• Title/Summary/Keyword: Recession curve

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Uncertainty Evaluation of Baseflow Separation Filter methods: A Case Study of the Urmia Lake Basin in Iran

  • Nezhad, Somayeh Moghimi;Jun, Changhyun;Parisouj, Peiman;Narimani, Roya
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.135-135
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we evaluated uncertainties in baseflow separation filter methods focusing on changes in recession constant (𝛼) values, which include Lynie & Holick (LH) algorithm, Chapman algorithm, Eckhardt filter, and EWMA filter. Here, we analyzed daily streamflow data at 14 stations in the Urmia Lake basin, Iran, from 2015 to 2019. The 𝛼 values were computed using three different approaches from calculating the slope of a recession curve by averaging the flow over all seasons, a correlation method, and a mean value of the ratio of Qt+1 to Qt. In addition to the 𝛼 values, the BFImax (maximum value of the baseflow index (BFI)) was determined for the Eckhardt filter through the backward filter method. As results, it indicates that the estimated baseflow is dependent upon the selection of filter methods, their parameters, and catchment characteristics at different stations. In particular, the EWMA filter showed the least changes in estimating the baseflow value by changing the 𝛼 value, and the Eckhardt filter and LH algorithm showed the highest sensitivity to this parameter at different stations.

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Estimation of Probable Maximum Flood Based on Curve Number Value (유출곡선값에 따른 가능최대홍수량 산정)

  • Maeng, Seung-Jin;Hwang, Ju-Ha;Kim, Hyung-San;Yeon, Gyu-Bang
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.60.1-60.1
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 년 최대 홍수량의 발생에 대한 대안으로 사용하는 PMF 추정에 관한 내용을 중심으로 분석하고자 한다. PMF를 산정하는 매개변수 도달시간(Time of concentration, TC)과 저류상수(Storage constant, K), 유출곡선번호(Runoff curve number, CN), 감수상수(Recession constant, RC), 초기손실(Initial loss, IL), 초기기저유량(Initial base flow, IBF), Threshold(TQ)들 중 CN값을 고정 하였을 때와 고정하지 않았을 때로 나눠 산정된 각각의 PMF와 기 발표된 PMF와 상호비교 분석을 통해 신뢰성 있는 분석방법을 제시하였다.

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Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in Groundwater Recharge and Baseflow using SWAT and BFlow Models (SWAT 모형과 BFlow를 이용한 지하수 함양, 기저유출의 시공간적 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Ji Min;Park, Youn Shik;Jung, Younghun;Cho, Jaepil;Yang, Jae Eui;Lee, Gwanjae;Kim, Ki-Sung;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.549-558
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    • 2014
  • Occurrence frequency of flood and drought tends to increase in last a few decades, leading to social and economic damage since the abnormality of climate changes is one of the causes for hydrologic facilities by exceedance its designed tolerance. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used in the study to estimate temporal variance of groundwater recharge and baseflow. It was limited to consider recession curve coefficients in SWAT model calibration process, thus the recession curve coefficient was estimated by the Baseflow Filter Program (BFLOW) before SWAT model calibration. Precipitation data were estimated for 2014 to 2100 using three models which are GFDL-ESM2G, IPSL-CM5A-LR, and MIROC-ESM with Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenario. SWAT model was calibrated for the Soyang watershed with NSE of 0.83, and $R^2$ of 0.89. The percentage to precipitation of groundwater recharge and baseflow were 27.6% and 17.1% respectively in 2009. Streamflow, groundwater recharge, and baseflow were estimated to be increased with the estimated precipitation data. GFDL-ESM2g model provided the most large precipitation data in the 2025s, and IPSL-CM5A-LR provided the most large precipitation data in the 2055s and 2085s. Overall, groundwater recharge and baseflow displayed similar trend to the estimated precipitation data.

