• Title/Summary/Keyword: Protected areas

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A Comparative Study on HSI and MaxEnt Habitat Prediction Models: About Prionailurus bengalensis (HSI와 MaxEnt를 통한 삵의 서식지 예측 모델 비교 연구)

  • Yoo, Da-Young;Lim, Tai-Yang;Kim, Whee-Moon;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • Excessive development and urbanization have destroyed animal, plant, habitats and reduced biodiversity. In order to preserve species diversity, habitat prediction studies are have been conducted at home and overseas using various modeling techniques. This study was conducted to suggest optimal habitat modeling research by comparing HSI and MaxEnt, which are widely used among habitat modeling techniques. The study was targeted on the endangered species of Prionailurus bengalensis in nearby areas (5460.35km2) including Cheonan City, and the same data were used for analysis to compare those models. According to the HSI analysis, Prionailurus bengalensis's habitat probability was 74.65% for less than 0.5 and 25.34% for more than 0.5 and the top 30% were forest (99.07%). MaxEnt's analysis showed that 56.22% of those below 0.5 and 43.79% of those above 0.5 were found to have a high explanatory power of 78.3% of AUC. The Paired Wilcoxn test, which evaluated the significance of thoes models, confirmed that the mean difference between the two models was statistically significant (p<0.05). Analysis of the differences in the results of those models using the matrix table shows that score 24.43% HSI and MaxEnt was accordance,12.44% of the 0.0 to 0.2 section, 7.22% of the 0.2 to 0.4 section, 2.73% of the 0.4 to 0.6 section, 1.96% of the 0.6 to 0.8, and 0.08% of the 0.9 to 1.0. To verify where the score difference appears, the result values of those models were reset to values from 1 to 5 and overlaid. Overlapping analysis resulted in 30.26% of the Strongly agree values, 56.77% of the agree values, and 11.92% of the Disagree values. The places where the difference in scores occurs were analyzed in the order of forest (45.23%), agricultural land (34.57%), and urbanization area (7.65%). This confirmed that the analysis of the same target species within the same target site also has differences in forecasts depending on the modelling method. Therefore, a novel analysis method combining the advantages of each modeling in habitat prediction studies should be developed, and future study may be used to select Prionailurus bengalensis and species-protected areas and species protection areas in the future. Further research is judged to require higher accuracy studies through the use of various modeling techniques and on-site verification.

Improvement of Functional Assessment for Riverine Wetlands using HGM Approach (HGM 적용을 통한 하도습지의 기능평가 제고 방안 연구)

  • Yeum, Junghun;Kim, Taesung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to suggest the framework of functional assessment on lotic area based on HGM(Hydrogeomorphic) approach targeting Wetland Protected Areas which are in the type of river channel, and to set up the fundamental data as a reference wetland. A total of 10 factors in terms of hydrology, biogeochemistry, plant habitat and animal habitat was analyzed based on the original approach of HGM and each Functional Capacity Index(FCI) of those factors was calculated. As the result of the modified FCI analysis, Damyang riverine wetland which is with artificial river bank had high values in the variables of area ratio of actual vegetation in the foreland, the number of plant per area and the area ratio of Salix spp., and those values were highly reflected on the factors of Nutrient Cycling(947,668.00), Species Richness and Maintain Characteristic Plant Communites(6.39) and Maintain Spatial Structure of Habitat(11.00). The Hanbando wetland which is keeping the natural bank had higher values in the variables of structural scale and species diversity, and the those values were highly reflected on the factors of Energy Dissipation(17,805.16), Subsurface Storage of Water(0.54), Removal of Imported Elements and Compounds(103,052.73), Maintain Characteristic Detrital Biomass(2.31), Maintenance of Interspersion and Connectivity (6.50), Species Diversity of Benthic macro-invertebrates(1.60) and Species Diversity of Vertebrate & Species Number of Other Animals(2.52/ 151.50), compared to the Damyang Riverine Wetland.

