• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radio Frequency

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Acoustic Monitoring and Localization for Social Care

  • Goetze, Stefan;Schroder, Jens;Gerlach, Stephan;Hollosi, Danilo;Appell, Jens-E.;Wallhoff, Frank
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2012
  • Increase in the number of older people due to demographic changes poses great challenges to the social healthcare systems both in the Western and as well as in the Eastern countries. Support for older people by formal care givers leads to enormous temporal and personal efforts. Therefore, one of the most important goals is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of today's care. This can be achieved by the use of assistive technologies. These technologies are able to increase the safety of patients or to reduce the time needed for tasks that do not relate to direct interaction between the care giver and the patient. Motivated by this goal, this contribution focuses on applications of acoustic technologies to support users and care givers in ambient assisted living (AAL) scenarios. Acoustic sensors are small, unobtrusive and can be added to already existing care or living environments easily. The information gathered by the acoustic sensors can be analyzed to calculate the position of the user by localization and the context by detection and classification of acoustic events in the captured acoustic signal. By doing this, possibly dangerous situations like falls, screams or an increased amount of coughs can be detected and appropriate actions can be initialized by an intelligent autonomous system for the acoustic monitoring of older persons. The proposed system is able to reduce the false alarm rate compared to other existing and commercially available approaches that basically rely only on the acoustic level. This is due to the fact that it explicitly distinguishes between the various acoustic events and provides information on the type of emergency that has taken place. Furthermore, the position of the acoustic event can be determined as contextual information by the system that uses only the acoustic signal. By this, the position of the user is known even if she or he does not wear a localization device such as a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag.

A Study on Obtaining Feedback Function of Disaster Information Management using Information & Communication Technology (ICT기술을 이용한 방재정보 관리의 환류기능 확보에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jaesun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2015
  • Due to the cases of recent global warming and unusual weather etc., large-scale natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, snow damage occur frequently across the continents such as Southeast Asia and North America, South America etc. and risks of earthquakes and tsunami are also increasing gradually in Korea which has been regarded as a safe zone and disaster types are also being diversified such as typhoons, floods, heat waves, heavy snow and damage scale is also enlarged. In addition, due to geographical characteristics or lack of infrastructure, disasters tended to occur intensively around a specific region or city in the past but disasters occur throughout the country in recent years so preparation for disaster prevention has emerged as an urgent challenge issue. Therefore, considering that the plan of obtaining the effective feedback function of disaster Information is very important in the proactive and software aspects for disaster reduction, this paper analyzed this three aspects of contents, procedural and contextual aspects and proposed the plan. First, in the content aspect, building disaster prevention information communication Infrastructure, building urban and regional disaster prevention system, obtaining concurrency and sharing of information and second, in the procedural aspect, active utilization of ICT(Information and Communication Technology) of the prevention stage, disaster prevention information collection and analysis reinforcement of the preparation stage, improvement of decision-making structure and field command system of the response stage, recovery system related information promotion of the recovery stage were proposed as alternatives and finally, in the contextual aspect, if disaster prevention information is effectively managed through maintenance of disaster prevention information related systems, obtaining domainality by disaster prevention work, improvement of the ability to judge the situation, obtaining comprehensive and feedback function etc, it is considered to significantly contribute to reducing natural disasters.

A Study on Total Mixed Ration Feeding System for Feeding Pigs (1) - Development of Monorail Traveling TMR Feeder for Grow-Finish Pigs -