Research on Master Recession Curve (MRC) Considering Seasonality and Flow Condition (계절별 기후요건과 유황을 고려한 주지하수감수곡선에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Dong-Seok;Lee, Seo-Ro;Geum, Dong-Hyeok;Im, Gyeong-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.317-317
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    • 2018
  • Baseflow which is one of the unmeasurable components of streamflow and slowly flows through underground is important for water resource management. Despite various separation methods from researches preceded, it is difficult to find a significant separation method for baseflow separation. This study applied the MRC method and developed the improved approach to separate baseflow from total streamflow hydrograph. Previous researchers utilized the whole streamflow data of study period at once to derive synthetic MRCs causing unreliable results. This study has been proceeded with total nine areas with gauging stations. Each three areas are selected from 3 domestic major watersheds. Tool for drawing MRC had been used to draw MRCs of each area. First, synthetic MRC for whole period and two other MRCs were drawn following two different criteria. Two criteria were set by different conditions, one is flow condition and the other is seasonality. The whole streamflow was classified according to seasonality and flow conditions, and MRCs had been drawn with a specialized program. The MRCs for flow conditions had low R2 and similar trend to recession segments. On the other hand, the seasonal MRCs were eligible for the baseflow separation that properly reflects the seasonal variability of baseflow. Comparing two methods of assuming MRC for baseflow separation, seasonal MRC was more effective for relieving overestimating tendency of synthetic MRC. Flow condition MRCs had large distribution of the flow and this means accurate MRC could not be found. Baseflow separation using seasonal MRC is showing more reliability than the other one however, if certain technique added up to the flow condition MRC method to stabilize distribution of the streamflow, the flow conditions method could secure reliability as much as seasonal MRC method.

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Estimation of Groundwater Recharge Ratio Using Cumulative Precipitation and Water-level Change (누적 강수량과 지하수위 곡선을 이용한 지하수 함양률 추정 기법)

  • 문상기;우남칠
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2001
  • A calculation technique which estimates natural recharge using groundwater level change was proposed and prepared with the existing techniques using groundwater recession curve during dry days. As a part of estimating natural groundwater recharge nation wide, the reliable data from the national groundwater monitoring network were used and the methodology was applied to the three sites which have enough data (Chungju, Jinju and Kwangju). For this study, seasonal variation of groundwater level change, an analysis of lagging time on groundwater level and cumulative precipitation, and a comparative study for groundwater recharge were conducted.

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Estimation of Groundwater Recharge with Spatial-Temporal Variability (시공간적 변동성을 고려한 지하수 함양량의 산정방안)

  • Kim, Nam Won;Chung, Il Moon;Won, Yoo Seung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.691-695
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    • 2004
  • In recent years, mary studies for efact estimation of groudwater recharge has been performed. They can be categorized into three groups : analytical method by means of groundwater recession curve, water budget analysis based on watershed, and the method using groundwater model. Since groundwater recharge rate shows the spatial-temporal variability due to hydrogeological heterogeneity, existing studies have various limits to deal with these characteristics. The method of estimating daily recharge rate with spatial-temporal variation based on rainfall-runoff model is suggested in this study for this purpose. This method is expected to enhance existing indirect method by means of reflecting climatic conditions, land use and hydrogeological heterogeneity.

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-Mathematical models for time series of monthly Precipitation and monthly run-off on South Han river basin- (남한강수계의 월강우량과 월유출량의 시계별 산술모형)

  • 이종남
    • Water for future
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1981
  • This study is established of simulation models form the stochastic and statistic analysis of monthly rainfall and monthly runoff on south Han river. The time series simulation of monthly runoff is introduced with a linear stochastic model for simulating synthetic monthly runoff data. And, time series model of monthly pricipitation and monthly runoff is introduced to be a pure random time series with known statical parameter, which is characterized by an exponential recession curve with one parameter, and is develope expressing the statistical parameter for length of carryover.

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Development of a Meso-Scale Distributed Continuous Hydrologic Model and Application for Climate Change Impact Assessment to Han River Basin (분포형 광역 수문모델 개발 및 한강유역 미래 기후변화 수문영향평가)

  • Kim, Seong-Joon;Park, Geun-Ae;Lee, Yong-Gwan;Ahn, So-Ra
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.160-174
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop a meso-scale grid-based continuous hydrological model and apply to assess the future watershed hydrology by climate change. The model divides the watershed into rectangular cells, and the cell profile is divided into three layered flow components: a surface layer, a subsurface unsaturated layer, and a saturated layer. Soil water balance is calculated for each grid cell of the watershed, and updated daily time step. Evapotranspiration(ET) is calculated by Penman-Monteith method and the surface and subsurface flow adopts lag coefficients for multiple days contribution and recession curve slope for stream discharge. The model was calibrated and verified using 9 years(2001-2009) dam inflow data of two watersheds(Chungju Dam and Soyanggang Dam) with 1km spatial resolution. The average Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency was 0.57 and 0.71, and the average determination coefficient was 0.65 and 0.72 respectively. For the whole Han river basin, the model was applied to assess the future climate change impact on the river bsain. Five IPCC SRES A1B scenarios of CSIRO MK3, GFDL CM2_1, CONS ECHO-G, MRI CGCM2_3_2, UKMO HADGEMI) showed the results of 7.0%~27.1 increase of runoff and the increase of evapotranspiration with both integrated and distributed model outputs.

