• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional Image

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A Study on the Development of Effective Regional IT Cluster (효과적인 지역IT 클러스터의 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Dae;Yoo, Sang-Jin;Kim, Kap-Sik
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.241-256
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    • 2003
  • This empirical study is to explain critical success factors for building effective regional IT cluster from the literature reviews which have some limitations, and is to suggest new key factors from the views of Regional Innovation System and Sectoral Systems of Innovation. For building successful cluster, the new key factors not only stress on regional networks, the spill-over of tacit knowledge through learning by interacting, institutions which contain regional custom, norms, established practices, culture, and characteristics from the Regional Innovation System, but also emphasize on heterogeneous agents who are interacting by each others from Sectoral Systems of Innovation. From these factors we suggest some strategies for building effective "Daegu IT Cluster" as following; making characterized IT brands which are selected and concentrated based on regional and IT sectoral characteristics, strengthening learning competence of tacit knowledge built in multiple heterogeneous agents network, establishing strong agent networks which are composed of universities, companies, institutes and government, and sharing the institution of mind-opening culture in order to correspond with environmental changes and link to other industrial clusters. By putting above strategies in force, the compatabilities of Daegu region are reinforced. Tacit knowledges spill over and the regional innovation competence are accumulated. Also IT cluster plays core role of employment in Daegu for long term. Especially, "Daegu IT Cluster" changes city's image from medium and small manufacturing city to new industrial city based on high technologies.

Novel Robust High Dynamic Range Image Watermarking Algorithm Against Tone Mapping

  • Bai, Yongqiang;Jiang, Gangyi;Jiang, Hao;Yu, Mei;Chen, Fen;Zhu, Zhongjie
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.4389-4411
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    • 2018
  • High dynamic range (HDR) images are becoming pervasive due to capturing or rendering of a wider range of luminance, but their special display equipment is difficult to be popularized because of high cost and technological problem. Thus, HDR images must be adapted to the conventional display devices by applying tone mapping (TM) operation, which puts forward higher requirements for intellectual property protection of HDR images. As the robustness presents regional diversity in the low dynamic range (LDR) watermarked image after TM, which is different from the traditional watermarking technologies, a concept of watermarking activity is defined and used to distinguish the essential distinction of watermarking between LDR image and HDR image in this paper. Then, a novel robust HDR image watermarking algorithm is proposed against TM operations. Firstly, based on the hybrid processing of redundant discrete wavelet transform and singular value decomposition, the watermark is embedded by modifying the structure information of the HDR image. Distinguished from LDR image watermarking, the high embedding strength can cause more obvious distortion in the high brightness regions of HDR image than the low brightness regions. Thus, a perceptual brightness mask with low complexity is designed to improve the imperceptibility further. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is robust to the existing TM operations, with taking into account the imperceptibility and embedded capacity, which is superior to the current state-of-art HDR image watermarking algorithms.

REGIONAL ODONTODYSPLASIA : A REPORT OF TWO CASE (국소적 치아이형성증(regional odontodysplasia)에 대한 증례보고)

  • Son, Duk-Il;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Nam, Soon-Hyeun;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 1997
  • Odontodysplasia is a rare developmental anomaly of tooth formation in which hard tissue are affected. Odontodyplasia affects the primary and permanent dentitions in the maxilla, mandible, or both jaws. The maxilla is involved twice as often as the mandible. The condition is more common in female than in male patients and in the anterior than in the posterior regions. The clinical manifestation of odontodysplasia are hypoplasia and hypocalcification of the enamel and dentin of affected teeth. Teeth tend to be small and discolored, with short roots and widely open pulp canal. Delayed eruption of affected teeth with abscess formation is common. Radiographically teeth assume a faint radiolucent image ("ghost teeth"). enamel and dentin appear thin and are similar in radiodensity. The pulp chambers are often larger than normal, calcifications(pulp stone and denticle) are found within them. The etiology of regional odontodysplasia is unknown. However, several causes have been discussed, including somatic mutation, local circulatory disorders, local trauma, failure of migration and differentiation of neural crest cells, local infection.

