• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional Features

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Numerical simulation of Hydrodynamics and water properties in the Yellow Sea. I. Climatological inter-annual variability

  • Kim, Chang-S.;Lim, Hak-Soo;Yoon, Jong-Joo;Chu, Peter-C.
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.72-95
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    • 2004
  • The Yellow Sea is characterized by relatively shallow water depth, varying range of tidal action and very complex coastal geometry such as islands, bays, peninsulas, tidal flats, shoals etc. The dynamic system is controlled by tides, regional winds, river discharge, and interaction with the Kuroshio. The circulation, water mass properties and their variability in the Yellow Sea are very complicated and still far from clear understanding. In this study, an effort to improve our understanding the dynamic feature of the Yellow Sea system was conducted using numerical simulation with the ROMS model, applying climatologic forcing such as winds, heat flux and fresh water precipitation. The inter-annual variability of general circulation and thermohaline structure throughout the year has been obtained, which has been compared with observational data sets. The simulated horizontal distribution and vertical cross-sectional structures of temperature and salinity show a good agreement with the observational data indicating significantly the water masses such as Yellow Sea Warm Water, Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water, Changjiang River Diluted Water and other sporadically observed coastal waters around the Yellow Sea. The tidal effects on circulation and dynamic features such as coastal tidal fronts and coastal mixing are predominant in the Yellow Sea. Hence the tidal effects on those dynamic features are dealt in the accompanying paper (Kim et at., 2004). The ROMS model adopts curvilinear grid with horizontal resolution of 35 km and 20 vertical grid spacing confirming to relatively realistic bottom topography. The model was initialized with the LEVITUS climatologic data and forced by the monthly mean air-sea fluxes of momentum, heat and fresh water derived from COADS. On the open boundaries, climatological temperature and salinity are nudged every 20 days for data assimilation to stabilize the modeling implementation. This study demonstrates a Yellow Sea version of Atlantic Basin experiment conducted by Haidvogel et al. (2000) experiment that the ROMS simulates the dynamic variability of temperature, salinity, and velocity fields in the ocean. However the present study has been improved to deal with the large river system, open boundary nudging process and further with combination of the tidal forcing that is a significant feature in the Yellow Sea.

Comparative Case Analysis for Development Characteristics of Foreign and Domestic Share-Houses (국내·외 쉐어하우스 사례 비교를 통한 개발특성 분석)

  • Lee, Heewon;Sung, Min-Ho;Kim, Do-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3961-3968
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    • 2014
  • The portion of single-household in Korea is more than 20% of the total household, and expected to be increase every year and reach 24% in 2030. For the accommodation of single-households, a small housing system called the share-house has appeared and developed in Japan and Europe. In this study, a comparative case analysis was performed to determine the development criteria for foreign and domestic cases. The analysis was conducted in view of the building type and scale, plan layout, add-on facilities and features, and operational methods and target tenants. In the cases of Korea, the share-house is mainly developed through the remodeling of a single detached house with the characteristics of small scale and living room centered plan targeting specific individuals with clear operating themes. For foreign cases, it was developed through the remodeling of various buildings, such as hotels or motels, having the characteristics of medium or large scale and corridor type plan targeting for various individuals with a range of operational methods reflecting regional features.

Spreading Processes and Features of School Environmental Education in Korea, the People's Republic of China and Japan (한.중.일 학교 환경교육의 전개와 특색)

  • Suwa, Tetsuo
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.18 no.2 s.27
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2005
  • Korea, China and Japan show distinct features in their school environmental education, which are derived from their own spreading processes. Japanese school environmental education has developed as a result of assimilating of anti-pollution education and nature education, and has a feature that makes much of nature experiences. The introduction of 'Period for Integrated Study' in 2002 seems to begin activating Japanese school environmental education. Chinese school environmental education started in higher education institutions around the middle of 1970's, and has a feature that makes a point of scientific approach, even in primary education schools. The two government ordinances,'National Action Program for Environmental General Knowledge ($1996{\sim}2010$)' and 'Educational Scheme of Environmental Theme Study for Elementary and Secondary School Students' issued in 2003, gradually promote school environmental education in China. It is remarkable that Science and Technology Centers for Youth and also increasing environmental NPOs often support environmental activities in elementary or secondary schools. The most notable feature of Korean school environmental education is that 'Environment' has already offered as a regular elective subject in junior high school, and official 'Environment' textbook has published since early 1990's. Though, the adoption rate of 'Environment' is not yet so high. Each country's peculiar issues are as follows. Japan: (1) Students often lack basic knowledge about environmental important problems. (2) 'Period for Integrated Study' is now threatened with cutting hours by the idea of increasing periods for basic subjects to keep high achievement. China: (1) There are large regional differences and school distinctions in operation of environmental education. (2) Adult environmental education needs to be expanded, because the most part of Chinese have no experience of school environmental education. Korea: (1) The relationship between the administrative division which plans school environmental education and teachers group is not quite well. The adoption rate of 'Environment' in junior high school needs to be improved. The training of many teachers for environmental education instructors may be the most important and effective cooperative action among Korea, China and Japan, and for that purpose we ought to work on making a better handbook for instructors, at first.

