• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public Fund Market

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Making Consumer to Buy Funds: Factor Portfolio in Global Stock Distribution Market (일반 소비자의 공모펀드 구매유인 제고 방안: 글로벌 주식유통시장에서 요인포트폴리오 활용)

  • LIU, Won-Suk
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - We investigate how to increase consumer incentives to buy public offering funds, resulting in activating the public offering fund market. In particular, this study aims to find ways to expand diversity and to improve efficiency of public offering fund. The public fund market of Korea has been stagnant in recent years. However, the public offering fund market plays a very significant role in terms of consumer welfare. Since only a few wealthy investors can participate in the private equity market, the stagnation in the public offering fund market usually reduces the opportunity of consumer's buying funds thus ultimately affecting their future wealth. Research design, data, and methodology - To attain our purpose, the 'factor-based portfolio strategy' has been considered. It is an alternative portfolio strategy, which composites the advantages of the passive management and active management. For our empirical anaylsis, we used global stock distribution market data over the period of 1991 and 2016. Then we constructed portfolios based on firm-size, firm-value, and momentum. Finally, a regression model was set, then hypotheses were tested, analyzing the performances. Results - First, among the 15 factor-based portfolios of global, Europe, Asia-Pacific(ex Japan), US and Japan, in eight portfolios, positive excess returns are observed at 5% significance level. Further, there is another portfolio with positive excess return at 10% significance level. Second, most of the portfolios with significant excess performance show positive relationship with the market portfolio. However, the firm-value based portfolio in Asia-Pacific region shows no relationship, and the firm-value based portfolio in US shows negative relationship. Third, we confirmed that the two firm-value factor portfolios in Asia-Pacific region and US, not having positive relationship with market portfolio, provide significant excess returns. Conclusions - In this paper, we provide empirical evidences supporting that the factor-based portfolios expand the diversity of funds and improve the efficiency of investment performance. However, there is no guarantee that the efficiency will continue in the future. In addition, various constraints and costs must be considered. Nevertheless, our novel findings in the advanced financial market such as US and Asia-Pacific are very interesting and offers important implications.

An Evaluation on the Audio-visual Investment Fund's Contribution to Korean Film Production Capital (한국영화 제작자본에 대한 영상전문투자조합 정책의 기여도 평가)

  • Kim, Mee-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.212-220
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    • 2019
  • This study evaluates the extent to which the government's financial support policy, the Audio-visual investment fund, contributed to raising capital for Korean films. Audio-visual investment fund in the Korean film industry, which has been formed through the public sector support since 1999. The Audio-visual investment fund is a leading financial support policy for the Korean film industry, and began with the investment of the Small and Medium Business Administration and the Korean Film Council. It has become an important source of Korean film production costs and has spread to other cultural industry sectors, as a way of capital procurement for a start-up companies and cultural projects. This study reconstruct the data of the organizations such as the size of a new investment fund by public sector, the ratio of public capital contribution, the amount and number of investment in Korean films, investment multiplier compared to equity investment, and the internal return rate(IRR) of liquidation funds in the Korean film capital market from 1999 to 2017. The purpose of this project was to provide the basis for assessing the achievements of the Audio-visual investment fund policy in contributing to the growth of the film industry.

A Debate on the Reform Plan of Korean National Pension Fund Governance Structure - A Critique on the Appliance of the Agency Theory and a Democratic Alternative - (국민연금기금 지배구조 개편 논쟁에 관한 연구 - 대리인 이론 적용 비판과 민주주의적 대안의 모색 -)

  • Joo, Eun-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.343-368
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    • 2011
  • This Study aims to criticize national pension fund governance reform plan of Korea government and to search for an alternative direction of the reform. Firstly, I examine the theoretical basis of the Korean government reform plan by clarifying limits of application of agency theory to the public pension fund governance. Secondly, I try to reconstruct principles of the public pension fund governance with an alternative theoretical view emphasizing democracy principle. Thirdly, I evaluate the government reform plan with the basis of reconstructed pension fund governance principles. The government reform plan is expected to cause retrenchment of democracy and even political autonomy. It also would make worse the problem of pension fund autonomy from the financial market and the risk of the pension fund caused by market turbulence. Finally I suggest alternative direction of the pension fund governance reform emphasizing the democracy principle. This direction contains constructing co-determination structure of the state and the civil society, escalating controling power of the governing body to the administration body, setting the limits of the roles of the state, attaining of the autonomy from the financial market, strengthening organizational and social accountability.

