• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional image

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Comparison of $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ Myocardial Uptake at Rest with Reinjection and 24-hour after Reinjection Images of $^{201}Tl$ ($^{201}Tl$$^{99m}Tc-MIBI$에 의한 생존심근의 진단 비교 -재분포영상에 고정관류결손을 보인 환자에서 $^{201}Tl$ 재주사법 및 $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ 휴식기스캔에 의한 심근섭취 비교-)

  • Bom, Hee-Seung;Kim, Ji-Yeul;Park, Joo-Hyung;Ahn, Young-Keun;Jeong, Myung-Ho;Cho, Jeong-Gwan;Park, Jong-Choon;Kang, Jung-Chaee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.274-279
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    • 1992
  • Clinical role of $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ myocardial scintigraphy in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) is now well accepted, however, the role of it in the identification of viable myocardium in patients with chronic CAD has not yet been clarified. To determine the usefulness of rest-injected $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ scan as a marker of myocardial viability, the regional uptake of this agent at rest was compared with that of $^{201}Tl$ on reinjection and 24 hours after reinjection images. Subject patients were 13 chronic CAD patients who showed irreversible perfusion defect(s) on standard pharmacologic (dipyridamole) stress-redistribution images. Immediately after the redistribution images were obtained, 37 MBq thallium was injected at rest, and images were reacquired at 10 minutes and 24 hours after reinjection. After then 740 MBq $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ was injected, and 1 hour later rest MIBI myocardial imaging was performed. Five sets of imagestress, redistribution, reinjection, delayed images of thallium, and rest image of MIBI) were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Left ventricle was arbitrarily divided into 9 segments (apex, basal and apical portions of anterior, septal, inferior, and lateral walls). Seven patients and 30 regions showed a fixed perfusion defect on the stress-redistribution images. Among 30 regions, 15 showed positive uptakes and 6 showed negative uptakes on both $^{201}Tl$ reinjection/delayed images and $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ rest images. Five regions showed only thallium uptake and were regarded as viable clinically. Of four regions which showed only $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ uptake, two were regarded as viable, while the other two were regarded as a nonviable scar tissue clinically. In conclusion, $^{201}Tl$ reinjection technique was more reliable in the identification of viable myocardium. However, the role of $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ in identification of viable myocardium was still remained to be clarified because 2 of 9 regions showed only $^{99m}Tc-MIBI$ uptake and were regarded as viable tissues.

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Construction of the Regional Basemap for a Developing Country: Focused on the Bab Ezzouar Municipality in Algeria (개발도상국 지역분석용 베이스맵 구축방안: 알제리의 밥 에주아흐 지역을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yong Jik;Choei, Nae Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2015
  • Recently, our construction industry is actively participating in numerous city planning projects in the third world countries. Considering the current depression of domestic real estate market, the emerging foreign demands could certainly provide substantial opportunities for the domestic industry to overcome the trough. For the field planners dealing with such foreign projects, though, the immediate problem is the lack of public statistics and geographic information to perform spatial analyses and/or prepare master plans. This study, in this context, tries to simulate a process to construct a digitized basemap of the case area, 'Bab Ezzouar,' in Algeria of Northern Africa. The area is a typical municipality that lacks the IT databases. To overcome the data shortage, the study uses the satellite map tiles so as to digitize the roads and building structures. It then estimates the block-wise populations based on the building image interpolation as well as the supplementary field survey data. The topographic TINs are also built by the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) digital elevation maps so that the three-dimensional configuration of the structures and terrains are rendered to check the urban scenery and skylines.

Select the Properties of Storytelling Effects on the Festival of Brand Equity and Reactive (스토리텔링 선택속성이 축제의 브랜드 자산과 사후 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Cheo;Jeon, In-Oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.480-494
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    • 2013
  • Globally branded culture festival in the region as a key component to the originality and distinction and with local residents and visitors to share experience and has succeeded in branding through Mind. Than mimics festivals in competitive and differentiated cultures containing festivals create a unique festival brand, and through the cultural and economic competitiveness, as well as the phase of the World Festival and preserve local culture and identity. Developing The best areas will be an asset. In order to build this world-class festival brand differentiation strategy above all, must be a top priority, Discrimination discovery and development of the local culture and sensibility in the age of the most powerful marketing tool that is being presented through storytelling brand assets to be passed on to visitors should. Thus the creation of storytelling festivals. Sensitivity of the festival right direction and in an era of paradigm key drivers of the local economy, such as image enhancement, and building long-term regional development and differentiation based on quality of life by creating a local culture can improve will Region's cultural and economic areas, the most important resource for the success of the festival is uniformly short-term planning and configuration, tube-driven operating as a one-sided non-participation. Sharing. Communication with an emphasis on the application of storytelling that is essential is considered.

