• Title/Summary/Keyword: Product domains

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Global Data Repository Status and Analysis: Based on Korea, China and Japan Data in re3data.org

  • Kim, Suntae
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2018
  • We collected and analyzed data from e3data.org, which is a global registry of data repository services. We analyzed data profile for three leading Asian economies-Korea, China, and Japan-against the reference data for other participating countries. In particular, we examined how individual countries contribute to the repository, organizational type, versioning and product quality management, and subject tagging. We come to the conclusion that all three Asian countries still fall short in terms of involvement. As for participating institutions, there are 7 from Korea, 64 from China, and 120 from Japan. Among Chinese organizations, 3 are profit, 61 non-profit, and 37 organizations (which yields 1.8%) are involved in repository building. In Japan, there is 1 is commercial and 119 non-profit organizations, of which 57 (3.0%) are involved in repository building. All 7 organizations from Korea are non-profit, and 6 of them (0.3%) are involved in repository building. As regards versioning and product quality management, Korea, China, and Japan are up to par with other countries. Subject analysis reveals that Korea contributes more to geosciences, Japan to physics and geosciences, while China, unlike Korea and Japan, is more active in life sciences. It is hoped that this study will help planning domestic infrastructure for research data repositories with proper consideration for specific research domains and national characteristics.

Test Process Execution Tool: Test PET (테스트 프로세스 수행 도구)

  • 천은정;최병주
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2004
  • In order to test reflecting the features of a development methodology and domain, it is required to tailor process standards and perform testing according to the tailored process. However, since commercial testing tools support only a part of the tailored process, it is essential to either acquire or develop testing tools appropriate for a development environment. This paper proposes a method to develop a test process execution tool which has common features of standards, and variousness in methodologies and domains. ‘Test Process Execution Tool: Test PET’ which is a test process execution tool developed adapting the concept of product line. Our Test PET generates the test process suitable for the development methodology and domain and then executes the produced test process.

Carboxy-terminus truncations of Bacillus licheniformis SK-1 CHI72 with distinct substrate specificity

  • Kudan, Sanya;Kuttiyawong, Kamontip;Pichyangkura, Rath
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2011
  • Bacillus licheniformis SK-1 naturally produces chitinase 72 (CHI72) with two truncation derivatives at the C-terminus, one with deletion of the chitin binding domain (ChBD), and the other with deletions of both fibronectin type III domain (FnIIID) and ChBD. We constructed deletions mutants of CHI72 with deletion of ChBD (CHI72${\Delta}$ChBD) and deletions of both FnIIID and ChBD (CHI72${\Delta}$FnIIID${\Delta}$ChBD), and studied their activity on soluble, amorphous and crystalline substrates. Interestingly, when equivalent amount of specific activity of each enzyme on soluble substrate was used, the product yield from CHI72-${\Delta}$ChBD and CHI72${\Delta}$FnIIID${\Delta}$ChBD on colloidal chitin was 2.5 and 1.6 fold higher than CHI72, respectively. In contrast, the product yield from CHI72${\Delta}$ChBD and CHI72${\Delta}$FnIIID-${\Delta}$ChBD on ${\beta}$-chitin reduced to 0.7 and 0.5 fold of CHI72, respectively. These results suggest that CHI72 can modulate its substrate specificities through truncations of the functional domains at the C-terminus, producing a mixture of enzymes with elevated efficiency of hydrolysis.

A study on the Life Cycle Model to effectively conduct the National Railway R&D Project (국가철도연구개발프로젝트의 효과적인 수행을 위한 생명주기모델 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yo Chul;Lee, Jae Chon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2008
  • As a government agency or the Government-donated Research Institute or industrial research institute is intended to develop a product or to construct a system such as a railway safety systems by research and development process, a life cycle model leading a product development or a research and development is essential to them to systematically and effectively progress it. In this paper, the refined life cycle model to effectively conduct the national railway safety project consists of the life cycle phases and their detail descriptions with reference to other life cycle model in the international standard and the other national guidance and other industrial domain such as ship-building, weapon system, and aerospace areas, the proposed life cycle model in the paper considerably reflects the characteristics of the traditional research and development project in railway safety domain. A guidance of a life cycle model which based on lots of the life cycle model in other domains proposes additionally.

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Nucleotide Sequence and Characterization of ptsG Gene Encoding Glucose-specific Enzyme II of Phosphotransferase System from Brevibacterium flavum

  • Yoon, Ki-Hong
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.218-221
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    • 2005
  • Nucleotide sequence of Brevibacterium flavum ptsG gene capable of complementing Escherichia coli ZSC113 mutations defective to glucose permease activity of phosphotransferase system was completely determined, and the gene product was compared with other glucose-specific enzyme II ($EII^{Glc}$). A ptsG gene of B. flavum consisted of open reading frame of 2,025 nucleotides putatively encoding polypeptide of 675 amino acid residues and TAA stop codon. Deduced amino acid sequence of B. flavum ($EII^{Glc}$) had high homology with ($EIIs^{Glc}$) of Corynebacterium glutamicum, C. efficiens, and B. lactofermentum. Arrangement of structural domains, IIBCA, of B. flanum ($EII^{Glc}$) protein was identical to that of EIIs belonging to glucose-phosphotransferase system.

