• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research Information Systems

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Acquisition of Data of Equipments on Shop Floor Using Interface Between Various Equipments (다양한 생산 설비와의 인터페이스를 고려한 설비정보 수집)

  • Nam, So-Jeong;Lee, Jai-Kyung;Lee, Sung-Woo;Park, Jong-Kweon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2011
  • There is much information of equipment in shop floor because the manufacturing processes are different as the equipment within the manufacturing process is varied. To provide effective process information to MES and other production systems, the DAS requires an equipment monitoring system that takes into account the characteristics of the equipment on the shop floor. In this study, we proposed some methods for collecting the required information about various equipments on a shop floor. The equipments such as CNC can be interfaced with the DAS by using a PLC-based method and a sensor-based interface board can be used to interface general equipments. The proposed methods can be used to collect information on the shop floor in real-time. Moreover these methods are very adaptive and can be easily modified according to the changes made to the shop floor. The information about a real shop floor acquired by employing these methods is saved in a database and the can be provided to a supervisor and MES so that they are aware of the status of the shop floor.

A Research Framework for the Success Factors of Information

  • Yoo, Sangjin;Soongoo, I-Iong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.117-139
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    • 1998
  • This study is intended to identify the factors affecting the successful information warehouse (IW) implementation through the technology acceptance model. As the IW has played an important role with the organizations, it has become a strategic management tool. However, because the building of an IWS requires a great amound of financing and a multi-period, managers should consider identifying the variables as a predictor of IWS success. The related research areas, such as TAM , TRA, and innovation diffusion theory, and previous research associated with the EWS success factors are reviewed in this paper. Based on the hypotheses presented , the study will empirically test the relationships between six external variable-user involvement, computer self-efficacy, OLAP characteristics, problem difficulty , user training and top management support-and system utilization via user's perceptions of ease of use, unusefulness. This study semmes to be a first attempt in this research area, and its results will provide general guidclines for IWS project managers to enhancement the like hood of system succes.

Research on the difference of verbal effect on sequences of positive indication and negative indication of verbal message : Based on replies on shopping mall (온라인 구전의 긍정 또는 부정 제시 순서에 따른 커뮤니케이션 효과)

  • Ryu, Choon-Ryul;Chin, Hong-Kun;Han, Kwang-Seok
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.25
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    • pp.171-201
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    • 2008
  • Previous research on negative contents of verbal message being more influential has a two broad streams as impression formation theory and negative information having an more diagnostic informational value. Therefore, this research was intended to obtain consistent results from researches by message frame segmentation of verbal message and to determine the medium of verbal message. It was proven from the research that objects influencing verbal message are being effected by the participation ratio of products and the positive indication is having more meaningful difference than the negative indication statistically unlike to the results of previous researches. Unlike just a biased positive message or negative message as the result of previous research, it was proven that the positive indication is influential regardless of sequences according to participation ratio and site participation in case of positive and negative being existing together.

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Extended Workflow Model considering Activity Based Costing (활동기준원가를 고려한 확장 워크플로우 모델)

  • Hwang, Mun-Tae;Park, Jong-Gyeong;Sim, Eok-Su;Park, Jin-U
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 2005
  • Workflow is a collection of tasks organized to accomplish some business processes. It also defines the order of task invocation or conditions under which task must be invoked, task synchronization, and information flow. And activity based costing(ABC) provides accurate cost information for decision making. In ABC systems, costs must be separable into cost pools each of which corresponding to a single cost driver. These two systems are closely related to each other. But recent research deals with workflows and ABC systems separately. Thus, this research proposes an extended workflow model which is expressed cost information using activity based costing.

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Operational Efficiency Scheme of Mailing Center for Automation (자동화 중심 우편집중국 운영 효율화 방안)

  • Um Insup;Lee Hongchul;Kang Jungyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.999-1006
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    • 2003
  • This research presents efficient operation schemes that is emphasized on mailing center's automation parts. We utilized the automation indicator to analyzed the mailing center system. For automation of the mailing center, we proposed the sorting automation alternative of registered mail, automation of conveyance system between workshops and the Up-Grade scheme for process improvement in mailing center. The selection of the registered mailing f s automation alternatives is composed of the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. Through the analysis of the space and the quantity of materials, the simulation experiments are conducted to examine conveyance equipment possibility of the mailing center. By simplifying the mailing center conceptually, we proposed the upgrade of process for the mailing center system. The result of this research can give some ideas to people who are formulating a policy for the mailing center operation.