Investigation of Water Leakage in Seosan A-Region Sea Wall using Integrated Analysis of Remote Sensing, Electrical Resistivity Survey, Electromagnetic Survey, and Borehole Survey (원격탐사, 전기탐사, 전자기탐사 및 시추공영상의 융합적 분석을 통한 서산지역 방조제 누수구역 판별)

  • Hong, Seong-In;Lee, Dongik;Baek, Gwanghyun;Yoo, Youngcheol;Lim, Kookmook;Yu, Jaehyung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2013
  • This study introduces integrated approach on detection of a leakage in a sea wall based on remote sensing, electric resistivity survey, electromagnetic survey, and borehole survey for the Seosan A-Region sea wall. The satellite temperature distribution from Landsat ETM+ data identifies water leakage distribution and period by analyzing temperature mixing patterns between sea water and fresh water. Electric resistivity survey provides both horizontal and vertical anomaly distributions over the sea wall showing below average electric resistivity. Electromagnetic survey(electrical conductivity survey) reveals the potential possible leakage areas with minimal background impact by comparing electrical conductivity values between high and low tides. Borehole image processing system confirmed the locations of anomalies identified from the other survey methods and distributions of vertical fracture zones. The integrated approach identified 41.7% of the sea wall being the most probable area vulnerable to water leakage and effectively approximated both horizontal and vertical distribution of water leakage. The integrated analysis of remote sensing, electric resistivity survey, electromagnetic survey and borehole survey is considered to be an optimal method in identifying water leakage distribution, period, and extent of fractures knowledged from the boreholes.

Inflow Estimation into Chungju Reservoir Using RADAR Forecasted Precipitation Data and ANFIS (RADAR 강우예측자료와 ANFIS를 이용한 충주댐 유입량 예측)

  • Choi, Changwon;Yi, Jaeeung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.857-871
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    • 2013
  • The interest in rainfall observation and forecasting using remote sensing method like RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) and satellite image is increased according to increased damage by rapid weather change like regional torrential rain and flash flood. In this study, the basin runoff was calculated using adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique, one of the data driven model and MAPLE (McGill Algorithm for Precipitation Nowcasting by Lagrangian Extrapolation) forecasted precipitation data as one of the input variables. The flood estimation method using neuro-fuzzy technique and RADAR forecasted precipitation data was evaluated. Six rainfall events occurred at flood season in 2010 and 2011 in Chungju Reservoir basin were used for the input data. The flood estimation results according to the rainfall data used as training, checking and testing data in the model setup process were compared. The 15 models were composed of combination of the input variables and the results according to change of clustering methods were compared and analysed. From this study was that using the relatively larger clustering radius and the biggest flood ever happened for training data showed the better flood estimation. The model using MAPLE forecasted precipitation data showed relatively better result at inflow estimation Chungju Reservoir.

A Study on Citizen Perceptions of the Gwangyang Steel and Iron Company: focus on CFI (광양제철소에 대한 지역 시민들의 기업이미지 분석: CFI를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Chang-Gon;Kim, Myung-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study aims to (a) analyze local citizens' perception of a local company, the Gwangyang Steel and Iron Company (GSIC); (b) compare the perception toward the local company with that of national citizens' perceptions towards many other unspecified companies, which were surveyed biannually by The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI); and (c) analyze how such companies evaluate perceptions towards them, in relation to citizens' socioeconomic position, such as their education status. Research design, data, methodology - The data were collected using a questionnaire, which was given to a sample of local citizens in cities. To test the hypotheses, factor analyses, a t-test, and an ANOVA were conducted. The total number of respondents was 1798. The data gathered from the respondents of the sample were analyzed using SPSS Win 19.0 software. Perception towards the company was evaluated on the corporate favorite index (CFI). The CFI index shows how positive citizens feel towards a company. It is calculated using five leading factors, consisting of the following: contribution to the economy, productivity, international competitiveness, social contribution, and ethical management. The higher the level of positive feelings exhibited, the closer the index will come to 100. Results - As a result of the analysis, the CFI index towards the GSIC stood at 67.3. The CFI index towards the company is 16.5 points higher than that of the index towards the many other unspecified companies, which were surveyed by the bi-annual KCCI study in the first half of 2011. The other five indexes stood as follows: contribution to the economy, productivity, social contribution, and ethical management was 69.2, 71.2, 64.6, and 58.6, respectively. These indexes are 18.3, 4.6, 27.6, and 35.6, respectively, higher than those found by the KCCI study. However, international competitiveness is 73.0 (9.8 points lower than that of the KCCI study). This survey thus shows that the CFI of the local citizens towards the global company GSIC is very high when compared with the CFI index towards the many other unspecified companies that was determined by the KCCI survey. Conclusions - This survey shows that local citizens have high expectations of economic activity, increasing working opportunities, and regional cooperation projects from the local company, GSIC. In addition, the CFI index towards GSIC evaluates results depending on the respondent's relationship with the company, and their educational status. Respondents, whose family or relatives were working as employees of GSIC, have relatively positive perceptions of GSIC, and respondents with a relatively higher educational status also share positive perceptions. Local citizens expect the profit-making of the company to operate in accordance with management activities, and at the same time, they expect that the wealth generated by the company will return to wider society.

