• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rare endemic plant

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A Flora of Vascular Plants of Mt. Janggunbong (Bonghwa-gun) (장군봉(봉화군) 일대의 관속식물상)

  • Nam, Bo Mi;Jeong, Seon;Kim, Jae Young;Oh, Byoung-Un;Chung, Gyu Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.467-478
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to elucidate the distribution of vascular plants and their usefulness of Mt. Janggunbong (1,136 m) in Bonghwa-gun, Gyeoungsangbuk-do. The vascular plants, collected 15 times from 2006 to 2015, consisted a total of 462 taxa; 82 families, 279 genera, 397 species, 2 subspecies, 55 varieties, 8 forms. 10 taxa of the Korean endemic plants were recorded and 1 taxon of Critically Endangered Species (CR), 5 taxa of Vulnerable Species (VU) and 7 taxa of Least Concerned Species (LC), categorized by the Korean Forest Service as rare plants, were investigated in this region. Furthermore, Ⅳ, Ⅲ degrees of floristic regional indicator plants, designated by the Korean Ministry of Environment, were included 8 taxa and 14 taxa, respectively. Based on the usefulness, edible, pasturing, medicinal, ornamental, timber, stain, industrial, fiber and unknown usefulness plants included 352 taxa, 107 taxa, 71 taxa, 18 taxa, 8 taxa, 5 taxa, 3 taxa, 2 taxa and 111 taxa, respectively. In addition, 28 taxa of naturalized plants were observed.

The Flora of Protected Area for Forest Genetic Resource Conservation in the National Yonghyeon Natural Recreation Forest, South Korea (국립 용현자연휴양림일대 산림유전자원보호구역의 관속식물상)

  • Byeon, Jun Gi;Shin, Jae Kwon;Jung, Su Young;Kim, Dong-Kap
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.219-239
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to investigate the vascular plants of the protected area for forest genetic resource conservation in the National Yonghyeon natural recreation forest. The vascular plants collected 7 times (from February to September 2014) were consist of total 460 taxa; 95 families, 280 genera, 398 species, 3 subspecies, 50 varieties and 9 forms respectively. The 6 taxa of Korean endemic plants and 8 taxa of Korean rare plants were investigated. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 43 taxa comprising 7 taxa of grade IV, 7 taxa of grade III, 12 taxa of grade II, 17 taxa of grade I. The naturalized plants were 39 taxa, therefore naturalized ratio was 8.5%. 460 taxa listed consist of 189 taxa (41.1%) of edible plants, 155 taxa (33.7%)of medicinal plants, 177 taxa (38.5%) of pasture plants, 52 taxa (11.3%) of ornamental plants, 17 taxa (3.7%)of timber plants, 12 taxa (2.6%) of fiber plants and 3 taxa (0.7%) of industrial plants. The vegetation status of investigated area was comparatively well conserved, but human-induced damage is increasingly greater. Therefore, a long-term monitoring of vascular plants and vegetation movement must become accomplished.

Wind Alley and Flora Plant Species Diversity of the Wando Jeongdo-ri Windbreak Forests in Dadohaehaesang National Park (다도해해상국립공원 완도 정도리 방풍림의 바람골과 식물종다양성)

  • Lim, Dong-Ok;Choi, Hyun-Woo;Hwang, In-Chon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.503-518
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    • 2010
  • The Wando Jeongdo-ri Windbreak Forest is located in region of Wando, where located between sea and land facing with the southward. Due to the strong winds from the southeast in the summer season, it is very important sites as an ecological succession areas that protect cultivated land and the fishing village. Flora of Wando Jeongdo-ri Windbreak Forest is recorded as 384 taxa with 93 families 250 genera 355 species 42 varieties and 7 forms. The Jeongdo-ri Windbreak Forest belongs to South coast province, and appeared Cymbidium nipponicum as Endangered Plant Species II. Rare Plants are recorded as 6 taxa; C. nipponicum, Arisaema heterophyllum, Lilium distichum, Koelreuteria paniculata, Monotropa uniflora and Ardisia macrocarpa. The Protection species which is designated by the CITES are 2 taxa; Cymbidium goeringii and C. nipponicum. Protection species of IUCN is 1 taxa; Cinnamomum japonicum. Endemic plant are 7 taxa; Poa annua, Polygonum lasianthum var. coreanum, Chloranthus fortunei, Carpinus coreana and Lonicera subhispida. The naturalized plant is recorded as 32 taxa with 11 families 23 genera 27 species 5 varieties. The Naturalization Index was 8.33%, and the Urbanization Index was 11.81%.

