• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rain shelter and insect net

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Effects of the Rain Shelter and Insect Net on Growth and Yield of Lycium chinense MILLER (구기자(枸紀子) 비가림 망실재배(網室栽培)가 생육(生育) 및 수양(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Choi, Byung-Jun;Han, Seoung-Ho;Han, Kwang-Seop;Ju, Jung-Il;Lee, Bong-Chun;Moon, Chang-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 1996
  • This experiment was carried out to elucidate the effect of the rain shelter and insect net on the growth and yield in Lycium chinense 'Cheongyang Cultivar'. The yield cultivated at the condition of the rain shelter and insect net were increase $92{\sim}106$ percent as that of nature conditions resulted from better growth and decrease of fruit attacked by anthracnose and injured by Eriophyes kuko. It had not significant between the ventilation and non-ventilation.

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Development of Rain Shelter for Chinese Cabbage Rainproof Cultivation (배추재배용 비가림하우스 개발)

  • Yu, In Ho;Lee, Eung Ho;Cho, Myeong Whan;Ryu, Hee Ryong;Moon, Doo Gyung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to develop rain shelter which can make an appropriate size and environment for Chinese cabbage rainproof cultivation. Fifty three farms with chinese cabbage rainproof cultivation system have been investigated to set up width and height of rain shelter. Mostly the width of 6m was desired for rain shelter and the height of 1.6m for their eaves, so these values were chosen as the dimensions for rain shelter. After an analysis of their structural safety and installation costs by the specifications of the rafter pipe, Ø$25.4{\times}1.5t$ and 90cm have been set as the size of rafter that such size costs the least. This size is stable with $27m{\cdot}s^{-1}$ of wind velocity and 17cm of snow depth. Therefore it is difficult to apply this dimension to area with higher climate load. In order to sort out such problem, the rain shelter has been designed to avoid damage on frame by opening plastic film to the ridge. Once greenhouse band is loosen by turning the manual switch at the both sides of rain shelter and open button of controller is pushed then switch motor rises up along the guide pipe and plastic film is opened to the ridge. Chinese cabbage can be damaged by insects if rain shelter is opened completely as revealed a field. To prevent this, farmers can install an insect-proof net. Further, the greenhouse can be damaged by typhoon while growing Chinese cabbage therefore the effect of an insect-proof net on structural safety has been analyzed. And then structural safety has been analyzed through using flow-structure interaction method at the wind condition of $40m{\cdot}s^{-1}$. And it assumed that wind applied perpendicular to side of the rain shelter which was covered by insect-proof net. The results indicated that plastic film was directly affected by wind therefore high pressure occurred on the surface. But wind load on insect-proof net was smaller than on plastic film and pressure distribution was also uniform. The results of structural analysis by applying pressure data extracted from flow analysis indicated that the maximum stress occurred at the end of pipe which is the ground part and the value has been 54.6MPa. The allowable stress of pipe in the standard of structural safety must be 215 MPa or more therefore structural safety of this rain shelter is satisfied.