  • Kim, Hyuck Joo;Yu, Byeong Kee;Hong, Jong Tae;Choi, Kyu Hong;Yu, Ji Su;Hong, Youngsin;Ha, Yu Shin
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.295-305
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Recent research showed that total mixed ration (TMR) feeding for pigs improved the productivity and reduced feed cost and manure odor. An automatic TMR feeding system was developed for this study because the conventional feeder cannot deliver the TMR containing roughage. Methods: Conventional feeding systems and physical properties of TMR were surveyed, and performance tests of the conventional feeder were conducted to develop a TMR feeder. Based on the TMR feeder was developed and installed, driving, measuring weight, radio frequency identification (RFID) reading, and discharging test for feeding were conducted to ensure the performance. Results: Moisture content, density, and angle of repose of the TMR 1 (mixture of 30% cut IRG silage and 70% concentrates) were 31.6%, 387 $kg/m^3$, and $51^{\circ}$, respectively. Moisture content, density, and angle of repose of the TMR 2 (mixture of 45% concentrates, 30% cut IRG silage and by-products, 10% bean curd refuse, 10% others, and 5% fermenter) were 22.2%, 544 $kg/m^3$, and $50^{\circ}$, respectively. The coefficient of variation (C.V.) of conventional concentrate feeding were 1.9~4.1%, and C.V. of TMR containing 1~3% cut IRG roughage feeding by conventional feeder were 9~42%. The conventional disc type feeder was not suitable for TMR feeding because the supply unit was clogged. The C.V. of TMR 1 was 0.6~7.9% when 0.5~10 kg of the TMR supplied, and it was suitable for feeding grow-finish pigs and sows. On the contrary, the C.V. with TMR 2 was 28% when 0.5 kg of the TMR supplied, and it was not suitable for feeding sows. Conclusions: The TMR feeder developed in this study was suitable for feeding grow-finish pigs because the feeder performed stably with over 5.0 kg feed. However, the feeder showed a lack of accuracy for feeding sows because the amount of each feed was more than 0.5 kg per a feeding. Therefore, the improvement of outlet structure for accurate feeding is needed for sow feeding.

Characteristics of Diamond Like Carbon Film Fabricated by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Method with mixed Ar, N2 gas rate (혼합된 Ar, N2 가스 유량에 따른 PECVD 방법에 의하여 제작된 다이아몬드 상 탄소 박막의 특성)

  • Gang, Seong-Ho;Kim, Byeong-Jin;Bae, Gyeong-Tae;Ju, Seong-Hu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2018.06a
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    • pp.87-87
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    • 2018
  • 다이아몬드 상 탄소(diamond-like carbon, DLC)는 상당량의 $sp^3$ 결합을 가지는 비정질 탄소(a-C) 또는 수소화 비정질 탄소(a-C:H)로 이루어진 준안정 형태의 탄소이다. DLC는 전기 저항과 굴절률이 높고 화학적으로 다른 물질과 반응하지 않으며, 마찰계수가 낮고 경도가 높아 자기 디스크, 광학 소자 등의 다양한 분야에서 적용되고 있다[1,2]. 또한 다이아몬드에 비해 상온에서 성장이 가능할 정도로 합성온도가 낮아 적용 기판의 제한이 거의 없고, 증착 방법과 조건에 따라 탄소 결합의 다양성과 비정질성이 변화하기 때문에 넓은 범위의 특성을 얻을 수 있는 장점이 있다. 지금까지 DLC 박막의 광학적 특성, 특히 굴절률, 광학적인 에너지 밴드 갭, 자외선과 적외선 투과성에 대해서는 많은 연구가 진행되었으나 가시광선의 투과성에 대한 연구는 제한적이며[4], 가시광선 투과도 개선에 대한 연구는 전무하다. 본 연구에서는 ITO 기판 위에 DLC를 합성하고 기계적 특성과 가시광선 영역 투과도를 조사하였다. RF-PECVD(radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) 방법에 의해서 $C_2H_2+Ar$ 혼합 가스 비율과 $C_2H_2+N_2$ 혼합 가스 비율을 변화시켜 ITO 기판 위에 DLC 박막을 합성하였다. 공정 압력과 rf-power, 증착시간, 기판온도는 0.2 torr, 40 W, 5 분, $50^{\circ}C$로 고정하고, 공정 가스는 $C_2H_2+Ar$$C_2H_2+N_2$가 200 sccm이 되도록 비율을 변화하였다. $C_2H_2:Ar$$C_2H_2:N_2$의 비율은 180 : 20, 160 : 40, 140 : 60, 120 : 80, 100 : 100이 되도록 가스의 유량을 조절하였다. 투과도는 가시광선(380 ~ 780 nm) 범위에서 측정하였고 두께와 표면조도는 AFM으로 측정하였다. 투과도는 $C_2H_2+Ar$의 Ar 가스 비율이 증가할수록 증가해 140 : 60일 때 최댓값을 나타낸 후 다시 감소하였다. $C_2H_2+N_2$ 투과도는 $N_2$ 가스 비율이 증가할수록 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 표면 거칠기는 $C_2H_2+Ar$ 혼합 가스를 사용한 경우의 Ar의 가스 비율이 증가할수록 증가하였다. 그러나 $C_2H_2+N_2$ 혼합 가스를 사용한 경우에는 $N_2$ 가스의 혼합 비율이 증가할수록 감소하였다.

