• Title/Summary/Keyword: Removal technique

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Nitrogen Removal Via Sediment Denitrification and Its Seasonal Variations in Major Estuaries of South Coast of Korean Peninsula (남해안 주요 하구 갯벌 퇴적물의 탈질소화를 통한 질소 영양염 제거)

  • Heo, Nak-Won;Lee, Ji-Young;Choi, Jae-Ung;An, Soon-Mo
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2011
  • Sediment oxygen demand(SOD) and denitrification rates were measured in four major estuaries(Suncheon Bay, Seomjin river estuary, Goseong stream estuary and Masan Bay) in south coast of Korean peninsula from March of 2009 to May 2010 to estimate organic matter cleaning capacity. SOD was estimated from the temporal dissolved oxygen concentration change and isotopic pairing technique was employed to measure denitrification. Sediment oxygen demand(SOD) was ranged from -5.1 to 24.6 mmole $O_2m^{-2}d^{-1}$ and denitrification rate was ranged from 0.0 to 3.9 mmole $N_2m^{-2}d^{-1}$in the study area. SOD was the highest in Masan Bay(-2.2 to 19.2, average = 10.2 mmole $O_2m^{-2}d^{-1}$) and Suncheon, Goseong, Tae-an and Seomjin followed. Denitrification was also the highest in Masn Bay(0.0 to 3.9, average = 1.0 mmole $N_2m^{-2}d^{-1}$) and Goseong, Seomjin, Suncheon and Taean followed. The effect of benthic photosynthesis by microphytobenthos on denitrification was evident in some season of Tae-an, Seomjin, and Masn Bay. The increased oxygen level produced by photosynthesis stimulated nitrification without severe adverse effect on denitrification and, as a result, coupled nitrification and denitrification was enhanced in these areas. A difference of seasonal patterns of denitrification at each site depended on relative importance of denitrification on different nitrate source($D_w$: nitrate from water column and $D_n$: nitrated produced during nitrification). Denitrification was maximum during spring in Goseong, Suncheon and Masan Bay. On the contrary, denitrification was the highest during summer in Tae-an and Seomjin estuary.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery with Radial Artery -Early Results (요골동맥을 이용한 관상동맥우회술 -조기성적)

  • 나찬영;이영탁;박국양;이해영;김욱성;박?현;홍민수;심재천;권오춘
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 1997
  • The radial artery as a graft for myocardial revascularization was introduced by Carpentier in the early 1970s. Mid-term results were unfortunately discoura ing, and the clinical experience with this graft was interrupted. At the end of the 1980s, these authors reproposed the same arterial conduit with more satisfying results, because of improved technique and pharmacological management of the graft. Between October 1994 and July 1995, 36 patients underwent myocardial revascularization with a radial artery graft in Seiong General Hospital. Left internal mammary artery was concomitantly used as a pedicled Vift in 34 patients. Fifteen patients (42%) had a complete arterial waft revascularization. A total of 12) distal anastomoses were performed (average 3.4 per patient), including 36 left internal mammary artery wafts (two sequential in 2 patients), and 23 saphenous vein grafts. The remaining 64 distal anastomoses were perFormed with radial artery grafts (mean 1.8 per patient). The radial arteries were anastomosed to the circumflex (n=38), diagonal (n= 18), right coronary(n=G), and left anterior descending coronary artery(n=2). The percent ge of radial artery graft anastomoses (64) to the total anastomoses(123) was 52%. The radial artery was used as a single graft in 10 patients, as a sequential graft in 25 patients, and two grafts in 1 patient. Twenty patients underwent associated procedures coronary endarterectomy (14), coronary artery patch angioplasty (4), mitral valve repair (1), and repair of ventricular septal rupture (1). One patient died of low cardiac output syndrome and the others had no perioperative myocardial infarction. There are no ischemic and functional complications in the arm or hand aftcr removal of the radial artery. Only 1 patient required reexploration of the am, for the hematoma evacuation, and 2 patients complained transient thumb dysesthesia of the side of the havested arm. This dysesthesia improved within one month. Postoperative angiovaphic controls were obtained in 11 patients(31%) postoperative 79 to 210 days (mean 126 days). The patency rate were as follows : left internal mammary artery (100%), saphcnous vein (100%), and radial artery(95%). We concluded that the radial artery is useful alternative graft, but long term clinical and angiographic studies are required to derterminc whether wider application is warranted.

