• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public Sector Services

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Implementaion Mechanism of Homepage Failure Notification System in Public Sector in IDC Environment (IDC환경에서 공공부문 홈페이지 장애상황공지 시스템 구축방안)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Jo, In-June
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.426-433
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    • 2021
  • Investment in public sector information services has been on the rise in recent years. The supply of high-speed Internet and smartphones has become more common, and the stability of the information system provided to the public in the public sector has become an important management factor. In other words, tasks such as handling civil complaints and issuing certificates by public institutions, financial transactions by banks, customs clearance work, and e-commerce by individuals or institutions are mostly done online. Therefore, how to deal with obstacles arising from the information system, which is in charge of important civil service affairs, is becoming a very important issue. In other words, in the case of a disability that does not function normally even for a short period of time, various problems can occur when the work is delayed, as well as causing serious financial damage to the civil petitioner. This could be accompanied by a decline in public confidence and various other damages such as filing civil complaints. The reasons for the occurrence of information system failures are very diverse and realistically difficult to predict when. Among the various measures to cope with disability, this paper proposed a plan to establish a disability situation notification system that can minimize confusion caused by disability in the event of a homepage malfunction. The proposed disability situation notification system was established in the public IDC environment to show the possibility of utilization.

Determinants of Socio-Ecological Responsibility Disclosures in Indonesia

  • ANDAJANI, Andajani;AGUSTIA, Dian
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to examine the effect of corporate characteristics, including the industrial sector and scale of operation, financial leverage, profitability, operating period, and social reputation, on socio-ecological responsibility based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. The study was conducted in the Indonesian context. A total of 90 public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange were selected as samples, with an observation period of 10 years. A univariate regression analysis was applied to test the hypotheses. The results showed that the industrial sector, scale of operation, financial leverage, profitability, operating period, and social reputation of the corporate had a positive effect on socio-ecological responsibility. This study also obtained evidence that there were differences in the level of socio-ecological responsibility among the industrial sectors. The higher the relationship between the industrial sector and the possibility of the emergence of social and environmental issues, the higher the level of corporate socio-ecological responsibility. From a policy perspective, the implication of the results of this study was that it could be used as a consideration by the authorities or regulators in Indonesia, particularly the Financial Services Authority (OJK), in determining specific indicators of socio-ecological responsibility that must be carried out by corporates.

A Case Study of Digital Transformation: Focusing on the Financial Sector in South Korea and Overseas

  • Eunchan Kim;Minjae Kim;Yeunwoong Kyung
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.537-563
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates the adoption and application of digital transformation in the financial sector and analyzes the process and outcomes of digitization and digitalization in the field of the finance industry of South Korea and overseas, in order to seek both managerial and strategic implications for successful implementation of digital transformation in the future. The findings show that, for successful digital transformation, it is necessary to maximize active and systematic use of advanced online and digital technologies that form the basis of business and create an open, horizontal organizational culture and communication system to equally share and distribute advanced technologies and competencies through the entire organization. Furthermore, this study also discovers the legitimacy to concentrate the organizational competencies and know-how in providing technical training for members, expanding customer experience, and improving customer satisfaction services to contribute to improving the quality of life for members of the organization and creating and improving social and public infrastructures, instead of using digital transformation only to improve productivity of organizations or firms. As such, it is necessary to concentrate corporate competencies in establishing and supplying digital transformation that is not just human-centered but also has productivity, innovativeness, and reliability at the same time.

A Study on the Effective Services Model for Disabled Users in University Libraries (대학도서관의 장애인서비스 제공방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2009
  • There has been almost studies focused on public library in the provision of the use and needs of library services for persons with disability. However, the number of disabled students are rising steadily in university library. So university libraries must make reasonable efforts to give disabled people the same access to information, programs and resources enjoyed by those who are not disabled. The study result showed that despite most university library already is recognized the necessity offering service for disabled, however, due to lack of understanding of services for disabled, legal standards rather than to have made only partial support to them. Therefore, librarians for the disabled in every sector(library-related organizations, groups, and association) have to play an important role in policies and financial support them. Also, active guidance and public relations about library services, improvement of accessibility for the disabled by using homepage, and the arrangement of librarians for the disabled and education for them should be supported for improving library services for the disabled student.

