• Title/Summary/Keyword: Residential Noise Level Satisfaction

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The impact of outdoor environment on residential noise level satisfaction: GIS-based Analysis

  • Choi, Ga-Yoon;Jung, Hye-Jin;Lee, Jae Seung
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2021
  • Urban residents in crowded complexes are making increasing civil complaints about noise and demanding pleasant and comfortable residential environments. Because noise is one of the most important factors related to urban residents' dissatisfaction with their living environments, the present study investigates the direct and indirect effects of noise-related outdoor environmental factors on residential level satisfaction, using noise level data from 29 noise-measuring stations in Seoul. From 62 multi-family apartment complexes near these stations, the authors collected GIS-based environmental attribute data, as well as survey data including the residents' personal characteristics and indicators designed to measure latent psychological characteristics: noise sensitivity and residential noise level satisfaction. This study then utilized structural equation models to analyze the direct variables influencing the latent variables of noise sensitivity and residential noise level satisfaction, as well as the complex relationships among all variables. The result showed that residents who are exposed to less noise, possibly due to living in apartments facing relatively quiet roads, protected by soundproof walls, or surrounded by densely planted trees, tend to be less noise sensitive, which makes them more satisfied with the ambient noise level. Therefore, critical outdoor environmental variables can be used to reduce noise sensitivity and improve residential noise level satisfaction.

Criteria for multiple noises in residential buildings uslng combined rating system (공동주택 생활소음의 통합 평가등급 설정)

  • Ryu, Jong-Kwan;Lee, Pyoung-Jik;Jeon, Jin-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.367-371
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    • 2005
  • Social noise survey on multiple residential noises such as nut impact, air-borne, bathroom, drainage and traffic noises was conducted to investigate major variables affecting the overall satisfaction for noise environment The effect of individual noise perception on the evaluation of the overall noise environment was investigated through a questionnaire survey on annoyance, disturbance and noise sensitivity. Auditory experiments was also undertaken to determine noise level according to the percent of satisfaction for individual noise source. As a result of survey, it was found that satisfaction for floor impact noise most greatly affects the overall satisfaction for noise environment and annoyance most greatly affects the satisfaction for individual noise sources. Result of auditory experiment showed that the noise level of floor impact noise by bang machine, airborne, drainage and traffic noise corresponding to 50% satisfaction is 44dB($L_{i,Fmax,AW}$) and 40dBA, respectively.

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A Combined Rating System for Multiple Noises in Residential Buildings (공동주택 복합 생활소음의 통합 평가등급)

  • Ryu, Jong-Kwan;Jeon, Jin-Yong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.10 s.115
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    • pp.1005-1013
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    • 2006
  • A survey and auditory experiment on multiple residential noises such as floor impact, airborne, bathroom, drainage and traffic noises were conducted to develop a combined rating system and to establish criteria for multiple residential noises. Subjective reactions such as annoyance, activity disturbance, sleep disturbance, and satisfaction to overall noise environment and each residential noise were recorded. The effect of individual noise perception on the evaluation of the overall noise environment was also investigated. The survey results showed that satisfaction for floor impact noise most greatly affects the overall satisfaction for overall noise environment and annoyance most greatly affects the satisfaction for individual noise sources. Auditory experiments were undertaken to determine the percent satisfaction for individual noise levels. Result of auditory experiment showed that the noise level corresponding to 40 % satisfaction is 49 dB $(L_{i,Fmax,AW})$ for floor impact and is about 40 dB(A) for airborne, drainage and traffic noise. From the results of the survey and the auditory experiments, an equation for predicting the overall satisfaction for multiple noises was developed and a classification of multiple residential noises was proposed.

The Perception of Residential Problems and Satisfaction of Korean Elderly in Urban Area (노인이 인지하는 주거문제와 주거만족도에 관한연구)

  • 곽인숙
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze contributing factors to the perception of elderly's residential problems and satisfaction. The sample in this study consisted of 556 elderly husband and wives over 55 years old living in Seoul Daejeon Jeonju and Daegu. Statistics employed for the analysis were frequencies means one-way anova and umltiple regression analysis. The results could be summarized as follows. Deficiency of privacy was the worst status and then noise and air-pollution and the level of facilties in residential space. And the perception of residential problems could be affected by age health the type of family the number of family the ownership of house the type of house location and the economic status The significant variable positively related to the residential satisfaction were the healthy conditon of eldely ownership of house living in multihousing the perception of privacy and high level of facilities in the house.

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A Study on the Residential Satisfaction Analysis for Street Space Design in Detached House Area (도시단독주택지 가로공간 계획을 위한 거주자 만족도 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Joo-Hyun;Moon, Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2010
  • This study surveys the degree of residents' satisfaction on the current street space to suggest alternatives for the improvement of the street space design in detached house areas. In the results of the survey, we find the following. First, in the result of analysis on age, residential term, having children or not, income level, and type of house ownership, residents are homogeneous in social and economic characteristics. There are similarity in geographical, locational conditions, neighboring facilities, deterioration of residential house, and the time of residential formation among residential areas. Second, satisfactory determinants of residents on street space according to street types, are maintenance, protection of privacy, and parking space. Third, satisfactory determinants of residents on street hierarchy is the inner circulation road while unsatisfactory one is the inner roads. Fourth, age, residential term and type of house ownership are significant factors influencing residents' satisfaction. Factors influencing satisfaction on street space are also affecting total satisfaction and factors associated with street environment are perceived more important ones than factors associated with street activities. Thus we find the degrees of satisfaction for residents on street type and street hierarchy are different despite that general characteristics of residents are similar. We also find residents consider street noise and maintenance as critical factor among physical factors of street space.

A Study of Supply Patterns and Residential Characteristics of Urban-type Housing in Seoul (도시형생활주택의 공급현황 및 거주특성 연구 - 서울시 공급사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Su;Seong, Su-Youn;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates supply patterns and residential characteristics of the Urban-type Housing in Seoul. There have been 3,336 buildings and 71,790 housing units approved until the end of 2012. One-room apartments and small units less than 30 $m^2$ of residential area amount to 81% and 82% of total units, respectively. Major findings are as follows. First, single- and two-person households less than 30 years of age are mostly lived in the housing. Respondents are mainly professional and white-collar (43%) and service and sales workers (27%). Most of them are mid-income classes (67%), which is twice more than that of single- and two-person households in Seoul. They pay 672 thousand won in rent more than average rent of mid-income class. The rent to income ratios are 29.9% for single households and 24.5% for two-person households, which are higher than that of mid-income bracket. Third, their satisfaction level is relatively high in internal environment and access to public service facilities, but not in external environment and community service facilities. They are satisfied with security and daylight, walking and safety, access to public transport and parking space, but not with noise and vibration, natural environment, access to park and cultural and sports facilities, and most community service facilities. It is necessary to reexamine the articles of deregulation and prepare design standards while considering different housing and locational types.