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A Study on Correlation Accuracy Improvement of the Daejeon Correlator using Expansion of Effective Bit-number (유효 비트수 확장을 이용한 대전상관기의 상관 정밀도 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Yeom, Jae-Hwan;Roh, Duk-Gyoo;Oh, Se-Jin;Oh, Chung-Sik;Jung, Jin-Seung;Chung, Dong-Kyu;Yun, Young-Joo;Ozeki, Kensuke;Onuki, Hirofumi;Kim, Yong-Hyun;Hwang, Cheol-Jun
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose the effective bit expansion of FFT module for improving the accuracy of correlation result of the Daejeon correlator. The Daejeon correlator based on FPGA was implemented in order to fast data processing with the fixed-point of FFT operation. In correlation result, however, the phenomenon of phase concentration to 0 degree was appeared in lower frequency area of bandwidth due to lack of operational bit. This phenomenon has an affect on the accuracy of correlation result by introducing the effect of data loss because of excluding phase concentration during analysis of observed radio source. In order to improving the accuracy of correlation result we carried out the simulation by expanding bit-number than 16-bit operation of previous FFT module within given resource limits of FPGA. Through the simulation results, the effective bit number for FFT module within used FPGA resource limits is able to expand, and we confirmed that the operational 20-bit of FFT module is effective for improving accuracy of correlation result by comparing with experimental result.

Efficient Pseudo Random Functions for the e-seal Protection Protocol (e-seal 보안 프로토콜을 위한 효율적인 Pseudo Random Function)