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A Study on Geographers Participation in the Pubic Sector: A Case of French Geographers (지리학자의 공공직 참여에 관한 연구: 프랑스 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee Hyeongjoo;Kwon Yongwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.683-695
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    • 2004
  • It is generally found that geography majors' progression in society has a very limited scope in Korea and this is one of the causes of lessening geographers' job market. As an attempt to draw a solution to this problem, this paper, by a close examination of the French case, tries to discuss the possibility of geographers' participation in the public sector. Geographers' participation in political and social issues has long history. They acted as providers of geographical knowledge on human and physical features of the world and also as counsellors for effective administration and politics. French geographers evaluate that it is the characteristics of geography that enable geographers to progress into the public sector. They also perceive that such fields as regional development, environment, economy, tourism, international politics are possible ones for geographers. Some implications can be drawn from this case study to extend geographers' participation in the pubic sector in Korea; it is required to sustain open mind to every field of social sciences, to improve specialized as well as generalized knowledge on geographical features, and to provide practical knowledge on spatial analysis and management.

Active Fusion Model with Robustness against Partial Occlusions (부분적 폐색에 강건한 활동적 퓨전 모델)

  • Lee Joong-Jae;Lee Geun-Soo;Kim Gye-Young
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.1 s.104
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2006
  • The dynamic change of background and moving objects is an important factor which causes the problem of occlusion in tracking moving objects. The tracking accuracy is also remarkably decreased in the presence of occlusion. We therefore propose an active fusion model which is robust against partial occlusions that are occurred by background and other objects. The active fusion model is consisted of contour-based md region-based snake. The former is a conventional snake model using contour features of a moving object and the latter is a regional snake model which considers region features inside its boundary. First, this model classifies total occlusion into contour and region occlusion. And then it adjusts the confidence of each model based on calculating the location and amount of occlusion, so it can overcome the problem of occlusion. Experimental results show that the proposed method can successfully track a moving object but the previous methods fail to track it under partial occlusion.

A Study of Comparison of Features of Poor Group and Non-Poor group In the Self-support Program Participants - A Comparison of Men and Women - (지역자활센터 자활사업 참여자의 빈곤집단과 비빈곤집단의 특성 비교 - 성별 차이를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Mi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.63 no.4
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    • pp.253-275
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to examine the difference of features between poor group and non-poor group. And, it is examined whether there are man and woman's differences. The investigation targeted the person who were using 'Regional self-support center'. They were classified into poor and non-poor group depending on the participation pattern of the self-support programs. Using logistic regression technique, I analyzed the effects of a series of independent variables on the dependent variable of whether or not person is in poor group and then compared the analysis results. The findings and policy implications are as follows. First, it was found that the health condition of women has a significant effect on the likelihood of poverty. Therefore, it is necessary to support appropriate medical service and improvement of health condition to them. Second, the business career of women was one of the factors affecting. Whether the business career is or not, it is necessary to do different support. Third, like what has been known until now, care giving was found to be a heavy burden for woman.

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Characterization of the Variability of Summer Extreme Precipitation According to the Local Features (지역특성에 따른 여름철 극한강수 변화특성 분석)

  • Kim, Gwangseob;Kim, Jong Pil
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.2B
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2011
  • Characterization the regional impact of the variability of summer extreme precipitation and the rain days over several thresholds (i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 mm/day) in South Korea was performed using daily precipitation data of 59 weather stations operated by Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA). To consider the local features of weather stations, we characterized the variability according to the difference of elevations, latitudes, longitudes, river basins, inland or shore area, and the ratio of urbanization. The results showed that the summer extreme precipitation is sensible to the geographical effect which is similar to that of the annual precipitation. Rain days over thresholds have increased during 1973-2009 while the annual rain days have decreased. This indicate that the concentration of precipitation in summer season will be intensified in the future. Increase of summer precipitation amount and number of extreme rain days is higher in inland area, urbanized area, and Han-River basin than that of shore area, unurbanized area, and the other river basins respectively.