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Removable implant-supported partial denture using milled bar with Locator® attachments in a cleft lip & palate patient: A clinical report (구순구개열 환자에서 Locator® 유지장치가 장착된 milled titanium bar를 이용한 가철성 임플란트 피개 국소의치의 보철수복증례)

  • Yang, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kyoung-A;Kim, Ja-Yeong;Seo, Jae-Min
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2015
  • Due to the limitations of conventional removable partial denture prostheses to treat a cleft lip & palate patient who shows scar tissue on upper lip, excessive absorption of the maxillary residual alveolar ridge, and class III malocclusion with narrow palate and undergrowth of the maxilla, 4 implants were placed on the maxillary edentulous region and a maxillary removable implant-supported partial denture was planned using a CAD/CAM milled titanium bar. Unlike metal or gold casting technique which has shrinkage after the molding, CAD/CAM milled titanium bar is highly-precise, economical and lightweight. In practice, however, it is very hard to obtain accurate friction-fit from the milled bar and reduction in retention can occur due to repetitive insertion and removal of the denture. Various auxiliary retention systems (e.g. $ERA^{(R)}$, $CEKA^{(R)}$, magnetics, $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment), in order to deal with these problems, can be used to obtain additional retention, cost-effectiveness and ease of replacement. Out of diverse auxiliary attachments, $Locator^{(R)}$ has characteristics that are dual retentive, minimal in vertical height and convenient of attachment replacement. Drill and tapping method is simple and the replacement of the metal female part of $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is convenient. In this case, the $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is connected to the milled titanium bar fabricated by CAD/CAM, using the drill and tapping technique. Afterward, screw holes were formed and 3 $Locator^{(R)}$ attachments were secured with 20 Ncm holding force for additional retention. Following this procedure, satisfactory results were obtained in terms of aesthetic facial form, masticatory function and denture retention, and I hereby report this case.

CT Simulation Technique for Craniospinal Irradiation in Supine Position (전산화단층촬영모의치료장치를 이용한 배와위 두개척수 방사선치료 계획)

  • Lee, Suk;Kim, Yong-Bae;Kwon, Soo-Il;Chu, Sung-Sil;Suh, Chang-Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : In order to perform craniospinal irradiation (CSI) in the supine position on patients who are unable to lie in the prone position, a new simulation technique using a CT simulator was developed and its availability was evaluated. Materials and Method : A CT simulator and a 3-D conformal treatment planning system were used to develop CSI in the supine position. The head and neck were immobilized with a thermoplastic mask in the supine position and the entire body was immobilized with a Vac-Loc. A volumetrie image was then obtained using the CT simulator. In order to improve the reproducibility of the patients' setup, datum lines and points were marked on the head and the body. Virtual fluoroscopy was peformed with the removal of visual obstacles such as the treatment table or the immobilization devices. After the virtual simulation, the treatment isocenters of each field were marked on the body and the immobilization devices at the conventional simulation room. Each treatment field was confirmed by comparing the fluoroscopy images with the digitally reconstructed radiography (DRR)/digitally composite radiography (DCR) images from the virtual simulation. The port verification films from the first treatment were also compared with the DRR/DCR images for a geometrical verification. Results : CSI in the supine position was successfully peformed in 9 patients. It required less than 20 minutes to construct the immobilization device and to obtain the whole body volumetric images. This made it possible to not only reduce the patients' inconvenience, but also to eliminate the position change variables during the long conventional simulation process. In addition, by obtaining the CT volumetric image, critical organs, such as the eyeballs and spinal cord, were better defined, and the accuracy of the port designs and shielding was improved. The differences between the DRRs and the portal films were less than 3 mm in the vertebral contour. Conclusion : CSI in the supine position is feasible in patients who cannot lie on prone position, such as pediatric patienta under the age of 4 years, patients with a poor general condition, or patients with a tracheostomy.

