• Title/Summary/Keyword: Problem Creating

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International Trend and Issues in Protecting and Promoting the Rights of Older Persons (노인 인권 보호·증진의 국제적 동향과 쟁점)

  • Choi, Sung-Jae
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.143-168
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    • 2018
  • While there were posed arguments that social treatment to older persons should be based on the perspective of human rights turning into the 21st century, policy efforts to protect and promote the rights of older persons in international community have slowly proceeded. In this situation existing studies on the rights of older persons in the international perspective have been fragmented in their contents, lacking systematic overview of policy efforts to strengthen the rights of older persons in international community. This study aims to be the one that could be such a systematic study to overview international policy efforts to strengthen the rights of older persons through analyzing the background of posing the problem of the rights of older persons, problems in existing international norms for human rights applicable to older persons, and measures to strengthen the rights of older persons and controversial issues. Existing international norms on human rights that are Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international conventions on the rights in terms of area of rights and target population, and policy recommendations, are narrow in the scope of rights to be protected, and also lack legal force in their implementation. The international community has generally reached a consensus on strengthening the rights of older persons. However, there have been two different positions: strengthening existing norms on human rights versus creating a new convention on the rights of older persons. And also there have appeared many controversial points in both positions. Conclusively this study, arguing the creation of a new convention, suggests implications for Korean society and research studies.

A Case Study on Parents Peer Counselor's for the Disabled Experiences in Field Counseling (장애인부모 동료상담사의 현장상담 활동경험에 관한 질적 사례연구)

  • Choi, Ha-Na;Jeong, Jong-Hwa;Kim, Eun-Jae
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.127-159
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the useful reference to establish the system improvement plan that activates the counseling service quality for the disabled parents peer counselors. The qualitative case study method of Yin (2009) has been used to understand and reflect to the system for the experience of field counseling of the peer counselors for the disabled parents. 10 parents peer counselors for the disabled were proportionately sampled and interviewed about their experiences through a FGI and two individual interviews. The result of the study derived from total 87 abstract concepts and 17 categories and personal motivations for participating and changes from the experience are as follows: the effects of counseling are "mutual sympathy toward the same disability," "Identity transformation from nobody to somebody who gives hope," and "another social insurance and social safety network that parents disability make." The barrier facts for the parents peer counseling activation are: "problem of securing the position of the counseling site" and difficulty in finding the client due to lack of awareness and publicity. "The study suggests four programs to upgrade the parents peer counseling: (1) To secure the position of the counseling site, (2) To reestablish the status as a professional counselor. (3) The need of pokicy supplement and support from the government, (4) The expectancy of creating jobs through the conversion of full-time workers.

A Study on the Policy Issues of Basic Research Promotion in Korean Academics (대학의 연구자 주도 기초연구에 대한 주요 정책 이슈 고찰)

  • Park, Kwisun;Kim, Haedo;Jang, Kyeongsu
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.938-968
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    • 2018
  • Korea's basic research has been rapidly expended in both quantative and qualitative aspect since establishment of 'the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation' in 1977, proclaiming of 'the First Year of Basic Research Promotion' and enactment of 'the Basic Sciences Promotion Act' in 1989. Despite the continuous increment of government basic research funding, the problem of low perceptions of university researchers on the funding increment has been constantly raised. Based on an intrinsic review on the core issues are diagnosed based on Korean academics' basic research status analysis and future challenges are proposed based on the precedent diagnoses. The six key issues that need to take the next step in Korean academics' basic research are as follows: (1) basic research investment in universities, (2) appropriate research expenses for supporting individual researcher, (3) basic research funding allocation method, (4) maintaining the sustainable success rate of research projects, (5) systematic and strategic support for excellent researchers, (6) creating research-immersive environment. The five challenges to promote basic research in academics are as follows: (1) increasing in university research expenses, (2) diversification of basic research funding allocation method, (3) establishment of research field-specified support system and predictable principles, (4) stable and sufficient support for outstanding researchers, (5) reducing burden on research administration.

A Study on the Factors Influencing Burnout of Psychiatric Ward Nurses -Violence Experience, Violence Coping, Social Support- (정신과병동 간호사의 소진 영향 요인에 관한 연구 -폭력경험, 폭력대처, 사회적지지)

  • Seo, Jeong-Won;Kang, Mi-Ran;Je, Nam-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2019
  • This study is descriptive survey research to find out factors which violence experience, violence coping and social support affect. This study aims at reducing burnout of psychiatry nurses and founding problem-oriented violence handling standardized intervention. The subjects were 204 nurses who have worked for more than a year in a hospital. The data collection period was conducted with structured survey from July 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018. Collected data was analysed with average, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation confident, Multiple Regression and this data will go to by SPSS. The results of the study were as follows. 92.2% of psychiatry nurses are experiencing verbal violence, 92.2% are experiencing physical threat and 75.5% are experiencing physical violence. Relations between violence experience and violence coping(r=0.15. p<.027), violence experience and burnout(r=0.16, p<.017) were positive correlation. Relation between violence coping and social support(r=0.30, p<.001) was positive correlation, and social support and burnout(r=-0.28, p<.001) was negative correlated. Also we found out that nursing job satisfaction, social support and physical violence experience affect burnout. Which shows model's explanatory power was 33.3%. Therefore preventive discipline which can reduce violence experience of psychiatry nurses, founding systems to reinforce social support and creating circumstance where nursing job satisfaction can increase will help reduce burnout and serve better nursing.