Evaluation of Corrosion Characteristics of Underwater Hardening Paint (수중 경화형도료의 부식특성에 관한 전기화학적 고찰)

  • Moon, Kyung-Man;Oh, Min-Seok;Lee, Myung-Hoon;Lee, Syung-Yul;Kim, Yun-Hae
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2011
  • Many protection methods such as surface coating, electric protection, or other methods have been applied to the numerous steel structures widely used in continental and marine areas to control their corrosion, which is done from an economic point of view. Most of these steel structures are primarily protected by coating methods. However, some steel piles under seawater are protected by the electric protection method, that is, either using an impressed current or a sacrificial anode method. Furthermore, environmental contamination may cause a severely corrosive environment, which, in turn, causes the accelerated corrosion of steel structures. Subsequently, coated steel structures could deteriorate more rapidly than the designed lifetime because of the acid rain caused by air pollution, etc. Therefore, a coating of marine paint exposed to seawater, that is, underwater hardening painting, is increasingly required to be fast drying as well as highly corrosion resistant. In this study, five types of underwater hardening paints were prepared with different resin series and additives. Their corrosion and water resistances were investigated using electrochemical methods such as corrosion potential, polarization curves, impedance and cyclic voltammogram measurements, etc. Even though it is generally accepted that the corrosion resistance of bare steel tends to increase with a shift of the corrosion potential in the noble direction, the corrosion resistance of a sample with a coating exhibited a relatively better tendency when it had a lower corrosion potential in this study. The corrosion current density was also decreased with a decrease in the diffusion limiting current density, which may mean that there is some relationship between corrosion and water resistance. The S sample of the ceramic resin series showed the relatively best corrosion and water resistance among those of samples, while the worst corrosion and water resistance were observed for the R sample of the epoxy resin series. The corrosion and water resistance of those samples tended to deteriorate with an increase in the immersion days, and their corrosion and water resistances were considered to be apparently improved by the types of resin and additives.

Status of Automatization in Protected Horticultural Facilities and Prospect of Plant Factory in Korea (한국의 원예시설 자동화 현황 및 식물공장의 발전방향)

  • 윤진하
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control Conference
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    • 1996.05a
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    • pp.91-115
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    • 1996
  • In the recent years, protected horticultural facilities have been modernized and glasshouses are also propagating in Korea, even most vegetables production are conducted in the traditional plastic houses covered with, for example, PVC film for just temperature keeping. It would limit the productivity and competitivity of the vegetable production industry without automatization and high quality year round production. A plant factory, aimed to produce vegetables in the limited areas, was initiated in Christensen farm, Denmark in 1957, and widely propagated in some developed countries. As it has the automatized system which enables to keep optimized environment conditions, it will be the best facility for high quality products as well as year round planned production. However, we have not even started the plant factory production. Since the plant factory is requiring lots of resources, besides plant cultivation technologies, such as environment control, automatic engineering and robotics, our approach to the development of plant factories should be minded on Practical Plant Factories considering our current farming practices and least capital needs rather than blindly employing the advanced technologies from developed countries. Thus, Korean plant factory development can be initiated with year round leaf vegetables production in NFT or DFT cultivation system instead of the moval bed system, in which aerial environment factors such as light, temperature, humidity and CO$_2$ concentration and root environment ones such as solution concentration, temperature, pH and water soluble oxygen shall be automatically controlled. And the seeding, seedling and transplanting operations shall be accomplished in the house entrance, and the harvesting and grading opreations shall be conducted in the house exit. For practical plant factories, environment control technologies including artificial light source, illumination and air conditioning, automatic management for nutrient solution and automatic production line of moval bed system, transplanting and harvest should be developed along with researches on the cost reduction of factory building construction.

