• 제목/요약/키워드: Proactive Personality

검색결과 18건 처리시간 0.026초

The Effect of Personality Type on Human Performance Tool Compliance and General Recommendations for Enhancement of the its Practical Utilization

  • Lee, Kyung-Sun;Lee, Jong-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Hee
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.45-62
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    • 2015
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of personality type on human performance tool compliance in nuclear power plants (NPPs) and to propose general recommendations for an enhancement of its practical utilization. Background: Various guidelines, regulating criteria, and recommendations have been developed to prevent human errors in NPPs. Despite these efforts, the accidents sometimes caused by human errors have steadily occurred, and therefore, various human performance tools have been adopted as countermeasures against human errors. The major and inevitable contributing factors among the many hazards to human errors might be the trait and personality, which are considered to be the inner world of humans. Thus, we try to investigate the utilization of human performance tools by considering the different types of operating crew personalities, and we suggested more practical recommendations to prevent human errors according to the personality. Method: We developed the Questionnaire using the Big 6 (HEXACO) models, which are human performance tools for workers in NPPs, and individual (condition) variables to investigate the effect of personality types on human performance tools. We slightly modified them to help the survey respondents understand them better. A survey was conducted for ordinary people over the age of 20. SPSS 22.0 was used to perform a correlation analysis and a hierarchical regression analysis to find the relationship between personality types and human performance tools. Results: The utilization of human performance tools shows significant differences statistically by personality. The correlation result reveals that the types of Honesty (H), Extraversion (X), Conscientiousness (C), and Openness to experience (O) show a higher utilization of human performance tools. In hierarchical regression results, human performance tools of task preview, questioning attitude, stopping when unsure, self-checking, effective communication, and place-keeping show a higher utilization with personality types. However, the Agreeableness (A) type did not show significant differences statistically with human performance tools. Conclusion: We tried to investigate the utilization of human performance tools by considering the different types of human personality and provide more practical recommendations to prevent human errors according to the personality. These results will be able to prevent human errors owing to the characteristics (advantages and disadvantages) of personality types. Application: This information can be utilized as guidelines for proactive recommendations according to the workers' personalities for more practical human performance tools to prevent human errors in an NPP.

조선시대 규범서(朝鮮時代 規範書)에 나타난 밥상머리 예절교육(禮節敎育) 내용에 관한 고찰(考察) (Consideration of the Courtesy Education at the Dining Table in the Books of Social Norms of Joseon Dynasty Era)

  • 주영애;원미연
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.415-426
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    • 2016
  • We researched the modern meanings of traditional dining table courtesy education and its correlation with the main values of contemporary personality education based on dining table courtesy education stated in the social norms texts of the Joseon dynasty. Among the social norms of the Joseon dynasty, we chose Sohak, Naehun, Dongmongsuji, Seonghakjibyo, Gyeongmongyogyeol, Jeungbosallimgyeongje, Sasojeol, and Koamgahoon for research. As a result of our research on these documents and books, the modern meanings of the courtesy education at the dining table can be summarized as follow. First, the courtesy education has table manners appropriate for the development level of early children. Second, it teaches right-handed dining manners that match the features of Korean food culture. Third, it has the self-discipline and the values of community life, sharing, solicitude, and communication. Fourth, parents and grandparents are involved in the education. Fifth, it has the core values of modern personality education: manners, filial piety, respect, solicitude, communication, cooperation, and responsibility. Future courtesy education at the dining table should include practical education programs that can consolidate the bond of sympathy between the home, school, and society, and can improve its practice; in addition, to expand the opportunities for education, proactive social support is demanded.

리더-멤버 교환(LMX)과 변혁적 리더십(TFL)이 직무태도에 미치는 영향: 고성과 vs. 저성과 R&D인력 비교 (The Effects of Leader-Member Exchange and Transformational Leadership among High Performer and Low Performer of R&D Professionals)

  • 차종석
    • 기술혁신연구
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.153-180
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    • 2012
  • 이 연구는 고성과 R&D인력의 특성을 규명하고, 리더-멤버 교환(LMX)와 변혁적 리더십(TFL)이 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 미치는 영향력을 실증 분석하였다. 분석 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 저성과 R&D인력과 비교하여 고성과 R&D인력은 인성(personality) 측면에서 '위험감수성향', '자기효능감', '성취욕구'가 더 높다. 둘째, 고성과 R&D인력은 '혁신적 문제해결 스타일'이 더 높으며, '적응적 문제해결 스타일'은 차이가 없다. 셋째, LMX와 TFL은 각각 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 긍정적인 관계를 갖고 있다. 넷째, TFL은 LMX의 효과를 넘어서는 증분효과(augmentation effect)는 저성과 R&D인력의 경우에 존재한다. 고성과 R&D인력의 경우에는 TFL과 LMX 중 하나만 존재하면 다른 것은 추가적인 효과가 없다. 이상의 연구결과에 근거하여 리더십에 대한 이론적 의미와 R&D인력 관리 및 리더십 개발의 실무적 시사점을 논의하였다.