The Plant Distribution of Protected Area for Forest Genetic Resource Conservation in the Korea National Baekdudaegan Arboretum, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea (국립백두대간수목원 내 산림유전자원보호구역의 관속식물상)

  • Byeon, Jun Gi;Shin, Jae Kwon;Oh, Seung Hwan;Kim, Dong Kap
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.204-224
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to investigate the vascular plants of the protected area for forest genetic resource conservation in the Korea national Baekdudaegan arboretum. The vascular plants collected 12 times (from April 2007 to August 2014) were consisted of total 569 taxa; 89 families, 289 genera, 489 species, 5 subspecies, 66 varieties and 9 forms respectively. The 20 taxa of Korean endemic plants and 21 taxa of Korean rare plants were investigated. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 112 taxa comprising 2 taxa of grade V, 8 taxa of grade IV, 23 taxa of grade III, 40 taxa of grade II, 39 taxa of grade I. The introduced and naturalized plants were counted as 22 taxa, therefore naturalized ratio was 3.8%. 577 taxa listed consists of 223 taxa (39.2%) of edible plants, 168 taxa (29.5%) of medicinal plants, 202 taxa (35.5%) of pasture plants, 58 taxa (10.2%) of ornamental plants, 26 taxa (4.6%) of timber plants, 5 taxa (0.9%) of fiber plants and 4 taxa (0.7%) of industrial plants.

A Floristic Study of Mt. Myeonsan·Myobong (Taebaek-si, Samcheok-si, Bonghwa-gun) in Korea (면산·묘봉(태백시, 삼척시, 봉화군)의 식물상)

  • Nam, Bo Mi;Jeong, Seon;Kim, Min Geun;Chung, Gyu Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.501-517
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to elucidate the distribution of vascular plants and their usefulness of Mt. Myeonsan (1,245 m) and Myobong (1,168 m) in Gangwon-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do. The vascular plants that were collected 15 times from April 2012 to October 2013 consisted a total of 551 taxa; 96 families, 314 genera, 489 species, 3 subspecies, 54 varieties and 6 forms. The plants that are specially noteworthy are 17 taxa of Korean endemic plants, 2 taxa of Critical Endangered Species (CR), 3 taxa of Endangered Species (EN) and 12 taxa of Vulnerable Species (VU) in rare plants as categorized by the Korean Forest Service. Furthermore, V, IV, III degrees of floristic regional indicator plants as categorized by the Korean Ministry of Environment included 2 taxa, 22 taxa and 26 taxa, respectively. Among them, edible, pasture, medicinal, ornamental, timber, dye, fiber, industrial and unknown usefulness plants included 215 taxa, 184 taxa, 163 taxa, 59 taxa, 17 taxa, 6 taxa, 5 taxa, 5 taxa and 138 taxa, respectively. In addition, 25 taxa of naturalized plants were observed.

Vascular Plant Species in the Southern Sejong (세종시 남부일대의 관속식물상 연구)

  • Sung, Jung Won;Kang, Shin Gu
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.311-336
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    • 2020
  • The flora of Sejong were summarized as 531 taxa including 104 families, 315 genera, 462 species, 3 subspecies, 59 varieties and 7 form. The rare plants were 8 taxa including Nepeta cataria L. and Aristolochia ontorta Bunge. The Korea endemic plants were 9 taxa including Populus tomentiglandulosa T. B. Le and Clematis trichotoma Nakai.. The specific plants were 42 taxa including Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte(V), Corydalis decumbens (Thunb.) Pers(IV), Poncirus trifoliata Raf(III), Pseudostellaria coreana (Nakai) Ohwi(II), Cyrtomium fortunei J.Sm.(I). The naturalized plants were 49 taxa including Sicyos angulatus L, Ambrosia trifida L, Physalis angulata L. Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx., Galinsoga parviflora Cav, and Erigeron philadelphicus L. Especially, Sicyos angulatus L., Phytolacca americana L. and Bidens frondosa L. have been spread throughout the country are required to manage. The naturalized index(NI) and urbanized index(UI) were 8.7% and 15.3%. Useful plants incuding Edible was 199 taxa, Pasture was 193 taxa, Medicinal was 178 taxa, Ornamental was 82 taxa, Timber was 25 taxa, Fiber was 18 taxa, Stain was 9 taxa. Useful plants will be important materials for plant design in recreational and healing forests.

Vascular Flora of Namhan River (남한강 일대의 관속식물상)

  • Yu, Sung-Tae;Yi, Myung-Hoon;Lee, You-Mi;Chang, Kae-Sun;Kim, Byung-Do;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Yoon, Jung-Won
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.463-490
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to investigate the vascular plants of Namhan River. The period of survey was from March to November on 2012. Vascular plants based on voucher specimen were summarized as 430 taxa including 86 families, 250 genera, 383 species, 2 subspecies, 39 varieties and 6 forms. The rare plant species designated by Korea Forest Service were 13 taxa including Penthorum chinense Pursh, Polygonatum stenophyllum Maxim, and Sparganium erectum L., etc. And the endemic plant species were 8 taxa including Salix koriyanagi Kimura, Clematis trichotoma Nakai, and Carex gifuensis Franch., etc. Furthermore, 56 taxa were listed as specific plant species based on phytogeographical and based on the list of plants which have been approved for overseas delivery, 27 taxa were recorded in the investigated area. The naturalized plants were recorded as 58 taxa, and their Naturalization Ratio and Urbanization Index were recorded as 13.5%, and 18.1%, respectively. 430 taxa listed consists of 174 taxa(40.5%) of pasturing plant, 141 taxa(32.8%) of edible plants, 112 taxa(26.0%) of medicinal plants, 48 taxa(11.2%) of ornamental plants, 11 taxa(2.6%) of stain plants, 7 taxa(1.6%) of fiber plants, 4 taxa(0.9%) of timber plants, 2 taxa(0.5%) of industrial plants and 109 taxa(25.4%) of unknown plants.

