• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public Database

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Valuation of Public Data Using Stated Preference Method: The Case of Agriculture Soil Database (진술선호방법을 이용한 공공 데이터의 가치 평가: 농업토양정보 데이터베이스 사례)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Ha, Sung-Ho;Jeong, Ki-Ho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.149-165
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    • 2018
  • Purpose As Korean economy has been sluggish in recent years, firms' interest in publicly financed projects has increased due to the relatively increasing proportion in the economy. Since 1999, publicly financed projects in Korea need to undergo preliminary feasibility study to evaluate economic efficiency and policy quality if they are larger than a certain scale. The benefits of public projects are one of the most important factors in the preliminary feasibility study but are difficult to estimate due to their nature. Design/methodology/approach This study estimates the benefits of the agricultural soil information database, a public database in Korea. The method used in the study is the stated preference method which is formally used in Korea's preliminary feasibility study. Data are collected through surveys and a logit model is constructed to be estimated by the maximum likelihood estimation method. Findings As the first study evaluating a public database, this study can be used as a baseline in all public database projects developed in the future. In addition, this study can contribute to improving the understanding of both private companies and public organizations who are interested in the cost-benefit analysis and estimation procedure for the publicly financed projects.

Modeling and Implementation of Public Open Data in NoSQL Database

  • Min, Meekyung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2018
  • In order to utilize various data provided by Korea public open data portal, data should be systematically managed using a database. Since the range of open data is enormous, and the amount of data continues to increase, it is preferable to use a database capable of processing big data in order to analyze and utilize the data. This paper proposes data modeling and implementation method suitable for public data. The target data is subway related data provided by the public open data portal. Schema of the public data related to Seoul metro stations are analyzed and problems of the schema are presented. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a method to normalize and structure the subway data and model it in NoSQL database. In addition, the implementation result is shown by using MongDB which is a document-based database capable of processing big data.

Modeling with Design Patterns in MongoDB for Public Transportation Data

  • Meekyung Min
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.460-465
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    • 2024
  • MongoDB, a document-based database, is suitable for distributed management environments of large-scale databases due to its high scalability, performance, and flexibility. Recently, as MongoDB has been widely used as a new database, many studies have been conducted including data modeling for MongoDB and studies on applying MongoDB to various applications. In this paper, we propose a data modeling method for implementing Seoul public transportation data with MongoDB. Seoul public transportation data is public data provided by the Korea Public Data Portal. In this study, we analyze the target data and find design patterns such as polymorphic pattern, subset pattern, computed pattern, and extended reference pattern in the data. Then, we present data modeling with these patterns. We also show examples of implementation of Seoul public transportation database in MongoDB. The proposed modeling method can improve database performance by leveraging the flexibility and scalability that are characteristics of MongoDB.

Public Perception of a Criminal DNA Database in Korea

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Cho, Sohee;Kim, Moon Young;Lee, Seung Hwan;Lee, Hwan Young;Lee, Soong Deok;LoCascio, Sarah Prusoff;Jung, Kyu Won
    • Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2019
  • Background: Since 2010, Korea has maintained a DNA database of those convicted of or awaiting trial for certain crimes. There have been proposals to expand the list of crimes included in this database, or conversely, omit certain crimes if they are committed during protests. An understanding of the feelings of the public as we consider the ethical, legal, and social aspects of a DNA database and as revisions to laws are made is required. Methodology: Questions related to the DNA database were included in the nationally representative Korean Academic Multimode Open Survey (KAMOS) panel (June-August 2016). Results: Of 2,000 randomly selected panel members, 1,013 respondents participated in this survey, including 89.2% who supported the existence of a criminal DNA database. The current system of storing DNA profiles until a suspect's acquittal or a convict's death was supported by 79.5% of respondents. In addition, 70.8% of respondents agreed with the expansion of crime categories included in the criminal database. Many (93.4%) respondents favored genetic testing and data storage to determine the identity and cause of death for people who die of unnatural causes. Some differences in attitude related to social class were noted, with those who self-identified as members of the upper class more likely to support the database and its expansion to include additional crimes than those who self-identified as middle or lower class. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that Koreans generally support the criminal DNA database.

