• Title/Summary/Keyword: Religious beliefs

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Consumer Characteristics Influencing 'Difficulty in Discarding' Fashion Goods (패션제품 버리기 어려움에 영향을 미치는 소비자 특성)

  • Park, Hyun-Hee;Ku, Yang-Suk
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.559-568
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the socio-psychological variables and demographic factors influencing the difficulty people may have in discarding fashion goods. In addition, differences of disposal behavior were investigated according to the degree of reported difficulty with which people discarded fashion goods. A total of 260 survey questionnaires were analyzed. Frequency, correlation, exploratory factor analysis, reliability, t-test and multiple regression analyses were used for data analysis using SPSS 22.0. The study results were as follows. First, the difficulty of discarding of fashion goods was positively affected by concern for the environment and the potential for creative reuse of fashion goods, whereas it was not influenced by interdependence. Second, there were differences in the difficulty with which people discarded fashion goods according to demographic factors such as gender and whether or not they held certain religious beliefs; however, there were no differences among other demographic factors. Third, the group demonstrating a high degree of difficulty in discarding fashion goods preferred certain disposal behaviors such as donating to religious organizations, schools, charities etc., exchanging with other people or bartering, reforming for other purposes, selling to secondhand shops or on the internet, storing without wearing it, or discarding it after salvaging reusable parts. The results of this study provide various guidelines for consumers and retailers of fashion products who are interested in the efficient disposal of fashion goods.

Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Therapy for a Jehovah's Witness Child With Severe Anemia due to Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome

  • Woo, Da Eun;Lee, Jae Min;Kim, Yu Kyung;Park, Yong Hoon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.100-103
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    • 2016
  • Patients with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) can rapidly develop profound anemia as the disease progresses, as a consequence of red blood cell (RBC) hemolysis and inadequate erythropoietin synthesis. Therefore, RBC transfusion should be considered in HUS patients with severe anemia to avoid cardiac or pulmonary complications. Most patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusion, even in the face of life-threatening medical conditions due to their religious convictions. These patients require management alternatives to blood transfusions. Erythropoietin is a glycopeptide that enhances endogenous erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. With the availability of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO), several authors have reported its successful use in patients refusing blood transfusion. However, the optimal dose and duration of treatment with rHuEPO are not established. We report a case of a 2-year-old boy with diarrhea-associated HUS whose family members are Jehovah's Witnesses. He had severe anemia with acute kidney injury. His lowest hemoglobin level was 3.6 g/dL, but his parents refused treatment with packed RBC transfusion due to their religious beliefs. Therefore, we treated him with high-dose rHuEPO (300 IU/kg/day) as well as folic acid, vitamin B12, and intravenous iron. The hemoglobin level increased steadily to 7.4 g/dL after 10 days of treatment and his renal function improved without any complications. To our knowledge, this is the first case of successful rHuEPO treatment in a Jehovah's Witness child with severe anemia due to HUS.

Comparison of Spiritual Needs between Patients with Progressive Terminal Kidney Disease and Their Family Caregivers

  • Kim, Ye-Jean;Choi, Oknan;Kim, Biro;Chun, Jiyoung;Kang, Kyung-Ah
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare differences in spiritual needs (SNs) and factors influencing SNs between patients with progressive terminal kidney disease and their family caregivers. Methods: An explorative comparative survey was used to identify the SNs of patients (N=102) with progressive terminal kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis and their family caregivers (N=88) at a general hospital located in Seoul, South Korea. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the chi-square test, the independent t-test, one way analysis of variance, the Scheffe test, and multiple regression with dummy variables. Results: The SNs among family caregivers were higher than in the patient group. SNs were higher among those who were religious in both groups. Loving others was the highest-ranked subdimension in the patient group, followed in descending order by maintaining positive perspective, finding meaning, Reevaluating beliefs and life, asking "why?", receiving love and spiritual support, preparing for death, and relating to God. In the family group, the corresponding order was maintaining positive perspective, loving others, finding meaning, receiving love and spiritual support, preparing for death, relating to God, and asking "why?". The factors that had a negative influence on the level of SNs were not being religious in the patient group and having only a middle school level of education in the family group. Conclusion: The results of this study may serve as evidence that spiritual care for non-cancer patients' family caregivers should be considered as an important part of hospice and palliative care.

