• Title/Summary/Keyword: Resistance Moment

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Investigation of the required performance to develop a performance-based indicator for balcony window systems in apartment houses (공동주택 발코니 창호의 성능기반지표 개발을 위한 요구성능 조사)

  • Moon, Hyeun-Jun;Ryu, Seung-Ho;Yang, Gi-Young
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.102-107
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    • 2009
  • Window system is an essential component for lighting, ventilation and thermal environment in buildings. Moreover, as balcony extension in apartment houses become legalized, the performance requirements of window systems in balcony space are getting complicated. However, at this moment, five properties of the windows are used to represent the performance aspects of the system, including wind resistance, air tightness, water tightness, sound insulation, thermal resistance. And such single properties are not capable to express the performance of a space with the window systems in terms of performance concept. A performance analysis with wholistic approach is required to see the effect of the window system in built environment. Thus, performance-based approach should be established, which will be able to evaluate the goal/function and comfort of occupants/owners. As the first step to develop the performance indicator for the window systme for balcony space, this study conducts a survey to find the required performance aspects. A complete set of performance-based indicators will be developed with verification methods in the later stage of research.

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On the progressive collapse resistant optimal seismic design of steel frames

  • Hadidi, Ali;Jasour, Ramin;Rafiee, Amin
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.60 no.5
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    • pp.761-779
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    • 2016
  • Design of safe structures with resistance to progressive collapse is of paramount importance in structural engineering. In this paper, an efficient optimization technique is used for optimal design of steel moment frames subjected to progressive collapse. Seismic design specifications of AISC-LRFD code together with progressive collapse provisions of UFC are considered as the optimization constraints. Linear static, nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analysis procedures of alternate path method of UFC are considered in design process. Three design examples are solved and the results are discussed. Results show that frames, which are designed solely considering the AISC-LRFD limitations, cannot resist progressive collapse, in terms of UFC requirements. Moreover, although the linear static analysis procedure needs the least computational cost with compared to the other two procedures, is the most conservative one and results in heaviest frame designs against progressive collapse. By comparing the results of this work with those reported in literature, it is also shown that the optimization technique used in this paper significantly reduces the required computational effort for design. In addition, the effect of the use of connections with high plastic rotational capacity is investigated, whose results show that lighter designs with resistance to progressive collapse can be obtained by using Side Plate connections in steel frames.

Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (신뢰성 이론에 의한 하중 및 저항계수 설계)

  • Son, Seung Yo;Lee, Jong Heon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1987
  • The Advanced First Order Second Moment(AFOSM) method is commonly used to determine partial safety factors in the development of probability based LRFD code. However, design format using load and resistance factors based on this method may result in different reliability levels from specified ones. Reliability-Conditioned(RC) method recently proposed by Ayyub et al. gives partial safety factors which do not affect the target reliability level as specified. However, this method has some numerical difficulties and the procedure is not consistent. The proposed RC/AFOSM combined method has not only numerical consistency, but also results in almost constant partial safety factors with respect to various design conditions, and the resulting reliability levels are very close to specified ones.

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Effect of base isolation systems on increasing the resistance of structures subjected to progressive collapse

  • Tavakoli, Hamid R.;Naghavi, Fahime;Goltabar, Ali R.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.639-656
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    • 2015
  • Seismic isolation devices are commonly used to mitigate damages caused by seismic responses of structures. More damages are created due to progressive collapse in structures. Therefore, evaluating the impact of the isolation systems to enhance progressive collapse-resisting capacity is very important. In this study, the effect of lead rubber bearing isolation system to increase the resistance of structures against progressive collapse was evaluated. Concrete moment resisting frames were used in both the fixed and base-isolated model structures. Then, progressive collapse-resisting capacity of frames was investigated using the push down nonlinear static analysis under gravity loads that specified in GSA guideline. Nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed to consider dynamic effects column removal under earthquake. The results of the push down analysis are highly dependent on location of removal column and floor number of buildings. Also, seismic isolation system does not play an effective role in increasing the progressive collapse-resisting capacities of structures under gravity loads. Base isolation helps to localize failures and prevented from spreading it to intact span under seismic loads.

CPT-based p-y analysis for mono-piles in sands under static and cyclic loading conditions

  • Kim, Garam;Kyung, Doohyun;Park, Donggyu;Lee, Junhwan
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.313-328
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    • 2015
  • In the present study, a CPT-based p-y analysis method was proposed for offshore mono-piles embedded in sands. Static and cyclic loading conditions were both taken into account for the proposed method. The continuous soil profiling capability of CPT was an important consideration for the proposed method, where detailed soil profile condition with depth can be readily incorporated into the analysis. The hyperbolic function was adopted to describe the non-linear p-y curves. For the proposed hyperbolic p-y relationship, the ultimate lateral soil resistance $p_u$ was given as a function of the cone resistance, which is directly introduced into the analysis as an input data. For cyclic loading condition, two different cyclic modification factors were considered and compared. Case examples were selected to check the validity of the proposed CPT-based method. Calculated lateral displacements and bending moments from the proposed method were in good agreement with measured results for lateral displacement and bending moment profiles. It was observed the accuracy of calculated results for the conventional approach was largely dependent on the selection of friction angle that is to be adopted into the analysis.

