Promoting women's health lifestyles are important due to their connection to family health. The purpose of this study was to analyse women's health lifestyles(HPL) and their effects on women's life-cycle, so in order to develop a program in a women's health care center. The subjects included were 1080 women over 18 years old living in Wonju city, and were selected by stratified and purposive sampling. The data were collected through a questionnaire and interview. The Cronbach α, %, mean, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and regression in SPSS PC Win. package was used to analyze the data. The sample was sepernted into three groups premarital group 20.2%(premarital women between 18 and 40 years old), delivery and children rearing group 49.9%(marital women between 18 and 40 years old), over middle agedelderly group 29.9%(women over 41 years old). Significant difference were found in the HPL according to group. Also, relating variables, such as self-efficacy, family functions, health locus of control and gender role perception that were considered relating variables to HPL significantly differed among the three groups. HPL significantly correlated with self-efficacy, family functions, HLOC and gender role perception in all participants and at all groups. The regression analysis of HPL was interpreted 40.6% with relating variables, self-efficacy, health attention, family functions, and internal locus of control, health perception, power other locus of control and chance locus of control in all participant. Self-efficacy, family functions, health attention were considered important variables in premarital group, self-efficacy, family functions, internal locus of control, health attention, health perception and power of control were important in delivery-rearing group. Self-efficacy, health attention, internal locus of control, family functions and health perception were important in middle aged-elderly group. As a result, we found the differences HPL scores and relating variables according to life-cycle groups. Therefore, we should prepare health promoting education programs for women according to women's life cycles. Also we suggest that women's health care centers based on communities was needed for proper management of women's health.