Promoting Uncertain Exploration : A Case Study (불확실한 탐험을 촉진하는 방법 : 사례연구)

  • Ha, Seongwook
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.53-70
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    • 2009
  • This study empirically explored what promotes exploration, through a case analysis of a Korean SME (small and medium sized enterprise), based on the research framework which focuses on the identification and the selection of exploratory NPD (new product development) alternatives, and the accumulation of novel capabilities in new technology domains. The learning process of the exploratory NPD project described is as follows. The identification barrier of exploratory NPD project is relatively low. Constructive crisis is germane to selecting exploratory NPD alternatives and to enduring the long payback period. New separated R&D unit is likely to implement the exploratory NPD project. The length of the gestation period of the exploratory NPD project is related with the level of the conflict between old members and new members. This study identified several antecedents of the exploratory NPD project. Prior success promotes the identification process of the exploratory NPD projects. Constructive crisis is related with CEO's personal characteristics such as future oriented and proactive personality. The proactive involvement and persuasion of CEO are germane to reducing the conflict between old and new members and to the success of the exploratory NPD project. Based on the results, this study discusses several implications and future research directions.

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Children's Peer Status and Self-Perception (또래지위에 따른 아동의 자아지각)

  • 임연진
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate children's self-perceptions of social competence in three different levels of peer status and to determine the degree of congruence between children's perceptions and teachers' ratings of social competence. The subjects were 46 bpys and 44 girls identified as popular neglected and rejected by peers in preschool and in first and second grades. A sociometric test was used to identify children's peer status. Children's self-perceptions were assessed by the social Competence Scale for Young Children and teachers' assessment of children's competence was collected by a rating scale. The data were analyzed by 3-way ANOVA 2-way MANOVA for repeated measures and pearson product-moment correlations. The results showed that children's self-perceptions of social competence were generally positive and not significantly different by peer status and grade level in three of the four domains. For the maternal acceptance domain the degree of acceptance perceived by neglected group decreased with grade while those of popular children increased. The degree of congruence between children's perceptions and teachers' ratings were different by peer status. Popular children's estimation of their social competence was more congruent with teachers but neglected and rejected children overestimated their competence.

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  • Shin, Byeong-Chun
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.1291-1310
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    • 2013
  • This paper develops least-squares pseudo-spectral collocation methods for elliptic boundary value problems having interface conditions given by discontinuous coefficients and singular source term. From the discontinuities of coefficients and singular source term, we derive the interface conditions and then we impose such interface conditions to solution spaces. We define two types of discrete least-squares functionals summing discontinuous spectral norms of the residual equations over two sub-domains. In this paper, we show that the homogeneous least-squares functionals are equivalent to appropriate product norms and the proposed methods have the spectral convergence. Finally, we present some numerical results to provide evidences for analysis and spectral convergence of the proposed methods.

A Web-based DSS for Logistics of Supply Chain Integration (공급사슬 통합을 위한 웹기반 물류관리 의사결정지원 시스템)

  • 이호창;김민용
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2001
  • This Paper deals with a collaborative decision making procedure of web-based DSS for supply chain management (SCM). The seemingly autonomous DSS dedicated to each of mutually exclusive prob1em domains forms a communication network and cooperates each other for better SCM decision making. We a1so propose a hub-spoke information sharing model for the DSS network. In the hub-spoke model, an information hub at the center facilitates information exchange between DSS\\`s and controls the conversations defined by the series of XML messages between agents of DSS. A product ordering scenario where supply decision is triggered upon customer order is used to demonstrate the SCM decision procedure through a collaboration of the web-based DSS.

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Splitting Algorithm Using Total Information Gain for a Market Segmentation Problem

  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong;Kim, Chang-Kwon;Kim, Soung-Hie
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.183-203
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    • 1993
  • One of the most difficult and time-consuming stages in the development of the knowledge-based system is a knowledge acquisition. A splitting algorithm is developed to infer a rule-tree which can be converted to a rule-typed knowledge. A market segmentation may be performed in order to establish market strategy suitable to each market segment. As the sales data of a product market is probabilistic and noisy, it becomes necessary to prune the rule-tree-at an acceptable level while generating a rule-tree. A splitting algorithm is developed using the pruning measure based on a total amount of information gain and the measure of existing algorithms. A user can easily adjust the size of the resulting rule-tree according to his(her) preferences and problem domains. The algorithm is applied to a market segmentation problem of a medium-large computer market. The algorithm is illustrated step by step with a sales data of a computer market and is analyzed.

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