A Study on the Fire Resistance Capacity of Slimfloor Beam with Asymmetric H Beam (비대칭 H형강을 사용한 슬림플로어 보의 내화성능에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang Hoon;Choi, Seng Kwan;Kim, Hee Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2007
  • This paper is a pilot study regarding an experimental and parametric study to investigate the structural behavior of slimfloor beam(ASB) in fire. The objective of this research is to obtain the rational fire resistance design method through understanding the structural behavior of composite members in fire. The flexural capacity of slimfloor section under various thermal conditions is examined on a basis of the strength retention of the materials at elevated temperatures and full bonding assumption. The effect of web thickness and ASB depth to the moment capacity in fire is also examined.

Application of self-centering wall panel with replaceable energy dissipation devices in steel frames

  • Chao, Sisi;Wu, Hanheng;Zhou, Tianhua;Guo, Tao;Wang, Chenglong
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.265-279
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    • 2019
  • The self-centering capacity and energy dissipation performance have been recognized critically for increasing the seismic performance of structures. This paper presents an innovative steel moment frame with self-centering steel reinforced concrete (SRC) wall panel incorporating replaceable energy dissipation devices (SF-SCWD). The self-centering mechanism and energy dissipation mechanism of the structure were validated by cyclic tests. The earthquake resilience of wall panel has the ability to limit structural damage and residual drift, while the energy dissipation devices located at wall toes are used to dissipate energy and reduce the seismic response. The oriented post-tensioned strands provide additional overturning force resistance and help to reduce residual drift. The main parameters were studied by numerical analysis to understand the complex structural behavior of this new system, such as initial stress of post-tensioning strands, yield strength of damper plates and height-width ratio of the wall panel. The static push-over analysis was conducted to investigate the failure process of the SF-SCWD. Moreover, nonlinear time history analysis of the 6-story frame was carried out, which confirmed the availability of the proposed structures in permanent drift mitigation.

Numerical Study on the Fire Damaged Reinforced Concrete Building Structures Considering Influencing Fire Case and Parameters of Columns (화재피해를 받은 철근콘크리트 건축물의 기둥의 영향인자를 고려한 해석적 연구)

  • Suh, Yeonwoo;Son, Hee Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2022
  • Expanding urbanization practices result in high numbers of buildings being developed in city centers. This high building concentration leads to an increased fire risk, resulting in higher casualty rates and increased economic damages compared to fires in the past. The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural behavior of fire-damaged reinforced concrete buildings using analytical methods and to suggest methods of improving fire resistance in the event of a fire. Damage levels were measured using commercial software to apply the finite element method, ABAQUS, and MIDAS GEN to the dataset. Load-deflection curves were calculated using the effective area and moment of inertia of the fire-damaged columns provided by ABAQUS. The results of this analysis indicate that fire-damaged beams with experience greater deflection from indoor fires than they will from outdoor fires. Fires that occurred on the middle floors were more dangerous than those occurring on higher floors, and eccentrically loaded columns experienced more damage than axially loaded columns. The results indicate that these methods accurately predict structural behaviors of fire damaged concrete columns by considering fire exposure area and eccentric loading.

Progressive collapse resistance of low and mid-rise RC mercantile buildings subjected to a column failure

  • Demir, Aydin
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.83 no.4
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    • pp.563-576
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to evaluate the progressive collapse potential of buildings designed using conventional design codes for the merchant occupancy classification and subjected to a sudden column failure. For this purpose, three reinforced concrete buildings having different story numbers were designed according to the seismic design recommendations of TSCB-2019. Later on, the buildings were analyzed using the GSA-2016 and UFC 4-023-03 to observe their progressive collapse responses. Three columns were removed independently in the structures from different locations. Nonlinear dynamic analysis method for the alternate path direct design approach was implemented for the design evaluation. The plasticity of the structural members was simulated by using nonlinear fiber hinges. The moment, axial, and shear force interaction on the hinges was considered by the Modified Compression Field Theory. Moreover, an existing experimental study investigating the progressive collapse behavior of reinforced concrete structures was used to observe the validation of nonlinear fiber hinges and the applied analysis methodology. The study results deduce that a limited local collapse disproportionately more extensive than the initial failure was experienced on the buildings designed according to TSCB-2019. The mercantile structures designed according to current seismic codes require additional direct design considerations to improve their progressive collapse resistance against the risk of a sudden column loss.

Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles Using Soil Resistance of Wedge Failure Mode (Wedge Failure Mode 형태의 반력을 이용한 수평재하 말뚝의 거동 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Ho;Jeong, Sang-Seom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2009
  • The load distribution and deflection of offshore piles are investigated by lateral load-transfer curve method (p-y curve). Special attention is given to the soil-pile interaction and soil resistance of 3D wedge failure mode. A framework for determining a hyperbolic p-y curve is proposed based on theoretical analysis and experimental load test results. The methods for determining appropriate material parameters needed for constructing the proposed p-y curves are presented in this paper. Through comparisons with field case studies, it was found that the proposed method in the present study estimates reasonably the load transfer behavior of pile, and thus, the computed pile responses, such as bending moment and lateral displacement, agree well with the actual measured responses.