Clinical Experiences of Cardiac Surgery Using Minimal Incision (소절개선을 이용한 심장수술의 임상고찰)

  • Kim, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Joung-Taek;Lee, Seo-Won;Kim, Hae-Sook;Lim, Hyun-Kung;Lee, Choon-Soo;Sun, Kyung
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.373-378
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    • 1999
  • Background: Minimally invasive technique for various cardiac surgeries has become widely accepted since it has been proven to have distinct advantages for the patients. We describe here the results of our experiences of minimal incision in cardiac surgery. Material and Method: From February 1997 to November 1998, we successfully performed 31 cases of minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Male and female ratio was 17:14, and the patients age ranged from 1 to 75 years. A left parasternal incision was used in 9 patients with single vessel coronary heart disease. A direct coronary bypass grafting was done under the condition of the beating heart without cardiopulmonary bypass support(MIDCAB). Among these, one was a case of a reoperation 1 week after the first operation due to a kinked mammary artery graft. A right parasternal incision was used in one case of a redo mitral valve replacement. Mini-sternotomy was used in the remaining 21 patients. The procedures were mitral valve replacement and tricuspid annuloplasty in 6 patients, mitral valve replacement 5, double valve replacement 2, aortic valve replacement 1, removal of left atrial myxoma 1, closure of atrial septal defect 2, repair of ventricular septal defect 2, and primary closure of r ght ventricular stab wound 1. The initial 5 cases underwent a T-shaped mini-sternotomy, however, we adopted an arrow-shaped ministernotomy in the remaining cases because it provided better exposure of the aortic root and stability of the sternum after a sternal wiring. Result: The operation time, the cardiopulmonary bypass time, the aorta cross-clamping time, the mechanical ventilation time, the amount of chest tube drainage until POD#1, the chest tube indwelling time, and the duration of intensive care unit staying were in an acceptable range. There were two surgical mortalities. One was due to a rupture of the aorta cannulation site after double valve replacement on POD#1 in the mini-sternotomy case, and the other was due to a sudden ventricular arrhythmia after MIDCAB on POD#2 in the parasternal incision case. Postoperative complications were observed in 2 cases in which a cerebral embolism developed on POD#2 after a mini-sternotomy in mitral valve replacement and wound hematoma developed after a right parasternal incision in a single coronary bypass grafting. Neither mortality nor complication was directly related to the incision technique itself. Conclusion: Minimally invasive surgery using parasternal or mini-sternotomy incision can be used in cardiac surgeries since it is as safe as the standard full sternotomy incisions.

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  • Kim, Jong-Ryul;Park, Sang-Jin;Choi, Gi-Woon;Choi, Kyoung-Kyu
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2010
  • Proteoglycan is highly hydrophilic and negatively charged which enable them attract the water. The objective of study was to investigate the effects of Proteoglycan on microtensile bond strength of dentin adhesives and on architecture of dentin collagen matrix of acid etched dentin by removing the chondroitin sulphate attached on Proteoglycan. A flat dentin surface in mid-coronal portion of tooth was prepared. After acid etching, half of the specimens were immersed in 0.1 U/mL chondroitinase ABC (C-ABC) for 48 h at $37^{\circ}C$, while the other half were stored in distilled water. Specimens were bonded with the dentin adhesive using three different bonding techniques (wet, dry and re-wet) followed by microtensile bond strength test. SEM examination was done with debonded specimen, resin-dentin interface and acid-etched dentin surface with/without C-ABC treatment. For the subgroups using wet-bonding or dry-bonding technique, microtensile bond strength showed no significant difference after C-ABC treatment (p > 0.05). Nevertheless, the subgroup using rewetting technique after air dry in the Single Bond 2 group demonstrated a significant decrease of microtensile bond strength after C-ABC treatment. Collagen architecture is loosely packed and some fibrils are aggregated together and relatively collapsed compared with normal acid-etched wet dentin after C-ABC treatment. Further studies are necessary for the contribution to the collagen architecture of noncollagenous protein under the various clinical situations and several dentin conditioners and are also needed about long-term effect on bond strength of dentin adhesive.