Experimental and analytical investigation on RC columns with distributed-steel bar

  • Ye, Mao;Pi, Yinpei;Ren, Min
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.741-756
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    • 2013
  • Distributed-Steel Bar Reinforced Concrete (DSBRC) columns, a new and innovative construction technique for composite steel and concrete material which can alleviate the difficulty in the arrangement of the stirrup in the column, were studied experimentally and analytically in this paper. In addition, an ordinary steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) column was also tested for comparison purpose. The specimens were subjected to quasi-static load reversals to model the earthquake effect. The experimental results including the hysteresis curve, resistance recession, skeleton curves and ductility ratio of columns were obtained, which showed well resistant-seismic behavior for DSBRC column. Meanwhile a numerical three-dimensional nonlinear finite-element (FE) analysis on its mechanical behavior was also carried out. The numerically analyzed results were then compared to the experimental results for validation. The parametric studies and investigation about the effects of several critical factors on the seismic behavior of the DSBRC column were also conducted, which include axial compression ratios, steel ratio, concrete strength and yield strength of steel bar.

Estimation of Low-flow by Power Distribution (Power Distribution을 이용한 저수지 하천유량 추정)

  • Kim, Sang-Ug;Son, Min-Woo;Hong, Il-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.697-700
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    • 2006
  • 저수시 하천유량(Low Streamflow)의 추정은 하천의 수질관리, 용수공급계획, 댐 방류계획등의 수자원관리에 있어서 매우 중요한 부분이다. 이러한 중요성에 따라 Vogel과 Kroll (1989)은 저수시 하천유량을 추정하기 위한 여러 가지 확률분포함수를 제안하였다. 가장 흔히 제안되어지는 이변수 확률분포(Two-Parameter Distribution)로는 Lognormal 분포와 Weibull 분포가 있으며 이와 더불어 Three-Parameter Lognormal, Three-Parameter Weibull, Log Person Type Ⅲ 분포도 널리 사용되어진다. 그러나 이러한 여러 가지 확률 분포함수 중에서 가장 적절한 확률분포의 선택은 저수시 하천유량의 물리적인 측면과는 상관없이 주로 적합도(Gooness of Fit)에 기인된 통계치에 의해서만 결정되기도 하는데 이러한 경우 잘못된 가정을 받아들이는 확률이 높아짐에 따라 추정결과의 신뢰성(Reliability)을 감소시킬 수 있다. 이러한 문제점을 극복하기 위해서 Onoz와 Bayazit (2001)는 Recession Curve를 지수함수로 가정하고 최대 갈수 기간의 길이(Maximum Dry Period Length)의 확률에 대한 이론적인 결과치들을 사용하여 Weibull 분포의 특정한 경우에 해당되어지는 Power 분포를 유도하였으며 유도된 Power 분포의 매개변수를 추정하기 위하여 L-Moment 방법을 사용하였다. 또한 Onoz와 Bayazit (2001) 작은 유출량에서 확률분포와 잘 맞지 않는 경우 작은 유출량값에 작은 가중치를 부여하여 확률분포에 대한 영향을 줄이는 방법인 LL-Moment 방법을 제안하였다. 본 연구에서는 낙동강 유역의 1번부터 5번 소유역에 대해 SSARR 모형을 이용하여 모의한 유출량을 이용하여 Weibull 분포, L-Moment방법에 의해 추정된 매개변수를 사용한 Power 분포, LL-Moment 방법에 의해 추정된 매개변수를 사용한 Power 분포를 적용하였으며 이들 분포의 적합도를 PPCC Test를 사용하여 평가해봄으로써 낙동강 유역에서의 저수시의 유출량 추정에 대한 Power 분포의 적용성을 판단해 보았다.

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