• Title/Summary/Keyword: Product Line Approach

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Comparative Experimental Research on Product Evaluations and Approach Behaviors of Utilitarian and Hedonic Clothing in On-line and Off-line Settings

  • Yoh, Eun-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.635-645
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    • 2011
  • This study explores the differences in product evaluation and approach behaviors as well as the effects of product evaluation on approach behaviors of utilitarian and hedonic products in on-line and off-line settings. A total of 332 subjects participated in the experiments to assess product evaluation and approach behaviors for utilitarian and hedonic clothing products in on-line and off-line settings. The results show that even though the same stimulus was presented, consumers' product evaluation of utilitarian clothing (i.e., t-shirts) was higher in the off-line setting than in the on-line setting while the approach behavior of hedonic clothing was better in the on-line setting than in the off-line setting. In addition, color was a crucial factor generating positive approach behaviors for utilitarian clothing while style and quality were core factors influencing the approach behaviors of hedonic products in an on-line setting. There was no consistency in the results of the important factors affecting approach behaviors of utilitarian and hedonic clothing in an off-line setting. The conclusion suggests implications for marketing based upon the results of this study.

An Elicitation Approach of Measurement Indicator based an Product line Context (Product Line의 컨텍스트 기반 측정 지표 도출 방법)

  • Hwang Sun-Myung;Kim Jin-Sam
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.4 s.107
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    • pp.583-592
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    • 2006
  • Software development based on product lines has been proved a promising technology that can drastically reduce cycle time and guarantee quality by strategically reusing quality core assets that belong to an organization. However, how to measure within a product line is different from how to measure within a single software project in that we have to consider the aspects of both core assets and projects that utilize the assets. Moreover, the performance aspects of overall project lines need to be considered within a product line context. Therefore, a systematic approach to measure the performance of product lines is essential to have consistent, repeatable and effective measures within a product line. This paper presents a context-based measurements elicitation approach for product lines that reflects the performance characteristics of product lines and the diversity of their application. The approach includes both detailed procedures and work products resulting from implementation of the procedures, along with their templates. To show the utility of the approach, this paper presents the elicited measurements, especially for technical management practices among product line practices. This paper also illustrated a real application case that adopt this approach. The systematic approach enables management attributes, i.e., measurements to be identified when we construct product lines or develop software product based on the product lines. The measurements will be effective in that they are derived in consideration of the application context and interests of stakeholders.

Approach to Specify a Component using Component Structure in Product Lines (제품 라인에서 컴포넌트 구조를 활용한 컴포넌트 스펙 방법)

  • Cho Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.289-300
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    • 2006
  • Product line is nowadays well known as a representative method for reuse. In the product line, important assets are components. Although enough concerns were given of the product line, it was not accomplished to structure and specify a product-line component with variability. This paper presents an approach to specify components in the product line. The approach describes the static and dynamic structure of a product-line component and explains the behavior and concurrency of the component. The component information is separately described in the black-box and white-box using the Feature-Oriented Reuse Method(FORM). This research also formalizes the data on a component specification in the form of BNF. The specification is described through careful consideration for many different characteristics of the product-line component, so this paper helps to easily develop the components in the product line and to well comprehend how to apply a method for the product line.

A Feature-Oriented Approach to Variability Management and Consistency Analysis of Multi-Viewpoint Product Line Architectures (다중 관점 제품계열아키텍처의 가변성 관리 및 일관성 검사를 위한 특성 지향 접근방법)

  • Lee, Kwan-Woo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.6
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    • pp.803-814
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    • 2008
  • Product line architectures include variable parts to be selected according to product specific requirements. In order to derive architectures that are valid for a particular product from product line architectures, variabilities of product line architectures must be systematically managed. In this paper, we adopt an approach to variability management of product line architectures through an explicit mapping between a feature model and product line architecture models. If this mapping is incorrect or there exists inconsistency among product line architectural elements, variabilities of product line architectures cannot be managed correctly. Therefore, this paper formally defines product line architectural models in terms of conceptual, process, deployment, and module views, and mapping relationships between the feature model and the architectural models. Consistency rules for correct variability management of product line architectures are defined in terms of consistency in each of product line architecture model, consistency between different architectural view models, and consistency between a feature model and product line architectural models. These consistency rules provide a theoretical foundation for deriving valid product architecture from product line architectures.

Quality Driven Approach for Product Line Architecture Customization in Patient Navigation Program Software Product Line

  • Ashari, Afifah M.;Abd Halim, Shahliza;Jawawi, Dayang N.A.;Suvelayutnan, Ushananthiny;Isa, Mohd Adham
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.2455-2475
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    • 2021
  • Patient Navigation Program (PNP) is considered as an important implementation of health care systems that can assist in patient's treatment. Due to the feasibility of PNP implementation, a systematic reuse is needed for a wide adoption of PNP computerized system. SPL is one of the promising systematic reuse approaches for creating a reusable architecture to enabled reuse in several similar applications of PNP systems which has its own variations with other applications. However, stakeholder decision making which result from the imprecise, uncertain, and subjective nature of architecture selection based on quality attributes (QA) further hinders the development of the product line architecture. Therefore, this study aims to propose a quality-driven approach using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques for Software Product Line Architecture (SPLA) to have an objective selection based on the QA of stakeholders in the domain of PNP. There are two steps proposed to this approach. First, a clear representation of quality is proposed by extending feature model (FM) with QA feature to determine the QA in the early phase of architecture selection. Second, MCDA techniques were applied for architecture selection based on objective preference for certain QA in the domain of PNP. The result of the proposed approach is the implementation of the PNP system with SPLA that had been selected using MCDA techniques. Evaluation for the approach is done by checking the approach's applicability in a case study and stakeholder validation. Evaluation on ease of use and usefulness of the approach with selected stakeholders have shown positive responses. The evaluation results proved that the proposed approach assisted in the implementation of PNP systems.