Development and Management of Database for School Health Improvement (학교보건 증진을 위한 데이터베이스의 개발 및 관리)

  • Choung Hye Myoung
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.154-166
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to design and implementation of database for school health activity. This database system was designed stand-alone application for college school health center without a hospital affiliation and the database system was made of relational database management system, Microsoft access 2000 to be made GUI (Graphic user interface) type design and made up 7 tables: patients. symptoms. departments, income and outgo. medical cures. and medicine. The construction of this database system was patient management. code management. medicine management. and statistics management. The results of the database system were as follows; 1) This database system could be used for college school health center. 2) This database system could be made correct statistic data. 3) This database system could be managed income and outgo. 4) This database system could be changed for the better activity of community health service. 5) This database system could be simply attired administrative system. This database system will be used for students and employees to protect and promote health to measure for health level and quality of health service. In conclusion. this database system can be applied for unit health center to manage the college school health activity and advanced data management can be applied for health profession to do quality improvement. cost containment. management information system. and decision support system.

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A Study on the Possibility of Introduction of Digital Architectural Design by Public Education Facilities of the Design Process - Focus on Use the Database of BIM - (공공교육시설 설계프로세스의 디지털 건축 디자인 도입 가능성에 관한 연구 -계획설계 단계에서 BIM의 데이터베이스(DB)이용 중심으로-)

  • Sung, Kee-Yong;Cho, Byung-Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2012
  • In this study, a digital design process by utilizing the program's database functionality in BIM, public education facilities master plan presented an alternative model to the layout of the design process. First of all, public education facilities master plan design process with digital design process and how to use the database of BIM in the process for review of the possibility of. Secondly, public educational facility planning the placement as needed for the switch to digital design limits, and the basic plan design at various elementary school planning alternatives in a school building and the school site is required to investigate. Thirdly, as a way of using the database features of GDL BIM lnn and teachers on how to create a variable by setting up a number of different alternatives so that you can choose the architect thought to have to organize and visualize the possibility of quick. A quantitative way the basic plan design that repeats some of the measures that can be used for digital design change as a process of continuous research is needed.

WinBioDBs: A Windows-based Integrated Program for Manipulating Major Biological Databases

  • Nam, Hye-Weon;Lee, Jin-Ho;Park, Kie-Jung
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.175-177
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    • 2009
  • We have developed WinBioDBs with Windows interfaces, which include importing modules and searching interfaces for 10 major public databases such as GenBank, PIR, SwissProt, Pathway, EPD, ENZYME, REBASE, Prosite, Blocks, and Pfam. User databases can be constructed with searching results of queries and their entries can be edited. The program is a stand-alone database searching program on Windows PC. Database update features are supported by importing raw database files and indexing after downloading them. Users can adjust their own searching environments and report format and construct their own projects consisting of a combination of a local databases. WinBioDBs are implemented with VC++ and its database is based on MySQL.

Methodology of Spatio-temporal Matching for Constructing an Analysis Database Based on Different Types of Public Data

  • Jung, In taek;Chong, Kyu soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to construct an integrated database using the same spatio-temporal unit by employing various public-data types with different real-time information provision cycles and spatial units. Towards this end, three temporal interpolation methods (piecewise constant interpolation, linear interpolation, nonlinear interpolation) and a spatial matching method by district boundaries was proposed. The case study revealed that the linear interpolation is an excellent method, and the spatial matching method also showed good results. It is hoped that various prediction models and data analysis methods will be developed in the future using different types of data in the analysis database.

Construction of a Genetic Information Database for Analysis of Oncolytic Viruses

  • Cho, Myeongji;Son, Hyeon Seok;Kim, Hayeon
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2020
  • Oncolytic viruses are characterized by their ability to selectively kill cancer cells, and thus they have potential for application as novel anticancer agents. Despite an increase in the number of studies on methodologies involving oncolytic viruses, bioinformatic studies generating useful data are lacking. We constructed a database for oncolytic virus research (the oncolytic virus database, OVDB) by integrating scattered genetic information on oncolytic viruses and proposed a systematic means of using the biological data in the database. Our database provides data on 14 oncolytic viral strains and other types of viruses for comparative analysis. We constructed the OVDB using the basic local alignment search tool, and therefore can provides genetic information on highly homologous oncolytic viruses. This study contributes to facilitate systematic bioinformatics research, providing valuable data for development of oncolytic virus-based anticancer therapies.