Old Service Pipe Cleaning of Polly-pigs Cleaning technique (Polly-pigs를 이용한 노후급수관의 세관에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Dong;Bae, Chul-Ho;Park, Jeong-Hoon;Kim, Gil-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2002
  • Polly-pigs technique was developed to remove internal rusts and scales from service pipes in the building by using Polly-pigs that were used as various applications in conventional plant pipelines. Results of cleaning experiments on 15mm GSP(Galvanic Steel Pipe) showed that hydraulic cross sectional area was more increased from 3.5% to 15.4% for straight part or elbow parts of several test pieces. Results of optical analysis also showed that rust and scale removed mostly by KDP series(only consisted of Polyurethane) were outside red colored scale ($Fe_2O_3{\cdot}H_2O$), and there was a limitation to the removal of black colored scale($Fe_2O{\cdot}nH_2O$) that was below red colored scale. But it was evaluated that KDPS series coated fine sand with KDP series could remove not only red colored scale but also black colored scale and more increase hydraulic cross sectional areas of 15mm GSP old service pipes from 13.0% to 17.9%. After KDPS series cleaning, hydraulic cross sectional areas of them were recovered from 95.9% to 99.5%. Turning force of Polly-pigs was largely improved by the effect of Helical guide vane(Cleaning v/v) and Rotating wing(Pigs), and the number of pig rotating also more increased sixteen times compared with conventional cleaning system without Helical guide vane and Rotating wing. After KDPC series cleaning of 100mm GSP old service pipes that hydraulic cross sectional areas were 90%, hydraulic cross sectional areas were almost recovered perfectly like new service pipes. Additionally pressure necessary to run Polly-pigs m 100mm GSP was lower and cleaning efficiency also was higher than 15mm GSP cleaning. Therefore it was thought that as the diameter of pipe was more increased, pressure necessary to clean service pipes was more decreased and cleaning efficiency was more increased in Polly-pigs cleaning.

3-D Conformal Radiotherapy for CNS Using CT Simulation (입체조준장치를 이용한 중추신경계의 방사선 입체조형치료 계획)

  • 추성실;조광환;이창걸
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : A new virtual simulation technique for craniospinal irradiation (CSI) that uses a CT-simulator was developed to improve the accuracy of field and shielding placement as well as patient positioning. Materials and Methods : A CT simulator (CT-SIM) and a 3-D conformal radiation treatment planning system (3D-CRT) were used to develop CSI. The head and neck were immobilized with a thermoplastic mask while the rest of the body was immobilized with a Vac-Loc. A volumetric image was then obtained with the CT simulator. In order to improve the reproducibility of the setup, datum lines and points were marked on the head and body. Virtual fluoroscopy was performed with the removal of visual obstacles, such as the treatment table or immobilization devices. After virtual simulation, the treatment isocenters of each field were marked on the body and on the immobilization devices at the conventional simulation room. Each treatment fields was confirmed by comparing the fluoroscopy images with the digitally reconstructed radiography (DRR) and digitally composited radiography (DCR) images from virtual simulation. Port verification films from the first treatment were also compared with the DRR/DCR images for geometric verification. Results : We successfully performed virtual simulations on 11 CSI patients by CT-SIM. It took less than 20 minutes to affix the immobilization devices and to obtain the volumetric images of the entire body. In the absence of the patient, virtual simulation of all fields took 20 min. The DRRs were in agreement with simulation films to within 5 mm. This not only reducee inconveniences to the patients, but also eliminated position-shift variables attendant during the long conventional simulation process. In addition, by obtaining CT volumetric image, critical organs, such as the eyes and the spinal cord, were better defined, and the accuracy of the port designs and shielding was improved. Differences between the DRRs and the portal films were less than 3 m in the vertebral contour. Conclusion : Our analysis showed that CT simulation of craniospinal fields was accurate. In addition, CT simulation reduced the duration of the patient's immobility. During the planning process. This technique can improve accuracy in field placement and shielding by using three-dimensional CT-aided localization of critical and target structures. Overall, it has improved staff efficiency and resource utilization by standard protocol for craniospinal irradiation.

