• Title/Summary/Keyword: Processing Map

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Object Tracking And Elimination Using Lod Edge Maps Generated from Modified Canny Edge Maps (수정된 캐니 에지 맵으로부터 만들어진 LOD 에지 맵을 이용한 물체 추적 및 소거)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Jang, Yung-Dae;Lee, Dong-Hun;Lee, Jong-Kwan;Ham, Mi-Ok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.3 s.113
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2007
  • We propose a simple method for tracking a nonparameterized subject contour in a single video stream with a moving camera and changing background. Then we present a method to eliminate the tracked contour object by replacing with the background scene we get from other frame. First we track the object using LOD (Level-of-Detail) canny edge maps, then we generate background of each image frame and replace the tracked object in a scene by a background image from other frame that is not occluded by the tracked object. Our tracking method is based on level-of-detail (LOD) modified Canny edge maps and graph-based routing operations on the LOD maps. We get more edge pixels along LOD hierarchy. Our accurate tracking is based on reducing effects from irrelevant edges by selecting the stronger edge pixels, thereby relying on the current frame edge pixel as much as possible. The first frame background scene is determined by camera motion, camera movement between two image frames, and other background scenes are computed from the previous background scenes. The computed background scenes are used to eliminate the tracked object from the scene. In order to remove the tracked object, we generate approximated background for the first frame. Background images for subsequent frames are based on the first frame background or previous frame images. This approach is based on computing camera motion. Our experimental results show that our method works nice for moderate camera movement with small object shape changes.

A study on the discriminant analysis of node deployment based on cable type Wi-Fi in indoor (케이블형 Wi-Fi 기반 실내 공간의 노드 배치 판별 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Zin, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Won-Yeol;Kim, Jong-Chan;Kim, Yoon-Sik;Seo, Dong-Hoan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.836-841
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    • 2016
  • An indoor positioning system using Wi-Fi is essential to produce a radio map that combines the indoor space of two or more dimensions, the information of node positions, and etc. in processing for constructing the radio map, the measurement of the received signal strength indicator(RSSI) and the confirmation of node placement information counsume substantial time. Especially, when the installed wireless environment is changed or a new space is created, easy installation of the node and fast indoor radio mapping are needed to provide indoor location-based services. In this paper, to reduce the time consumption, we propose an algorithm to distinguish the straight and curve lines of a corridor section by RSSI visualization and Sobel filter-based edge detection that enable accurate node deployment and space analysis using cable-type Wi-Fi node installed at a 3 m interval. Because the cable type Wi-Fi is connected by a same power line, it has an advantage that the installation order of nodes at regular intervals could be confirmed accurately. To be able to analyze specific sections in space based on this advantage, the distribution of the signal was confirmed and analyzed by Sobel filter based edge detection and total RSSI distribution(TRD) computation through a visualization process based on the measured RSSI. As a result to compare the raw data with the performance of the proposed algorithm, the signal intensity of proposed algorithm is improved by 13.73 % in the curve section. Besides, the characteristics of the straight and the curve line were enhanced as the signal intensity of the straight line decreased by an average of 34.16 %.

Three-dimensional assessment of condylar surface changes and remodeling after orthognathic surgery

  • Lee, Jung-Hye;Lee, Woo-Jin;Shin, Jae-Myung;Huh, Kyung-Hoe;Yi, Won-Jin;Heo, Min-Suk;Lee, Sam-Sun;Choi, Soon-Chul
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate condylar surface changes and remodeling after orthognathic surgery using three-dimensional computed tomography (3D CT) imaging, including comparisons between the right and left sides and between the sexes. Materials and Methods: Forty patients (20 males and 20 females) who underwent multi-detector CT examinations before and after surgery were selected. Three-dimensional images comprising thousands of points on the condylar surface were obtained before and after surgery. For the quantitative assessment of condylar surface changes, point-to-point (preoperative-to-postoperative) distances were calculated using 3D processing software. These point-to-point distances were converted to a color map. In order to evaluate the types of condylar remodeling, the condylar head was divided into six areas (anteromedial, anteromiddle, anterolateral, posteromedial, posteromiddle, and posterolateral areas) and each area was classified into three types of condylar remodeling (bone formation, no change, and bone resorption) based on the color map. Additionally, comparative analyses were performed between the right and left sides and according to sex. Results: The mean of the average point-to-point distances on condylar surface was $0.11{\pm}0.03mm$. Bone resorption occurred more frequently than other types of condylar remodeling, especially in the lateral areas. However, bone formation in the anteromedial area was particularly prominent. No significant difference was found between the right and left condyles, but condylar surface changes in males were significantly larger than in females. Conclusion: This study revealed that condylar remodeling exhibited a tendency towards bone resorption, especially in the lateral areas. Condylar surface changes occurred, but were small.

