• 제목/요약/키워드: Propeller exposure

검색결과 4건 처리시간 0.019초

2축선의 프로펠러 레이싱 추정법에 관한 연구 (Propeller Racing of Ocean-going Ships with Twin Screw Propellers)

  • 박종헌
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a statistical prediction procedure for the propeller racing of ships with twin screw propellers sailing in ocean waves. The propeller racing is one of the most important factors of seakeeping qualities in relation to the safety of main engine and shafting system. It is especially significant key word for designing the twin-screw-propeller-type ship in view of allowable maximum propeller diameter etc.. In former studies, the propeller racing generally means the situation (propeller exposed) in which the relative motion amplitude between ship hull and wave surface would exceed a depth of point in rotary disk propeller. Therefore, it seems that the magnitude of the amplitude and its exceeding frequency have been examined as a principal subject of study as usual. However, the time during which the amplitude exceeds a depth of point must be also one of most important factor affecting the trend of propeller racing. This paper proposes a simply practical method for estimating the time lasting of exposed propeller related to twin screw propeller racing in rough confused seas on the basis of the statistics. Then, it is confirmed that the practical method is useful and convenience for considering the propeller racing in the stage of the basic design.

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다축선의 프로펠러 레이싱 추정에 관한 연구 (Propeller racing of ocean-going ships with multiple screw propellers)

  • 박종헌
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.222-231
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    • 2007
  • This paper represents a basic statistical examination on the navigability of ocean-going ship from the point of estimating the time lasting period when propeller racing occurred by using the basic probability theory and the statistics. The propeller racing is one of the most important seakeeping qualities in relation to the safety of the main engine and shafting system. The trend of the racing has been mainly investigated in order to estimate allowable maximum propeller diameter, operation of ocean-going ships, etc.. In those studies, the propeller racing generally and mainly means the situation (propeller exposed) in which the relative motion amplitude between ship hull and wave surface would exceed a depth of point in rotary disk propeller. Therefore, it seems that the magnitude of the amplitude and its exceeding frequency of propeller racing have been examined as a principal subject of study as usual. However, the time during which the amplitude exceeds the depth of point, that is, the propeller exposes in the air, must be also one of most important factor affecting the trend of propeller racing. Then, this paper proposes a new practical method for estimating the time lasting of exposed propeller related to propeller racing in rough-confused seas on the basis of the linear strip theory and the statistics. And, numerical examples of estimating the propeller racing probability are given for four wide ship forms. Finally the usefulness of the proposed method for predicting propeller racing based on the time lasting period is discussed.

잠수함의 제어판 재밍에 대한 안전운항영역 설정 (A Study on the Safety Operational Envelope of a Submarine in Jamming)

  • 박종용;김낙완;신용구
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.301-311
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    • 2017
  • Safety operational envelope (SOE) is the area which guarantees the safety of a submarine from the accident such as jamming and flooding. The maximum safe depth is set to prevent the damage to the hull from increasing water pressure with depth. A minimum safety depth is set to prevent a submarine from the exposure above the free surface and collision against surface ship. The prediction method for the SOE in the design phase is needed to operate the submarine safely. In this paper, the modeling and calculation methods of the SOE are introduced. Main ballast tank blowing modeling and propeller force modeling are conducted to simulate the accidents and the recovery process. The SOEs are established based on the crash stop and emergency rising maneuver simulation. From the simulation results, it can be known that the emergency rising maneuver is more effective recovery action than the crash stop.

Genotoxicity of Aluminum Oxide ($Al_2O_3$) Nanoparticle in Mammalian Cell Lines

  • Kim, Youn-Jung;Choi, Han-Saem;Song, Mi-Kyung;Youk, Da-Young;Kim, Ji-Hee;Ryu, Jae-Chun
    • Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.172-178
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    • 2009
  • Nanoparticles are small-scale substances (<100 nm) with unique properties, complex exposure and health risk implications. Aluminum oxide ($Al_2O_3$) nanoparticles (NP) have been widely used as abrasives, wear-resistant coatings on propeller shafts of ships, to increase the specific impulse per weight of composite propellants used in solid rocket fuel and as drug delivery systems to increase solubility. However, recent studies have shown that nano-sized aluminum (10 nm in diameter) can generate adverse effects, such as pulmonary response. The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of $Al_2O_3$ NP were investigated using the dye exclusion assay, the comet assay, and the mouse lymphoma thymidine kinase (tk$^{+/-}$) gene mutation assay (MLA). IC$_{20}$ values of $Al_2O_3$ NP in BEAS-2B cells were determined the concentration of 273.44 $\mu$g/mL and 390.63 $\mu$g/mL with and without S-9. However IC$_{20}$ values of $Al_2O_3$ NP were found nontoxic in L5178Y cells both of with and without S-9 fraction. In the comet assay, L5178Y cells and BEAS-2B cells were treated with $Al_2O_3$ NP which significantly increased 2-fold tail moment with and without S-9. Also, the mutant frequencies in the $Al_2O_3$ NP treated L5178Y cells were increased compared to the vehicle controls with S-9. The results of this study indicate that $Al_2O_3$ NP can cause primary DNA damage and cytotoxicity but not mutagenicity in cultured mammalian cells.