• Title/Summary/Keyword: Qualitative synthesis

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Factors Associated With Failure of Health System Reform: A Systematic Review and Meta-synthesis

  • Mahboubeh Bayat;Tahereh Kashkalani;Mahmoud Khodadost;Azad Shokri;Hamed Fattahi;Faeze Ghasemi Seproo;Fatemeh Younesi;Roghayeh Khalilnezhad
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.128-144
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The health system reform process is highly political and controversial, and in most cases, it fails to realize its intended goals. This study was conducted to synthesize factors underlying the failure of health system reforms. Methods: In this systematic review and meta-synthesis, we searched 9 international and regional databases to identify qualitative and mixed-methods studies published up to December 2019. Using thematic synthesis, we analyzed the data. We utilized the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research checklist for quality assessment. Results: After application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 of 1837 articles were included in the content analysis. The identified factors were organized into 7 main themes and 32 sub-themes. The main themes included: (1) reforms initiators' attitudes and knowledge; (2) weakness of political support; (3) lack of interest group support; (4) insufficient comprehensiveness of the reform; (5) problems related to the implementation of the reform; (6) harmful consequences of reform implementation; and (7) the political, economic, cultural, and social conditions of the society in which the reform takes place. Conclusions: Health system reform is a deep and extensive process, and shortcomings and weaknesses in each step have overcome health reform attempts in many countries. Awareness of these failure factors and appropriate responses to these issues can help policymakers properly plan and implement future reform programs and achieve the ultimate goals of reform: to improve the quantity and quality of health services and the health of society.

Effects of ${\rho}-Chlorophenylalanine$ on the Synthesis of Pancreatic Amylase in Rats

  • Kwon, Hyeok-Yil;Eum, Won-Sik;Jang, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Yun-Lyul;Park, Hyoung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2000
  • Previously, we have reported that ${\rho}-chlorophenylalanine$ (PCPA), a serotonin depletor, profoundly increased pancreatic fluid and bicarbonate secretion but remarkably inhibited pancreatic amylase secretion in anesthetized rats. The present study was performed to verify the detailed effects of PCPA on pancreatic amylase synthesis that is directly related to amylase exocrine secretion. PCPA significantly decreased pancreatic RNA and protein contents as well as the amylase activity. However, pancreatic DNA content, trypsin and chymotrypsin activities were not influenced by the treatment of PCPA. The rate of pancreatic amylase synthesis, which was assessed by the amount of incorporated $[^{35}S]-methionine$ into amylase for 1 h, was also significantly decreased by 44% in PCPA-treated rats. In order to determine whether the PCPA-induced decrease of amylase synthesis resulted from change in the level of amylase mRNA, Northern blot analysis was performed. The mRNA expression level of amylase was also decreased by 48% in the PCPA-treated rats, indicating that the inhibitory effect of PCPA on the synthesis of pancreatic amylase was mainly regulated at a step prior to translation. It was also revealed in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis that the qualitative change of amylase was induced by PCPA. The 54 KDa amylase band seems to be degraded into small molecular weight protein bands in PCPA-treated rats, suggesting that the PCPA- induced decrease of amylase may be partly attributed to the degradation of synthesized amylase.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.15 no.spc1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2000
  • Infrared spectroscopic observations and their analysis revealed many physical and chemical characteristics of the various stars with dust envelopes. Especially, AGB stars and young stellar objects are believed to be major contributors of infrared radiation from galaxies. The wavelength of the peak spectral energy for typical galaxies is about $100{\mu}m$. Therefore, infrared spectral observations of galaxies provide important information for their overall properties. The qualitative analysis of the infrared spectra which are made of various stars and interstellar matter will be possible through a new population synthesis.

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Design of GBSB Neural Networks Using LMI (LMI를 이용한 GBSB 신경망 설계)

  • Cho, Hyuk;Park, Joo-Young;Park, Dai-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.409-412
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we propose a novel synthesis method of GBSB(Generalized BSB)-based neural autoassociative memories in which we analyze qualitative properties of GBSB model, recast a design problem of an associative memory to LMIP(Linear Matrix Inequality Problem), and optimize the LMIP using LMI techniques. The obtained memory satisfies many of the required properties of associative memories and has some peculiar properties. Comparing experimental results with those of others, we show its correctness and effectiveness.

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Synthesis of GBSB-based Neural Associative Memories Using Evolution Program

  • Hyuk Cho;Park, Joo-young;Moon, Jong-sub;Park, Dai-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.680-688
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we propose a reliable method for searching the optimally performing generalized brain-state-in-a-box (GBSB) neural associative memory using an evolution program (EP) given a set of prototype patterns to be stored as stable equilibrium points. First, we exploit some qualitative guidelines necessary to synthesize the GBSB model. Next, we parameterize the solution space utilizing the limited number of parameters to represent the solution space. Then, we recast the synthesis of GBSB neural associative memories as two constrained optimization problems, which are equivalent to finding a solution to the original synthesis problem. Finally, we employ an evolution program (EP), which enables us to find an optimal set of parameters related to the size of domains of attraction (DOA) for prototype patterns. The validity of this approach is illustrated by a design example and computer simulations.

