• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research design

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Relationship between Compressive Strength and Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity in the Cement Based Solid Product for Consolidating Disposal of Medium-Low Level Radioactive Waste (중·저준위 방사성 폐기물 처리용 시멘트 고화체의 압축강도와 동탄성계수의 관계)

  • Kim, Jin-Man;Jeong, Ji-Yong;Choi, Ji-Ho;Shin, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the medium-low level radioactive waste from nuclear power plant must be transported from temporary storage to the final repository. Medium-low level radioactive waste, which is composed mainly of the liquid ion exchange resin, has been consolidated with cementitious material in the plastic or iron container. Since cementitious material is brittle, it would generate cracks by impact load during transportation, signifying leakage of radioactive ray. In order to design the safety transporting equipment, there is a need to check the compressive strength of the current waste. However, because it is impossible to measure strength by direct method due to leakage of radioactive ray, we will estimate the strength indirectly by the dynamic modulus of elasticity. Therefore, it must be identified the relationship between of strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity. According to the waste acceptance criteria, the compressive strength of cement based solid is defined as more than 3.44 MPa (500 psi). Compressive strength of the present solid is likely to be significantly higher than this baseline because of continuous hydration of cement during long period. On this background, we have tried to produce the specimens of the 28 day's compressive strength of 3 to 30 MPa having the same material composition as the solid product for the medium-low level radioactive waste, and analyze the relationship between the strength and the dynamic modulus of elasticity. By controling the addition rates of AE agent, we made the mixture containing the ion exchange resin and showing the target compressive strength (3~30 MPa). The dynamic modulus of elasticity of this mixtures is 4.1~10.2 GPa, about 20 GPa lower in the equivalent compressive strength level than that of ordinary concrete, and increasing the discrepancy according to increase strength. The compressive strength and the dynamic modulus of elasticity show the liner relationship.

Development of the Monte Carlo Simulation Radiation Dose Assessment Procedure for NORM added Consumer Adhere·Non-Adhere Product based on ICRP 103 (ICRP 103 권고기반의 밀착형·비밀착형 가공제품 사용으로 인한 몬테칼로 전산모사 피폭선량 평가체계 개발)

  • Go, Ho-Jung;Noh, Siwan;Lee, Jae-Ho;Yeom, Yeon-Soo;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2015
  • Radiation exposure to humans can be caused by the gamma rays emitted from natural radioactive elements(such as uranium, thorium and potassium and any of their decay products) of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials(NORM) or Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials(TENORM) added consumer products. In this study, assume that activity of radioactive elements is $^{238}U$, $^{235}U$, $^{232}Th$ $1Bq{\cdot}g^{-1}$, $^{40}K$ $10Bq{\cdot}g^{-1}$ and the gamma rays emitted from these natural radioactive elements radioactive equilibrium state. In this study, reflected End-User circumstances and evaluated annual exposure dose for products based on ICRP reference voxel phantoms and ICRP Recommendation 103 using the Monte Carlo Method. The consumer products classified according to the adhere to the skin(bracelet, necklace, belt-wrist, belt-ankle, belt-knee, moxa stone) or not(gypsum board, anion wallpaper, anion paint), and Geometric Modeling was reflected in Republic of Korea "Residential Living Trend-distributions and Design Guidelines For Common Types of Household.", was designed the Room model($3m{\times}4m{\times}2.8m$, a closed room, conservatively) and the ICRP reference phantom's 3D segmentation and modeling. The end-user's usage time assume that "Development and Application of Korean Exposure Factors." or conservatively 24 hours; in case of unknown. In this study, the results of the effective dose were 0.00003 ~ 0.47636 mSv per year and were confirmed the meaning of necessary for geometric modeling to ICRP reference phantoms through the equivalent dose rate of belt products.

