• Title/Summary/Keyword: RS Imagery

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Extraction of Some Transportation Reference Planning Indices using High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2002
  • Recently, spatial information technologies using remotely sensed imagery and functionality of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) have been widely utilized to various types of transportation-related applications. In this study, extraction programs of some practical indices, to be effectively used in transportation reference planning problem, were designed and implemented as prototyped extensions in GIS development environment: traffic flow estimation (TFL/TFB), urban rural index (URI), and accessibility index (AI). In TFL/TFB, user can obtain quantitative results on traffic flow estimation at link/block using high-resolution satellite imagery. Whereas, URI extension provides urban-rural characteristics related to road system, being considered one of important factors in transportation planning. Lastly, AI extension helps to obtain accessibility index between nodes of road segments and surrounding district areas touched or intersected with the road network system, and it also provides useful information for transportation planning problems. This approach is regarded as one of RS-T (Remote Sensing in Transportation), and it is expected to expand as new application of remotely sensed imagery.


  • Moon, Jeong-Eon;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Choi, Joong-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 2007
  • This study uses empirical method to estimate absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter $(a_{dom})$ from GOCI satellite data with the relationship between band ratio of remote sensing reflectance $(R_{rs})$ and $a_{dom}$. For development of $a_{dom}$ estimation algorithm, the used data is in-situ data about ocean optical properties in the around seawater area of the Korean Peninsula during 1998 - 2005. The relationship of $R_{rs}$(412)/$R_{rs}$(555), $R_{rs}$(443)/$R_{rs}$(555), $R_{rs}$(490)/$R_{rs}$(555), $R_{rs}$(510)/$R_{rs}$(555) and $a_{dom}$(412) showed $R^2$ values of 0.707, 0.707, 0.597 and 0.552, respectively. The spectrum of $a_{dom}({\lambda})$ is shape of exponential function $a_{dom}({\lambda})$ value decreases with increasing wavelength. For estimation of $a_{dom}$ from satellite data, we developed an algorithm from the relationship of $a_{dom}$(412) and $R_{rs}$(412)/$R_{rs}$(555). This algorithm was employed on SeaWiFS imagery to estimate $R_{rs}$(412) in the South Sea, East Sea, Yellow Sea and northern East China Sea areas. Also, SeaDAS-derived $a_{dg}$(412) from same SeaWiFS imagery, These $a_{dg}$(412) was then compared with in-situ and empirical-algorithm-derived $a_{dom}$(412), but these values were different. We think two points that such different values are caused by discrepancy related to failure of standard atmospheric correction scheme, the other are caused by error related to definition of $a_{dom}$(412) and $a_{dg}$(412).

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Extraction of Gravity-typed Accessibility Index using Remotely Sensed Imagery and Its Application (위성영상정보의 중력모델기반 접근성지수 추출연계 및 적용)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Oh, Se Gyong;Lee, Bong Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2003
  • Recently, demands with practical applications using high resolution imagery are increasing, according to addressing new sensor data. Since late 1990s, attempts for application to transportation problems of satellite imagery data have been intensively carried out in US, and these kinds of studies are being categorized into the name of RS-T(remote sensing in transportation). Further, this study is also linked with GIS-T(GIS for transportation), being in the matured stage, and then it contributes to wide uses of remotely sensed imagery. In this study, RS-T is briefly summarized. Later, in order to apply urban transportation analysis with satellite imagery as ancillary data, implementation, as prototyped extension program, for extraction of gravity-typed accessibility indices of transportation geography is performed in the ArcView-GIS environment. It is thought that applied results by two models among implemented models in this study can be utilized to characterize transportation accessibility in a region and to apply as useful statistics related to urban transportation status for regional transportation planning, if time series data are used.

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Design of a Reorganization and Non-Uniformity Correction Module for CCD Pixels in MSC(Multispectral Camera)

  • Kong, Jon-Pil;Yong, Sang-Soon;Heo, Haeng-Pal;Kim, Young-Sun;Paik, Hong-Yul
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.177.1-177
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes the design of a NUC(Non-uniformity Correction) module in MSC(Multispectral Camera) which will be a payload on KOMPSAT. This module is required inside a system with data compression module like MSC to minimize the loss of imagery due to non-uniform characteristics between CCD pixels when the imagery is received and processed on a ground station. It comprises Hotlink input/output for imagery data, RS-422 interface with main controller in MSC, a number of SRAMS for storing imagery data and parameters, FPGA controllers which control the entire NUC module under the control of main controller, etc. It inputs 8-channel imagery pixel data which consist of 2-channel MS(Multispectral) band and ...

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Application of RS and GIS in Extraction of Building Damage Caused by Earthquake

  • Wang, X.Q.;Ding, X.;Dou, A.X.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1206-1208
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    • 2003
  • The extraction of earthquake damage from remote sensed imagery requires high spatial resolution and temporal effectiveness of acquisition of imagery. The analog photographs and visual interpretation were taken traditionally. Now it is possible to acquire damage information from many commercial high resolution RS satellites. The key techniques are processing velocity and precision. The authors developed the automatic / semiautomatic image process techniques including feature enhancement, and classification, designed the emergency Earthquake Damage and Losses Evaluate System based on Remote Sensing (RSEDLES). The paper introduced the functions of RSEDLES as well as its application to the earthquakes occurred recently.