Floristic study of Mt. Hanseok (Inje-gun, Gangwon-do) (한석산(인제, 강원)의 관속식물상)

  • Kang, Jong-Soo;Han, Jun-Soo;Cheon, Kyeong-Sik;Kim, Kyung-Ah;Park, Yong-Ho;Yoo, Ki-Oug
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.45-71
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to investigate the flora of Mt Hanseok (Inje-gun, Gangwon-do) from March, 2013 to August, 2014. Vascular plants were summarized, numbering 603 taxa including 101 families, 337 genera, 520 species, 5 subspecies, 69 varieties and 9 forms. Among the 603 investigated taxa, 14 Korean endemic, 17 rare plants and 99 plants specially designated by the Ministry of Environment were also included. Naturalized plants amounted to 37 taxa. The percentage of naturalized plants species and the urbanization index were estimated to be 6.1% and 11.5%, respectively. Useful plants of the 603 taxa listed consist of 223 taxa (36.9%) which are edible plants, 217 taxa (35.9%) which are pasture plants, 165 taxa (27.3%) as medicinal plants, 67 taxa (11.1%) as ornamental plants, 22 taxa (3.6%) which are timber plants and 9 taxa (1.4%) of miscellaneous plants.

A Flora of Vascular Plants in Mt. Cheongnyangsan (Bonghwa-gun, Andong-si) (청량산(봉화군, 안동시)의 관속식물상)

  • Nam, Bo Mi;Kim, Jae Young;Jeong, Seon;Lee, Jae-Hyeon;Nam, Myoung Ja;Oh, Byoung-Un;Chung, Gyu Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.616-634
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to elucidate the distribution of vascular plants and their usefulness of Mt. Cheongnyangsan (870 m) in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The vascular plants that were collected 16 times 2006 and 2014 consisted a total of 614 taxa; 97 families, 330 genera, 541 species, 3 subspecies, 61 varieties and 9 forms. For the Korean endemic plants, 21 taxa were recorded and 8 taxa of Vulnerable Species (VU) and 5 taxa of Least Concerned species (LC) categorized by the Korean Forest Service as rare plants were investigated in this region. Furthermore, Ⅴ, Ⅳ, Ⅲ degrees of floristic regional indicator plants designated by the Korean Ministry of Environment included 2 taxa, 10 taxa and 18 taxa, respectively. Moreover, four species of distributional interesting plants, Aconitum austro-koreense Koidz., Allium spirale Willd., Dipsacus japonicus Miq. and Pinellia tripartita (Blume) Schott, in Mt. Cheongnyangsan were discovered by this study. Among them, edible, pasturing, medicinal, ornamental, timber, dye, fiber and unknown usefulness plants included 234 taxa, 213 taxa, 174 taxa, 62 taxa, 16 taxa, 12 taxa, 11 taxa and 167 taxa, respectively. In addition, 32 taxa of naturalized plants were observed.

Classification of Community and Distribution of Vascular Plants in the Mt. Seokbul (석불산 일대의 관속식물 분포와 군락 분류)

  • Beon, Mu-Sup;Oh, Hyun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2007
  • The vascular plants of the studied area in the Mt. Seokbul appeared to be 342 taxa; 96 families, 249 genera, 293 species, 2 subspecies, 43 varieties and 3 forms and 1 cultivar. Based on the list of the rare plants by the Forest Research Institute, 2 taxa existed in the studied areas; Lloydia triflora(Preservation priority order; No. 169), Aristolochia contorta(No. 151) and based on the list of Korean endemic plants, 7 taxa existed; Cephalotaxus koreana, Carex okamotoi, Populus tomentiglandulosa(Planted species), Indigofera koreana, Weigela subsessilis. Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense, Forsythia koreana (Planted species). Specific plant species by floral region were total 18 taxa; Wistaria floribunda(Planted species) in class IV, Lloydia triflora, Acer palmatum in class III, 15 taxa (Cephalotaxus koreana, Quercus variabilis, Ulmus parvifolia, Aristolochia contorta, Pyrus ussuriensis, etc.) in class I. The naturalized plants in this site were 11 families, 26 genera, 32 species, 2 varieties, 34 taxa, and naturalization rate was 9.9% of all 342 taxa vascular plants. The plant communities in the Mt. Seokbul were classified as; Pinus densiflora community(No. 1, 3, 4) and Pinus thunbergii community(No.2).