A Study on the Environment for Lowbirth Weight Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the United States (신생아집중간호단위 환경과 저체중출생아의 반응에 대한 연구)

  • Han Kyung Ja
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 1998
  • In effort to conduct comparative study on the caregiving environment of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU) in both U. S and Korea, this study was been conducted first in the U.S. Purpose : The purpose of this study is to identify the physical environment and direct caregiving practices to lowbirth weight infants in NICU in the US. It also aims to examine the NICU outcome status and behavioral reponses of lowbirth weight infants. Methods : A study design using descriptive and inferential statistics was been conducted through an observational, field method. A sample of 15 preform infants admitted to NICU were recruited for the study. The subjects were those with birth weight between 1,000 gm to 1,500 gm, born at the gestation period of 27 to 33 weeks, and without any chromosomal or other genetic anomalies, major congenital infections, or maternal illness. Thirty minutes observation(three times of ten minutes of continuous observation)of the infant's behavior and physiological status, and an four-hour observation of the physical environment and direct care giving procedures were been conducted on the 3rd and 10th day after birth, and on the day of discharge from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. The data to be collected were in four areas : the demograghic characteristics of the infants, the physical environment and care giving procedures, the frequency of the infant's designated behavior and physiological response, and NICU outcome variables. A descriptive analysis and Kruskal-Wallis, Pearson r were been applied according to variable characteristics. Results : 1. Mother's mean age was 29.47. The sample consisted of 6 males and 9 females. Mean gestational ages were 29.17 weeks. Mean birth weight was 1236.33g. Mean Apgar scores at one minute were 6.6, and 7.8 at five minutes. 2. The location for the incubator was in the distance from the light, X-ray screens and nursing station, in proximity to side-lamp, telephone and faucet on the third day after birth. The location for the incubator was in the distance from the light and radio on the tenth day and in proximity to nursing station on the day of dischage from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. 3. Nesting was the most applying aids to the infants. And foot roll, shielding and plastic frame were frequently using by nurses for facilitating well modulated restful posture. 4. There were statistically significant changes in the patterns of physical environment included locating the infant's incubator and bedding, specific aids to self regulation on the 3rd and 10th day after birth, and on the day of discharge from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. 5. Statistically significant changes were not appeared in the patterns of direct caregiving procedure to the infants included stress inducing or reducing manipulations on the 3rd and 10th day after birth, and on the day of discharge from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. 6. The stress response of the infants in NICU were significantly reduced as the infants grow older. 7. There were not statistically significant correlation between the physical envronment and the stress responses of the infants in NICU. 8. There were statistically significant correlation between the direct caregiving procedure to the infants and the stress response of the infants in NICU in the second and third observation on the day three. 9. Average weight gain per day from birth to discharge was 38.73g, number of days in the hospital was 42.60, number of days before bottle feeding was 3.6. Postconception age starting bottle feed ing was 31/sup +5/ weeks. Number of days on mechanical ventilator was average 7.64, 11.42 was an average number of days of oxygen need. Conclusion : It, thus, appears that to minimize the sensorymotor stimulation for the low birthweight preterm infant in NICU, manipulation of care giving practices to the babies whatever the stress inducing or reducing procedures, have to be limited in the immediate early stage after birth. And it needed to be reexamine to identify the appropriate and specific physical environment and the patterns of direct caregiving to the low birthweight preform infant as the infants grow older in NICU.

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A Study on the Fatigue Strength of the Welded Joints in Steel Structures(II) (강구조물(鋼構造物)의 용접연결부(鎔接連結部)의 피로강도(疲勞强度)에 관한 연구(研究)(II))

