• Title/Summary/Keyword: Prudence

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The Relationship Between Company Value and Good Financial Governance: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2021
  • State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are business entities that are owned mainly by the state. Good financial governance (GFG) is as important for SOEs as for the private sector companies. Prudence and GFG can affect the value of the company. This research aims to test the impact of macroeconomics, investment decisions, and financing decisions on prudence, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD), dividend policy, and company value of SOEs registered on the IDX from 2014-2019. GFG and financing decisions are moderating variables. The population in this study is 16 SOEs listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2014-2019. The research method is quantitative and uses Partial Least Squares (PLS), which is an approach to Structural Equation Models (SEM) that allows researchers to analyze the relationships simultaneously. The results showed that macroeconomic factors, investment decisions, financing decisions, and prudence directly affect the company's value. However, CSRD and dividend policy directly do not affect the company's value. Prudence can mediate the influence of financing decisions on company value. GFG moderates the relationship between prudence and company value. Thus, GFG is key to producing compliant regulatory reports and disclosures. GFG aims at facilitating effective monitoring and efficient control of the business. Its essence lies in fairness and transparency in operations and enhanced disclosures for protecting the interest of different stakeholders.

Critical Thinking Disposition and Clinical Competence in General Hospital Nurses (종합병원 간호사의 비판적 사고성향과 임상수행능력)

  • Park, Jin-Ah;Kim, Bog-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.840-850
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate the relationship between critical thinking disposition and clinical competence among nurses in general hospitals. Methods: This study was a descriptive-correlational study with a convenience sample of 560 nurses from 5 general hospitals. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaires. Critical thinking disposition was measured using the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale for Nursing Students. Clinical competence was measured using the Standardized Nurse Performance Appraisal Tool. Results: The mean score for critical thinking disposition and clinical competence was 3.37 and 4.10 respectively on a 5 point scale. A statistically significant correlation was found between critical thinking disposition and clinical competence. A regression model explained 72.8% of clinical competence. Prudence is the most significant predictor of clinical competence ($R^2=.728$). Conclusion: Study findings suggest that nurses with a higher level of critical thinking disposition would have a higher level of clinical competence. Furthermore, prudence might be the most important predictor of clinical competence. In order to strengthen clinical competence in nurses, the development and enhancement of critical thinking should be emphasized at the college level and nurses should be encouraged to make a clinical decision with greater prudence.

Estimating a Precautionary Saving Motive under Consumption Uncertainty (소비의 불확실성에 따른 예비적 저축 동기 추정)

  • Hwang, Jin-tae;Kim, Sung-min
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.48-70
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    • 2020
  • Using data from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey over the period 1994-2016, we estimate the coefficient of relative prudence in order to capture precautionary saving motive. To do this, we adopt a cohort approach, where we transform such microdata into sample cohort means. Together with initial income involving liquidity constraint, we estimate the relative prudence derived from the Euler equation. The two-stage least-squares (2SLS) between estimate of it obtained from the cohort panel data analysis is too small for the existence of precautionary saving motive, as in previous studies, while the 2SLS random effects estimate is so reasonable. Moreover, the liquidity-constrained cohorts tend to be more sensitive to uncertainty, relative to the unconstrained ones.

Report - IP 리포트 - 한.미 상표법 체계(Juris-prudence).상표정책 및 상표권의 법적 성질 비교

  • Kim, Dong-Uk
    • 발명특허
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.14-18
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    • 2011
  • 미국은 관습법(시민사회의 자생적 발전에 기초한 풀뿌리 민주주의를 토대)으로서 아래로부터(Bottom-up) 상거래 관행이 상표법에 조문화된 보통법 (common law) 체계인 반면, 한국은 시민사회의 기반 없이 정부주도로 바람직한 현상(1천년이 넘는 오랜 권위주의 체제를 토대)으로서의 법규범을 형성하기 위해 상표법을 제정한 대륙법(Continental law) 체계라는 법철학적 차이점이 있다.

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Effects of Shopping Orientation on Brand Loyalty and Shopping Satisfaction of Fashion Outlet Consumers (패션 아울렛 소비자의 쇼핑성향이 브랜드 충성도 및 쇼핑만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, A-Ram;Yoo, Tai-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.114-129
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study were to identify shopping orientation for fashion outlet consumers and its significance in influencing brand loyalty and shopping satisfaction. This study will propose results which help to better understand shopping orientation of fashion outlet consumers. A questionnaire was administered to 326 20s male and female living in Daegu Gyeongbuk during October of 2008. Data were analyzed by using Factor analysis, Reliability analysis, t-test and Regression analysis. The results of the research are as follows: First, The shopping orientation could be into 5 dimensions: pleasure tendency, fashion tendency, name brand tendency, prudence buying tendency, economic tendency. Brand loyalty were factor analyzed resulting three factors such as brand loyalty, brand care and brand knowledge. Brand loyalty factors of brand loyalty and brand knowledge had a positive effect on fashion tendency, name brand tendency. Brand care has a positive effect on name brand tendency and economic tendency. Second, Shopping satisfaction were factor analyzed resulting five factors such as product, store atmosphere, service store reputation, location convenience and price. Outlet product had a positive effect on fashion tendency, name brand tendency, prudence buying tendency and while all other factors showed a positive effect on preferences to follow trends. However, outlet price had a positive effect on only those consumers possessing a economic tendency.