Comparative Analysis of Land-use thematic GIS layers and Multi-resolution Image Classification Results by using LANDSAT 7 ETM+ and KOMPSAT EOC image (Landsat 7 ETM+와 KOMPSAT EOC 영상 자료를 이용한 다중 분해능 영상 분류결과와 토지이용현황 주제도 대비 분석)

  • 이기원;유영철;송무영;사공호상
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.331-343
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    • 2002
  • Recently, as various fields of applications using space-borne imagery have been emphasized, interests on integrated analysis or fusion using multi-sources are also increasing. In this study, to investigate applicability of multiple imageries for further regional-scaled application, DN value analysis and multi-resolution classification by using KOMPSAT EOC imagery and Landsat 7 ETM+image data in the Namyangju-city area were performed, and then this classified results were compared to land-use thematic data at the same area. In case of classified results by using muff-resolution image data, it is shown that linear-type features can be easily extracted. furthermore, it is expected that multi-resolution classified image can be effectively utilized to urban environment analysis, according to results of similar pattern by comparative study based on multi-buffered zone analysis or so-called distance analysis along main road features in the study area.

A Study on the Appointment and Confirmation of the Arbitrators in ICC Arbitration (ICC중재(仲裁)에서 중재인(仲裁人) 선정(選定)과 확인(確認)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Won-Suk;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 2007
  • The role of ICC Court of Arbitration in ICC Arbitration is critical in maintaining the good reputation and worldwide recognition. While most arbitration institutions are the products of regional on national private associations, which play a relatively limited role in appointing or confirming the arbitrators, the Court of Arbitration is not only international in the appointment of arbitrators through the each National Committee, but also intervene in the confirmation of the prospective arbitrators proposed by the parties. Thus the ICC Arbitration is undoubtedly the most highly-supervised form of institutional arbitration available. The purpose of this paper is to examine the appointment and confirmation system of ICC Arbitration, to find the distinctive features of the ICC Rules of Arbitration and to check how to apply the features in the Rules of International Arbitration for the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board(KCAB Rules). Although the KCAB Rules have inherent limitations in the appointment of the arbitrators comparing with the ICC Court. They do not have any confirmation system of the arbitrator proposed by the parties. Although no arbitral institutions is in a position to guarantee completely the ultimate quality and efficacy of the process, the ICC, more than any other institution has historically endeavored to do so through a combination of the efforts of its International Court of Arbitration and National Committees. Composed of legal professionals of more than 75 nationalities, the Court, with the support of its permanent Secretariat in Paris, brings to bear on the decisions that it is responsibility to make the collective and disparate knowledge and experience of a multinational body. Therefore, if the KCAB wants to attract many international disputes, it should try to benchmark the ICC Rules of Arbitration, expecially the Article 9, to secure the prominent arbitrators throughout the world, even though a lot of limitations are exist. The positive role of the ICC Court of Arbitration gives us very important signal.

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Modernity and Regionalism of American Art Deco Architecture - Focused on Miami Beach - (미국 아르데코 건축의 근대성과 지역주의 - 마이애미 해변을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kyoung-Im
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2011
  • Art Deco is a decorative and eclectic design style, popularized at the interwar period. The term Art Deco derives from the Exposition Internationale des Arts D$\acute{e}$coratils et Industriels Modernes held in Paris in 1925. The aim of the exposition was to create new modern aesthetics. This exposition introduced the modern decorative and industrial art to the world and influenced all designers of area, including architects, interior designers, industrial designers, craftsmen, fashion designers, etc. Art Deco designers applied inspirations from a variety of sources and movements such as the Cubist abstract, the Neoclassical refinement, Egyptian exotic elements, Babylonian and Aztec temples, the machine aesthetic, avant-garde movements, etc to their modern works. Art Deco style rapidly spread all over the design areas nationwide in America. In Art Deco architecture, in particular, its inception was French but its domination was American. Skyscrapers, airplanes, automobiles, ocean liners, jazz, Hollywood film, streamline, and native Indian symbols are the defining features of American Art Deco. This study began from questions on how these features are expressed and stylized to decoration elements as the modern aesthetics in American Art Deco architecture. Thus, the purpose of the study is to find out the ornamental and eclectic factors of Art Deco style and to define a concept of the modernity and the regionalism of Art Deco architecture in America. This article provides an overview of the decoration style of Art Deco architecture in America through the analysis of ornamental and eclectic factors reflecting diverse roots. It also analyzes the wide variety of building examples of American Art Deco which represent regionalism. In addition, this study focuses on Art Deco architecture in Miami, Florida. Miami is one of typical cities that has the most unique regional aspects of 1920's to 1940's in Art Deco architecture. Miami Art Deco architecture reveals the tropical and nautical references such as streamlined and curved walls, exotic animal motifs, flora and fauna motifs, and marine motifs: use of glass block, porthole window, terra-cotta, and pastel color stucco.