  • Min Jung-Ki;Kang Seok-Hun;Chung Sang-Hwa;Kim Dong-Kyue
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.06c
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    • pp.274-276
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    • 2006
  • e-seal은 RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification) 기술을 사용하여 원격에서 자동으로 봉인상태를 확인할 수 있는 컨테이너 봉인 장치를 말한다. RFID의 특징상 반도체 칩에 기록된 정보를 제 삼자가 쉽게 판독 및 변조할 수 있다는 취약점으로 인하여 활성화되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. ISO에서는 RFID의 취약점을 보안하기 위한 표준작업(ISO 18185)을 진행 중이다. 이 중, ISO 18185-4는 e-seal에 저장되는 자료나 리더와의 RF통신에서 데이터 보호를 위한 표준이다. 이와 관련된 연구로는 인증 프로토콜과 ISO 18185-4를 위한 보고서로 제출된 보안 프로토콜이 있다. 제안된 e-seal 보안 프로토콜을 적용하기 위해서는 e-seal과 리더 간의 데이터를 암/복호화할 키가 필요하지만, 키 서버를 통해 전달받은 마스터 키를 데이터 암/복호화 키로 바로 사용하는 것은 보안 상의 문제점을 야기할 수 있기 때문에 PRF(Pseudo Random Function)을 이용하여 마스터 키로부터 MTK(Mutual Transient Key)를 유도하고, MTK를 암/복호화 키로 사용해야 한다. 기존의 PRF는 일방향 해시 함수(MD5, SHA 등)를 기반으로 하는 HMAC[2. 3]을 일반적으로 사용하였다. 그러나 일방향 해시 함수는 e-seal과 같은 제한된 자원을 갖는 환경에 적합하지 않다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 e-seal 보안 프로토콜을 위한 효율적인 PRF을 제안한다. 기존의 일방향 해시 함수 기반이 아닌 블록 암호화 알고리즘을 기반으로 하는 MAC을 이용하여 PRF을 보다 효율적으로 구현하였고, 블록 암호화 알고리즘은 AES를 선택 합성체 $GF((2^4)^2)$을 통해 하드웨어 모듈을 최적화 하였다. AES를 기반으로 하는 MAC은 HMAC에 비해 면적 및 처리율에서 뛰어난 결과를 보여주었다.<0.01).이상의 연구 결과, cook-chill생산 시 녹차 추출물의 첨가가 미생물적 품질유지에 효과가 있다고 사료되는 바 본 연구결과를 기초로 급식소에서 음식 생산 시 녹차 추출물 및 천연 항균성 물질 첨가에 따른 미생물적 품질 및 관능적 품질검사를 통한 레시피 개발에 관한 지속적인 연구가 수행되어야 하겠다.다.다리다보니 점심시간을 활용할 수 없게 되는 문제점에 대한 재검토가 필요하다. 따라서 차후 학교급식의 안전성 확보를 위한 급식환경 개선의 일환으로 식당공간 확보 시 신속한 시간 내에 급식이 가능하도록 넓은 공간과 쾌적한 환경의 식당 조성에 대해 관심을 기울여야 할 것으로 사료된다. 이상 여부를 반영하는 임상증상의 빈도가 높은 청소년기 남녀 중학생의 경우 아침과 저녁의 결식빈도 및 외식과 간식의 빈도가 높았고, 아침식사의 질과 체형만족도가 낮은 것으로 나타나 청소년의 건강과 식습관 및 체형만족도가 상호 관련성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구 결과는 성장기 청소년의 건강 유지를 위하여 바람직한 식습관의 중요성을 재인식할 수 있었으며, 올바른 식습관 확립을 위한 영양교육의 중요성이 재확인되었다.경제적일 것으로 판단된다.er 90 % of good relative dynamic modulus of elasticity due to fineness of formation caused by the increase of the unit powder content and the improvement of flowability, without regard to the replacement of crushed stone fines. Therefore, it can be said that the usage of crushed stone fines can control the strength of super flowing concrete by replacement and re

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An Advanced MCL Method for a Sharing Analysis of Mobile Communication Systems beyond 3G (차세대 이동통신 시스템의 주파수 공유분석을 위한 개선된 MCL 방법)

  • Chung Woo-Ghee;Yoon Hyun-Goo;Jo Han-Shin;Lim Jae-Woo;Yook Jong-Gwan;Park Han-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.3 s.106
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 2006
  • In this paper the analytical method, namely advanced minimum coupling loss(A-MCL), was proposed in order to analyze the coexistence of OFDM-based systems beyond 3G(B3G) with point-to point(PP) fixed service(FS) microwave systems. Our proposed method is based on a power spectral density(PSD) analysis. So it can be easily applicable to analyze the coexistence of OFDM-based systems B3G using flexible spectrum usage(FSU) with other systems, where the conventional MCL method cannot allocate transmit power partially to some subcarriers which overlap the band of a victim system. By applying the conventional MCL method and the A-MCL method, interfering power levels at the receiver of a interfered system are respectively calculated. A-MCL can calculate interference power more accurately than MCL by the maximum value of 4.5 dB. Therefore it can be concluded that our prosed method, namely A-MCL, is applicable to a sharing analysis of OFDM-based systems B3G.