Tree Diversity, Population Structure, Regeneration and Conservation Status in Sacred Groves of Jhargram District, South-West Bengal, India

  • Sen, Uday Kumar;Bhakat, Ram Kumar
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.169-192
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    • 2021
  • Sacred groves are large areas of virgin or human-modified landscape with a diverse range of species that have been protected by local people for centuries due to cultural, religious beliefs, and taboo that the deities live in them and protect the villagers from various calamities. The present study was carried out for quantitative analysis of diversity, population structure, regeneration and conservation status of tree species in the four 36.86 ha sacred groves of Jhargram district in West Bengal. Tree species composition, population structure and regeneration status were analyzed by randomly establishing of 1 ha subplots within the sacred groves. Density, frequency, basal area, abundance, evenness, and other diversity indices were calculated for adult trees with girth at breast height (GBH) >31 cm. A total of 146 tree species belonging to 116 genera distributed in 44 families from 21 orders were recorded. Pterospermum suberifolium, family Malvaceae showed the highest Species Importance Value Index (SIVI, 21.33) and Fabaceae showed the highest Family Importance Value Index (FIVI, 35.59) values respectively. Individuals are categorised into three groups, seedling, sapling and adult based on girth classes. The majority of tree species exhibited good (52.74%) regeneration followed by fairly (24.66%), poor (15.75%) and no regeneration (6.85%) respectively. With the healthy existence of the sacred grove, the overall population structure of tree species showed a strong regeneration potential. The current data will be useful in determining the current status of tree species and will be used by the forest department, politicians, and conservationists to establish management plans for the conservation of priority species in the region. Since the study areas were sacred groves, tribal members were keen to preserve them due to their religious significance.

A study of the gods worshiped in the Japanese homes of Utsunoya Village in Shizuoka (일본의 가정에서 모시는 신 연구 - 시즈오카현 우쓰노야 마을을 중심으로 -)

  • KIM, Dukmuk
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.212-231
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the types of gods worshiped in the homes of Utsunoya village, the places where they are enshrined, the rituals and food offered to the gods, the decorations during the rituals, and the people's beliefs. Also, by comparing the gods worshiped in houses in remote Utsunoya with those of downtown Shizuoka, the differences and changes in the gods worshiped in the two contemporary spaces were predicted. Today, the gods enshrined in Utsunoya's houses are amatelaseu oomikami (天照大神), ancestor, ebisu, daigoku, kojin, inari, the god of the toilet, the god of land, and the god of water. From December 31st to January 3rd and on January 15th, Obon (July 15th), October when there is a festival at the village shrine, and on Ebisu Day (October 19th and 20th), residents offer drinks and food to the gods. Japanese beliefs at home are polytheistic in nature. They maintain national identity through kamidana and maintain family identity through ancestor worship linked to the Buddhist altar. The Japanese beliefs at home are firmly established in the background of the home, the base of family life. Japanese houses have a strong character as a religious space where they coexist "with the gods," and the residents have a cultural tradition of living with the gods.

Faith beyond Religion: A Study on the Faith-based films after 2010s in Hollywood (종교를 넘어선 신념: '영성'을 주제로 한 2010년대 할리우드 영화 고찰)

  • Ahn, SooJeong
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.47
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    • pp.163-190
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    • 2017
  • This paper studies the recent surge in the number of faith-based films in Hollywood, with the aim to explore the context and implications of this new trend. By using the theoretical framework of the study of the Tilich and Van der Leeuw, who have explored the relationship between religion, culture and art, this article discusses the meaning of the spiritual theme in the film. A couple of common points can be found among the faith-based films that have been produced since the 2010s. While these films attempt a universal approach to the fundamental theme of spirituality through popular narratives familiar to the audience, they also stress 'historical truthfulness and credibility' by representing the reality, such as a featuring real person or a true story in the film. The main characters are depicted as "victorious losers" that are distinguished from the typical Hollywood superhero and the films repeatedly show the human being constantly 'asking' questions to God. By analyzing these characteristics, the paper demonstrates that recent Hollywood faith-based films have successfully differentiated themselves from existing religious films while symbolizing the universal beliefs and values beyond the religious message so as to attract more audiences to this field. The paper also suggests that despite the advances in modern science and knowledge, the public will always yearn for a spiritual recovery and salvation through the film medium, serving as a potential source that provides an outlet for spiritual experience.