  • Park, Je Seon;Chung, Yeong Wha;Chang, Dong Il
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1986
  • Welded connectors of the cover plates, the transverse stiffeners of the plate girders, and the gusset plates of the plates girders or box girders, were selected as studying objects. A simplified method of drawing the S-N curves in these welded joints by a computer program without the direct fatigue tests was established. The plots on the S-N curve using the values from the practical fatigue tests were compared with the results from the method of the computer programming. The results of these studies are as follows. It appeared that the fatigue life by calculation method was a little less than the practical fatigue life from the actual tests. The latter values included both life $N_c$ of occurrence of initial crack $a_i$ and the life $N_p$ of propagation of critical crack. On the other hand, the former values included only the life $N_p$. Therefore, these results should be considered as justifiable ones. Since the difference between the two results was not significant, the results by calculation method should be in the conservation side when the safety of the structures was considered. Consequently, the results by calculation method should be applicable to the fracture fatigue design of structure. For reference, the same fatigue tests were performed with the specimens of 3 pieces in each case made of the low-strength steel, SS 41. The results went unexpected showing that the fatigue strength was lower in the case of low-strength steel. That is, in the case of the cover plate, the fatigue strength became slowly higher than the case of high-strength steel, SWS 50. That was observed when the maximum testing stress was higher than $14kg/mm^2$. In addition, in the case of the transverse stiffener, the fatique strength became rapidly higher than the case of SWS 50. That was observed when the maximum testing stress was lower than $31kg/mm^2$. It was thought that more such fatigue tests should be performed for more reliable results.

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A Study on Activation Characteristics Generated by 9 MeV Electron Linear Accelerator for Container Security Inspection (컨테이너 보안 검색용 9 MeV 전자 선형가속기에서 발생한 방사화 특성평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Ho;Kim, Jang-Oh;Lee, Yoon-Ji;Jeon, Chan-Hee;Lee, Ji-Eun;Min, Byung-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.563-575
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the activation characteristics that occur in a linear accelerator for container security inspection. In the computer simulation design, first, the targets consisted of a tungsten (Z=74) single material target and a tungsten (Z=74) and copper (Z=29) composite target. Second, the fan beam collimator was composed of a single material of lead (Z=82) and a composite material of tungsten (Z-74) and lead (Z=82) depending on the material. Final, the concrete in the room where the linear accelerator was located contained magnetite type and impurities. In the research method, first, the optical neutron flux was calculated using the MCNP6 code as a F4 Tally for the linear accelerator and structure. Second, the photoneutron flux calculated from the MCNP6 code was applied to FISPACT-II to evaluate the activation product. Final, the decommissioning evaluation was conducted through the specific activity of the activation product. As a result, first, it was the most common in photoneutron targets, followed by a collimator and a concrete 10 cm deep. Second, activation products were produced as by-products of W-181 in tungsten targets and collimator, and Co-60, Ni-63, Cs-134, Eu-152, Eu-154 nuclides in impurity-containing concrete. Final, it was found that the tungsten target satisfies the permissible concentration for self-disposal after 90 days upon decommissioning. These results could be confirmed that the photoneutron yield and degree of activation at 9 MeV energy were insignificant. However, it is thought that W-181 generated from the tungsten target and collimator of the linear accelerator may affect the exposure when disassembled for repair. Therefore, this study presents basic data on the management of activated parts of a linear accelerator for container security inspection. In addition, When decommissioning the linear accelerator for container security inspection, it is expected that it can be used to prove the standard that permissible concentration of self-disposal.