  • PDF

Improvement of Pedestrian Speed Criteria for the Pedestrian Green Interval at Silver Zone (노인보호구역 보행자녹색시간 산정을 위한 보행속도 기준 개선)

  • Han, Eum;Cho, Hyerim;Mun, Sungchul;Yun, Sung Bum;Park, Soon Yong
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated basic data on walking characteristics, including walking speed and cognitive-response for the elderly, and based on these, the time of walking signal was calculated. The on-site survey examined the actual pedestrian crossing speed using a stopwatch, and the age was divided into groups of ordinary people and the elderly. Analysis of the data showed that the average walking speed for the general public was 1.29 m/s, while the average walking speed for the elderly was 1.13 m/s, higher than that of the general public. In addition, the lower speed of the 15th percentile was analyzed to 1.01 m/s for the general population and 0.85 m/s for the elderly, showing a lower walking speed than the standard for the general area and 0.8 m/s for the protected area. However, for senior citizens who use walking sticks or wheelchairs, the speed of the lower 15th-percentile is 0.73 m/s, which is lower than the current standard of protected areas, according to the analysis.

Designing Payments for Environmental Services on Genetic Reserve Forest in Korea (생물다양성서비스 지불제 도입방향: 산림유전자원보호림을 대상으로)

  • Ahn, SoEun;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Ryu, Kwang-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.3
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    • pp.305-315
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    • 2008
  • Payments for Environmental (or Ecosystem) Services (PES) are emerging as new conservation policy tools. The basic concept underlying PES is that users pay to providers of environmental services for ensuring the continual provision of services based on the voluntary contracts. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concepts and types of PES and to design a pilot PES scheme for biodiversity/ecosystem conservation on Genetic Reserve Forest in Korea. Genetic Reserve Forest is one of the protected areas designated in Korea to maintain forest biodiversity. PES is designed for the pine forests only in Genetic Reserve Forest, which corresponds to 943 ha. Service providers are to manage their forests based on the contracts in ways that maintain and enhance forest biodiversity and receive the payments in return. The payments are calculated as the sum of management, monitoring, and opportunity costs, resulting 1,140,378 won/year/ha (it corresponds to approximately $1,227 based on the 2007 average exchange rate 1$ = 929.2 won). Because PES are relatively new policies, however, more work needs to be done. Future work includes researches on the correlation between forest biodiversity and management practices and the economic evaluation of forest biodiversity. In addition, enhancing awareness on PES and education of stakeholders are warranted to further develop the scheme.

Structure and Distribution of Vegetation and Their Implications for the Conservation in the Gonggeomji Wetland Protection Area, South Korea (공검지 습지보호지역의 식생 구조와 분포 및 보전을 위한 제안)

  • Lee, Cheolho;Kim, Hwirae;Park, So Hyun;Chu, Yeounsu.;Yoon, Jungdo;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2019
  • The Gonggeomji Reservoir is a historical irrigation facility built in the 8th century and designated as a wetland protected area by Ministry of Environment, Korea. In order to collect the baseline data necessary for developing a sustainable conservation strategy, we investigated the classification of actual vegetation, the vegetation distribution and the floristic structure of the vegetation in the Gonggeomji Wetland Protection Area. In the whole protection area, a total of 26 plant communities were classified including the wetland, riparian, grassland, forest, farmland, and orchard vegetation. According to the results of detrended correspondence analysis, the structure of wetland vegetation was mainly affected by water depth and human disturbance. In reservoir wetlands, floating vegetation such as Utricularia vulgaris var. japonica, Trapa japonica, and emergent vegetation such as Nelumbo nucifera, Typha spp. completely covered the water surface. Since 2014, the reservoir wetland has been terrestrialized with the expansion of emergent and hygrophytic plants. For the sustainable conservation and restoration of wetland protected areas, it is necessary to naturalize the topography and wetland vegetation, recovery the hydrologic system, and restore ecosystem connectivity from wetlands to forests.

