternal and child health: Maternal health Average number of pregnancies of eligible women was 4 times. There was almost no pre- and post-natal care. Pregnancy wastage Still births was 33 per 1,000 live births. Spontaneous abortion was 156 per 1,000 live births. Induced abortion was 137 per 1,000 live births. Delivery condition More than 90 percent of deliveries were conducted at home. Attendants at last delivery were laymen by 76% and delivery without attendants was 14%. The rate of non-sterilized scissors as an instrument used to cut the umbilical cord was as high as 54% and of sickles was 14%. The rate of difficult delivery counted for 3%. Maternal death rate estimates about 35 per 10,000 live births. Child health Consultation rate for child health was almost non existant. In general, vaccination rate of children was low; vaccination rates for children aged 0-5 years with BCG and small pox were 34 and 28 percent respectively. The rate of vaccination with DPT and Polio were 23 and 25% respectively but the rate of the complete three injections were as low as 5 and 3% respectively. The number of dead children was 280 per 1,000 living children. Infants death rate was 45 per 1,000 live births (Table 16), Family planning: Approval rate of married women for family planning was as high as 86%. The rate of experiences of contraception in the past was 51%. The current rate of contraception was 37%. Willingness to use contraception in the future was as high as 86% (Table 17). Tuberculosis control: Number of registration patients at the health center currently was 25. The number indicates one eighth of estimate number of tuberculosis in the area. Number of discharged cases in the past accounted for 79 which showed 50% of active cases when discharged time. Rate of complete treatment among reasons of discharge in the past as low as 28%. There needs to be a follow up observation of the discharged cases (Table 18). Dental problems: More than 50% of the total population have at least one or more dental problems. (Table 19) B. Medical care problems Incidence rate: 1. In one month Incidence rate of medical care problems during one month was 19.6 percent. Among these health problems which required rest at home were 11.8 percent. The estimated number of patients in the total population is 1,206. The health problems reported most frequently in interviews during one month are: GI trouble, respiratory disease, neuralgia, skin disease, and communicable disease-in that order, The rate of health problems by age groups was highest in the 1-4 age group and in the 60 years or over age group, the lowest rate was the 10-14 year age group. In general, 0-29 year age group except the 1-4 year age group was low incidence rate. After 30 years old the rate of health problems increases gradually with aging. Eighty-three percent of health problems that occured during one month were solved by primary medical care procedures. Seventeen percent of health problems needed secondary care. Days rested at home because of illness during one month were 0.7 days per interviewee and 8days per patient and it accounts for 2,161 days for the total productive population in the area. (Table 20) 2. In a year The incidence rate of medical care problems during a year was 74.8%, among them health problems which required rest at home was 37 percent. Estimated number of patients in the total population during a year was 4,600. The health problems that occured most frequently among the interviewees during a year were: Cold (30%), GI trouble (18), respiratory disease (11), anemia (10), diarrhea (10), neuralgia (10), parasite disease (9), ENT (7), skin (7), headache (7), trauma (4), communicable disease (3), and circulatory disease (3) -in that order. The rate of health problems by age groups was highest in the infants group, thereafter the rate decreased gradually until the age 15-19 year age group which showed the lowest, and then the rate increased gradually with aging. Eighty-seven percent of health problems during a year were solved by primary medical care. Thirteen percent of them needed secondary medical care procedures. Days rested at home because of illness during a year were 16 days per interviewee and 44 days per patient and it accounted for 57,335 days lost among productive age group in the area (Table 21). Among those given medical examination, the conditions observed most frequently were respiratory disease, GI trouble, parasite disease, neuralgia, skin disease, trauma, tuberculosis, anemia, chronic obstructive lung disease, eye disorders-in that order (Table 22). The main health problems required secondary medical care are as fellows: (previous page). Utilization of medical care (treatment) The rate of treatment by various medical facilities for all health problems during one month was 73 percent. The rate of receiving of medical care of those who have health problems which required rest at home was 52% while the rate of those who have health problems which did not required rest was 61 percent (Table 23). The rate of receiving of medical care for all health problems during a year was 67 percent. The rate of receiving of medical care of those who have health problems which required rest at home was 82 percent while the rate of those who have health problems which did not required rest was as low as 53 percent (Table 24). Types of medical facilitied used were as follows: Hospital and clinics: 32-35% Herb clinics: 9-10% Drugstore: 53-58% Hospitalization Rate of hospitalization was 1.7% and the estimate number of hospitalizations among the total population during a year will be 107 persons (Table 25). Medical cost: Average medical cost per person during one month and a year were 171 and 2,800 won respectively. Average medical cost per patient during one month and a year were 1,109 and 3,740 won respectively. Average cost per household during a year was 15,800 won (Table 26, 27). Solution measures for health and medical care problems in rural area: A. Health problems which could be solved by paramedical workers such as nurses, midwives and aid nurses etc. are as follows: 1. Improvement of environmental sanitation 2. MCH except medical care problems 3. Family planning except surgical intervention 4. Tuberculosis control except diagnosis and prescription 5. Dental care except operational intervention 6. Health education for residents for improvement of utilization of medical facilities and early diagnosis etc. B. Medical care problems 1. Eighty-five percent of health problems could be solved by primary care procedures by general practitioners. 2. Fifteen percent of health problems need secondary medical procedures by a specialist. C. Medical cost Concidering the economic situation in rural area the amount of 2,062 won per residents during a year will be burdensome, so financial assistance is needed gorvernment to solve health and medical care problems for rural people.