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Mechanism of Dextran Synthesis by Dextransucrase (Dextransucrase에 의한 Dextran 생성기작에 관한 연구)

  • 윤명희;구윤모
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1994
  • A qualitative study was made on the mechanism of dextran synthesis by dextransucrase. Enzymatic synthesis of dextran was experimentally studied with initial sucrose concentration from 50g/$\ell$ to 150g/$\ell$. The molecular weight distribution of synthesized dextran was measured by using on-line gel Permeation chromatographic system Sucrose was observed not to work as a primer within the range of concentration tested. At the initial sucrose concentration of 50g/$\ell$, dextran with molecular weight of medium range ($10^4-2{\times}10^6$) was synthesized due to the mass transfer limitation of sucrose. The amount of the dextran of medium range decreased with the initial sucrose concentration. Dextran was likely to be synthesized by radical chain polymerization mechanism since the dextran of medium range was not produced at higher sucrose concentrations.

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Synthesis of $Eu^{3+}$ activated $LnAlO_{3}$(Ln=Y and Gd) Phosphors by combusition method (연소법에 의한 $LnAlO_{3}$(Ln=Y and Gd):$Eu^{(3+)}$ 형광체의 합성)

  • Khatkar, S.P.;Taxak, V.B.;Han, Sang-Do;Kim, Byeong-Kwon;Jung, Young-Ho;Park, Jo-Yong;Liang, Y.;Myung, Kwang-Shik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.116-119
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    • 2002
  • A different route to the synthesis of $Eu^{3+}$ - activated matrices such as $YAlO_{3}$ and $GdAlO_{3}$ and luminiscent properties of these compounds, were studied. The new route (Combustion method) consist of the redox reactions between the respective metal nitrates and urea in a preheated furnace at ${500^{\circ}C}$. The Phosphor thus obtained were then heated at ${1000^{\circ}C}$ for 2-3 hours to get better luminiscent properties. The incorporation of $Eu^{3+}$ activator in these phosphors were checked by luminiscence investigations. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were carried out to understand surface morphological features and the particle size. X-ray energy dispersive analysis (EDAX) was also performed for the qualitative analysis of the phosphors.

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Consumer behavior of diners at Korean restaurants in Danang city, Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Tran Thuy An;CHO, Mi Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, the trend of Korean cuisine has been more popular and quickly become the favorite flavor of Vietnamese youth. Restaurants serving Korean food are growing strongly in Danang market and are known by many classes of society. To better understand the taste and preferences of Danang people about Korean food, this study determined the behavior and assessment of diners who have used food and beverage services at Korean restaurants in Danang city. In addition, the study also identifies diners' desire to change the tastes of Korean dishes. The results show that Korean restaurants are attractive to young diners, from 18 - 25 years olds with income of $220 - $440, who appreciate Korean foods (especially grilled dishes) and most people intend to return to Korean restaurants in the next consumption. The study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are used through analysis, evaluation and synthesis of previous studies to formulate survey contents, conduct surveys and propose solutions based on the collected results. Quantitative method applied SPSS 25.0 for descriptive statistics analysis. These findings will help Korean restaurant managers to identify target customers, improve the restaurant's dishes to increase sales and develop Korean dishes in Danang.

Determinants of consumers' purchasing intention toward organic foods: A study in Danang city, Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Tran Thuy An
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • The term "Organic Food" is no longer strange to consumers around the world. Many people are concerned about their safety and health, so they have chosen this safe food. However, the decision to buy this product still faces some difficulties and challenges, such as the high price of organic products, short-time use, supply of products and so on. This study conducted an analysis to investigate the determinants of Danang City consumers' intention to purchase organic foods in Vietnam. The results show that, there are 6 influencing factors, including: subjective norm, food safety & health consciousness, consumer knowledge & environment consciousness, price of the product, availability product and trust in brands and certifications. The study uses a combination of 2 qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are used through analysis, evaluation and synthesis of previous studies to build research models and scales for variables. Quantitative method with 250 samples applied SPSS 25.0 to test the scale by Cronbach's Alpha coefficients, to analyze the discovery factor EFA and regression analysis. The findings of the study provide useful information for consumers to buy organic foods and for marketers to increase sale of organic foods in Vietnam in general and Danang city in particular.

Breast Cancer Screening Barriers from the Womans Perspective: a Meta-synthesis

  • Azami-Aghdash, Saber;Ghojazadeh, Morteza;Sheyklo, Sepideh Gareh;Daemi, Amin;Kolahdouzan, Kasra;Mohseni, Mohammad;Moosavi, Ahmad
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.3463-3471
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    • 2015
  • Background: The principal aim of health service providers in the field of breast cancer is to detect and treat lesions at an appropriate time. Therefore, identification of barriers to screening can be very helpful. The present study aimed to systematically review the qualitative studies for extracting and reporting the barriers of screening for breast cancer from the womans perspective. Materials and Methods: In this systematic review; Pubmed, Google Scholar, Ovid Scopus, Cochrane Library, Iranmedex, and SID were searched using the keywords: screening barriers, cancer, qualitative studies, breast and their Persian equivalents, and the needed data were extracted and analyzed using an extraction table. To assess the quality of the studies, the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool was used. Results: From 2,134 related articles that were found, 21 articles were eventually included in the study. The most important barriers from the point of view of 1,084 women were lack of knowledge, access barriers (financial, geographical, cultural), fear (of results and pain), performance of service providers, women's beliefs, procrastination of screening, embarrassment, long wait for getting an appointment, language problems, and previous negative experiences. Articles' assessment score was 68.9. Conclusions: Increasing women's knowledge, reducing the costs of screening services, cultural promotion for screening, presenting less painful methods, changing beliefs of health service providers, provision of privacy for giving service, decreasing the waiting time, and providing high quality services in a respectful manner can be effective ways to increase breast cancer screening.