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A Study on the Factors Affecting the Success of Intelligent Public Service: Information System Success Model Perspective (판별시스템 중심의 지능형공공서비스 성공에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구: 정보시스템성공모형을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung Yeon;Lee, Kyoung Su;Kwon, Oh Byung
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.109-146
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    • 2023
  • Purpose With Intelligent public service (IPS), it is possible to automate the quality of civil affairs, provide customized services for citizens, and provide timely public services. However, empirical studies on factors for the successful use of IPS are still insufficient. Hence, the purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the factors that affect the success of IPS with classification function. ISSM (Information System Success Model) is considered as the underlying research model, and how the algorithm quality, data quality, and environmental quality of the discrimination system affect the relationship between utilization intentions is analyzed. Design/methodology/approach In this study, a survey was conducted targeting users using IPS. After giving them a preliminary explanation of the intelligent public service centered on the discrimination system, they briefly experienced two types of IPS currently being used in the public sector. Structural model analysis was conducted using Smart-PLS 4.0 with a total of 415 valid samples. Findings First, it was confirmed that algorithm quality and data quality had a significant positive (+) effect on information quality and system quality. Second, it was confirmed that information quality, system quality, and environmental quality had a positive (+) effect on the use of IPS. Thirdly, it was confirmed that the use of IPS had a positive (+) effect on the net profit for the use of IPS. In addition, the moderating effect of the degree of knowledge on AI, the perceived accuracy of discriminative experience and IPS, and the user was analyzed. The results suggest that ISSM and TOE framework can expand the understanding of the success of IPS.

Collaborative Governance in Philippine Science and Technology Parks: A closer look at the UP - Ayala Land Technohub

  • Sale, Jonathan P.
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2015
  • Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are very popular governance practices, as they enable the private partner to engage in business and have profits while the public partner improves the provision of public services. PPPs are organizational arrangements with a sector-crossing or sector-blurring nature, and are modes of governance - governance by partnerships or collaborative governance (Schuppert 2011). New models and applications of PPPs have been developed over time. Collaborative governance entails information exchange, action or movement harmonization, resource sharing, and capacity enhancement among the partners (Sale 2011; 2012a). As the national university, the University of the Philippines (UP) serves as a research university in various fields of expertise and specialization by conducting basic and applied research and development, and promoting research in various colleges and universities, and contributing to the dissemination and application of knowledge, among other purposes. (Republic Act 9500) It is the site of two (2) science and technology parks (Sale 2012b), one of which is the UP - Ayala Land Technohub. A collaboration between industry and the academe, the Technohub is envisioned as an integrated community of science and technology companies building a dynamic learning and entrepreneurial laboratory (UP-AyalaLand Technohub). This paper takes a closer look at the UP - Ayala Land Technohub as an example of a PPP or collaborative governance in science and technology parks. Have information exchange, action or movement harmonization, resource sharing, and capacity enhancement taken place in the Technohub? What are some significant outcomes of, and issues arising from, the PPP? What assessment indicators may be used? Is a governance instrument needed?

Analysis of Social Welfare Officials' Perception on Quality Service of Social Welfare in Public Sector (사회복지전담공무원이 인식하는 공공복지서비스 질의 수준 분석)

  • Hwang, Seong-Joon;Lee, Jae-Wan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.257-272
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate practical measures to provide a better welfare services in public sector through analyzing differences according to socio-demographic characteristics about the quality service of public welfare that social welfare officials perceive personally. The questionnaire has been conducted among 401 social welfare officials with 5 factors: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy and assurances. With the results, the age was the most conspicuous difference in five factors of quality service in general. The quality of welfare service appears lower level as the official works close to community members. Additionally, the analysis shows that social welfare officials have relatively low perception about reliability, responsiveness and empathy. The official in charge of social welfare needs to have a neighborhood-centered value orientation, and be a social worker and official in the field of substantive welfare. Therefore, this study has a meaning to suggest some directions of social welfare transition and basic delivery system by identifying their understanding.

