• Title/Summary/Keyword: Prosthetic mitral valve

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Redo Operation of the Artifitial Heart Valves (인공심장판막의 재치환술)

  • 조상록
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.158-166
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    • 1992
  • From 1985 to 1990, a total of 160 new valves were implanted for 125 adult patients to whom prosthetic valve replacement had been performed [One patient had consecutive 2 reoperations]. Following data are the results from the follow-up study from January 1985 to February 1991. Mean age of the patients was 37.9$\pm$12.1 years. Mean follow-up period was 25.8$\pm$18.8 months. In bioprosthesis, mean interval between the previous operation and reoperation was 85.6$\pm$36.4 months in aortic valve, and 87.3$\pm$30.0 months in mitral valve. The causes of reoperation were prosthetic valve failure[103 patients, 81.7%], prosthetic valve endocarditis[17 patients, 13.5%], periprosthetic leakage[5 patients, 4.0%], and aneurysm of ascending aorta[1 patient, 0.8%]. Fourteen patients[11.1%] died in hospital; 5 in 22 replacement of aortic valve[22.7%], 6 in 73 rereplacement of mitral valve[8.2%], and 3 in 31 replacement of multiple valves [9.7%] Except for 3 intraoperative deaths, postoperative, major and minor complications occurred in 39 patients[31.0%]. And the actuarial 5-year survival rate of operative survivors was 95.5$\pm$8.6%.

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Clinical Analysis of Cardiac Valve Surgery (심장판막증의 외과적 치료)

  • 김형묵
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.446-455
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    • 1985
  • A total and consecutive 156 patients have undergone cardiac valve surgery including 13 closed mitral commissurotomy, 13 open mitral commissurotomy, one mitral annuloplasty, 75 mitral valve replacement, one aortic annuloplasty, 24 aortic valve replacement, 3 tricuspid valve replacement, 25 double valve replacement and one triple valve replacement. 155 prosthetic valves were replaced in a period between September 1976 and August 1985. There were 68 males and 88 females with age range from 8 to 69 yrs [mean 36.5 yr]. Out of replaced valves, 61 was tissue valve including 54 Carpentier-Edwards, and 4 was mechanical valves including 74 St. Jude Medical, and the position replaced was 101 valves for mitral, 46 for aortic and 8 for tricuspid. Single valve replacement in 102 cases, double valve replacement in 25 cases [17 for AVR+MVR, and 8 for MVR+TVR], and only one case was noted in the triple valve replacement. Early mortality within 30 days after operation was noted in 11 cases [7%]; 7 after MVR, 2 after DVR, and each one after open mitral commissurotomy and mitral annuloplasty. Cause of death was valve thrombus, cerebral air embolism, low output syndrome, uncontrollable arrhythmia, parapneumonic sepsis, acute cardiac tamponade and left atrial rupture. 7 late deaths were noted during the follow-up period from 1 to 104 months [average 48 month]; three due to valve and left atrial thrombus formation, two due to CVA from overdose of warfarin, and each one due to congestive heart failure and chronic constrictive pericarditis, Anticoagulants after prosthetic valve replacement were maintained with warfarin, dipyridamole and aspirin to the level of around 50% of normal prothrombin time in 79 cases, and Ticlopidine with aspirin in 47 cases to compare the result of each group. There were 11 major thromboembolic episodes including 3 deaths in the warfarin group. Two cases of CVA due to overdose of warfarin was noted in the warfarin group. In the ticlopidine group, there was only one left atrial thrombus confirmed at the time of autopsy. Among the survived 138 cases, nearly all cases[136 cases] were included in NYHA functional class I and II during the follow-up period. In conclusion, surgical treatment of the cardiac valve disease in 156 clinical cases revealed excellent result with acceptable operative risk and late mortality. Prevention of thrombus formation with anti-platelet aggregator Ticlopidine has better result than warfarin group presently with no specific side effect such as bleeding or gastrointestinal trouble.

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Replacement of the Prosthetic Heart Valves -Clinical analysis of 12 cases- (인공심장판막의 재치환술)

  • 김덕실;전상훈
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.164-170
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    • 1996
  • From January 1986 to June 1993, 12 patients Aad required reoperation: 9 had undergone mitral and 3 aortic valve replacement. Five were male and 7 female, and ages ranged from 29 to 61 years. Replacement of the prosthetic heart valve was performed at a mean interval of 98 $\pm$ 1 months after the Hrst operation. In aortic valve replacement patients the mean interval was 115 $\pm$ 2 months and in mitral valve replacement patients 98 $\pm$ 4 months. Primary tissue failure was the most frequent reason of replacement (10 patients) followed by valve thrombosis (1 patient) and prophylactic replacement (1 patient) in order. The most pronounced pathology of the failed prosthetic heart valves seen in the primary tissue failure group was calcification, perforation, shrinkage and tearing of the cusps. There was one early operative death (8.3%) due to intractable low cardiac output and acute renal failure. Eleven early survivors had successful operative results and there was no late death.