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폐암환자에서 혈청 CEA, SCC, Cyfra21-1, TPA-M 측정의 의의 (Clinical Application of Serum CEA, SCC, Cyfra21-1, and TPA in Lung Cancer)

  • 이준호;김경찬;이상준;이종국;조승재;권건영;한승범;전영준
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.785-795
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    • 1997
  • 연구배경 : 종양 표지자는 각종 악성 종양의 진단, 진행정도, 절제 가능성, 예후추정, 치료후 추적 검사 등에도 사용될 수 있으나 민감도와 특이도가 만족스럽지 못한 경우가 많아서 임상에서 보조적인 수단으로 이용되고 있는 경우가 대부분이다. 최근 Cyfra21-1이 비소세포 폐암의 진단에 CEA, SCC보다 우수하다는 보고가 있었고 단일클론 항체를 이용한 TPA-M(Tissue polypeptide antigen)이 비소세포 폐암은 진단하는데 상당히 우수한 결과를 보인다고 보고하고 있다. 이에 폐암환자에서 혈청 CEA, SCC, Cyfra21-1, TPA-M의 임상적 유용성을 서로 비교해 보고자 이 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 1996년 4월 1일 부터 19961건 8월 31일까지 계명대학교 의과대학 병원에 내원한 환자중 조직 생검으로 확진된 비소세포 폐암 37예와 소세포 폐암 12예를 총 49예를 폐암 환자군으로 같은 기간의 입원 환자 중 양성 양성 폐질환으로 확진된 29예를 대조군으로 선정하였고 폐암 환자의 경우 수술, 항암요법 및 방사선치료를 전혀 시행하지 않은 상태에서 혈청을 채취하여 검사를 시행하였다. CEA는 일본 Eiken사의 Ab bead CEA, SCC는 미국 DAINABOT사의 SCC RIA BEAD kit, Cyfra21-1은 일본 TFB사의 CA 21-1 kit, TPA-M은 일본 DAIICHI사의 TPA-M kit를 사용하였다. 결 과 : 전체 폐암환자와 대조군을 비교해보면 CEA가 $10.05{\pm}38.39{\mu}/L$, $1.59{\pm}0.94{\mu}/L$, SCC가 $3.04{\pm}5.79{\mu}/L$, $1.58{\pm}2.85{\mu}/L$, Cyfra21-1이 $8.27{\pm}11.96{\mu}/L$, $1.77{\pm}2.72{\mu}/L$, TPA-M이 $132.02{\pm}209.35U/L$, $45.86{\pm}75.86U/L$으로 나타났으며 Cyfra21-1과 TPA-M은 폐암환자에서 대조군보다 종양 표지자의 측정치가 유의하게 높았다.(p<0.05) CEA, Cyfra21-1, TPA-M, SCC의 cutoff value를 회사에서 권장하는 $2.5{\mu}/L$, $3.0{\mu}/L$, 70.0U/L, $2.0{\mu}/L$로 하였을 때 전체폐암에 대한 민감도와 특이도는 CEA 33.3%와 78.6%, Cyfra21-1 50.0%와 89.7%, TPA-M 52.3%와 89.7%, SCC 23.8%와 89.3%이었으며 비소세포 폐암에 대하여서는 CEA 36.1%와 78.1%, Cyfra21-1 50.1%와 89.7%, TPA-M 53.1%와 89.7%, SCC 33.8%와 89.3% 소세포 폐암의 경우에도 CEA 25.0%와 78.5%, Cyfra21-1 50.0%와 89.6%, TPA-M 50.0%와 89.6%, SCC 0%와 89.2%로 폐암환자에서 Cyfra21-1과 TPA-M이 민감도와 특이도에 있어 더 우수한 결과를 보였고 비소세포 폐암환자에서 SCC도 높은 특이도를 나타내었다. ROC(Receiver operating characteristic) curve에 따라 민감도와 특이도를 얻어 가장 정확도가 높은 cutoff value를 CEA $1.25{\mu}/L$, Cyfra21-1 $1.5{\mu}/L$, TPA-M 35U/L, SCC $0.6{\mu}/L$로 하여 민감도와 특이도, 정확도 및 kappa index를 비교해 보아도 Cyfra21-1과 TPA-M이 더 우수한 결과를 나타내었다. 병기에 따른 비소세포 폐암에서의 종양 표지자를 3A 병기까지와 3B 병기이상으로 나누어 비교해보면 3B 병기이상에서 SCC에서만 통계적 유의성을 보였다. (p<0.05) 그러나 종양크기에 따른 종양표지자의 측정치는 통제적 유의성이 없었다.(p>0.05) 결 론 : 혈청 TPA-M과 Cyfra21-1은 폐암환자에 있어 CEA나 SCC보다 민감도와 특이도가 높으며 SCC의 경우 비소세포 폐암에 있어 높은 특이도를 보였으며 SCC의 측정치가 병기와 유관하게 나타났으나 종양의 크기와 병기의 진행과의 관계에 있어서는 더 많은 환자들을 대상으로 한 연구가 행해져야 할 것으로 생각된다.

