• Title/Summary/Keyword: Randomness

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Automatic Liver Segmentation of a Contrast Enhanced CT Image Using a Partial Histogram Threshold Algorithm (부분 히스토그램 문턱치 알고리즘을 사용한 조영증강 CT영상의 자동 간 분할)

  • Kyung-Sik Seo;Seung-Jin Park;Jong An Park
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2004
  • Pixel values of contrast enhanced computed tomography (CE-CT) images are randomly changed. Also, the middle liver part has a problem to segregate the liver structure because of similar gray-level values of a pancreas in the abdomen. In this paper, an automatic liver segmentation method using a partial histogram threshold (PHT) algorithm is proposed for overcoming randomness of CE-CT images and removing the pancreas. After histogram transformation, adaptive multi-modal threshold is used to find the range of gray-level values of the liver structure. Also, the PHT algorithm is performed for removing the pancreas. Then, morphological filtering is processed for removing of unnecessary objects and smoothing of the boundary. Four CE-CT slices of eight patients were selected to evaluate the proposed method. As the average of normalized average area of the automatic segmented method II (ASM II) using the PHT and manual segmented method (MSM) are 0.1671 and 0.1711, these two method shows very small differences. Also, the average area error rate between the ASM II and MSM is 6.8339 %. From the results of experiments, the proposed method has similar performance as the MSM by medical Doctor.

Probabilistic fatigue assessment of rib-to-deck joints using thickened edge U-ribs

  • Heng, Junlin;Zheng, Kaifeng;Kaewunruen, Sakdirat;Zhu, Jin;Baniotopoulos, Charalampos
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.799-813
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    • 2020
  • Fatigue cracks of rib-to-deck (RD) joints have been frequently observed in the orthotropic steel decks (OSD) using conventional U-ribs (CU). Thickened edge U-rib (TEU) is proposed to enhance the fatigue strength of RD joints, and its effectiveness has been proved through fatigue tests. In-depth full-scale tests are further carried out to investigate both the fatigue strength and fractography of RD joints. Based on the test result, the mean fatigue strength of TEU specimens is 21% and 17% higher than that of CU specimens in terms of nominal and hot spot stress, respectively. Meanwhile, the development of fatigue cracks has been measured using the strain gauges installed along the welded joint. It is found that such the crack remains almost in semi-elliptical shape during the initiation and propagation. For the further application of TEUs, the design curve under the specific survival rate is required for the RD joints using TEUs. Since the fatigue strength of welded joints is highly scattered, the design curves derived by using the limited test data only are not reliable enough to be used as the reference. On this ground, an experiment-numerical hybrid approach is employed. Basing on the fatigue test, a probabilistic assessment model has been established to predict the fatigue strength of RD joints. In the model, the randomness in material properties, initial flaws and local geometries has been taken into consideration. The multiple-site initiation and coalescence of fatigue cracks are also considered to improve the accuracy. Validation of the model has been rigorously conducted using the test data. By extending the validated model, large-scale databases of fatigue life could be generated in a short period. Through the regression analysis on the generated database, design curves of the RD joint have been derived under the 95% survival rate. As the result, FAT 85 and FAT 110 curves with the power index m of 2.89 are recommended in the fatigue evaluation on the RD joint using TEUs in terms of nominal stress and hot spot stress respectively. Meanwhile, FAT 70 and FAT 90 curves with m of 2.92 are suggested in the evaluation on the RD joint using CUs in terms of nominal stress and hot spot stress, respectively.