Study on Extracting Filming Location Information in Movies Using OCR for Developing Customized Travel Content (맞춤형 여행 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 OCR 기법을 활용한 영화 속 촬영지 정보 추출 방안 제시)

  • Park, Eunbi;Shin, Yubin;Kang, Juyoung
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2020
  • Purpose The atmosphere of respect for individual tastes that have spread throughout society has changed the consumption trend. As a result, the travel industry is also seeing customized travel as a new trend that reflects consumers' personal tastes. In particular, there is a growing interest in 'film-induced tourism', one of the areas of travel industry. We hope to satisfy the individual's motivation for traveling while watching movies with customized travel proposals, which we expect to be a catalyst for the continued development of the 'film-induced tourism industry'. Design/methodology/approach In this study, we implemented a methodology through 'OCR' of extracting and suggesting film location information that viewers want to visit. First, we extract a scene from a movie selected by a user by using 'OpenCV', a real-time image processing library. In addition, we detected the location of characters in the scene image by using 'EAST model', a deep learning-based text area detection model. The detected images are preprocessed by using 'OpenCV built-in function' to increase recognition accuracy. Finally, after converting characters in images into recognizable text using 'Tesseract', an optical character recognition engine, the 'Google Map API' returns actual location information. Significance This research is significant in that it provides personalized tourism content using fourth industrial technology, in addition to existing film tourism. This could be used in the development of film-induced tourism packages with travel agencies in the future. It also implies the possibility of being used for inflow from abroad as well as to abroad.

Trajectory Clustering in Road Network Environment (도로 네트워크 환경을 위한 궤적 클러스터링)

  • Bak, Ji-Haeng;Won, Jung-Im;Kim, Sang-Wook
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.16D no.3
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2009
  • Recently, there have been many research efforts proposed on trajectory information. Most of them mainly focus their attention on those objects moving in Euclidean space. Many real-world applications such as telematics, however, deal with objects that move only over road networks, which are highly restricted for movement. Thus, the existing methods targeting Euclidean space cannot be directly applied to the road network space. This paper proposes a new clustering scheme for a large volume of trajectory information of objects moving over road networks. To the end, we first define a trajectory on a road network as a sequence of road segments a moving object has passed by. Next, we propose a similarity measurement scheme that judges the degree of similarity by considering the total length of matched road segments. Based on such similarity measurement, we propose a new clustering algorithm for trajectories by modifying and adjusting the FastMap and hierarchical clustering schemes. To evaluate the performance of the proposed clustering scheme, we also develop a trajectory generator considering the observation that most objects tend to move from the starting point to the destination point along their shortest path, and perform a variety of experiments using the trajectories thus generated. The performance result shows that our scheme has the accuracy of over 95% in comparison with that judged by human beings.

Localization of Unmanned Ground Vehicle based on Matching of Ortho-edge Images of 3D Range Data and DSM (3차원 거리정보와 DSM의 정사윤곽선 영상 정합을 이용한 무인이동로봇의 위치인식)

  • Park, Soon-Yong;Choi, Sung-In
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a new localization technique of an UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) by matching ortho-edge images generated from a DSM (Digital Surface Map) which represents the 3D geometric information of an outdoor navigation environment and 3D range data which is obtained from a LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor mounted at the UGV. Recent UGV localization techniques mostly try to combine positioning sensors such as GPS (Global Positioning System), IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), and LIDAR. Especially, ICP (Iterative Closest Point)-based geometric registration techniques have been developed for UGV localization. However, the ICP-based geometric registration techniques are subject to fail to register 3D range data between LIDAR and DSM because the sensing directions of the two data are too different. In this paper, we introduce and match ortho-edge images between two different sensor data, 3D LIDAR and DSM, for the localization of the UGV. Details of new techniques to generating and matching ortho-edge images between LIDAR and DSM are presented which are followed by experimental results from four different navigation paths. The performance of the proposed technique is compared to a conventional ICP-based technique.

Super Resolution Algorithm Based on Edge Map Interpolation and Improved Fast Back Projection Method in Mobile Devices (모바일 환경을 위해 에지맵 보간과 개선된 고속 Back Projection 기법을 이용한 Super Resolution 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Doo-Hee;Park, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Yoon
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2012
  • Recently, as the prevalence of high-performance mobile devices and the application of the multimedia content are expanded, Super Resolution (SR) technique which reconstructs low resolution images to high resolution images is becoming important. And in the mobile devices, the development of the SR algorithm considering the operation quantity or memory is required because of using the restricted resources. In this paper, we propose a new single frame fast SR technique suitable for mobile devices. In order to prevent color distortion, we change RGB color domain to HSV color domain and process the brightness information V (Value) considering the characteristics of human visual perception. First, the low resolution image is enlarged by the improved fast back projection considering the noise elimination. And at the same time, the reliable edge map is extracted by using the LoG (Laplacian of Gaussian) filtering. Finally, the high definition picture is reconstructed by using the edge information and the improved back projection result. The proposed technique removes effectually the unnatural artefact which is generated during the super resolution restoration, and the edge information which can be lost is amended and emphasized. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm provides better performance than conventional back projection and interpolation methods.