Macro-environmental Drivers and Technological Evolution of Complex Product System: Evidence from Nuclear Power Plant (거시환경요인과 복합제품시스템의 기술진화: 원자력 발전 플랜트의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kwak, Kiho;Kim, Wonjoon;Kim, Minki;Cho, Chang Yeon
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.89-125
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    • 2017
  • Complex product systems (CoPs) is a engineering-intensive products with high-ended design technology, which are closely linked with national economic growth and development of social infrastructures. Accordingly, in order to understand the technological evolution of CoPs, it is necessary to identify the macro-environmental drivers surrounding the CoPs and their impact on the technological evolution of the CoPS. Therefore, we investigate the effect of policy, economic and social drivers on the technological evolution of CoPS by implementing the longitudinal case study on nuclear power plant during the periods between 1950 and 2010s. Based on the analysis of various sources of secondary data and primary data through interviews, we found that the technological evolution of nuclear power plant is progressed as "Phase 1: Application research for peaceful utilization of nuclear energy" between 1950s and 1960s, "Phase 2: The first renaissance of nuclear energy" during 1970s, "Phase 3: Enhancement of safety and the catch-up of latecomers in nuclear energy" between 1990s and 2000s, and "Phase 4: Top prioritization of safety and the development of next generation reactors for the second renaissance of nuclear energy" since 2010s. We also found that various kinds of policy, economic and social drivers, such as energy policy, investment in technology development, economic growth and energy demand, social acceptability and environmental concern, have affected the technology evolution of nuclear power plant at each phase. We emphasize the role of macroenvironmental drivers in the technological evolution of CoPS. We also suggest that countries that endeavor to develop CoPs need to utilize those drivers for enhancing competitiveness and sustaining leadership.

Pressure Drop Predictions Using Multiple Regression Model in Pulse Jet Type Bag Filter Without Venturi (다중회귀모형을 이용한 벤츄리가 없는 충격기류식 여과집진장치 압력손실 예측)

  • Suh, Jeong-Min;Park, Jeong-Ho;Cho, Jae-Hwan;Jin, Kyung-Ho;Jung, Moon-Sub;Yi, Pyong-In;Hong, Sung-Chul;Sivakumar, S.;Choi, Kum-Chan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.2045-2056
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    • 2014
  • In this study, pressure drop was measured in the pulse jet bag filter without venturi on which 16 numbers of filter bags (Ø$140{\times}850{\ell}$) are installed according to operation condition(filtration velocity, inlet dust concentration, pulse pressure, and pulse interval) using coke dust from steel mill. The obtained 180 pressure drop test data were used to predict pressure drop with multiple regression model so that pressure drop data can be used for effective operation condition and as basic data for economical design. The prediction results showed that when filtration velocity was increased by 1%, pressure drop was increased by 2.2% which indicated that filtration velocity among operation condition was attributed on the pressure drop the most. Pressure was dropped by 1.53% when pulse pressure was increased by 1% which also confirmed that pulse pressure was the major factor affecting on the pressure drop next to filtration velocity. Meanwhile, pressure drops were found increased by 0.3% and 0.37%, respectively when inlet dust concentration and pulse interval were increased by 1% implying that the effects of inlet dust concentration and pulse interval were less as compared with those changes of filtration velocity and pulse pressure. Therefore, the larger effect on the pressure drop the pulse jet bag filter was found in the order of filtration velocity($V_f$), pulse pressure($P_p$), inlet dust concentration($C_i$), pulse interval($P_i$). Also, the prediction result of filtration velocity, inlet dust concentration, pulse pressure, and pulse interval which showed the largest effect on the pressure drop indicated that stable operation can be executed with filtration velocity less than 1.5 m/min and inlet dust concentration less than $4g/m^3$. However, it was regarded that pulse pressure and pulse interval need to be adjusted when inlet dust concentration is higher than $4g/m^3$. When filtration velocity and pulse pressure were examined, operation was possible regardless of changes in pulse pressure if filtration velocity was at 1.5 m/min. If filtration velocity was increased to 2 m/min. operation would be possible only when pulse pressure was set at higher than $5.8kgf/cm^2$. Also, the prediction result of pressure drop with filtration velocity and pulse interval showed that operation with pulse interval less than 50 sec. should be carried out under filtration velocity at 1.5 m/min. While, pulse interval should be set at lower than 11 sec. if filtration velocity was set at 2 m/min. Under the conditions of filtration velocity lower than 1 m/min and high pulse pressure higher than $7kgf/cm^2$, though pressure drop would be less, in this case, economic feasibility would be low due to increased in installation and operation cost since scale of dust collection equipment becomes larger and life of filtration bag becomes shortened due to high pulse pressure.

