• Title/Summary/Keyword: Psychological Effects

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A Research on the Creation of Floral Art Works as Public Installation : The Case of a Vertical Mini-Garden in Island Type Bus Stop (공공설치용 화예작품 창작에 관한 연구 -도심 중앙차로 버스정류장의 수직형 미니정원을 중심으로-)

  • Bae, Myung Hwa;Yoo, Teak Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.41
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    • pp.133-153
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    • 2019
  • This study is about the development and creation of the public installation to enhance the contact chances with plants for the city dwellers who are living in the environment of limited green space. The researcher tried to create a floral art work at an island type bus stop on the central bus only lane, where the passers-by can enjoy the contact with plants for a second on that crowded space. The researcher made the study of various related cased world-widely and existing island type bus stop on the central bus only lane. The researcher also made pre-creation study of applicable forms and elements, and developed the prototype of the installation on the base of that study. Therefore the researcher created 1 installable screen type floral art work offering abundant contact experience to the viewers which has multiple shelves in the vertical frame to fit and be substituted by the designated wall unit of the island type bus stop structure. Also the researcher developed the prototypes of 2 small interior pieces. The meaning of this study can be found in the contribution of increasing visual experiencing rate of green space and chances of experiencing plants to create positive psychological, emotional effects by developing floral art works to be installed at crowded urban public space.

Effect of Contingent Self-Esteem on Inferiority Feelings Among Young Adults: The Mediation Effects of SNS Upward Comparison Moderated by SNS Usage Motivation (초기 성인의 조건부 자아존중감이 열등감에 미치는 영향: SNS 이용동기로 조절된 SNS 상향비교의 매개효과)

  • Ki-Hyun Choi;Eun-Ji Jeon;Jung-Hee Ha
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to check the role of SNS upward comparison and SNS usage motivation in the effect of contingent self-esteem on inferiority feelings by verifying the link between each variable in young adults. Depending on passed studies, a study model for the relationship of each variable was founded and the moderated mediation effect was checked. We performed a survey on 400 young adults using SNS through an online survey, and finally, a total of 351 data were employed for analysis. The outcome of the analysis was as follows. First, contingent self-esteem, SNS upward comparison, SNS usage motivation, and inferiority feelings were all affirmed to reveal a positive correlation. Second, contingent self-esteem had an important impact on inferiority feelings, which was mediated by SNS upward comparison. Third, the relationship between SNS upward comparison and inferiority feelings was moderated by SNS usage motivation. Finally, SNS usage motivation moderated the indirect effect of contingent self-esteem on inferiority feelings via SNS upward comparison. Based on the results of this study, we presented the psychological and emotional implications that can experience the inferiority feelings in young adults.

Case Study on the Use of Songwriting to Promote Self-Acceptance in Adolescents in Palliative Care (노래 만들기를 통한 완화의료 청소년의 자기수용 증진 사례 연구)

  • Youn, Ha Jeong
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.55-80
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to examine the effects of songwriting on the self-acceptance of adolescent in palliative care. Three participants were recruited from a university hospital in an urban area in South Korea. The songwriting intervention was conducted in six sessions, and each session was composed of an introduction, song writing and wrap-up. Participants were asked to complete the Unconditional Self-Acceptance Questionnaire (USAQ) before and after the intervention. Their verbal expressions and written song lyrics observed during the intervention were also measured. The results showed that the USAQ scores increased after the intervention, indicating the improvement in their acceptance of the self without judgement or high reactivity to feedback. In addition, the participants exhibited greater recognition of their emotions and acceptance of themselves as they are. They were also better able to discover internal resources and psychological competence. The participants reported that they could more freely express their emotions through song writing and that recording the songs they created was a means of communicating their feelings to others. Based on this study, it is expected that adolescents in palliative care will be able to experience self-acceptance through such brief song writing interventions.

A Study of Activation Approaches by the on the Analysis Problems and Success Cases of Traditional Markets (재래시장의 문제점과 사례 분석을 통한 활성화 방안)

  • Lee, Jae-Han;Kim, Kyu-Won;Yu, Jong-Pil
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2010
  • Since circulation market whole surface opening, traditional market is real condition that is looked away more gradually to consumer as reasons of international retail firms and domestic enterprise firms to enter distribution industry, internet mail order rapid increase by information-oriented society, the pursuit of upgradation and normalization by elevation of income level and consumption pattern change that consideration convenience with young consumers as the central figure. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze stagnation cause of traditional market and problem within a change of new distribution environment, and to develop new approaches for dealing with domestic traditional market relationship prompting competition through activation example analysis of foreign traditional market and domestic traditional market. The result of the study indicated that there are a lot of cases that are begun by a few's merchant with leadership that has been will which is strong in activation in beginning in market's occasion that succeed in activation. In particular, software side such as operational efficiency or marketing expertise strengthening of management is that effect is high relatively than hardware side market activation. Also essential to the settlement of credit transactions using credit cards is important for expanding the effort, for the expansion of credit card merchant credit card advantage and raise awareness among traders about the expected effects is needed. Though these study finding submits plan that create market ecosystem so that many consumers may become place that could visit naturally and create pleasure and convenience, and time, monetary, psychological value of shopping to traditional market, there is sense.