Processing and MAP(modified atmosphere packaging) Storage of Fresh-cut Apples using CA Stored Apples (CA저장 사과를 이용한 Fresh-cut Apple의 제조 및 MAP저장)

  • 정헌식;문광덕;최종욱
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 1999
  • To develop and extend the shelf-life of vitamin C enriched fresh-cut apples using CA stored Fuji apples, dipping in 10% L-ascorbic acid and packaging with 0.03 mm LDPE, 0.04 mm PP and 0.08 mm Nylon/PE film(N$_2$displacement) were carried out. The changes of gas concentrations in the packaging and quality attributes of fresh-cut apples were examined during storage at 10$^{\circ}C$. The concentrations of O$_2$was maintained lower in Nylon/PE film than the other film, the level of O$_2$was in the range of 1∼3%. The increase of C$_2$H$_4$ concentrations in Nylon/PE film bag was more suppressed than the others. The vitamin C content of fresh-cut apples was enriched by dipping in L-ascorbic acid solution up to 241 mg$.$100 g-1 f.w., and the loss or that content was retarded differently by the package conditions of lower O$_2$level during storage. Browning in fresh-cut apples was shown after 6 days of storage in LDPE and PP film. but it was not shown by 14 days of storage in Nylon/PE film. Spoilage and off odor in fresh-cut apples were not detected up to 14 days of storage in Nylon/PE film. The results indicated that the vitamin C enriched fresh-cut apples can be processed from the long-term CA stored apples, and maintaining high quality of the products ill be possible in cases of the application of sealing packaging after O$_2$removal with film having low O$_2$permeability.

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Speech Visualization of Korean Vowels Based on the Distances Among Acoustic Features (음성특징의 거리 개념에 기반한 한국어 모음 음성의 시각화)

  • Pok, Gouchol
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.512-520
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    • 2019
  • It is quite useful to represent speeches visually for learners who study foreign languages as well as the hearing impaired who cannot directly hear speeches, and a number of researches have been presented in the literature. They remain, however, at the level of representing the characteristics of speeches using colors or showing the changing shape of lips and mouth using the animation-based representation. As a result of such approaches, those methods cannot tell the users how far their pronunciations are away from the standard ones, and moreover they make it technically difficult to develop such a system in which users can correct their pronunciation in an interactive manner. In order to address these kind of drawbacks, this paper proposes a speech visualization model based on the relative distance between the user's speech and the standard one, furthermore suggests actual implementation directions by applying the proposed model to the visualization of Korean vowels. The method extract three formants F1, F2, and F3 from speech signals and feed them into the Kohonen's SOM to map the results into 2-D screen and represent each speech as a pint on the screen. We have presented a real system implemented using the open source formant analysis software on the speech of a Korean instructor and several foreign students studying Korean language, in which the user interface was built using the Javascript for the screen display.

Performance Evaluation of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite DSM in Overseas Testbed Area (해외 테스트베드 지역 아리랑 위성 3호 DSM 성능평가)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Hwang, Jeong-In;Yoo, Woo-Sun;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1615-1627
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the performance of KOMPSAT-3 Digital Surface Model (DSM) made in overseas testbed area. To that end, we collected the KOMPSAT-3 in-track stereo image taken in San Francisco, the U.S. The stereo geometry elements (B/H, converse angle, etc.) of the stereo image taken were all found to be in the stable range. By applying precise sensor modeling using Ground Control Point (GCP) and DSM automatic generation technique, DSM with 1 m resolution was produced. Reference materials for evaluation and calibration are ground points with accuracy within 0.01 m from Compass Data Inc., 1 m resolution Elevation 1-DSM produced by Airbus. The precision sensor modeling accuracy of KOMPSAT-3 was within 0.5 m (RMSE) in horizontal and vertical directions. When the difference map was written between the generated DSM and the reference DSM, the mean and standard deviation were 0.61 m and 5.25 m respectively, but in some areas, they showed a large difference of more than 100 m. These areas appeared mainly in closed areas where high-rise buildings were concentrated. If KOMPSAT-3 tri-stereo images are used and various post-processing techniques are developed, it will be possible to produce DSM with more improved quality.