A Code Clustering Technique for Unifying Method Full Path of Reusable Cloned Code Sets of a Product Family (제품군의 재사용 가능한 클론 코드의 메소드 경로 통일을 위한 코드 클러스터링 방법)

  • Kim, Taeyoung;Lee, Jihyun;Kim, Eunmi
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2023
  • Similar software is often developed with the Clone-And-Own (CAO) approach that copies and modifies existing artifacts. The CAO approach is considered as a bad practice because it makes maintenance difficult as the number of cloned products increases. Software product line engineering is a methodology that can solve the issue of the CAO approach by developing a product family through systematic reuse. Migrating product families that have been developed with the CAO approach to the product line engineering begins with finding, integrating, and building them as reusable assets. However, cloning occurs at various levels from directories to code lines, and their structures can be changed. This makes it difficult to build product line code base simply by finding clones. Successful migration thus requires unifying the source code's file path, class name, and method signature. This paper proposes a clustering method that identifies a set of similar codes scattered across product variants and some of their method full paths are different, so path unification is necessary. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted an experiment using the Apo Games product line, which has evolved with the CAO approach. As a result, the average precision of clustering performed without preprocessing was 0.91 and the number of identified common clusters was 0, whereas our method showed 0.98 and 15 respectively.

Incremental Method for Developing Software Product Family (소프트웨어 제품 군을 개발하기 위한 점진적 방법)

  • Joo, Bok-Gyu;Kim, Young-Chul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.4
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    • pp.697-708
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    • 2003
  • In a software product line approach, developers first develop common software architecture and components by analyzing the characteristics of all software members, and then produce each application by integrating components. The approach is considered very effective means for developing and maintaining in parallel a software product family. Main disadvantage of this approach is that it requires a big up-front investment in preparing product line. Therefore, it takes time to deliver the first version. In this paper, we present an incremental method to develop software families, which requires small additional cost for initial versions and allows an organization to move smoothly to full-scale product line. We present our method by explaining how to record and upgrade the results of variations analysis, and show the application of our method by developing a family of YBS. Our method is a low-risk approach that can be effectively applied to an organization that starts developing software systems but has to deliver the first versions quickly to the market.

A Study on the Determination of Optimum Cycle Time for Assembly Line Balancing (Line Balancing을 위한 최적 Cycle Time의 결정방법)

  • 이근부
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 1980
  • Although the product line produces a large volume of goods in a relatively short time, once the product line is established there are numerous problems that arise in connection with this product line. One of these problems is the problem of balancing operations or stations in terms of equal times and in terms of the times required to meet the desered rate of production. The objective of line balancing is minimizing the idle time on the line for all combinations of work stations subject to certain restrictions. In general, there are two types of line-balancing situations : (1) assembly line balancing and (2) fabrication line balancing. Two approaches to the assembly line balancing problem have been used. The first assumes a filed cycle time and find the optimum number of work stations. The second approach to the assembly line balancing problem assumes the number of work stations to be fixed and systematically coverages on a solution which minimizes the total delay time by minimizing the cycle time. Here the cycle time is determined by the longest station time. In this paper, by using the second approach method, a general mathematical model, problem solutions, and computer program for the assembly line balancing problem is presented. Data used is obtained from the company which has been confronted with many problems arising in connection with their assembly line.

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An Approach to Developing Service Descriptions Based on Product Line (프로덕트 라인 기반 서비스 명세 생성 방법)

  • Park, Joon-Seok;Moon, Mi-Kyeong;Yeom, Keun-Hyuk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.16D no.5
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    • pp.747-754
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    • 2009
  • Software product line engineering is an approach to creating core assets by systematically exploits common that can be highly reusableand different characteristics in related system families that is domain. By adapting this approachin object and component paradigm, software productivity is extended. Recently, Software development paradigm is changed to service oriented paradigm which is using services that are core assets. Therefore, to develop service oriented software more flexible, systematic and to enhance business agility about business changes, we need adaptation of product line to creation of services that are core assets. In this paper, we propose an approach to create and specify domain service through combine of product line and service oriented paradigm. Domain service explicitly specifies commonality and variability by domain service common/optional property variability, operation type variability, message type variability. By using this approach, it can support efficient and flexible service oriented development by producing various services through customization of domain service for the purpose.

A Variability Description Technique for Software Product Line: OVDL (소프트웨어 프로덕트라인 가변성 기술 기법: OVDL)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Kang, Sung Won
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.11
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    • pp.739-746
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    • 2013
  • Variability of the software product line that differentiates member products within a product line must be described with precise meaning and visualized so as easy to select. Moreover, it should be easy to manage. Variability description approaches can largely be divided into two approaches, integrated variability description approach and orthogonal variability description approach. Orthogonal Variability Description Language (OVDL) was developed for clear and precise description of variability without ambiguity. This paper validates the variability description capability of OVDL by translating the variability models of Inter-Working Function (IWF) product line described by using Orthogonal Variability Model (OVM) notations into variability descriptions in OVDL.