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Cefoperazone(T-1551)의 약리학적 연구 (Pharmacological Studies of Cefoperazone(T-1551))

  • 임정규;홍사악;박찬웅;김명석;서유헌;신상구;김용식;김혜원;이정수;장기철;이상국;장우현;김익상
    • 대한약리학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 1980
  • The pharmacological and microbiological studies of Cefoperazone (T-1551, Toyama Chemical Co., Japan) were conducted in vitro and in vivo. The studies included stability and physicochemical characteristics, antimicrobial activity, animal and human pharmacokinetics, animal pharmacodynamics and safety evaluation of Cefoperazone sodium for injection. 1) Stability and physicochemical characteristics. Sodium salt of cefoperazone for injection had a general appearance of white crystalline powder which contained 0.5% water, and of which melting point was $187.2^{\circ}C$. The pH's of 10% and 25% aqueous solutions were 5.03 ana 5.16 at $25^{\circ}C$. The preparations of cefoperazone did not contain any pyrogenic substances and did not liberate histamine in cats. The drug was highly compatible with common infusion solutions including 5% Dextrose solution and no significant potency decrease was observed in 5 hours after mixing. Powdered cefoperazone sodium contained in hermetically sealed and ligt-shielded container was highly stable at $4^circ}C{\sim}37^{\circ}C$ for 12 weeks. When stored at $4^{\circ}C$ the potency was retained almost completely for up to one year. 2) Antimicrobial activity against clinical isolates. Among the 230 clinical isolates included, Salmonella typhi was the most susceptible to cefoperazone, with 100% inhibition at MIC of ${\leq}0.5{\mu}g/ml$. Cefoperazone was also highly active against Streptococcus pyogenes(group A), Kletsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella flexneri, with 100% inhibition at $16{\mu}g/ml$ or less. More than 80% of Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes and Salmonella paratyphi was inhibited at ${\leq}16{\mu}/ml$, while Enterobacter cloaceae, Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aerogenosa were somewhat less sensitive to cefoperagone, with inhibitions of 60%, 55% and 35% respectively at the same MIC. 3) Animal pharmacokinetics Serum concentration, organ distritution and excretion of cefoperazone in rats were observed after single intramuscular injections at doses of 20 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg. The extent of protein binding to human plasma protein was also measured in vitro br equilibrium dialysis method. The mean Peak serum concentrations of $7.4{\mu}g/ml$ and $16.4{\mu}/ml$ were obtained at 30 min. after administration of cefoperazone at doses of 20 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg respectively. The tissue concentrations of cefoperazone measured at 30 and 60 min. were highest in kidney. And the concentrations of the drug in kidney, liver and small intestine were much higher than in blood. Urinary and fecal excretion over 24 hours after injetcion ranged form 12.5% to 15.0% in urine and from 19.6% to 25.0% in feces, indicating that the gastrointestinal system is more important than renal system for the excretion of cefoperazone. The extent of binding to human plasma protein measured by equilibrium dialysis was $76.3%{\sim}76.9%$, which was somewhat lower than the others utilizing centrifugal ultrafiltration method. 4) Animal pharmacodynamics Central nervous system : Effects of cefoperazone on the spontaneous movement and general behavioral patterns of rats, the pentobarbital sleeping time in mice and the body temperature in rabbits were observed. Single intraperitoneal injections at doses of $500{\sim}2,000mg/kg$ in rats did not affect the spontaneous movement ana the general behavioral patterns of the animal. Doses of $125{\sim}500mg/kg$ of cefoperazone injected intraperitonealy in mice neither increased nor decreased the pentobarbital-induced sleeping time. In rabbits the normal body temperature was maintained following the single intravenous injections of $125{\sim}2,000mg/kg$ dose. Respiratory and circulatory system: Respiration rate, blood pressure, heart rate and ECG of anesthetized rabbits were monitored