Water Quality Modeling of Juam Lake by Fuzzy Simulation Method (퍼지 Simulation 방법에 의한 주암호의 수질모델링)

  • Lee, Yong Woon;Hwang, Yun Ae;Lee, Sung Woo;Chung, Seon Yong;Choi, Jung Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.535-546
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    • 2000
  • Juam lake is a major water resource for the industrial and agricultural activities as well as the resident life of Kwangju and Chonnam area. However, the water quality of the lake is getting worse due to a large quantity of pollutant inflowing to the lake. As a preliminary step in making the countermeasure to achieve the water quality goal of the lake. it is necessary to understand how the water quality of the lake will be in future. Several computer programs can be used to predict the water quality of lake. Each of these programs requires a number of input data such as hydrological and meteorological data. and the quantity of the pollutant inflowed. but some or most of the input data contain uncertainty. which eventually results in the uncertainty of prediction value (future level of water quality). Generally. the uncetainty stems from the lack of information available. the randomness of future situation. and the incomplete knowledge of expert. Thus. the purpose of this study is to present a method for representing the degree of the uncertainty contained in input data by applying fuzzy theory and incorporating it directly into the water quality modeling process. By using the method. the prediction on the future water quality level of Juam lake can be made that is more appropriate and realistic than the one made without taking uncertainty in account.

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Route Changes of Our Policy the Public Rental Housing -of Nest Housing and Happy Homes- (우리나라 공공임대주택정책의 경로변화 -보금자리 주택, 행복주택을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Bog-Sig;Ryu, Ji-Seong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.170-184
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    • 2016
  • The research is our public rental housing policy are 'Why' Did you no choice but to make the route changes, according to previous governments neo-institutional one fine history of care institutions, Historical analysis method and historical comparison system was complementary to the borders of the principle of hacke to appear (248 hacker, 2004 :) that the path to the model attempts to analyze a mix of evolution. Our country has a high degree of exodus due to industrialization and urbanization have caused and here, by means of side effects to housing was becoming serious social problems. Has this to solve housing problems governments have any policy to take a look at the latest. 5, 16 5,16 Military Coup caused by the advent of the Third Republic ; lack of legitimacy of the regime established, the Korea Housing Corporation randomness that for over the cracks and a consensus on the critical period of Public Rental Housing begins to engage in further studies in this study reported paths of Lee Myung-bak administration during the course of evolution 'of nest housing', and government 'happy homes', Park Geun-hye, a diagnose and address the state of the public rental housing policy by comparison, the next of Public Rental Housing A desirable destination of the study to present.

Encryption Method Based on Chaos Map for Protection of Digital Video (디지털 비디오 보호를 위한 카오스 사상 기반의 암호화 방법)

  • Yun, Byung-Choon;Kim, Deok-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2012
  • Due to the rapid development of network environment and wireless communication technology, the distribution of digital video has made easily and the importance of the protection for digital video has been increased. This paper proposes the digital video encryption system based on multiple chaos maps for MPEG-2 video encoding process. The proposed method generates secret hash key of having 128-bit characteristics from hash chain using Tent map as a basic block and generates $8{\times}8$ lattice cipher by applying this hash key to Logistic map and Henon map. The method can reduce the encryption overhead by doing selective XOR operations between $8{\times}8$ lattice cipher and some coefficient of low frequency in DCT block and it provides simple and randomness characteristic because it uses the architecture of combining chaos maps. Experimental results show that PSNR of the proposed method is less than or equal to 12 dB with respect to encrypted video, the time change ratio, compression ratio of the proposed method are 2%, 0.4%, respectively so that it provides good performance in visual security and can be applied in real time.

Pattern and association within Pinus densiflora communities in Kyunggi Province, Korea (소나무 군집안의 주요 구성종의 미분포와 종간 상관)