Parallel Flood Inundation Analysis using MPI Technique (MPI 기법을 이용한 병렬 홍수침수해석)

  • Park, Jae Hong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.11
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    • pp.1051-1060
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    • 2014
  • This study is attempted to realize an improved computation performance by combining the MPI (Message Passing Interface) Technique, a standard model of the parallel programming in the distributed memory environment, with the DHM(Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model), a inundation analysis model. With parallelizing inundation model, it compared with the existing calculation method about the results of applications to complicate and required long computing time problems. In addition, it attempted to prove the capability to estimate inundation extent, depth and speed-up computing time due to the flooding in protected lowlands and to validate the applicability of the parallel model to the actual flooding analysis by simulating based on various inundation scenarios. To verify the model developed in this study, it was applied to a hypothetical two-dimensional protected land and a real flooding case, and then actually verified the applicability of this model. As a result of this application, this model shows that the improvement effectiveness of calculation time is better up to the maximum of about 41% to 48% in using multi cores than a single core based on the same accuracy. The flood analysis model using the parallel technique in this study can be used for calculating flooding water depth, flooding areas, propagation speed of flooding waves, etc. with a shorter runtime with applying multi cores, and is expected to be actually used for promptly predicting real time flood forecasting and for drawing flood risk maps etc.

Flora of Vascular Plants of Mt. Deokhangsan Protected Area in Samcheok-si for Forest Genetic Resource Conserv ation in Baekdudaegan, Korea (백두대간 덕항산(삼척시) 산림유전자원보호구역의 관속식물상)

  • Kim, Se-Chang;Seo, Han-Na;Ahn, Chi-Ho;Park, Wan-Geun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the vascular plants of the Mt. Deokhangsan protected area were surveyed for the purpose of forest genetic resources conservation in Gangwon-do, South Korea. The flora on Mt. Deokhangsan were classified as follows 537 taxa, 90 families, 302 genera, 479 species, 4 subspecies, 51 varieties, and 3 forms. Among the taxa, 19 were Korean endemic plants and 17 were rare and endangered plants. Plants as indicators of limestone areas were found in 33 taxa. Naturalized plants were found in 27 taxa and species threatened by climate change were found in 33 taxa, including 11 endemic plant taxa and 22 northern plant taxa. Plants endemic to Korea and northern plants were mainly found at the study site, whereas southern plants were not found. Thus, Mt. Deokhangsan apparently has an environment suitable for the growth of northern plants.

A Study on the Site-Level Assessment Criteria of OECM in Korea for Achieving Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework - Focusing on the National Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest - (쿤밍-몬트리올 글로벌 생물다양성 프레임워크 목표 성취를 위한 우리나라 OECM의 개별 평가 기준 연구 - 국립가리왕산자연휴양림을 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Yun-Jin;Sung, Jung-Won;Lee, Kyeong-Cheol;Kweon, Hyeong-Keun;Lee, Da-Hyun;An, Jong-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2024
  • In order to achieve the management goals (30by30) mandated by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, this study established the site-level assessment criteria for OECMs, tailored to domestic circumstances using the Delphi analysis. Subsequently, a site-level assessment was conducted on the National Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest. As a result of the study, the initial step involved presenting criteria for the site-level assessment of OECMs, with 'consent for the assessment and recognition of OECM by competent and management authority' proposed as a prerequisite. Subsequently, seven evaluation criteria were established, including 'other than a legally protected area', 'spatially separated area with defined boundaries', 'effective in-situ conservation of biodiversity', 'sustainable management based on the competent and management authority', 'long-term sustainability of conservation outcomes', and 'provision of ecosystem services'. The results of applying site-level assessment criteria to the National Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest indicate that six criteria were met, while one criterion (sustainable management based on the competent and management authority) requires further improvement. Specifically, the key competent and management authorities for the National Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest are the Korea Forest Service and the National Natural Recreation Forest Management Office, with competent and management organizations established. However, the management focus is primarily on providing forest recreation services centered on users and facilities, making it difficult to confirm the long-term biodiversity conservation plans and implementation by the competent and management authorities. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to improve the long-term biodiversity conservation plans and implementation for the recognition of the National Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest as an OECM.