The Religious Thought in the Wisdom of Royal Glory (Kutadgu Bilig) (위구르 고전 장편시 『복락지혜(福樂智慧)』의 종교사상)

  • 정병윤
    • Journal of Sinology and China Studies
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    • v.79
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    • pp.197-222
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    • 2019
  • The Wisdom of Royal Glory (Kutadgu Bilig) is a Karakhanid work from the 11th century written by Yusuf Khass Hajib. Translated, the title means something like "The Wisdom which brings Happiness" or "The Wisdom that Conduces to Royal Glory or Fortune" or "Wisdom Which Brings Good Fortune". The text reflects the author's and his society's beliefs, feelings, and practices with regard to quite a few topics, and depicts interesting facets of various aspects of life in the Karakhanid empire. So the famous Chinese writer Lao she once pointed out that "it is not only the Uyghur's precious heritage, is also a priceless art treasures of our country's culture history." This paper mainly discusses about the variety of religious thought, such as primitive belief(teng ge li worship, natural worship, animal worship, shamanism), Manichaeism, Buddhism, Islam, etc.

Meat Consumption Culture in Ethiopia

  • Seleshe, Semeneh;Jo, Cheorun;Lee, Mooha
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2014
  • The consumption of animal flesh food in Ethiopia has associated with cultural practices. Meat plays pivotal and vital parts in special occasions and its cultural symbolic weight is markedly greater than that accorded to most other food. Processing and cooking of poultry is a gender based duty and has socio-cultural roles. Ethiopians are dependent on limited types of animals for meats due to the taboo associated culturally. Moreover, the consumption of meat and meat products has a very tidy association with religious beliefs, and are influenced by religions. The main religions of Ethiopia have their own peculiar doctrines of setting the feeding habits and customs of their followers. They influence meat products consumption through dictating the source animals that should be used or not be used for food, and scheduling the days of the years in periodical permeation and restriction of consumptions which in turn influences the pattern of meat consumption in the country. In Ethiopia, a cow or an ox is commonly butchered for the sole purpose of selling within the community. In special occasions, people have a cultural ceremony of slaughtering cow or ox and sharing among the group, called Kircha, which is a very common option of the people in rural area where access of meat is challenging frequently.

A Correlation Study on the Resilience of Children with Cancer and Their Mothers (암환아와 어머니의 회복력에 관한 상관관계 연구)

  • Shin, Hye-Won;Lee, Ja-Hyung
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate resilience of children with cancer and their mothers. This study aims to identify the main factors behind the resilience of these patients and their mothers. Method: To measure the resilience of cancer patients, Kim's (2002) resilience scale was utilized. The Korean Family Functioning Scale revised by Chae (2004) was used to calculate the resilience of mothers. Respondents for this study consist of 60 pediatric cancer patients and their mothers. Data was collected a Medical Center in Seoul, Korea. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and the Pearson's correlation coefficients were used for data analysis. Results: The resilience mean of pediatric cancer patients is 98.32 (3.09±0.03) and of mothers is 64.95 (3.08±0.25). There appears to be a high resilience in pediatric cancer patients who hold religious beliefs. Similarly, there is a high resilience for mothers who are employed. And there is a significant positive correlation between the resilience of pediatric cancer patients and their mothers. Conclusions: As the study indicates that there is a definite relationship between the resilience of pediatric cancer patients and their mothers, it is vital to improve the condition of both the patient and his mother to augment the healing process.

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A Study of Expression Methods and Aesthetic Meanings of Maximalism Appeared in Modern Hair Ornaments (현대 머리장식에 표현된 맥시멀리즘의 표현기법과 미적 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Ji Ae;Kwon, Gi Young
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzes expression methodology and aesthetic meanings in modern hair ornaments that adopt maximalism. Maximalism has appeared in various hair ornaments throughout history. Hair dresses are used for many reasons related to class, social position, religious beliefs, and occupation throughout the Eastern and Western hemispheres. A higher class and social position was often denoted by a fancier and bigger hairdress. In modern society maximalism is expressed in literature, expressionism, maxi-marketing, exaggerative advertisements, and symbolic architecture. Formative expression methodologies in modern hair ornaments that adopt maximalism are transform, overlapping & exaggeration, and mixing & edition. The aesthetic meanings of maximalism in hair ornaments are the reinterpretation of retro ornaments, the exaggeration of internal self-expression, humorous symbolic objects, and the conveyance of a social critical message. The advantages of maximalism help people communicate and co-provide an abundant life. These are expected to create significant and numerous positive impacts in society. In addition, the continued efforts on the investment in hair ornaments that express Maximalism well as a fashion trend shows that further study on the persistence, practicality and recognized design inconvenience in the aesthetic value are needed.