  • 오계칠
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 1970
  • Pinus densiflora stands are common secondary forest communities on infertile soils in Korea. The stands are results of long severe past biotic pressure such as cutting, burning and grazing. These could be regarded as biotic climax in Korea. Because of their prevalent occurrence, relatively simple species and age composition, and their domestic economic importance, study of their distributional patterns may give some basic knowledge for better utilization of land resources in Korea. To detect distributional patterns and interspecific associations ten pine stands, each of which was homogenious with respect to topography and physiognomy, were subjectively selected from pine stands in Kyunggi Province near Seoul in 1969 and were made object of this study. Four contiguous systematic samples of count for trees, shrubs and seedlings from belt transects were collected from homogeneous areas within ten natural pine stands. The belt transect was 64m or 128m in length, and 1m, 2m or 4m in width. Basic units within the transect ranged from 64 to 256. The data from the contiguous transects were analysed in terms of multiple split-plot experiment. Departure from randomness of stem distribution, i.e., pattern, was tested in terms of variance mean ratio. For the detection of association between species, correlation coefficient was calculated for different block sizes. The values of ${\gamma}$ were tested by the usual t-test. Fine trees within one of the stands showed significant regular distribution through out the blocks. Within other eight stands pines were randomly distributed at basic unit with 4$\times$4m, 2$\times$2m, 2$\times$1m and 1$\times$1m. One significantly clumped distribution at basic unit 2$\times$2m, however, was observed from one of the pine stands. These randomly distributed groups were themselves significantly regularly distributed throughout the blocks for four pine stands. For the other four pine stands, in addition to the random distribution at the basie unit(the primary random group), randomly distributed groups with 32m dimension(the secondary random groups) were also observed. Both the primary and the secondary random groups were significantly regularly distributed at the rest of blocks. Pine seedlings were not distributed randomly thoughout the blocks. Within three of the ten stands they were contagiously distributed. Important shrub species underneath pines such as Querus serrata, Q. acutissima, Leapedeza intermedia, Rhododendron Yedoense var. poukhanenae, Juniperus utilis, Rhododendron mucronulatum var. ciliatum shnwed consistently similar distributional pattern with the pine at each stand. The shrub species pairs; Rhododendron Yedoense var. poukhanenae/Quercus serrata, Rhododendron mucronulatum var. ciliatum/Lespedeza intermedia were significantly negatively associated from 1m to 4m dimensional block sizes but became significantly positively associated from 8m sized blocks on. On the other hand the shrub species pairs; Lespedeza intermedia/Robinia Pseudoacacia, and Lespedeza bicolor var, japonica/Lespedeza intermedia were also significnalty negatively associated from 1m to 8m sized blocks but became significantly positively associated from 16m sized blocks on. The associational pattern between Rhododendron mucronul tun var. poukhanenae and Lespedeza intermedia was not consistent throughout the stands. In some stands negative associations were observed throughout the blocks except NS 32. From these observatons micro-edaphic variation within the pine stands seems not to be great enough to cause distributinal difference of pine trees within the ten pine stands. Among each species and pine seedings, however, the edaphic variation within the pine stands may be great enought to cause distributional variation.

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Randomness based Static Wear-Leveling for Enhancing Reliability in Large-scale Flash-based Storage (대용량 플래시 저장장치에서 신뢰성 향상을 위한 무작위 기반 정적 마모 평준화 기법)

  • Choi, Kilmo;Kim, Sewoog;Choi, Jongmoo
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2015
  • As flash-based storage systems have been actively employed in large-scale servers and data centers, reliability has become an indispensable element. One promising technique for enhancing reliability is static wear-leveling, which distributes erase operations evenly among blocks so that the lifespan of storage systems can be prolonged. However, increasing the capacity makes the processing overhead of this technique non-trivial, mainly due to searching for blocks whose erase count would be minimum (or maximum) among all blocks. To reduce this overhead, we introduce a new randomized block selection method in static wear-leveling. Specifically, without exhaustive search, it chooses n blocks randomly and selects the maximal/minimal erased blocks among the chosen set. Our experimental results revealed that, when n is 2, the wear-leveling effects can be obtained, while for n beyond 4, the effect is close to that obtained from traditional static wear-leveling. For quantitative evaluation of the processing overhead, the scheme was actually implemented on an FPGA board, and overhead reduction of more than 3 times was observed. This implies that the proposed scheme performs as effectively as the traditional static wear-leveling while reducing overhead.