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Analysis about relation of Long-term & Short-term Financial Market, Stock Market and Foreign Exchange Market of Korea (한국 장단기 금융시장, 주식 및 외환시장 연관성)

  • 김종권
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.22 no.50
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 1999
  • The results of analysis on foreign exchange market, stock and financial market after January of 1997 are that foreign exchange market will be affected by stock and financial market volatility about 1999. This means that stock and financial market are more stable than foreign exchange market. This also is supported by ‘financial market forecast of 1999 in Daewoo Economic Research Institute’. After won/dollar (end of period) will be increasing in 1,430 at second quarter of 1999, this is to downward 1,200 fourth quarter of 1999. This is somewhat based on government's higher exchange rate policy. But, after yield of corporate bond is to 11.0% at first quarter of 1999, this will be stable to 10.2% at fourth quarter. During the first quarter of 1999, yield of corporate bond is to somewhat increasing through sovereign debt and public bonds, technical adjustment of interest rate. After this, yield of corporate bond will be stable according to stability of price, magnification of money supply, restucturing of firms. So, stock market is favorably affected by stability of financial market. But, the pension and fund of USA, i.e., long-term portfolio investment fund, are injected through international firm's management. It is included by openness of audit, fair market about foreign investors. Finally, Moody's strong rating on the won-denominated bonds suggest that Korea's sovereign debt ratings could be restored to an investment grade in the near future. It sequentially includes inflow of foreign portfolio investment fund, fall of won/dollar foreign exchange rate (appreciation of won) and stability of yield of corporate bond.

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A Study on Dynamic Glide Path of Target Date Fund Reflecting Market Expectations (시장기대를 반영한 타겟 데이트 펀드의 동적 글라이드패스에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Myung-Deok;Kim, Sun Woong;Choi, Heung Sik
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze investment performance by applying dynamic methodologies that reflect market expectations rather than traditional static methodologies in applying the glide path of target date fund. In calculating market expectations, the number of distributed shares in the ETF market was used, and the dynamic glide path model portfolio considering market expectations in the analysis period from late 2011 to October 2020 could show better results than the existing static glide path. According to the analysis, increasing the portion of risky assets at a time when the number of shares in the ETF's distribution increases, and in the opposite case, reducing the portion of risky assets is advantageous for profit. The results of this study are expected to provide useful theoretical and practical implications for researchers and asset management workers who are interested in knowledge management from a broad perspective beyond the boundary of pension asset management to the public fund market and ETF market.

A Study on Life-Cycle Categorical Variables of Quasi-Market SOC Public Enterprise (공기업 수명주기 분류변수 도출을 위한 기초연구 : 준시장형 SOC 공기업을 대상으로)

  • Park, Dong Sun;Shin, Wan Seon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2014
  • The enterprise life cycle derived from the product life cycle consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline. The enterprise tries to reach the growth stage early and stay at the maturity stage stably through expanding its businesses and investing for the new technology. The public enterprise is not different but its life cycle is more prone to be affected by the national development and policy. A typical example can be found in the case of the quasi market SOC public enterprise which spends massive amount of fund to provide social infrastructure. After the fulfillment of its mandated mission it is exposed to the pressure of a merger or a closure usually because large portion of the debt is directly linked to the national financial stability and credit ratings. This research is focused on the variables that influence the life cycle of the quasi market SOC public Enterprise for its future competitiveness is in connection with its normalization, advancement and rationalization. In this respect, categorical variables system centering on public characteristics and profitability drew eight categorical variables such as policy outcomes, public benefit, finance and business values etc.

Capital Markets for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and Startups in Korea

  • BINH, Ki Beom;JHANG, Hogyu;PARK, Daehyeon;RYU, Doojin
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.195-210
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    • 2020
  • This study describes the structure of the capital markets for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startup companies in Korea, which is an emerging market that has experienced drastic changes. The overall capital market can be divided into private and public capital markets. In the private capital market, most of the demand for capital comes from non-listed private firms, including startups and SMEs. In the case of SMEs and startups, the KOSDAQ, the Korea New Exchange (KONEX), and primary collateralized bond obligations (P-CBOs) are part of the public capital market. SMEs and startups are generally incapable of raising sufficient capital owing to their low credit ratings, and they largely have limited access to primary markets to issue shares and borrow money. The Korean government has developed a systematic financial aid program to provide funds to these companies. The fund for SMEs has significantly contributed to the development of the venture capital market. Many Korean banks provide substantial lending to SMEs, but this lending is available only because of the Korean government's loan recovery guarantee. Furthermore, SMEs can issue corporate debt in the form of primary collateralized bond obligations through government guarantees, but such debt issuances have placed increasing pressure on public guarantee institutions.