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Mitral Valve Replacement with a Pulmonary Autograft in an Infant

  • Jeong, Yong Ho;Yun, Tae-Jin
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.149-152
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    • 2018
  • A 76-day-old infant weighing 3.4 kg was referred for surgical intervention for severe mitral valve stenoinsufficiency caused by leaflet fibrosis and calcification. He had ex perienced a cerebral infarction in the left middle cerebral artery territory, which was deemed attributable to an embolism of a calcified particle from the dysmorphic mitral valve. Because mitral valve replacement using a prosthetic valve was not feasible in this small baby, mitral valve replacement with a pulmonary autograft was performed. After a brief period of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support, he was weaned from ECMO and was discharged home without further cardiovascular complications.

Recurrent Prosthetic Mitral Valve Dehiscence due to Infective Endocarditis: Discussion of Possible Causes

  • Ercan, Suleyman;Altunbas, Gokhan;Deniz, Hayati;Gokaslan, Gokhan;Bosnak, Vuslat;Kaplan, Mehmet;Davutoglu, Vedat
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.285-288
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    • 2013
  • Prosthetic valves are being widely used in the treatment of heart valve disease. Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) is one of the most catastrophic complications seen in these patients. In particular, prosthetic valve dehiscence can lead to acute decompensation, pulmonary edema, and cardiogenic shock. Here, we discuss the medical management of late PVE in a patient with a prior history of late and redo early PVE and recurrent dehiscence. According to the present case, we can summarize the learning points as follows. A prior history of infective endocarditis increases the risk of relapse or recurrence, and these patients should be evaluated very cautiously to prevent late complications. Adequate debridement of infected material is of paramount importance to prevent relapse. A history of dehiscence is associated with increased risk of relapse and recurrent dehiscence.

Hemolytic Anemia due to Tiny Prosthetic Paravalvular Leakage (작은 인공판막주위 누출에 의한 용혈성 빈혈)

  • 문광덕;김대영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.444-448
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    • 1996
  • Hemolytic anemia due to tiny prosthetic paravalvular leakage is one of a complication of prosthetic valve replacement. Mild Hemolysls usually occurs after aortic valve replacement with mechanical valve but rarely occurs in mitral valve position especially in case of tissue valve. Cardiac valves fabricated from biologic material are associated with a reduced incidence of hemolytic anemia. Hemolysis was reported in patients with an lonescu-Shiley bovine pericardial xenograft prosthesis in the aortic position but not in the mitral site. A 41-year-old female patient was admitted due to sudden development dark colored urine. About 10 years ago the patient was underwent MVR (Mitral Valve Re lacement) with fTmm lonescu-Shiley valve due to MR (Mitral regurgitation). Echocardiographic examination showed mild degree of mitral regurgitation with valvular thickening. However, there was no definitive evidence of paravalvular leakage. The peripheral blood smear showed nomochromic normocytic anemia, but the hematologic and urinary examination revealed severe hemolytic evidence. Mitral valve replacement with St. Jude Medical valve (27mm) was done and intraoperatively, a tiny paravalvular leakage was found which was regarded as the point of hemolysis. The hemolytic evidence completely disappeared. We are reporting a case of severe hemolytic anemia due to tiny prosthetic paravalvular leakage with a review of the literature.

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Mitral Valve Replacement with Star-Edwards Ball Valve -Report of A Case- (승모판 폐쇄부전에 대한 인공판막대치술 1예)

  • 김근호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 1977
  • This is a report of a case in which mitral valve replacement was performed using Starr-Edwards ball valve [model 6230] by total cardiopulmonary bypass with total hemodilution prime and moderate hypothermia. The patient was 21 year old girl, and mitral valvular symptoms occurred 5 years ago. According to clinical features of the disease, the patient was classified as the class IV of N.Y.H. A. cla3sification. The preoperative diagnosis of mitral insufficiency was made mainly by left ventriculography of roentgenologic study. The mitral valve was highly deformed due to scar contraction of valve leaflets and shortening of chordae tendineae. After prosthetic valve replacement, no abnormal hemodynamic signs were observed. The postoperative course was uneventful.