Intervention of Swallowing Disorder in Dementia Patient: A Systematic Review (치매환자의 삼킴장애 중재에 관한 체계적 고찰)

  • Park, Chi-Soo;Ham, Min-Joo;Hong, Deok-Gi;Yoo, Doo-Han
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to establish scientific evidence though a systematic review, of the existing interventional methods and their respective effects, for swallowing disorders among dementia patients. The interventional methods were based on patient characteristics. Methods : An electronic literature search was performed using five electronic databases from 2010 to 2020. The keywords were 'Dementia', 'Alzheimer disease', 'Deglutition disorder', 'Swallowing disorder', 'Dysphagia'. Five articles met the inclusion criteria. Results : One study with moderate-to-severe and four studies with severe dementia patients were included. The interventions consisted of one remedial intervention, three compensatory interventions, and one comprehensive intervention. Compensatory intervention, including behavioral and psychological management, were used in moderate-to-severe patients. For the severe patients, remedial, compensatory, and comprehensive intervention were used to address the feeding tube problem. The interventions used in each study had a positive effect on the outcome variables associated with swallowing ability. Conclusion : The purpose of the intervention and the intervention factors changed depending on the patient's dementia stage. The intervention was effective when considering the progressive stage of the patient. These results may serve as a guide in designing effective interventions for swallowing disorders in dementia patients.

The Effect of Guided Autobiography on Ego-Integrity, Depression and Life Satisfaction and the Heuristic Meaning in the Elderly (집단 자서전쓰기가 노년기 자아통합, 우울 및 생활만족도에 미치는 효과와 체험적 의의)

  • Lyu, Jung In;Cho, Haekyung;Kim, Byung Suk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.559-576
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    • 2012
  • This research aims to address the effect of Guided Autobiography(GAB) on ego-integrity, depression and life-satisfaction in the elderly and to investigate psychological changes and experiences on the senior subject. 20 subjects participated weekly autobiography writing sessions in a senior academy in the S city for 13 weeks. In this research, we carried out examination on ego-integrity, depression test, and life-satisfaction survey were performed before and after the writing sessions for a quantitative analysis, which was later investigated through a 'corresponding sample T-test'. Based on the results of the above mentioned tests, the qualitative analysis was conducted through an individual sessions with 5 selected participants. The results of this research are summarized as following. First, ego-integrity showed satisfactorily meaningful difference between pre- and post-GAB writing. The participants recollected the past repent and revisited unresolved issues in their lives. The subjects were able to accept these past misdemeanors and appreciate their lives. GAB indeed helped improving ego-integrity. Second, the hypothesis that GAB writing will help decrease depression was accepted. 2-page weekly writing assignments enabled the participants think of joyful moments in their past, and showed decrease the symptoms of depression. Third, this study revealed that GAB writing improved life- satisfaction. The participants learned to express gratitude and peace in their mind. The happy feeling and optimistic thoughts enhanced their satisfaction of life in turn. In addition, it turned out that the effects of GAB were more drastic in group sessions than in individual writings. Interpersonal interactions in group sessions encouraged the exchange of positive feedback, thereby helping them reflect themselves positively.

A Case Study on Autobiography Writing Program for Older Adults (노인자서전 쓰기 교육 프로그램 사례 연구)

  • Ji, Haeng Jung;Han, Jungran;Park, Seong Hie
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.223-241
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of an autobiography writing program as a method of education for older adults. The authors participated in the processes of all 10 sessions of the autobiography writing program as instructors or program assistants at a senior welfare center in Seoul, 2007. Data used for analysis were learners' narrations in class, written autobiographies by learners, and researchers' memo-notes. We analyzed their narrative flows using Haenninen(2000)'s theory of narrative flow and reconstructed their categories of activities as life histories. 'The innen narration' constructed by learners was a spiritual process in which they have imbued their life and living conditions with meaning. The learners reminisced their lives as 'unreflective narration' in the beginning of education. However, as the class went on, they gradually reminisced them as "reflective narration" and finally developed them as 'meta-reflective narration' through the intentional reflection. Likewise, we could interpret the transition of learners into meta-reflecter as the completion of ego-integration. As a conclusion, we found the effects of the autobiography writing education for older adults in educational, social, and psychological aspects.