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A Study on the Regional Stronghold Facilities for the Exchanges between Cities and Rural Areas - Focused on the health villages of Setagaya Ward in Kawaba-village,Tone-gun,Gunma-pref.,Japan - (도농교류 거점시설에 관한 고찰 - 일본 군마현(群馬縣) 도네군(利根郡) 가와바무라(川場村)의 세타가야구(世田谷區) 구민 건강촌을 대상으로 -)

  • Bae, Jung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2009
  • This study aims at the contribution to introduction of facilities and planning for the promotion of the exchange between city and rural community and the promotion of the rural areas. In order to understand the object of the Setagaya Ward Health Village and the management and the effects of facilities, I investigated the documentation, field work and interviews with the persons related. The Setagaya Ward Health Village has been steadily managing the exchange base facilities and the special enterprises, and operating the manager and promotion committees for the projects. Consequently, many tourism facilities and new enterprises such as the Setagaya-Kawaba Corporation were established in the rural areas and they developed into an active region which has abundant jobs available and attracts about 700,000 visitors a year. In conclusion, it is important to make a main body to manage professionally the future plan of facilities which involve image of the regional future and conform to the law. And the facilities should contribute to the economic development of rural areas in consideration of the environment and culture.

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A Study on the Architectural Means of Mo-Jung (모정건축이 갖는 건축적 의미에 관한 연구)

  • 김학삼
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2001
  • The study background is that Mo-Jung happens as the produce of the agricultural society but it is not easy to find it beside Ho-nam area. Because of this, it results construction has. The study progress is to understand the happening time, and regional cause the Mo-Jung construction has. The study progress is to understand the happening time of Mo-Jung, constructional meaning, and the meaning of Mo-Jung with the investigation method of literature consideration of the village society, data of the existing study, survey investigation, interview, and question through the process of analyzing the characteristics of differentiation of the village and Dure organization. 1. Mo-Jung construction has the meaning of vernacular construction reflecting the meaning of village community intensively as an element comprising the village, and the territory of Mo-Jung space is revealed as the male space. 2. The economic wealth of the village community and the image reflecting the community sense are stood out. 3. It is the reason why Mo-Jung construction is limited to Ho-nam area and is explained as the life style difference each village community has, the regional characteristic difference Dae-dong play of Yong.Ho-nam areas have, etc. so to speak. 4. It is estimated that the happening time of Mo-Jung is after the 18th century when the agricultural As my suggestion, Mo-Jung construction is the construction phenomenon reflecting the phenomenon of social change directly and it is to suggest the possibility of approaching the regional housing construction as the life style difference the life community of each area has is reflected. production quantity was increased and Dure organization was activated.

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Analysis of Slope Stability by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Around Chungju Area (원격탐사와 지구정보시스템을 이용한 충주지역의 사면안정분석)

  • Shin, Hyunjun;Lee, Younghoon;Min, Kyungduck;Won, Joongsun;Kim, Younjong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.615-622
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    • 1996
  • Slope stability analysis was conducted using remote sensing and Geoscientific Information System (GIS) as a part of natural hazard assessment around Chungju area. Landsat TM band 5 and 7 which contain more information about geological structure and geography are chosen and processed to analyse regional geological structure. Through image processing technique such as PCA, HFF, edge detection and enhancement, regional lineament can be mapped and identified. The lineament density map is constructed based on summed length of lineaments per unit area and the study area can be divided into 7 structural domains. Various factors of slope stability analysis such as geology, slope aspect, degree of slope, landcover, water shed as well as characterized structural domain are constructed as a database of GIS. Rating and weighting of each factor for slope stability analysis is decided by considering environmental geological characteristics of study area. Spatial analysis of regional slope stability is examined through overlaying technique of the GIS. The result of areal distribution of slope stability shows that the most unstable area is all over Jaeogae-ni, Hyangsan-ni and Mt. Daedun.