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Repair of Paravalvular Leak at Mitral Position after Redo DVR (승모판막 재치환술후 발생한 판막주위 누출 치험 1례)

  • 김경훈;정승혁
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.428-431
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    • 1997
  • We experienced a casts of prosthetic mitral paravalvular leak after redo DVR. As far as nonstructural dysfunction is concerned, the prosthetic paravalvular leak is not the result of prosthetic valve endocarditis, but is due to technical difficulties at the time of operation, either residual calcification or poor native tissue. Occasionally paravalvular leaks, particulary around mitral prostheses, may be silent. Paravalvular leaks are usually repaired when there is significant anemia or hemodynamic compromise. At reoperation, some of theses leaks can be repaired simply by patch losure around the paravalvular leak without placing additional suture or explanting the valve.

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Long-term clinical results of isolated mitral valve replacement with the Ionescu-Shiley bovine pericardial valve (이오네스큐 판막의 장기 임상성)

  • 김종환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.212-222
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    • 1984
  • A total of and consecutive 291 patients underwent isolated mitral valve replacement using the Ionescu-Shiley bovine pericardial xenograft valve during the 5-year period between October 1978 and June 1983. Thirty-two patients were the children under 15 years of age. There were 15 deaths within 30 days after surgery [operative mortality, 5.2%]. All early survivors except 6 children were placed on the long-term oral anticoagulation longer than postoperative 3 months. A total follow-up period extended for 398.2 patient-years, and 12 patients died [late mortality, 4.1%, or 3.0%/patient- year]. Ten patients experienced the thromboembolic complication [2.51%/patient-year], occurring in 8 patients within the first 3 postoperative months, and 4 died. Three patients had the late prosthetic valve endocarditis [0.75%/patient-year] and 2 died. The incidence of overall valve failure according to the criteria was 3.01%/patient-year, or 12 patients, and 2 had replacement of the failed bioprostheses [primary tissue failure, 0.5%/patient-year]. The long-term survival rate was 87.8%\ulcorner2.6% at 5 years postoperatively, and 84% of the late survivors were in NYHA Class I at the end of the follow- up. The probability remaining free from thromboembolism and overall valve failure was 89.8%\ulcorner6.3% and 81.2%\ulcorner.8% at 5 years respectively. These clinical results confirm the safety of mitral valve replacement. The only remaining clinical problem is the structural and functional durability of the bovine pericardial xenograft valve, and its use in young patients may be stopped in preference to the mechanical prosthetic valves.

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Mitral Reconstruction Using Prosthetic Ring in Mitral Valvular Heart Disease (승모판막질환에 있어서 인공판륜을 이용한 승모판막재건술의 임상적 고찰)

  • 나명훈;황경환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.598-606
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    • 1997
  • Among 136 patients having undergone mitral valve surgery from September of 1994 through August of 1995 in Sejong Heart Institute, forty four patients(18 males, 26 females) underwent mitral valve reconstruction using prosthetic rings and their clinical results were evaluated. Patients'ages ranged from 5 to 63 years(mean age 38.2 years). Mitral valvular diseases were due to rheumatic origin in 30 patients(68%), degenerative in 13(30%), and congenital in one patient(2%). Mitral regurgitation(MR) was in 33 patients(76%), mitral stenosis 2(5%), and mitral stenoinsufaciency 9 patients(19%). The patients were divided into Carpentier's functional groups : type I, 5 patients(11%) : type I, 24 patients(55%) ; type III, 4 patients (9%) i and mixed(II + III), 11 patients(25%). Average number of anatomic lesions of mitral valve per patient was 3.7. The techniques included prosthetic ring amluloplasty(44 patients, 32 Carpentier ring and 12 Duran ring), leaflet mobilization(24, 55%), chordae shortening(23, 52%), chordae transposition(23, 52%), commissurotomy(16, 35%), leaflet resection(9, 20%), papillary muscle splitting(8, 18%), and chordae reimplantation(1, 2%). Average 3.4 surgical procedures were applied on mitral valve per patient. There were two hospital mortality and one reoperation due to development of MR(grade III) after 2 weeks. During the mean follow up of 12 months, patients improved in terms of functional class of the New York Heart Association, which was mean 3.0 preoperatively and 1.3 postoperatively. Doppler echocardiographic studies showed adequate valve area(2.07$\pm$0.11 cm2 mean $\pm$standard error), improved ventricular contractiliy in 41 patients(93%), ab ence of MR in 23(53%), trace MR in 18(42%), and garde II MR in 2 patients(5%).

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