• Title/Summary/Keyword: Religious beliefs

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The Study on the Structure and Meaning of UlsanSoeburisoree (울산쇠부리소리의 민속연행적 구조와 의미 연구)

  • Sim, Sang-Gyo
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.37
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    • pp.127-155
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    • 2018
  • This paper considers the structure and meaning of the folktale accompaniment of the sound of UlsanSoeburisoree. The review process examined the meaning of each structure of the UlsanSoeburisoree in the preparation process while preparing the main elements of the structural features along with the historical background of the structure. UlsanSoeburisoree is Poongcheol ritual ceremony which means prayer ceremony for the production of iron. The sound of UlsanSoeburisoree is 1-Gilnori 2-Gosa 3-The sound of blowing smelting process 4-The sound of process of iron smelting 5-The sound of tabooline 6-The sound of blowing smelting process 7-The sound of blowing matches 8-The After-party. This structure is in line with the structure of folk play called Gilnory-Gosa-Performance-After-party. This is similar to the basic structure of folk beliefs Cheongsin(請神)-Osin(娛神)-Songsin(送神). Thus, the sound of UlsanSoeburisoree was formulated in a sequential parallel structure. The sound of UlsanSoeburisoree resemble the sacrifice of heaven ceremony since the time of the SamHan dynasty. The sound of the birth of life by physical sacrifice also plays the role of the song of creation of new life. The sound of UlsanSoeburisoree can be seen not only in Korea 's folk culture but also in folk culture of GyeongnamDo area. There are many festivals to pray for the abundance of life for UlsanSoeburisoree. Soil plays an absolute role in the process of producing iron. For those who soak it, the earth is a religious object. Among the folk tales handed down in the Yeongnam area, there are a lot of performances that are passed down through the blending of the people 's affection to overcome the harshness of life. In the case of the sound of UlsanSoeburisoree, it can be said that it was made and mixed with the wind that wanted to go beyond the harshness of life and the spirit of art.

A Study on the Current Status and Location Characteristics of Stone Jangseung - Focusing on Doljangseung in Daejeon Area - (돌장승의 현황 및 입지특성에 관한 연구 - 대전지역 돌장승을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Dong-Hun;Heo, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2024
  • This study requires a strict distinction between the sculptures we call 'Jangseung' because their origins, history, or functions are different from each other. Therefore, a theoretical consideration was made through the origin and history of Jangseung. Currently, Jangseung is widely distributed throughout the country, but the Honam region shows the largest distribution, and 73 out of 167 locations nationwide remain in the Chungcheongnam-do region. Among these, there are 54 stone jangseungs in Jeollanam-do, 37 in Jeollabuk-do, and 19 in Jeollabuk-do. In particular, the original shape of the stone jangseungs in the Honam region is well preserved, and as a center of the agricultural economy, the jangseung culture is active in this region. It was popular, and many stone jangseungs were built in the Daejeon area amid social changes in the late Joseon Dynasty. However, in the South Chungcheong region, there is not much culture about stone jangseungs, but there is a village meaning and consciousness that stone jangseungs have, but it is true that research on stone jangseungs is insufficient in various aspects. Among them, the form of the stone jangseung built between the 17th and 19th centuries is a sculpture that contrasts with the wooden pillar-type jangseung that is common in the central region, and shows the simple mentality of the people of the Daejeon region without any embellishment. Through Jangseung, we were able to discover the unconscious and potential creativity of national aesthetic consciousness. Therefore, the purpose is to trace the change process of the stone jangseung in the Daejeon area, investigate the functional aspects of this structure, and based on this, examine the various current status and locational characteristics of the so-called stone jangseung. In addition, the wooden figures and stone statues that are now commonly known as Jangseung were each erected in different times and for different reasons. Centering around Daejeon, the study attempted to research and identify representative stone monuments or 'stone jangseungs' that appear as stone statues, and even suggest their form through locational characteristics and suggestions. As a result, traditional jangseungs have changed in various forms as times change, reaching their present form, and the religious elements of modern jangseungs made and erected today are weakened or disappeared, and are used as symbolic symbols or sculptures of tradition. Although it has lost its traditional function as an object of village faith, it functions as a milestone or sign at the entrance to a village or event site, or as an exhibition in special places. It was found that the modern jangseung is a representative symbol of Korean traditional culture and is being re-created as an artistic sculpture that expresses common, simple, natural beauty and humor. Therefore, through this study, based on more specific and systematic investigation and research on the jangseung, it was materialized into a more developed form considering its utilization plan to prevent miscellaneous spirits from entering the village through the currently existing stone jangseung and to improve the spatial space accordingly. It is believed that what is located at the entrance can greatly convey its meaning. Therefore, it is judged necessary to maintain the strong characteristics of folk religion without the sophistication of foreign religions for various deities.