A Study of Different Character Strengths in the Sasang Constitution (사상체질에 따른 성격강점 차이연구)

  • Park, Hyuncheol;Yu, Gyung;Kim, Lakhyung
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the Sasang Constitution character strength of university students. Methods: One hundred fifty students of Woosuk University participated in this study. Their majors were Korean medicine, nursing science, and pharmacy. Their Sasang Constitutional types were determined using the results of a Two Step Questionnaire for Sasang Constitution Diagnosis (TS-QSCD). The subjects were also tested by a Characteristic Strength Test (CST). The Character Strength test scores were compared to the different Sasang Constitutions using analysis of variances (ANOVA). Also, the five Signature Strengths presented to the subjects were measured as a percentage within Sasang Constitution Groups, and compared to the different Sasang Constitutions. Results and Conclusions: 1. In CST score: Soyangin were significantly higher than Taeeumin in creativity, curiosity, love, social intelligence, vitality, leadership, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and humor. Also, Soyangin was significantly higher than Soeumin in wisdom, kindness, bravery, and authenticity. 2. In CST score: Taeeumin were significantly higher than Soyangin in modesty. Taeeumin and Soeumin were significantly higher than Soyangin in prudence. 3. In the five signature strength analysis: Extrovert character strengths such as curiosity, vitality, social intelligence, bravery, and leadership, were higher in Soyangin. On the other hand, Introvert character strengths such as modesty, prudence, and self-regulation, were higher in Taeeumin and Soeumin. 4. In the five signature strength analysis: The signature strengths of Soyangin and Soeumin indicated a biased distribution. The signature strengths of Taeeumin indicated an even distribution.

Effects of Critical Thinking Disposition and Empathy on Cultural Competency in Dental Hygiene Students

  • Hwang, Ji-Min;Han, Ji-Hyoung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the effects of critical thinking and empathy on the cultural competence of dental hygienists and students. A total of 529 dental hygiene students were randomly sampled and included as subjects. PASW Statistics for Windows ver. 18.0 was used to obtain the following results. Among the critical thinking sub-domains, cognitive integration was the highest and the lowest. Empathic ability had the highest acceptance factor among the sub-domains. Cultural competence was the highest among the sub-domains, while cultural knowledge was the lowest. According to their general characteristics, subject age, grade, religion, and economic level influenced the cultural capacity. Cultural awareness and sensitivity were high when there were foreign visiting experiences. Cultural awareness, sensitivity, skills, and knowledge were high when subjects had experienced multicultural education (p<0.05). Cultural awareness, sensitivity, skill, experience, and knowledge were correlated with critical thinking and cultural competence, among which cultural sensitivity showed the highest correlation (p<0.001). There was a correlation between cultural awareness and sensitivity, skill, and experience among the empathy and cultural competency sub-domains (p<0.001). The factors influencing cultural awareness included intellectual integration, openness, prudence, and perspective-taking (p<0.001). The factors influencing cultural sensitivity included intellectual integration, openness, and empathic concern (p<0.001). The factors influencing cultural skill included intellectual integration, creativity, and conductivity (p<0.001). The factors influencing cultural experience included prudence, objectivity, perspective-taking, and personal distress (p<0.001). Finally, the factors influencing cultural knowledge included creativity and conductivity (p<0.001). The results indicate that dental hygiene students should be equipped with cultural competence to enhance critical thinking and empathy required by the modern society and optimized dental hygiene courses should be provided for multicultural subjects.

A Study on the Effect of Service Providers'Personality on Service Training Performance (서비스 제공자의 성격이 서비스 교육성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Joo;Park, Jong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the future direction of service training performance and employment of service oriented employees by examining the element of personality which affects the results of service training performance. The empirical analysis of the study is as follows: First, regarding the effect of an employee's personality on the results of service training performance, ambition and prudence influenced their training performance. Second, according to the verification of whether the number of service training could affect the relation between personality and service training performance, it was found that ambition, sociability, and intellectual curiosity were moderated effect. Third, a study on whether the academic qualification of employees could affect the relation between personality and service training results showed that it had no relation with academic backgrounds.

The Relation between Narcissistic and Cosmetics Shopping Orientation of Consumers (소비자의 자기애(自己愛) 성향과 화장품 쇼핑성향과의 관계)

  • Hwang, Yeon-Soon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.326-336
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    • 2009
  • The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between narcissistic and cosmetics shopping orientation of female consumers. The data were collected in Busan, Daegu and Ulsan, and 301 data were used for analysis. The aforementioned were analyzed utilizing frequency, factor and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Win 12.0. The results showed as follows. First, the factors related to narcissistic orientation were entitlement, leadership/superiority, self-reliance, self-intoxication, achievable desire and self-absorption. Second, the factors related to cosmetics shopping orientation were impulsive, economic, self-confidence, exploratory, brand/store loyal, shopping convenience, traffic convenience, prudence, pleasure, famous brand inclination and independent. Third, narcissistic orientation and cosmetics shopping orientation were significantly differences impulsive, economic, self-confidence, exploratory, shopping convenience, pleasure and famous brand inclination orientation.

A Study on Self-Image of the Eldery Women (노년(老年) 여성(女性)의 자아(自我)이미지에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Wee, Hye-Jung;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2001
  • This study identified self-image of the eldery wemen by relatied to body-satisfaction, self-image, shopping-orientatons. For study, a questionnaire was used a method of mearsurement and eldery women in seoul and kyunggi were selected as a sample. Data was processed by SPSS PC+ program and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, t-test, factor analysis and Pearson's correlation. As a result, the body-satisfaction of eldery women was very low, their pursuiting self-image was gracios, younger, noble. The self-image classified grace attraction factor, intelligence factor and activity factor. Relationship between body-satisfaction and self-images was significant to gracious attractive factor and active factor. The shopping-orientatons classified brand name disply factor, personality pride factor, pratical benefit factor, prudence factor, planning purchase factor. Shopping-orientatons and self-images were significant to Pearson's correlation. The aim of this study help fashion contractors and retailers to establish effective marketing strategies.

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