• Title/Summary/Keyword: RGB value

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Smoke color analysis of the standard color models for fire video surveillance (화재 영상감시를 위한 표준 색상모델의 연기색상 분석)

  • Lee, Yong-Hun;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4472-4477
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    • 2013
  • This paper describes the color features of smoke in each standard color model in order to present the most suitable color model for somke detection in video surveillance system. Histogram intersection technique is used to analyze the difference characteristics between color of smoke and color of non smoke. The considered standard color models are RGB, YCbCr, CIE-Lab, HSV, and if the calculated histogram intersection value is large for the considered color model, then the smoke spilt characteristics are not good in that color model. If the calculated histogram intersection value is small, then the smoke spilt characteristics are good in that color model. The analyzed result shows that the RGB and HSV color models are the most suitable for color model based smoke detection by performing respectively 0.14 and 0.156 for histogram intersection value.

A Study on Color Management of Input and Output Device in Electronic Publishing (I) (전자출판에서 입.출력 장치의 컬러 관리에 관한 연구 (I))

  • Cho, Ga-Ram;Kim, Jae-Hae;Koo, Chul-Whoi
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, an experiment was done where the input device used the linear multiple regression and the sRGB color space to perform a color transformation. The output device used the GOG, GOGO and sRGB for the color transformation. After the input device underwent a color transformation, a $3\;{\times}\;20\;size$ matrix was used in a linear multiple regression and the scanner's color representation of scanner was better than a digital still camera's color representation. When using the sRGB color space, the original copy and the output copy had a color difference of 11. Therefore it was more efficient to use the linear multiple regression method than using the sRGB color space. After the input device underwent a color transformation, the additivity of the LCD monitor's R, G and B signal value improved and therefore the error in the linear formula transformation decreased. From this change, the LCD monitor with the GOG model applied to the color transformation became better than LCD monitors with other models applied to the color transformation. Also, the color difference varied more than 11 from the original target in CRT and LCD monitors when a sRGB color transformation was done in restricted conditions.

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Research of User Trend by RGB analysis about On-line Game - Based on MMORPG - (온라인 게임의 RGB값 분석을 통한 유저 동향 연구 - MMORPG를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Cho-Won;Kim, Yun-Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2007
  • The game industry, having been recognized as a highly lucrative business, is growing faster as it has gained its foothold not only in domestic but also in foreign markets. As a result, a variety of internet-based games are being loved or simply overlooked by the users all around the world. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of color on the user using RGB, the output value for the monitor, RGB of the background of the game was computed and compared to that of its characters to find out which colors are favored by the users, If we are based on these results, it is considered more easy in understanding the trends of users.

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An innovative idea for developing a new gamma-ray dosimetry system based on optical colorimetry techniques

  • Ioan, Mihail-Razvan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.519-525
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    • 2018
  • Obtaining knowledge of the absorbed dose up-taken by a certain material when it is exposed to a specific ionizing radiation field is a very important task. Even though there are a plenitude of methods for determining the absorbed dose, each one has its own strong points and also drawbacks. In this article, an innovative idea for the development of a new gamma-ray dosimetry system is proposed. The method described in this article is based on optical colorimetry techniques. A color standard is fixed to the back of a BK-7 glass plate and then placed in a point in space where the absorbed dose needs to be determined. Gamma-ray-induced defects (color centers) in the glass plate start occurring, leading to a degree of saturation of the standard color, which is proportional, on a certain interval, to the absorbed dose. After the exposure, a high-quality digital image of the sample is taken, which is then processed (MATLAB), and its equivalent $I_{RGB}$ intensity value is determined. After a prior corroboration between various well-known absorbed dose values and their corresponding $I_{RGB}$ values, a calibration function is obtained. By using this calibration function, an "unknown" up-taken dose value can be determined.

Image Processing System for Measuring the Chromatophore Pollution Solution of and Animal Slurry Using Optical-Density (가축분뇨수의 색소오염물질 분해과정 측정 영상처리 시스템)

  • 이대원;김현태;김용석;민병로;이강춘;박은석;한정환;이수희;김정동
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2001
  • This study conducted to monitor decomposition process of the charomatophore pollution solution of an animal slurry by using a CCD camera. After the solution was put into test tube, the images(R, G, B, H, L, S) values of the solution were measured by the imgae processing system, and those of it\`s optical density were measured for three hours to be decomposed by microscopic organism. The values of measured for three hours to be decomposed by microscopic organism. The values of measured images(R, G, B, H, L, S) were analysed and compared with those of the optical density. Some of the results are as follows. 1. High correlation coefficients, which analyzed by using data on linear equations, were 0.9557 and 0.9672. They were decreased regularly in this R-value experiment of RGB level. The microscopic organism in this experiment was effective for decomposition of the red charomatophore pollution solution. 2. The values of all correlation coefficients from relationship between RGB-value and optical density were more than 0.95 except H-values. RGB-values, which were average values of summed R, G, B values, had correlation coefficients of 0.9863, 0.9937. These results showed so good relationship that decomposition process of charomatophore pollution solution could be monitored by a image processing system.