Health Care Reform in OECD and It's Lessons (OECD 국가를 중심으로 한 의료개혁 동향과 교훈)

  • Lee, Kyu-Sik;Kim, Ju-Kyeong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.18-48
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    • 2004
  • Health policies in many countries have come under critical scrutiny in recent years. This is because of increasing national health expenditures. Also many persons in health sector have been the perception that resources allocated to health services are not always deployed in an optimal fashion. And they believe that the scope of resources in health services is limited, there is need to search for ways of using existing resources more efficiently. A further concern has been the desire to ensure access to healthcare of various groups on an equitable basis. In some European countries this has been linked to a wish to enhance patient choice and to make service providers more responsive to consumers, while Korea integrated health insurance funds into single fund in 2000. Many European countries are under considerable pressure to review and restructure their health care systems. There are several reasons of pressure to reform. There are demographic changes, pattern of disease change, advances in medical sciences will also give rise to new demands within the health services, public expectations of health services are rising as those who use services demand higher standards of care. These circumstances require the change of health care delivery system based on hierarchical regionalism, which was basis of health care delivery since 1920s. Korea is also under similarly pressure to restructure our own health care systems. We will have good learning from OECD experiences. In this paper we reviewed and compared among OECD countries' various experiences.

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Effects of Growing Population and Demand for Health Care Services in the Federal Capital City, Abuja (Abuja시의 인구성장이 보건의료서어비스의 수요에 미치는 영향)

  • Olaleye, David Oyewole
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 1989
  • Ascertaining the actual growth rate of the population is an issue that has generated a lot of arguments amongst various scholars in the process of determining the actual census count. As such, this has had a pronounced effect in the determination of the actual growth rates for different urban populations in the country. But the effect centres much when it comes to accurately determining the major components or the factors contributing to the rapid growth of urban populations. The problem of rapid population growth centres much on its effects on the available basic social services and amenities provided for the people in these areas. Factors such as levels of medical knowledge and services, nutrition, quantity and quality of housing etc. to some extent influence the quality and duration of lives of the people. As such, their importance cannot be overemphasized when dealing with the issue of population growth. The study aims to examine the rate of population growth in the Federal Capital City, Abuja with respect to the available public provision of basic social services among other objectives. The findings from the data obtained from the Population Survey conducted in the city in 1985 show that the health care facilities available in the capital city are grossly inadequate to serve the entire inhabitants of the city. Moreso, the volume of in-migration into the city also compounds the health problems facing the city. The conclusion is that there is need for more resources to be allocated to the health sector to guarantee adequate and functional health care services in the city.

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The Organizational Structure and Role of Smart City Governance (스마트시티 거버넌스의 조직체계와 역할)

  • Nam, Kwang-Woo;Park, Jeong-Woo;Park, Jun-Ho;Ji, Sang-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2017
  • The positive changes in urban space and urban activities resulting from the urban services provided by Smart City is not accomplished by simply creating the physical environment built on ICT but through the cooperation and participation of citizens and private sector, which is in fact key to success. In this study, this research analyzed the role and structure of smart governance, which is a system of horizontal cooperation between public and private sector, and analyze its role in developing Smart City. The study also proposes various ways to facilitate such development in each of critical categories. For this purpose, this research studied 228 smart services across 11 categories registered in the Ministry of Land and Transport in Korea to analyze the spatial distribution of smart services by spatial hierarchy and their characteristics Also, the research conducted a case study of MetroGIS, which is an information collaboration governance system for the greater area of Minneapolis and St. Paul in the state of Minnesota, United States, to explore how governance is formed; its organizational structure; the role of sub-level organization hierarchy and their interrelationship. The results of the analysis suggest that the following conditions are required to create a smart city: first, public sector resource assistance for building community; second, enhanced communication system within the community and with outside the community; securing financial stability and establishing a model of sustainable development to induce the community to evolve into a governance form.