A Study on the Competencies of Automotive Professional Engineers in Korea (자동차 신제품개발 관련 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량 분석)

  • Kim, Joo-Young;Lim, Se-Yung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.192-217
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    • 2008
  • This paper investigated the perceived criticalities and patterns of Korean Professional Engineer's competency regarding the working activities of automative product development, manufacturing, etc by using questionnaires responded to the survey which were applied to the automotive professors, experts and professional engineers (vocational parties) by e/mail, etc. This research investigated the following questions: First, what are the characteristic patterns, relevancy and perceived criticalities of Korean Professional Engineer's competencies? Second, What are the ranked priority of the Korean Professional Engineers' competencies? Are there any differency for each item, sub group of job, intelectual criterior of the competencies between relevancy and perceived criticalities according to the types of vocational parties, etc.? Accoring to the results; first, Professor group showed highest points among 3 groups per each item of the competencies by vocational parties Second, Chassis design group ranked top position among the 8 sub groups by vocational parties and, third, Problem Solving Knowledge ranked highest points than any others. Korean Professional Engineers are found to be positioned as key members, leaders and managers on surveying market, product planning, designing product & components, developing component parts, establishing shop with production equipment, managing quality control & material handling, organizing relevant meetings, developing human resources by training and learning, to back up finance with law matters, cooperating with concerned parties to achieve organizational goals, and to coordinate projects. etc, identifying ethical issues and business skills in order to survive and win to be competitive in various kinds of the automotive industry battle fields.

Relationships between Collective Intelligence Quality, Its Determinants, and Usefulness: A Comparative Study between Wiki Service and Q&A Service in Perspective of Korean Users (집단지성의 품질, 그 결정요인, 유용성의 관계: 수용자 관점에서 한국의 위키서비스와 Q&A 서비스의 비교)

  • Joo, Jaehun;Normatov, Ismatilla R.
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2012
  • Innovation can come from inside or outside organizations. Recently, organizations have begun turning to external knowledge more often, through various forms of collective intelligence (CI) as collaborative platform to solve complex problems. Several factors facilitate this CI utilization phenomenon. First, with the rapid development of Internet and social media, numerous web applications have become available to millions of the Internet users over the past few decades. Web 2.0 and social media have become innovative web applications that provide an environment for human social interaction and collaboration. Second, the diffusion of simple and easy-to-use technologies that enable users to interact and design web applications without programming skills have led to vast, previously unknown amounts of user-generated content. Finally, the Internet has enabled communities to connect and collaborate, creating a virtual world of CI. In this study, web enabled CI is defined as a composed ability of individuals who are acting as a single cognitive unit to achieve common goals, think reasonably, solve problems, make decisions, carry out complex tasks, and develop creative ideas collectively through participation and collaboration on the web. Although CI plays a critical role in organizational innovation and collaboration, the dubious quality of CI is still problem that is difficult to solve. In general, the quality level of content collected from the crowd is lower than that from professionals. Thus, it is important to identify determinants of CI quality and to analyze the relationship between CI quality and its usefulness. However, there is a lack of empirical study on the quality factors of web-enabled CI. There exist a variety of web enabled CI sites such as Threadless, iStockphoto or InnoCentive, Wikipedia, and Youtube. One of the most successful forms of web-enabled CI is the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, accessible all over the world. Another one example is Naver KnowledgeiN, a typical and popular CI site offering question and answer (Q&A) services. It is necessary to study whether or not different types of CI have a different effect on CI quality and its usefulness. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to answer to following research questions: ${\bullet}$ What determinants are important to CI quality? ${\bullet}$ What is the relationship between CI quality factors and the usefulness of web-enabled CI? ${\bullet}$ Does CI type have a moderating effect on the relationship between CI quality, its determinants, and CI usefulness? Online survey using Google Docs with email and Kakao Talk was conducted for collecting data from Wikipedia and Naver KnowledgeiN users. A totoal of 490 valid responses were collected, where users of Wikipedia were 220 while users of Naver KnowledgeiN were 270. Expertise of contributors, community size, and diversity of contributors were identified as core determinants of perceived CI quality. Perceived CI quality has significantly influenced perceived CI usefulness from a user's perspective. For improving CI quality, it is believed that organizations should ensure proper crowd size, facilitate CI contributors' diversity and attract as many expert contributors as possible. Hypotheses that CI type plays a role of moderator were partially supported. First, the relationship between expertise of contributors and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The expertise of contributors played a more important role in CI quality in the case of Q&A services such as Knowledge iN compared to wiki services such as Wikipedia. This implies that Q&A service requires more expertise and experiences in particular areas rather than the case of Wiki service to improve service quality. Second, the relationship between community size and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The community size has a greater effect on CI quality in case of Wiki service than that of Q&A service. The number of contributors in Wikipeda is important because Wiki is an encyclopedia service which is edited and revised repeatedly from many contributors while the answer given in Naver Knowledge iN can not be corrected by others. Finally, CI quality has a greater effect on its usefulness in case of Wiki service rather than Q&A service. In this paper, we suggested implications for practitioners and theorists. Organizations offering services based on collective intelligence try to improve expertise of contributeros, to increase the number of contributors, and to facilitate participation of various contributors.