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Moving Shadow Detection using Deep Learning and Markov Random Field (딥 러닝과 마르코프 랜덤필드를 이용한 동영상 내 그림자 검출)

  • Lee, Jong Taek;Kang, Hyunwoo;Lim, Kil-Taek
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.1432-1438
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    • 2015
  • We present a methodology to detect moving shadows in video sequences, which is considered as a challenging and critical problem in the most visual surveillance systems since 1980s. While most previous moving shadow detection methods used hand-crafted features such as chromaticity, physical properties, geometry, or combination thereof, our method can automatically learn features to classify whether image segments are shadow or foreground by using a deep learning architecture. Furthermore, applying Markov Random Field enables our system to refine our shadow detection results to improve its performance. Our algorithm is applied to five different challenging datasets of moving shadow detection, and its performance is comparable to that of state-of-the-art approaches.

Factors Affecting Students' Decision to Choose Regional Public Universities: An Empirical Study from Vietnam

  • LE, Thi Thanh Thuy;TRAN, Minh Tuan;LE, Hoang Ba Huyen
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of several factors on students' decisions to attend a public institution in Vietnam's North Central area. The enrollment issue toward regional institutions is particularly critical in the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training reforming the university enrollment process and the complicated scenario of the Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 500 students were surveyed for research samples. Data is synthesized, validated, cleaned, and analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software using methods including reliability, EFA, CFA, and SEM. The findings suggest that the proposed independent components (individual factors, study fees, advertisement, infrastructure and facilities, local features, and lastly, training activities) have a beneficial impact on students' decision to attend a public university in the North Central region. The study also found that the graduation exam outcome had a moderating effect on the relationship between registration and students' decisions. These imply targeted solutions for regional public universities to diversify training majors, improve training quality, capitalize on local advantages, increase interaction, and promote training programs and image to be more effective in attracting students and maintaining competition in the current enrollment environment.

A Feature-Based Retrieval Technique for Image Database (특징기반 영상 데이터베이스 검색 기법)

  • Kim, Bong-Gi;Oh, Hae-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.11
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    • pp.2776-2785
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    • 1998
  • An image retrieval system based on image content is a key issue for building and managing large multimedia database, such as art galleries and museums, trademarks and copyrights, and picture archiving and communication system. Therefore, the interest on the subject of content-based image retrieval has been greatly increased for the last few years. This paper proposes a feature-based image retrieval technique which uses a compound feature vector representing both of color and shape of an image. Color information for the feature vector is obtained using the algebraic moment of each pixel of an image based on the property of regional color distribution. Shape information for the feature vector is obtained using the Improved Moment Invariant(IMI) which reduces the quantity of computation and increases retrieval efficiency. In the preprocessing phase for extracting shape feature, we transform a color image into a gray image. Since we make use of the modified DCT algorithm, it is implemented easily and can extract contour in real time. As an experiment, we have compared our method with previous methods using a database consisting of 150 automobile images, and the results of the experiment have shown that our method has the better performance on retrieval effectiveness.

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A Study of the International Color Sensibility through the Analysis of the Ethnic Color Preference (민족적 색채(Ethnic color)기호의 분석을 통한 국가별 색채감성)

  • Jo, Eun-Young;Yoo, Tai-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.38-52
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to confirm the international unique color sensibility according to the ethnic color preferences. The existing studies about color sensibility were investigated to analyze the international color sensibility. The countries were chosen according to its, strong regional and racial color. Also, the documents and websites about environment color such as structure color, natural feature color, traditional folk costume color and customary color names were investigated, and then, the international color sensibility was analyzed by using the color image scale. As a result of the analysis about the differences of color sensibility, internationally distinguished color sensibility was discovered. There were differences not only for the preference trend of hue but also for the tone or contrast of color among the selected countries. Especially, Great Britain had a strong preference for G categories that they preferred the warm-grayish color image. Russia has a preference for R, G, and B categories with the preference for the warm-clear image. Netherlands had a preference for R, Y, and PB categories and it preferred the cool-hard-grayish, warm-soft-clear image. Italy had a preference for R and Y categories and it preferred the warm-clear image. Morocco had a preference for R and B categories and it preferred the warm and cool, clear image. Japan had a preference for R, G categories and it preferred the warm-grayish image. Korea had a preference for R and B categories and it preferred the warm-soft-clear, and cool-clear image. With these results, the researcher concludes that the integrated analysis of the environment color and the traditional racial color factors are very persuasive methods to comprehend the international color sensibility.