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Predicting ground-based damage states from windstorms using remote-sensing imagery

  • Brown, Tanya M.;Liang, Daan;Womble, J. Arn
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.369-383
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    • 2012
  • Researchers have recently begun using high spatial resolution remote-sensing data, which are automatically captured and georeferenced, to assess damage following natural and man-made disasters, in addition to, or instead of employing the older methods of walking house-to-house for surveys, or photographing individual buildings from an airplane. This research establishes quantitative relationships between the damage states observed at ground-level, and those observed from space using high spatial resolution remote-sensing data, for windstorms, for individual site-built one- or two-family residences (FR12). "Degrees of Damage" (DOD) from the Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale were determined for ground-based damage states; damage states were also assigned for remote-sensing imagery, using a modified version of Womble's Remote-Sensing (RS) Damage Scale. The preliminary developed model can be used to predict the ground-level damage state using remote-sensing imagery, which could significantly lessen the time and expense required to assess the damage following a windstorm.


  • Kim, Young-Sup;Coleman Tommy L.
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.03a
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2002
  • Artificial neural networks (ANN) have been successfully used for classifying remotely sensed imagery. However, ANN still is not the preferable choice for classification over the conventional classification methodology such as the maximum likelihood classifier commonly used in the industry production environment. This can be attributed to the ANN characteristic built-in stochastic process that creates difficulties in dealing with unequally represented training classes, and its training performance speed. In this paper we examined some practical aspects of training classes when using a back propagation neural network model for remotely sensed imagery. During the classification process of remotely sensed imagery, representative training patterns for each class are collected by polygons or by using a region-growing methodology over the imagery. The number of collected training patterns for each class may vary from several pixels to thousands. This unequally populated training data may cause the significant problems some neural network empirical models such as back-propagation have experienced. We investigate the effects of training over- or under- represented training patterns in classes and propose the pattern repopulation algorithm, and an adaptive alpha adjustment (AAA) algorithm to handle unequally represented classes. We also show the performance improvement when input patterns are presented in random fashion during the back-propagation training.

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Estimation of Carbon Absorption Distribution by Land Use Changes using RS/GIS Method in Green Land (RS/GIS를 이용한 토지이용변화에 의한 녹지의 이산화탄소 (CO2) 흡착량 분포 추정)

  • Na, Sang-Il;Park, Jong-Hwa;Park, Jin-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2010
  • Quantification of carbon absorption and understanding the human induced land use changes (LUC) forms one of the major study with respect to global climatic changes. An attempt study has been made to quantify the carbon absorption by LUC through remote sensing technology. The Landsat imagery four time periods was classified with the hybrid classification method in order to quantify carbon absorption by LUC. Thereafter, for estimating the amount of carbon absorption, the stand biomass of forest was estimated with the total weight, which was the sum of individual tree weight. Individual tree volumes could be estimated with the crown width extracted from digital forest cover type map. In particular, the carbon conversion index and the ratio of the $CO_2$ molecular weight to the C atomic weight, reported in the IPCC guideline, was used to convert the stand biomass into the amount of carbon absorption. Total carbon absorption has been modeled by taking areal estimates of LUC of four time periods and carbon factors for land use type and standing biomass. Results of this study, through LUC suggests that over a period of construction, 7.10 % of forest and 9.43 % of barren were converted into urban. In the conversion process, there has been a loss of 6.66 t/ha/y (7.94 %) of carbon absorption from the study area.

A Study on Development of Geographic Information Contents in Local Government on the basis of GIS and RS (GIS와 RS에 기반한 지방자치단체 지리정보콘텐츠의 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 김항집;서동조
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2003
  • It was investigated to develop the contents for the local government for the purpose of providing various and correct information. Especially it was focused to take advantage of spatial information techniques, GIS(Geographic Information Systems) and RS(Remote Sensing). The research site for this study was Muan-gun located at the south-western part of Korea, and this site has very high opportunities to became the central point for the economical and tourist industry. The regional information contents for Muan-gun was developed and composed of three elements, internet related, geographic information related and satellite imagery related elements These contents will make a contribution for the local government to present the regional information effectively and efficiently.

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High-resolution Land Cover Mapping of Rural Area Using IKONOS Imagery (IKONOS 영상을 이용한 고해상도 토지피복도 작성)

  • Hong, Seong Min;Jung, In Kyun;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.1271-1275
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to present a standardized scheme for providing agriculture-related information at various spatial resolutions of satellite images including Landsat +ETM, KOMPSAT-1 EOC, ASTER VNIR, and IKONOS panchromatic and multi-spectral images. The satellite images were interpreted especially for identifying agricultural areas, crop types, agricultural facilities and structures. The results were compared with the land cover/land use classification system suggested by Ministry of Construction & Transportation based on NGIS (National Geographic Information System) and Ministry of Environment based on satellite remote sensing data. As a result, high-resolution agricultural land cover map from IKONOS imageries was made out. The results by IKONOS image will be provided to KOMPSAT-2 project for agricultural application.

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