Theoretical and Empirical Issues in Conducting an Economic Analysis of Damage in Price-Fixing Litigation: Application to a Transportation Fuel Market (담합관련 손해배상 소송의 경제분석에서 고려해야 할 이론 및 실증적 쟁점: 수송용 연료시장에의 적용)

  • Moon, Choon-Geol
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.187-224
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    • 2014
  • We present key issues to consider in estimating damages from price-fixing cases and then apply the procedure addressing those issues to a transportation fuel market. Among the five methods of overcharge calculation, the regression analysis incorporating the yardstick method is the best. If the price equation relates the domestic price to the foreign price and the exchange rate as in the transportation fuel market, the functional form satisfying both logical consistency and modeling flexibility is the log-log functional form. If the data under analysis is of time series in nature, then the ARDL model should be the base model for each market and the regression analysis incorporating the yardstick method combines these ARDL equations to account for inter-market correlation and arrange constant terms and collusion-period dummies across component equations appropriately so as to identify the overcharge parameter. We propose a two-step test for the benchmarked market: (a) conduct market-by-market Spearman or Kendall test for randomness of the individual market price series first and (b) then conduct across-market Friedman test for homogeneity of the market price series. Statistical significance is the minimal requirement to establish the alleged proposition in the world of uncertainty. Between the sensitivity analysis and the model selection process for the best fitting model, the latter is far more important in the economic analysis of damage in price-fixing litigation. We applied our framework to a transportation fuel market and could not reject the null hypothesis of no overcharge.

Increment Method of Radar Range using Noise Reduction (잡음 감소 기법을 활용한 레이다의 최대 거리 향상 기법)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyo;Chung, Daewon;Shin, Hanseop;Yang, Hyung-Mo;Kim, Sangdong;Kim, Bong-seok;Jin, Youngseok
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes a method to improve the detectable distance by reducing noise to perform a signal processing technique on the received signals. To increase the radar detection range, the noise component of the received signal has to be reduced. The proposed method reduces the noise component by employing two methods. First, the radar signals received with multiple pulses are accumulated. As the number of additions increases, the noise component gradually decreases due to noise randomness. On the other hand, the signal term gradually increases and thus signal to noise ratio increases. Secondly, after converting the accumulated signal into the frequency spectrum, a Least Mean Square (LMS) filter is applied. In the case of the radar received signal, desired signal exists in a specific part and most of the rest is a noise. Therefore, if the LMS filter is applied in the time domain, the noise increases. To prevent this, the LMS filter is applied after converting the received signal into the entire frequency spectrum. The LMS filter output is then transformed into the time domain and then range estimation algorithm is performed. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme reduces the noise component by about 25 dB. The experiment was conducted by comparing the proposed results with the conventional results of the radars held by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute for the international space station.

Water Quality Management Strategies Evaluation of Juam Lake by A Fuzzy Decision-Making Method (퍼지 의사결정법에 의한 주암호 수질관리 전략 평가)

  • Lee, Yong Woon;Hwang, Yun Ae;Lee, Sung Woo;Lee, Byong Hi;Choi, Jung Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.699-712
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    • 2000
  • Juam lake is a major water resource for the industrial and agricultural activities as well as the resident life of Kwangju and Chonnam regions. However, the water quality of the lake is getting worse due to a large quantity of pollutant inflowing to the lake. Thus, the strategy for achieving the water quality goal of the lake should be developed as soon as possible. When there are various alternatives that can be used as the strategy, several criteria based on the achievement degree of water quality goal, the applicability of technique and social environment, and the reasonableness of the cost required are made to evaluate and rank the alternatives. However, it is difficult to make a decision when there are multiple criteria and conflicting objectives and specifically the estimated values of criteria contain elements of uncertainty. The uncertainty stems from the lack of available information, the randomness of future situation, and the incomplete knowledge of expert. As the degree of uncertainty is higher, the decision becomes more difficult. In this study, a fuzzy decision-making method is presented to assist decision makers in evaluating various alternatives under uncertainty. The method allows decision makers to characterize the associated uncertainty by applying fuzzy theory and incorporate the uncertainty directly into the decision making process for selecting the "best" alternative so decisions can be made that are more appropriate and realistic than those made without taking uncertainty in account.

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