for 3 hours following single intravenous injections of cefoperazone at doses of $125{\sim}2,000mg/kg$. The respiration rate decreased by $3{\sim}l7%$ at all the doses of cefoperazone administered. Blood pressure did not show any changes but slight decrease from 130/113 to 125/107 by the highest dose(2,000 mg/kg) injected in this experiment. The dosages of 1,000 and 2,000 mg/kg seemed to slightly decrease the heart rate, but it was not significantly different from the normal control. All the doses of cefoperazone injected were not associated with any abnormal changes in ECG findings throughout the monitering period. Autonomic nervous system and smooth muscle: Effects of cefoperazone on the automatic movement of rabbit isolated small intestine, large intestine, stomach and uterus were observed in vitro. The autonomic movement and tonus of intestinal smooth muscle increased at dose of $40{\mu}g/ml$ in small intestine and at 0.4 mg/ml in large intestine. However, in stomach and uterine smooth muscle the autonomic movement was slightly increased by the much higher doses of 5-10 mg/ml. Blood: In vitro osmotic fragility of rabbit RBC suspension was not affected by cefoperazone of $1{\sim}10mg/ml$. Doses of 7.5 and 10 mg/ml were associated with 11.8% and 15.3% prolongation of whole blood coagulation time. Liver and kidney function: When measured at 3 hours after single intravenous injections of cefoperaonze in rabbits, the values of serum GOT, GPT, Bilirubin, TTT, BUN and creatine were not significantly different from the normal control. 5) Safety evaluation Acute toxicity: The acute toxicity of cefoperazone was studied following intraperitoneal and intravenous injections to mice(A strain, 4 week old) and rats(Sprague-Dawler, 6 week old). The LD_(50)'s of intraperitonealy injected cefoperazone were 9.7g/kg in male mice, 9.6g/kg in female mice and over 15g/kg in both male and female rats. And when administered intravenously in rats, LD_(50)'s were 5.1g/kg in male and 5.0g/kg in female. Administrations of the high doses of the drug were associated with slight inhibition of spontaneous movement and convulsion. Atdominal transudate and intestinal hyperemia were observed in animals administered intraperitonealy. In rats receiving high doses of the drug intravenously rhinorrhea and pulmonary congestion and edema were also observed. Renal proximal tubular epithelial degeneration was found in animals dosing in high concentrations of cefoperazone. Subacute toxicity: Rats(Sprague-Dawley, 6 week old) dosing 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g/kg/day of cefoperazone intraperitonealy were observed for one month and sacrificed at 24 hours after the last dose. In animals with a high dose, slight inhibition of spontaneous movement was observed during the experimental period. Soft stool or diarrhea appeared at first or second week of the administration in rats receiving 2.0g/kg. Daily food consumption and weekly weight gain were similar to control during the administration. Urinalysis, blood chemistry and hematology after one month administration were not different from control either. Cecal enlargement, which is an expected effect of broad spectrum antibiotic altering the normal intestinal microbial flora, was observed. Intestinal or peritoneal congestion and peritonitis were found. These findings seemed to be attributed to the local irritation following prolonged intraperitoneal injections of hypertonic and acidic cefoperazone solution. Among the histopathologic findings renal proximal tubular epithelial degeneration was characteristic in rats receiving 1 and 2g/kg/day, which were 10 and 20 times higher than the maximal clinical dose (100 mg/kg) of the drug. 6) Human pharmacokinetics Serum concentrations and urinary excretion were determined following a single intravenous injection of 1g cefoperazone in eight healthy, male volunteers. Mean serum concentrations of 89.3, 61.3, 26.6, 12.3, 2.3, and $1.8{\mu}g/ml$ occured at 1,2,4,6,8 and 12 hours after injection respectively, and the biological half-life was 108 minutes. Urinary excretion over 24 hours after injection was up to 43.5% of administered dose.