A New Viewpoint Drowned Repetitive Cycle of Flow vs Float Regulating History of Pansory and Floating Possibility of Lost Pansori in Age of Image Media (판소리사를 잠류·부상의 반복 싸이클로 보는 새로운 관점과 영상매체 시대 재매개화를 통한 실전판소리의 부상 가능성 - 실전판소리 <옹고집전>과 영화 <광해>를 통해)

  • Kwon, Do-Kyung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.42
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    • pp.165-203
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    • 2016
  • This study attempted to reconsider the existing viewpoint on the history of Pansori transmission and suggested a new viewpoint on lostPansori transmission. Untill now, lost seven songs have been criticized for failure in Pansory's transmission history because it ceased to satirize negativity of abnormal character without creating a bearer of new value goals in the new age this paper resulted in another conclusion which extends Pansori history's process to modern times in the point of succession and duration of Pansori esthetics. Currently the above reason creats a problem ofcomplete nonmention that confront Pansori's twelve songs which does not apply to lost seven songs. If the evaluation standard of literary history used for lost seven songs is applied to inherited five songs, The inherited five songs also failed in the esthetic cultural history of present times. To resolve this issue, this study suggested a new viewpoint to replace the existing viewpoint that label Pansori's history as a historical structure consisting of success of inherited five songs and failure of lost seven songs repetitive replacement cycle of float and flow. This study provided constructive on lost Pansory of premodern times and presented entire Pansori as a flowing state. This paper futher identified the stages of decline the lost seven songs since the 20thcentury but sets the stage or finding a new qualitative possibility. This new theory was suggested through extant aspects of the movie that was a reproduction of in the present media age.


  • Varenia, Nataliia;Avdoshyn, Ihor;Strelbytska, Lilia;Strelbytskyy, Mykola;Palchyk, Maksym
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2021
  • The information space, the main components of which are information resources, means of information interaction, and information infrastructure, is a sphere of modern social life in which information communications play a leading role. The objective process is the gradual but stable entry of the national information space into the European and world information sphere, in the context of which there is a legitimate question of its protection as one of the components of the national security of Ukraine. However, the implementation of this issue in practice immediately faces the need to respect the rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by international regulations and the Constitution of Ukraine, especially in the field of cybersecurity. The peculiarity of the modern economy is related to its informational nature, which affects the sharp increase in cyber incidents in the field of information security, which is widespread and threatening and affects a wide range of private, corporate, and public interests. The problem of forming an effective information security system is exacerbated by the spread of cybercrime as a leading threat to information security both in Ukraine and around the world. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of cybersecurity and on this basis to identify new areas of the fight against cybercrime in Ukraine. Methods: the study is based on an extensive regulatory framework, which primarily consists of regulatory acts of Ukraine. The main methods were inductions and deductions, generalizations, statistical, comparative, and system-structural analysis, grouping, descriptive statistics, interstate comparisons, and graphical methods. Results. It is noted that a very important component of Ukraine's national security is the concept of "information terrorism", which includes cyberterrorism and media terrorism that will require its introduction into the law. An assessment of the state of cybersecurity in Ukraine is given. Based on the trend analysis, further growth of cybercrimes was predicted, and ABC analysis showed the existence of problems in the field of security of payment systems. Insufficient accounting of cybercrime and the absence in the current legislation of all relevant components of cybersecurity does not allow the definition of a holistic system of counteraction. Therefore, the proposed new legal norms in the field of information security take into account modern research in the field of promising areas of information technology development and the latest algorithms for creating media content.

Development of Building System for Achieving an Optimal Growth Environment in a Vertical Smart Farm (수직형 스마트 팜의 적정 생육환경 조성을 위한 건축 시스템 개발 - 수직형 스마트 팜에 최적화된 내부 공기 균일성 향상에 대한 연구 -)

  • Kim, Handon;Lee, Jeonga;Choi, Seun;Jang, Hyounseung;Kim, Jimin
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2021
  • According to the IPCC, humans are influencing the climate system. Such changes in the climate system can cause problems in the supply of food ingredients in the agricultural field by changing the existing growing environment. To solve this problem, vertical farms can be a good alternative for a stable supply of food ingredients. Although the vertical smart farm pays close attention to maintaining and managing the growing environment of crops, it is difficult to uniformly implement temperature, humidity, illumination, oxygen, and carbon dioxide concentrations in the building space. As a result of conducting computational fluid dynamics analysis to ensure air uniformity, a remarkable result is that it is advantageous to continuously spray suitable carbon dioxide CO2 concentrations for a long period of time for air uniformity in a vertical smart farm. Through this result, it is possible to efficiently plan a growing environment system optimized for a vertical smart farm. Based on this study, if efficient crops are produced by creating an optimized growing environment for vertical smart farms, it will be able to contribute to the development of the agricultural field.