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The Effect of Value-added Promotion and Retailer Uncertainty on Customers' Perceived Value of the Product (부가가치 제공 유형별 판매촉진과 유통업체 불확실성이 제품 가치 평가에 미치는 영향 - 사은품(Freebie) 제공 판매촉진을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyang-Mi;Lee, So-Young;Kim, Jae-Wook
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2011
  • The sales promotion strategy can be classified into two categories: cost-down and value-added promotions. Although many studies have been performed on sales promotion in the past, little attention has been given on cost-down promotion, and in particular on its strategy. Also there has been a renewed interest on value-added promotion strategy as means of attracting more customers and delivering value by providing a greater benefit. This study examines the effect of value-added promotion on the evaluation of promotional products. The topic is important because the value-added promotions are not always perceived as a benefit by consumers and they depend on the situational factors. We postulate three hypotheses on the basis of related literature. We conduct two studies: one employing experiment (study 1) and the other, quasi-experiment (study 2) to investigate the effect of two situational factors, namely the promotional package type and retailer uncertainty on the valuation of promotional products. Study 1 employs 2 promotional package types (bundled with freebie type vs. one-plus-one type) by 3 evaluation targets (overall package, a focal product and freebie) in experimental design. Also it is found that consumers devaluate the promotional product when the level of retailer uncertainty is high (t=-4.70, p=.000) as shown in Table 2. As depicted in Figure 2, the interaction effect of retailer uncertainty and package types on the evaluation of promotional product as a whole does not appear to be significant. However, when the level of retailer uncertainty is high, the focal product suffers from lower valuation if it is included in a bundle with freebie type package. The purpose of Study 2 is to cross-check the results of Study 1. The results of Study 2 also show that the consumers devaluate the promotional products as a whole when the level of retailer uncertainty is high. Furthermore, Study2 examines the consumers' willingness to purchase. The willingness to purchase of 2 different consumer groups divided by their reservation prices before and after exposure to a promotional stimuli shows no significant differences(t=1.911, p=.057). The results suggest that the consumers' reservation prices before the exposure to the promotion can be a reference prices of their's. But after the promotional events, the promotional price would become their reference prices. Furthermore, when the level of retailer uncertainty is high, consumers devaluate the promotional product as a whole. Because the promotional offerings activate the persuasion knowledge of consumers and make them incorporate negative inference about the firm's motives into their valuation and consequently, consumers tend to hesitate to purchase.

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