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴과 관련된 폐 표면 활성제 단백-A(Human Surfactant Protein-A) 유전자 대립 형질 (Human Surfactant Protein-A(SP-A) Gene Locus Associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia in Korean Children)

  • 김승수;이인규;고정호;오명호;배종우
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제48권4호
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    • pp.376-379
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    • 2005
  • 목 적 : 학동기에 많은 감염을 보이며 진단이 용이하고, 기관지 천식의 중요한 인자로 작용하는 M. pneumoniae 폐렴군과 숙주 방어에 중요하게 작용하는 SP-A를 중심으로 폐렴군과 대조군의 SP-A 유전자 대립 형질을 비교하여 M. pneumoniae 폐렴에 관여하는 유전자 대립 형질을 밝히고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 2003년 5월부터 2003년 10월까지 순천향대학교 천안병원 소아과에 진찰 소견과 방사선 소견 상 폐렴으로 진단되어 입원한 환아 중, 최근 6개월간 폐렴의 병력이 없으며, M. pneumoniae 특이 항체 검사 상 항체가가 1 : 5,120 이상이거나, 회복기 항체가가 4배 이상 증가된 49례를 대상으로 하였으며, 순천향대학교 천안병원 신생아실에 입원한 정상 신생아 50명을 대조군으로 하여 아미노산 염기 서열의 차이에 의해 SP-A의 유전자형을 밝혔다. 결 과 : 1) 대조군에서 SP-A1 중 $6A^3$ 44.5%, $6A^2$ 28.7%, $6A^4$ 21.8%, 6A 1.1%의 분포를 보였고, SP-A2 중 $1A^0$ 40.7%, 1A 13.1%, $1A^5$ 11.4%, $1A^2$ 10%, $1A^1$ 9.3%의 분포를 보였다. 2) 폐렴군의 SP-A1 유전자 대립 형질은 대조군과 비교하여 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 3) 폐렴군의 SP-A2 유전자 대립 형질 중 $1A^0$, $1A^1$ 그리고 $1A^5$는 대조군과 비교하여 낮은 빈도를 보였으나 통계적 의미는 없었으며, $1A^2$는 폐렴군에서 통계적으로 유의하게 높은 분포를 보였다. 결 론 : M. pneumoniae 폐렴에 대해 $1A^2$는 유발 인자로 작용할 것으로 추정할 수 있으며, $1A^2$에 대한 단백질의 정량, 정성분석을 통하여 M. pneumoniae의 예방이나 치료에 어떻게 적용할 것인지 연구되어야 한다고 생각된다.

몇가지 원예작물(園藝作物)에 미치는 아황산(亞黃酸)가스의 피해(被害) 및 피해경감(被害輕減)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Studies on Physiological Responces of Some Horticultural Plants to Sulfur Dioxide and Reduction of Its Injury)