Study on the Shortest Path finding of Engine Room Patrol Robots Using the A* Algorithm (A* 알고리즘을 이용한 기관실 순찰로봇의 최단 경로 탐색에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Deok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.370-376
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    • 2022
  • Smart ships related studies are being conducted in various fields owing to the development of technology, and an engine room patrol robot that can patrol the unmanned engine room is one such study. A patrol robot moves around the engine room based on the information learned through artificial intelligence and checks the machine normality and occurrence of abnormalities such as water leakage, oil leakage, and fire. Study on engine room patrol robots is mainly conducted on machine detection using artificial intelligence, however study on movement and control is insufficient. This causes a problem in that even if a patrol robot detects an object, there is no way to move to the detected object. To secure maneuverability to quickly identify the presence of abnormality in the engine room, this study experimented with whether a patrol robot can determine the shortest path by applying the A* algorithm. Data were obtained by driving a small car equipped with LiDAR in the ship engine room and creating a map by mapping the obtained data with SLAM(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping). The starting point and arrival point of the patrol robot were set on the map, and the A* algorithm was applied to determine whether the shortest path from the starting point to the arrival point was found. Simulation confirmed that the shortest route was well searched while avoiding obstacles from the starting point to the arrival point on the map. Applying this to the engine room patrol robot is believed to help improve ship safety.

Exploration on the Meaning of Lifelong Learning in Jewish Learning Culture 'Habruta' (유대인 학습문화 '하브루타'에 함축된 평생학습의 의미 탐구)

  • Jeong, So-Im;Cho, Mi-Gyoung
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2021
  • This study was purposed to explore the learning culture through the related literature and research review in Jewish Havruta which has interaction, critical reflection, and the driving force creating a better world. The prior researches on Havruta mainly tend to as ways to increase learners' interest in learning and studies as curriculum or teaching methods such as creativity, understanding, and problem-solving skills. However, Havruta is not just method to study subjects, but rather a process of developing thinking through dialogue and discussion. Therefore, Havruta's essential meaning as a lifelong learning should be explored. Studies showed that Jews embody the thinking process from interpreting, analyzing, setting up logic, questioning, discussing, and debating Talmud with others anytime, anywhere, and anyone throughout their learning culture. It develops basic skills for life, forms an integrated personality in relationships with others, and continuously conducts lifelong learning to shape one's own beings. Therefore, lifelong learning culture would be sharing information that one has in the process of discussion through dialogue between two or more people, and supporting and encouraging the other's failure or fear rather than attacking them. The embodiment of thinking process in which people teach and learn eachother, accept the difference, and expand thought would be significant foundation to create lifelong learning culture.

A case study on active aging policies and programs of middle-aged and elderly people at The Seoul50Plus Foundation (중장년층의 활동적 노화 정책 및 사업 연구: 서울특별시50플러스 사례를 중심으로)

  • Joo, Yong-kook;Shin, Min-ju
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.269-289
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the policy and programs of the Seoul50Plus Foundation and to propose policies and programs to promote active aging of middle-aged and elderly people. A single case study was utilized as a research method. The analysis framework of case was approached with four frameworks: the context of policy and program, ideology-goal analysis of policy and program, supplier and customer analysis of policy and program, and process and domain analysis of policy and program. The analysis data included the homepage content of the Seoul50Plus Foundation, related 50+ policy and program data, active aging research papers at home and abroad, and presentation and meeting materials. The results of the research showed that the policy and program background and environment were essential elements for responding to environmental changes in the aging society. In terms of the philosophy-goal, job creation, social participation, and approach to life design were systematically carried out for the ideology of 'creating a new life vision' and promoting active aging. In terms of subject-target, the subject of policy implementation is systematically composed of three stages: 50+ foundation, 50+ campus, and 50+ center. The target was limited to 50+ generations(age 50~64) and had a problem that is limited to applicants. In the process-area analysis, programs such as educational support, work and entrepreneurship support, counseling information, and new-age cultural creation activities were designed to increase added value according to the characteristics of the middle-aged people. In conclusion, the future Seoul50Plus Foundation's policy and lifelong learning programs need to be systematically promoted through cooperation with businesses and universities, expanding the target audience, matching the characteristics of the middle-aged and elderly, and linkage among programs.