Theoretical Background of Division of Role in Technology Financing Based on Uncertainty Implied in Industrial Technology Development (산업기술개발의 불확실성에 따른 금융지원의 역할분담에 관한 이론적 고찰)

  • 김선근
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.206-222
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    • 1997
  • The conventional analysis with which justifies government intervention of the private sector's innovation activities is the market failure approach. According to such analysis, fund allocation through autonomous market mechanisms is not optimal in technology financing because of the disparity between the desirable level of investment for society as a whole and that for private firms. To optimize the fund allocation, public policies such as subsidy, preferencial loan and venture capital investment programs are designed for technology development projects performed by private firms. They, however, have not been effective in increasing private investment for such projects. In most cases, it was found that little considerations given to the relationship between uncertainty embodied in technology development projects and each types of financing. With respect to optimizing fund allocation, technology development projects should be financed by different means according to their probability of success and the expected value of technology. Employing various theoretical models on financing decision-making we verify here that technology development projects to be supported by commercial banks or venture capital institutions is limited contingent upon levels of uncertainty adn expected value. Under the assumption that financial institutions are risk averse, loan or investment can be available only if the probability of success of the project is higher than the probability premium and the current market rate of interest. Therefore, the projects that have lower probability of success and/or small expected return are excluded from commercial loan or investment programs. However, the remaining projects, whose probability of success is low but with high expected return, may be applied under government subsidy programs. To achieve optimality of fund allocation and to activate technology financing, we conclude that there should be a systematic division of role among financial institutions including government commercial banks, and venture capital institutions.

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Efficiency Rating by Types of Public Institutions and Identification of Inefficiency Sources (공공기관의 유형별 효율성 평가와 비효율성 원인의 규명에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, attention to the high debt ratio in public institutions has pushed the government to make efforts in reducing the debt ratio. However, in order to stimulate the economy, the government needs drastically innovative measures that reduce debt by improving efficiency rather than moderate approaches that focus solely on debt reduction. Despite this need, no study has yet systematically analyzed the overall efficiency of domestic public institutions and identified the source of inefficiencies in each public entity. Therefore, largely two research questions are examined. First, this study compares the efficiency levels by types of public institutions. Second, this study identifies the cause of inefficiencies in each public institution and proposes directions for improving efficiency. Based on a 5-year data of 302 public institutions published in public business information systems and organizational websites from 2009 to 2013, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was performed. The input variables include the number of employees and total costs while the output variables include sales and net income. Reflecting the characteristics of public institutions, the input-oriented CCR model and input-oriented BCC model were utilized. Analysis results are as follows. First, market-oriented public institutions showed the highest efficiency while fund management quasi-governmental agencies showed the highest inefficiency. Second, scale efficiency score was measured by applying the CCR model and the BCC model on the organizations with the lowest efficiency level, fund management quasi-governmental agencies. Based on these analysis results, the source of inefficiency and detailed directions for improvement were proposed for Decision Making Units (DMUs) with low CCR and BCC scores.

KODIT's Social Value Creation for Inclusive Growth: Focusing on the Supporting Program for Social Enterprise and Job Creation (포용적 성장을 위한 신용보증기금의 사회적 가치 창출 : 사회적 경제 기업 및 일자리 창출 지원 사업을 중심으로)

  • An, Kyung Min;Kwon, Sang Jib
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2020
  • Korea Credit Guarantee Fund(KODIT) is a public financial institution under the provision of the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Act. Facing the waves of change both locally and globally, KODIT will serve as 'social value creator' in making a paradigm shift from a large corporation(Conglomerate-dominated) economy to a social enterprise-oriented one based on social economy. This study focuses on the supporting service programs for social enterprises and job creation how it affects the performance of social value creation of KODIT. There is currently no detailed research of the social value in terms of the business and management academic agenda. Therefore, the present study describes the importance of social value creation on the policy financial institution. This study conducted in-depth case study for social value performance. As a public policy financial institution, KODIT exert diverse efforts to correct market failure and achieve inclusive growth. For example, KODIT extends credit guarantee services for the liabilities of promising corporations and stimulates financial and non-financial supporting programs for social enterprises. Although the role of social value and social economy has gained business field attention, few investigations have been conducted to explain how social value is achieved. The present study can thus act as the foundation for exploring the social value creation in the circumstances of public financial institution.