The Effect of P-O Fit on the Frontline Employee's Boundary Spanning Behaviors: Mediating Role of Emotional and Motivational Responses

  • Yoo, Jaewon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.49-73
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the author develops and tests a model that incorporates the mediating effects of two frontline employee psychological variables (emotional exhaustion and intrinsic motivation) based on job demand and resource model. As a form of environmental resource, person-organization fit was proposed as a leading factor of frontline employee boundary spanning behavior through emotional exhaustion and intrinsic motivation. All measures were adapted from or developed based on prior research. Data for the study were collected from a cross-sectional sample of retail bank employees in South Korea. Questionnaires were distributed to 500 frontline employees across several banks. Of these, 322 usable questionnaires were returned. To analyze the data, a structural equation model procedure using LISREL 8.5 was employed. Results show that an employee's perceived fit with his/her organization enhances intrinsic motivation and reduces emotional exhaustion. These mechanisms, in turn, increase the employee's boundary spanning behavior. These results support the notion that person-organization fit should be one of the factors affecting motivation, affect and attachment, and extends such an understanding to a purely service-based environment among customer contact employees. Results also confirms that P-O fit can be viewed as environmental resources, and the JD-R model provides a theoretical base in further studying the antecedent role of P-O fit on frontline employees's boundary spanning behavior through intrinsic motivation and emotional exhaustion. These results suggest that organizations have to do their best to manage P-O fit, be it through employee screening or training and workshops to try and align organization and employee values and objectives. If managers of organizations are positively evaluated by the employees, it will be easier for them to, give things of value to employees, such as sense of direction, values, and recognition, and receive other things in return such as esteem and responsiveness. Consequently, organizational leaders are not only able to manage employee experiences, but also their fit with the organization. Even if a manager cannot control employee P-O fit, this research suggests, that a focus on reducing emotional exhaustion rather than increasing intrinsic motivation seems optimal. This research also supports the idea that motivation has a direct association with a frontline employee's boundary spanning behavior. Even in situations where emotional exhaustion cannot be reduced, organizations may still influence frontline behaviors through motivation.

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Thai Tourists' Souvenir Shopping Experience in Korea

  • Poraksa, Sirin;Cheon, Hyejung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2013
  • Shopping is considered a 'must-do' activity for most people on travel. One of the major parts of tourist shopping is the purchasing of souvenirs. Souvenirs are universally associated with tourism as a commercially produced and purchased object to remind the purchaser of the experience. Recently, Korea becomes one of the most popular destinations that many Asian tourists like to visit. Among those Asian tourists, the number of Thai tourists bound for Korea shows an incredible rapid growth. Thai people pick Korea and Seoul as their favorite country and city to visit for three consecutive years since 2009. One of the major reasons why Thais are choosing to tour Korea is the enthusiasm for Korean pop culture. That is, 'Hallyu' has influenced Thais' decision to visit Korea and purchase Korean products. The primary objective of the current research is to explore the shopping experiences of Thai tourists, specifically their souvenir shopping. It adopts a reflexive interpretive approach to bring light to the various meanings Thai tourists attach to the souvenirs they purchase in Korea. In order to accomplish the objective, the individual interviews were conducted. A total of 12 Thais who have experienced traveling in Korea participated in the study. Four themes were identified through interview text analysis. First, the research participants almost always purchase souvenirs in Korea because the souvenirs represent their identities as tourists. Especially, they purchase the souvenirs as gifts for others, including family members, friends, and colleagues. The souvenirs as gifts show love and thanks to others, and they cement the social relationship. However, purchasing souvenirs for others is more like the moral obligations which evoke the psychological stress. Secondly, the research participants feel closer to Korea while shopping souvenirs around. Thirdly, they obtain imaginative experiences and pleasure through souvenirs related to the Korean pop culture. Souvenirs provide them to visually extraordinary experiences. Lastly, souvenirs purchased in Korea act as visible status marker when they go back to Thailand. They show the socioeconomic status and lifestyles. Tourists themselves and others place special value to souvenirs that were purchased out of Thailand. The findings of this study are of both academic and practical importance. Souvenirs are among the most pervasive elements of the travel experience. However, souvenir shopping is the complicated consumer behavior within tourism both from business and social science perspectives. Along the same line, it needs strategic approaches in order to maximize the economy effects. It concludes by suggesting how further research could offer unique insights into how the souvenirs are positioned both in the context of tourism academics and industry.

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Exploring framing effect and repetition effect of the persuasive message on moral decision making in conflict of interest (이익충돌 상황에서 설득 메시지의 프레이밍 및 반복에 따른 도덕적 의사결정 탐색)

  • Saeyeon Seong;Kyong-mee Chung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.541-562
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    • 2018
  • Conflict of interest (COI) is one of the dominant circumstantial factors of moral corruption across various fields. Several management strategies have been proposed to prevent self-interested decision making in COIs. Among these strategies, message persuasion has been considered as a practical and effective approach. Prior studies have found that framing and repetition are two of the major factors in the persuasion effect of message. However, their effect on moral decision making in COI has not been well explored. The purpose of this study was to compare the differential effects of positively framed message and negatively framed message, and secondly, to investigate how the effectiveness of persuasive message changes through repetitive exposures. A total of 63 participants were randomly assigned to one of 3 framing conditions: positive framing, negative framing, and no-message condition. Prior to the on-line experiment involving a consultation task, differently framed persuasive message were presented to the participants. This process was repeated four times in a row. The results showed that participants with positive-framing message were less likely to provide self-interested consultation than participants in the no-message condition. Also, a U-shaped quadric relation between repetition and self-interest consultation was found. Implications and limitations are further discussed.