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User goal and plan recognition using plan recognition system in natural language Dialogue (자연언어 대화 (NL Dialogue)에서 플랜 인지 시스템을 이용한 사용자의 목표 (Goal) 도출)

  • Kim, Do-Wan;Park, Jae-Deuk;Park, Dong-In
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.393-399
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    • 1996
  • 자연언어 대화에서 사용자의 정확한 의도(Intention)를 인지함에 있어서 나타나는 문제는, 자연언어 대화체의 생략성이 강한 문장의 불완전성 외에도, 여러 연속되는 대화체 문장에 분산되어 나타나는 사용자의 의도를 정확히 파악하는 것이다. 이러한 불완전한 대화체 문장 속에 산재되어 있는 사용자의 의도를 빠르고 신뢰성 있게 인지하여, 사용자와 시스템간의 원활한 자연언어 대화 상호작용 (Interaction)을 가능하게 하기 위하여 플랜 인지 시스템의 이용은 매우 효과적으로 보인다. 현재까지 개발된 대부분의 플랜 인지시스템들은 사용자의 액션 분석 및 플랜의 인지를 통하여 HCI를 지원하는 측면에 (예: 지능형 도움말) 집중되어 있다. 본 논문은 지역 광고 신문에 실린 매입-매도광고 데이타베이스의 검색을 위한 Natural language dialogue user interface에서 사용자 의도를 인지할 수 있는 플랜 인지 시스템을 기술하고 있다.

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Intelligent Real-Time Control Systems (지능형 실시간 제어 시스템 구축을 위한 연구)

  • Park, Dong-Won;An, Syung-Og
    • The Journal of Engineering Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1998
  • This paper examines the application of imprecise computation technique in the context of rule-based systems and the development of a shell for building rule-based real-time control systems. Research issues to be addressed in order to build such a shell include acquisition and expression of resource information, development of a software architecture to support resource-based selectivity, and acceptability criteria for validating results obtained.

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An Empirical Study on Y2K settlement in Korean Business Firms (국내 기업에서의 Y2K 대응에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • 김영문;이선영
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.69-90
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the current status of Y2K settlement in korean business firms. To accomplish the purpose of this paper effectively, first of all, theoretical background of Y2K was reviewed briefly. Second, research hypotheses and methodology were discussed with the following topics: (1) research hypotheses (2) operational definitions of variables (3) survey population (4) data collection method (5) data analysis method. Third, current status and problems of Y2K problems were investigated in detail with the following areas: (1) characteristics of samples (2) comparisons of Y2K settlement by business area (3) comparisons of Y2K settlement by firm sizes (4) comparisons of Y2K settlement by degree of information systems (5) effective ways of settling Y2K problems Finally, this paper was summarized and future research directions were suggested briefly.

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Low Cost, High Performance, and Effective Overdrive Implementation Method for LCD Systems

  • Cho, Young-Min;Park, Chan-Soo;Bhowmik, Achintya;Lee, Seung-Woo
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.1168-1171
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    • 2009
  • We propose a low cost, high performance, effective overdrive implementation method for liquid crystal display systems. The technique can calculate all overdrive values using higher order approximation algorithm by only three measurements. We find that our technique can be applied regardless of LCD panels. Due to its simplicity, we can also tune motion performance of the LCD systems without measurements.

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An Enhanced Location-Based Location Update Scheme in Mobile Cellular Networks

  • Baek, Jang-Hyun;Seo, Jae-Young;Lim, Seog-Ku;Sicker, Douglas C.
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.457-460
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we consider a location-based location update (LU) scheme. We propose an enhanced LU (ELU) scheme that can store more cells to reduce the location update cost of the LU scheme and show that the ELU scheme always outperforms the LU scheme. Our scheme can be easily implemented in actual cellular systems.

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