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Software development for the visualization of brain fiber tract by using 24-bit color coding in diffusion tensor image

  • Oh, Jung-Su;Song, In-Chan;Ik hwan Cho;Kim, Jong-Hyo;Chang, Kee-Hyun;Park, Kwang-Suk
    • Proceedings of the KSMRM Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.133-133
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of paper is to implement software to visualize brain fiber tract using a 24-bit color coding scheme and to test its feasibility. Materials and Methods: MR imaging was performed on GE 1.5 T Signa scanner. For diffusion tensor image, we used a single shot spin-echo EPI sequence with 7 non-colinear pulsed-field gradient directions: (x, y, z):(1,1,0),(-1,1,0),(1,0,1),(-1,0,1),(0,1,1),(0,1,-1) and without diffusion gradient. B-factor was 500 sec/$\textrm{mm}^2$. Acquisition parameters are as follows: TUTE=10000ms/99ms, FOV=240mm, matrix=128${\times}$128, slice thickness/gap=6mm/0mm, total slice number=30. Subjects consisted of 10 normal young volunteers (age:21∼26 yrs, 5 men, 5 women). All DTI images were smoothed with Gaussian kernel with the FWHM of 2 pixels. Color coding schemes for visualization of directional information was as follows. HSV(Hue, Saturation, Value) color system is appropriate for assigning RGB(Red, Green, and Blue) value for every different directions because of its volumetric directional expression. Each of HSV are assigned due to (r,$\theta$,${\Phi}$) in spherical coordinate. HSV calculated by this way can be transformed into RGB color system by general HSV to RGB conversion formula. Symmetry schemes: It is natural to code the antipodal direction to be same color(antipodal symmetry). So even with no symmetry scheme, the antipodal symmetry must be included. With no symmetry scheme, we can assign every different colors for every different orientation.(H =${\Phi}$, S=2$\theta$/$\pi$, V=λw, where λw is anisotropy). But that may assign very discontinuous color even between adjacent yokels. On the other hand, Full symmetry or absolute value scheme includes symmetry for 180$^{\circ}$ rotation about xy-plane of color coordinate (rotational symmetry) and for both hemisphere (mirror symmetry). In absolute value scheme, each of RGB value can be expressed as follows. R=λw|Vx|, G=λw|Vy|, B=λw|Vz|, where (Vx, Vy, Vz) is eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of diffusion tensor. With applying full symmetry or absolute value scheme, we can get more continuous color coding at the expense of coding same color for symmetric direction. For better visualization of fiber tract directions, Gamma and brightness correction had done. All of these implementations were done on the IDL 5.4 platform.

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Depthmap Generation with Registration of LIDAR and Color Images with Different Field-of-View (다른 화각을 가진 라이다와 칼라 영상 정보의 정합 및 깊이맵 생성)

  • Choi, Jaehoon;Lee, Deokwoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2020
  • This paper proposes an approach to the fusion of two heterogeneous sensors with two different fields-of-view (FOV): LIDAR and an RGB camera. Registration between data captured by LIDAR and an RGB camera provided the fusion results. Registration was completed once a depthmap corresponding to a 2-dimensional RGB image was generated. For this fusion, RPLIDAR-A3 (manufactured by Slamtec) and a general digital camera were used to acquire depth and image data, respectively. LIDAR sensor provided distance information between the sensor and objects in a scene nearby the sensor, and an RGB camera provided a 2-dimensional image with color information. Fusion of 2D image and depth information enabled us to achieve better performance with applications of object detection and tracking. For instance, automatic driver assistance systems, robotics or other systems that require visual information processing might find the work in this paper useful. Since the LIDAR only provides depth value, processing and generation of a depthmap that corresponds to an RGB image is recommended. To validate the proposed approach, experimental results are provided.

Design and Implementation of LED Lighting System with Adjustable Brightness and Color Capability (색상 및 밝기 조절이 가능한 LED 조명 기구의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kwak, Seong-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.579-586
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we design and implement a lighting system which has a capability of adjusting brightness and colors of LED module. The lighting systems is consisted of RGB and white LEDs controlled by a micro-processor. All colors in nature can be synthesized in our lighting system by controlling brightness of 4 color LEDs individually. The current flowing to LED is limited to a maximum set value to extend the LED life time using PWM current control. The control module also includes the function that it can save and load brightness and color data set by the user. The implemented lighting system passed the electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) test such that it can be used as a commercial product.

Color space's conversion for the color vision deficiency (적록 색각 이상자를 위한 색 공간 변환)

  • Kim, Yong-Geun
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • Color vision of color vision deficiency is possible using Color space's conversion of color image. Color vision of the RG-Color vision deficiency is possible by the case to maximize the G channel(+100), the case to minimize the G channel(-100), the case to maximize the R channel(+100), the case to convert the R channel to the yellow(Y) channel that is the value of $(-)b^*$ coordinate in CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ color space, the case to separate with only the B channel and the G channel and to appear by the light and darkness difference again, and the case to receive the image only by the light and darkness after separation of saturation and conversion of RGB channel.

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Color Image Quantization Using Local Region Block in RGB Space (RGB 공간상의 국부 영역 블럭을 이용한 칼라 영상 양자화)

  • 박양우;이응주;김기석;정인갑;하영호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 1995.06a
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 1995
  • Many image display devices allow only a limited number of colors to be simultaneously displayed. In displaying of natural color image using color palette, it is necessary to construct an optimal color palette and map each pixel of the original image to a color palette with fast. In this paper, we proposed the clustering algorithm using local region block centered one color cluster in the prequantized 3-D histogram. Cluster pairs which have the least distortion error are merged by considering distortion measure. The clustering process is continued until to obtain the desired number of colors. Same as the clustering process, original color image is mapped to palette color via a local region block centering around prequantized original color value. The proposed algorithm incorporated with a spatial activity weighting value which is smoothing region. The method produces high quality display images and considerably reduces computation time.