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Management Strategies and the Growth Stages Analysis of Local Festival : Cases of Hampyeong Butterfly Festival and Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival (지역축제의 성장단계별분석과 관리전략 : 함평나비축제와 화천산천어축제를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyeonwook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of two local festivals, already recognized as a successful regional cultural festival, over a period of time to apply the product life cycle theory. As a result of the analysis of the two festivals, in introduction stage, the festival organizers have focused mainly on settling down the festival's core programs and raising awareness on the subject of the festival for the stimulation for basic demands. Second, for maintaining increasing demands, the qualitative improvement of the core program, the development of new programs and the expansion of the programs for the visitors' convenience and safety were focused on. In addition, strategies for promoting awareness of the festival had modified the strategy to promote on the contents and programs of the festival, as well as public relations strategy, not only domestic but also the foreign countries, was established and fulfilled. Lastly, in maturity stage, to overcome declining the number of visitors and economic effect both festivals have showed providing sophisticated programs for the visitors' convenience and safety, improving service quality through the development of the existing programs, providing economic benefits such as admission cuts or giving gift certificates and expanding number of foreign visitors with strengthening the promotion that was implemented in growth stage and enhancing the better image of the festival through the social contribution. Therefore, strategies for the each stage mentioned above present the significant policy implications for festival organizers who were planning to establish a new festival or implementing a festival with experiencing the tepid growth.

Accuracy Analysis of Cadastral Control Point and Parcel Boundary Point by Flight Altitude Using UAV (UAV를 활용한 비행고도별 지적기준점 및 필지경계점 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Jung Hoon;Kim, Jun Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2018
  • In this study was classified the cadastral control points and parcel boundary points into 40m, 100m by flight altitude of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) which compared the coordinates extracted from the orthophoto with the parcel boundary point coordinates by GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) ground survey. As a results of this study, first, in the spatial resolution analysis that the average error of the orthoimage by flight altitude were 0.024m at 40m, and 0.034m at 100m which were higher 40m than 100m for spatial resolution of orthophotos and position accuracy. Second, in order to analyze the accuracy of image recognition by airmark of flight altitude that was divided into three cases of nothing, green, and red of RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) were X=0.039m, Y=0.019m and Z=0.055m, the highest accuracy. Third, the result of the comparison between orthophotos and field survey results that showed the total RMSE error of the cadastral control points were X=0.029m, Y=0.028m, H=0.051m, and the parcel boundary points were X=0.041m, Y=0.030m. In conclusion, based on the results of this study, it is expected that if the average error of flight altitude is limited to less than 0.05m in the legal regulations related to orthophotos for cadastral surveying, it will be an economical and efficient method for cadastral survey as well as spatial information acquisition.

The Asian mode of production of Japanese Manga Higajima -The protests of the Political Structure and Asian mode of production (일본 만화 <피안도(彼岸島(Higajima))>와 아시아적 생산 양식 아시아적 생산양식의 정치구조와 투쟁)

  • Lee, Ho-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.25
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    • pp.109-132
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    • 2011
  • The Vampire has relatively universal images in through the cultural and verbal usages. The comic Higajima and movie display the latest image of Japanese Vampire of asian mode of production. After the Meiji political reformation of 18th Century, Japanese had rapidly changed into European style in every places. However, the Higajima is denied the structural changes, it is insisted that the changing is only the skin deep and colour of hair but the structure of the society is same as feudal Japan. Asian mode of production is claimed by Karl Marx, according to him, it is before the historical developing model in Europe and it was controversial. The major character of modern Japanese history would be the change of hierarchy of king-shogun-samurai-peasant based on the regional ground. The feudal structure is changed by the Meiji reformation and Japan was rushed for the westernized country rather than the asian mode of production. However, Higajima argued that the changing is just the clothes of ruler but the democracy and individual citizenship was lost in that reformation. Vampire is cursed creature that cannot see the sun and it has not the functioned as a human organ. For human it is dead but this creature actively moves and stronger than human and much superior than human in every aspects. It is managed the feeding through the suck the human blood and power to seduction. Even it is not exist, it is quite symbolic phenomenon of cultural usage of superior entity of chain of feeding. The aim of this paper is display the symbolic code Vampire of Asian mode of production in Higajima and political struggling of Japan in actual. To search of the cultural meaning and possibility of the Korean solution of modernity.

Estimation of Carbon Absorption Distribution based on Satellite Image Considering Climate Change Scenarios (기후변화 시나리오를 고려한 위성영상 기반 미래 탄소흡수량 분포 추정)

  • Na, Sang-il;Ahn, Ho-yong;Ryu, Jae-Hyun;So, Kyu-ho;Lee, Kyung-do
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.833-845
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    • 2021
  • Quantification of carbon absorption and understanding the human induced land use changes forms one of the major study with respect to global climatic changes. An attempt study has been made to quantify the carbon absorption by land use changes through remote sensing technology. However, it focused on past carbon absorption changes. So prediction of future carbon absorption changes is insufficient. This study simulated land use change using the Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small regional extent (CLUE-S) model and predicted future changes in carbon absorption considering climate change scenarios 4.5 and 8.5 of the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP). Results of this study, in the RCP 4.5 scenarios there predicted to be loss of 7.92% of carbon absorption, but in the RCP 8.5 scenarios was 13.02%. Therefore, the approach used in this study is expected to enable exploration of future carbon absorption change considering other climate change scenarios.