  • 이재창;구자형
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 1981
  • $SO_2$가 몇가지 원예작물(園藝作物)에 미치는 피해(被害)를 내생(內生) ethylene발생(發生), 광합성(光合成), 호흡(呼吸), 엽중류황함량(葉中硫黃含量)등과 관련(關聯)하여 조사(調査)하고, 아울러 $AgNO_3$, daminozide, benomyl등의 처리(處理)에 의(依)한 피해경감효과를 측정(測定)하였던바 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1.수종(樹種)에 따라서 $SO_2$의 피해(被害)로 인(因)하여 내생(內生) ethylene의 발생율(發生率)에 큰 차이(差異)를 보였으며 5ppm처리(處理)는 2.5ppm처리(處理)에 비(比)하여 ethylene의 최대(最大)발생량(發生量)이 많았고 그 발생시간(發生時間)도 더 빨랐다. 2. $AgNO_3$ 용액(溶液)의 살포(撒布)는 개나리와 개잎갈나무에서 $SO_2$ 피해(被害)로 일어나는 내생(內生) ethylene의 발생량(發生量)을 현저(顯著)히 저하(低下)시켰으며 개나리의 낙엽율(落葉率)을 크게 감소(減少)시켰다. 3. 개나리는 $SO_2$의 농도(濃度)에 관계(關係)없이 광합성(光合成)이 일단 감소(減少)된 후(後) 처리시간(處理時間)이 경과(經過)함에 따라서 큰 변화(變化)를 보이지 않았으나 해바라기는 5ppm 처리(處理)에 의(依)하여 4시간후(時間後)부터 급격(急激)한 감소(減少)를 보였고 2.5ppm에서는 처리기간(處理期間)동안 감소(減少)되지 않았다. 4. 호흡량(呼吸量)은 수종(樹種)이나 $SO_2$의 처리농도(處理濃度)에 따라서 무처리구(無處理區)에 비(比)하여 많은 차이(差異)를 보였으며 daminozide과 benomyl살포(撒布)는 개잎갈나무와 개나리에서 호흡량(呼吸量)의 증감(增減)을 다소(多少) 억제(抑制)시켰으나, $AgNO_3$를 개잎갈나무에 살포(撒布)한 경우는 별다른 효과(效果)를 찾아볼 수 없었다. 5. $SO_2$ 처리구(處理區)에 있어서 5ppm구(區)는 2.5ppm구(區)에 비(比)하여 엽중류황함량(葉中硫黃含量)보다도 월등히 낮은 농도(濃度)에서 피해반점(被害斑点)이 나타나기 시작하였다.

  • PDF

The first private-hospital based proton therapy center in Korea; status of the Proton Therapy Center at Samsung Medical Center

  • Chung, Kwangzoo;Han, Youngyih;Kim, Jinsung;Ahn, Sung Hwan;Ju, Sang Gyu;Jung, Sang Hoon;Chung, Yoonsun;Cho, Sungkoo;Jo, Kwanghyun;Shin, Eun Hyuk;Hong, Chae-Seon;Shin, Jung Suk;Park, Seyjoon;Kim, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Hye Young;Lee, Boram;Shibagaki, Gantaro;Nonaka, Hideki;Sasai, Kenzo;Koyabu, Yukio;Choi, Changhoon;Huh, Seung Jae;Ahn, Yong Chan;Pyo, Hong Ryull;Lim, Do Hoon;Park, Hee Chul;Park, Won;Oh, Dong Ryul;Noh, Jae Myung;Yu, Jeong Il;Song, Sanghyuk;Lee, Ji Eun;Lee, Bomi;Choi, Doo Ho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.337-343
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this report is to describe the proton therapy system at Samsung Medical Center (SMC-PTS) including the proton beam generator, irradiation system, patient positioning system, patient position verification system, respiratory gating system, and operating and safety control system, and review the current status of the SMC-PTS. Materials and Methods: The SMC-PTS has a cyclotron (230 MeV) and two treatment rooms: one treatment room is equipped with a multi-purpose nozzle and the other treatment room is equipped with a dedicated pencil beam scanning nozzle. The proton beam generator including the cyclotron and the energy selection system can lower the energy of protons down to 70 MeV from the maximum 230 MeV. Results: The multi-purpose nozzle can deliver both wobbling proton beam and active scanning proton beam, and a multi-leaf collimator has been installed in the downstream of the nozzle. The dedicated scanning nozzle can deliver active scanning proton beam with a helium gas filled pipe minimizing unnecessary interactions with the air in the beam path. The equipment was provided by Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd., RayStation from RaySearch Laboratories AB is the selected treatment planning system, and data management will be handled by the MOSAIQ system from Elekta AB. Conclusion: The SMC-PTS located in Seoul, Korea, is scheduled to begin treating cancer patients in 2015.