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  • Lee, Jung-Min;Park, Sang-Hyuk;Choi, Gi-Woon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.378-389
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the sealing ability of root canal obturation with or without the treatment of smear layer. Eighty extracted human teeth with one canal were selected Instrumentation was performed with crown-down technique. After instrumentation, root canals of the NaOCl group and NaOCl-6 group were irrigated with 3% NaOCl. EDTA group and EDTA-6 group were irrigated with 17% EDTA. Then all teeth were obturated using continuous wane obturation technique NaOCl group and EDTA group were immersed in methylene blue solution for 84hours. NaOCl-6 group and EDTA-6 group were immersed in methylene blue solution for 6months. The teeth were sectioned at 1.5 mn (Level 1), 3.0 mm (Level 2) and 4.5 mm (Level 3) from the root apex. The length of dye-penetrated inter-face and the circumferential length of canal at each level were measured using Sigma-Scan Pro 5.0. 1. The mean leakage ratio was decreased cervically. 2. NaOCl group showed higher mean leakage ratio than EDTA group at each level. But there was significant difference at level 1 only (p < 0.05). 3. NaOCl-6 group showed higher mean leakage ratio than EDTA-6 group at each level. But there was significant difference at level 1 only (p < 0.05). 4. NaOCl-6 group showed higher mean leakage ratio than NaOCl group at each level. But there was significant difference at level 1 only (p < 0.05). 5. EDTA-6 group showed higher mean leakage ratio than EDTA group at each level. But there was no significant difference. 6. In NaOCl group and NaOCl-6 group, scanning electron micrographs of tooth sections generally covered with smear layer. In EDTA group and EDTA-6 group, tooth sections showing the penetration of sealers to opened dentinal tubules. The results suggest that removal of smear layer was effective to reduce the apical microleakage of the root canal.

Evaluation of retrievability using a new soft resin based root canal filling material (레진 계통의 근관 충전재의 제거 용이성에 대한 평가)

  • Shin Su-Jung;Lee Yoon;Park Jeong-Won
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the retrievability of Resilon as a root canal filling material Twenty-seven human single-rooted extracted teeth were instrumented utilizing a crown down technique with Gates-Glidden burs and ProFile system. In group1 (n = 12) canals were obturated with gutta percha and AH-26 plus sealer using a continuous wave technique and backfilled. In group 2 (n = 15) Resilon was used as a filling material. Then teeth were sealed and kept in $37^{\circ}C$ and 100% humidity for 7 days. For retreatment, the samples were re-accessed and filling material was removed using Gates-Glidden burs and ProFiles. Teeth were sectioned longitudinally to compare the general cleanliness and amount of debris $({\times}\;75)$ using SEM. Chi-square test was used $({\alpha}\;=\;0.05)$ to analyze the data. The total time required for removal of filling materials was expressed as mean ${\pm}SD$ (min) and analyzed by the Student t-test $({\alpha}\;=\;0.05)$, Required time for retreatment was $3.25\;{\pm}\;0.32$ minutes for gutta percha/ AH 26 plus sealer and $3.05\;{\pm}\;0.34$ minutes for Resilon. There was no statistically significant difference between the two experimental groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in the cleanliness of the root canal wall. This study showed that Resilon was effectively removed by Gates-Glidden burs and ProFiles.