Analysis for the Consumers' Cognition and Opinion about Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) (기업의 사회공헌 활동에 대한 소비자 인식 분석)

  • Ahn, Joo-Ah;Hwang, Kyong-Ah;Yoon, Shuk-Nyun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.56
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    • pp.237-256
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    • 2011
  • The goal of this study is to examine consumers' cognition for the corporate social responsibility(CSR) and opinion to practical use of CSR on advertising (ex. corporate PR) in situation that CSR is treated with long-term and continuous activity in strategic marketing. The results of survey in this study are, first, the best effective method of CSR to introduce is TV or radio program placed first, internet came second, and followed by advertising. But the cognition process of CSR is internet palaced first in frequency. Thus it is very important to use of new media as a internet with regard to CSR. Second, respondents have thought positively about CSR and to practical use of CSR on advertising. But respondents answered that CSR is not enough though it's importance. Therefore marketers of companies is needed to transfer direction of CSR accord with consumers' liking and taste. Third, consumers have recognized that CSR in connection with characteristics core business of the companies. It is, image of company is not detached with CSR, more effective that CSR reflected characteristics of the company. Fourth, consumers have thought to active for CSR that the companies they like. Finally, these results are showed that is important brand management and corporate image management in strategic and macroscopic level include CSR.

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The Study on The Ventilated Flow in The Railway Tunnel Mock-Up for Tunnel Fire-Driven Flow Experiment (철도터널 화재유동 실험을 위한 모형 터널에서의 환기 유동 형태에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Yong-Jun;Kim, Seung-Tae;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Park, Won-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1781-1788
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    • 2008
  • This report is the result of a basic experiment done on a mock-up tunnel, of what happens to the ventilated flow and fire driven flow inside a railway tunnel as the current inside the tunnel changes when an anti-smoke or a radio frequency invert control is installed. The duct used in this experiment is 10m in length, 0.5m in height and 0.25m in width and made of acrylic. An anti-smoke system with a motor that can produce current of 10m/sec maximum in order to create ventilated flow, has been installed. A honeycomb has been installed at the entrance of the duct to create a current flow that exists in tunnels. In order to create a ventilated flow, a current of 4m/s, 6m/s and 8m/s were generated using the anti-smoke system, as the study of current developed. A Hot-wire(TSI) and Pressure sensor(ENDEVCO) was installed in the duct, 1m apart, as the measurement of current and pressure went on. The current and pressure were automatically measured through the Lap View program and PC; the current flow in the mock-up tunnel generated by the honeycomb has been analyzed the pressure distribution and pressure drop has been analyzed.

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The Optimization of RF Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment Process for Improving the Surface Free Energy of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) (Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 표면개질을 위한 RF 대기압 플라즈마 처리공정의 최적화)

  • Nam, Ki-Chun;Myung, Sung-Woon;Choi, Ho-Suk
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the influence of atmospheric plasma factors such as RF power, treatment time, the gap distance between discharge and sample, and the gas flow rate of Ar on the surface property by using the design of experiment (DOE) method. The plasma treatment time (s), plasma power (W), gap distance (mm) between discharge and sample, and flow rate of Ar gas were in order of important factors for changing the surface free energy of PMMA plates. As a result, the most effective factor for improving the surface free energy of PMMA plates is the distance (mm) from discharge glow to sample plate. Because of the interaction between plasma power (W) and treatment time (s), the power dose (J) factor which multiply plasma power (W) by treatment time (s) should be significantly considered. The optimum condition for maximizing the surface free energy of PMMA plate was found at 1500J of power dose. Through XPS and AFM analysis, we also observed the change of chemical composition, surface morphology and roughness before and after plasma treatment. It is considered that the change of surface free energy of PMMA plate with plasma treatment is influenced by the introduction of polar functional group as well as the increase of surface roughness.

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