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소비자 가치와 비윤리성에 따른 소비자 불평행동 유형 (The Effect of Consumer Value and Unethicality on the Type of Consumer Complaint Behaviors)

  • 이영애;임수지
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.267-282
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzed the effect of consumer value and unethicality on the type of consumer complaint behaviors. Despite the obvious importance of the research on consumer complaint behaviors focused on consumer's inherent personality, there is relatively little work done. The purpose of this study is to analyze the determinants of consumer complaint behaviors in order to improve consumers' well-being and develop the market condition. The 1,050 respondents are finally analyzed using the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and multinominal logit model. Consumer value and unethicality are significant effect on the type of consumer complaint behaviors such as no action, private action only, public action only, and both private and action. The orientation of achievement and pleasure among consumers' value is associated with the higher level of complaint behaviors compared with no action. In terms of consumers' unethicality, no harm unethicality is associated with the types of each consumer complaint behavior except no action. On the other hand, both proactive and passive unethicality increase the possibility of no action. The policy implications of the consumer education are suggested as well as the directions of customer management strategies in the business sector.

스핀오프 애니메이션 캐릭터의 역할과 욕구 변화에 대한 연구: 미니언즈와 장화신은 고양이 작품을 중심으로 (A Study on the Role and Desire Changes of Spin-off Animation Characters: Minions and Puss in Boots Cat Work Analysis)

  • 공현희
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2024
  • This paper explored the characters in spin-off works that are becoming a hot topic not only in Korea but also in the world. I would like to find out whether there are changes in the character in the original and the character's character and behavior in the spin-off work, and if there are changes, for what reason the changes occur. The subjects of the study were "Puss in Boots" and "Minions," which released a number of spin-off works based on the original. As analysis tools, we used the five-step theory of need by Abraham H. Maslow and the behavioral model of Greimas. As a result, in the spin-off work, Minions and Puss have shifted away from the role of facilitator in the original and become subjective characters. According to Maslow's theory of needs, the analysis also confirmed that this appears as an action to satisfy the needs of belonging, love, respect, and self-realization beyond basic physiological and safety needs. This change allowed him to develop a more independent and proactive personality and behavior, and be at the center of the story. This is the result of reflecting the production team's intention and audience expectations to provide audiences with deeper characters and richer stories. is analyzed.

보건계열학생이 인지하는 치과기공사의 이미지 조사연구 (Research on dental laboratory technician's image perceived by health allied college students)

  • 김석환;김재홍
    • 대한치과기공학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the image and the awareness of dental laboratory technicians in health allied college students. Methods: The subject of this research are 431 health-related major students who are selected by convenience sampling from Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do and Gyeongsang-do. After a survey was conducted, the answer sheets from 401 respondents were analyzed except for 30 incomplete ones. The collected data is statistically analyzed by SPSS(Statistical Packages for Social Science 12.0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: The findings of the study were as follows: As a result of general awareness about dental laboratory technicians, the health allied college students knew 83.0% about dental laboratory technician as a job. Respondents showed high recognition about dental laboratory technician as a job($3.62{\pm}0.31$), which showed that the health allied college students took a favorable view of dental laboratory in general. There were significant difference in dental laboratory technician image with age, gender(P<.05). Conclusion: It is required to develop programs such as proactive public relations or campaign via mass media that could enhance the public recognition about dental laboratory technician up to one of professional as required. It is also necessary that dental laboratory technicians make steady efforts for self-development to enhance their own job philosophy and skills in the level of quality, while they need various educations for building up their own favorable personality and positive ideas.

보건의료계열 대학생의 심폐소생술 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인 (The Influential Factors for the Attitude of Health-Care University Students on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

  • 정금숙;오현미;정선영
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.2271-2280
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 보건의료계열 대학생의 심폐소생술에 대한 지식, 자신감 및 태도를 알아보고 심폐소생술에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하고자 시도된 서술적 조사연구이다. 연구 대상은 참여를 동의한 보건의료계열 대학생 516명으로 하였다. 자료 분석은 연구목적에 따라 t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, Multiple linear regression을 실시하였다. 대상자의 심폐소생술에 대한 태도와 심폐소생술에 대한 지식은 유의한 정적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으며(r=.269, p<.001), 또한 심폐소생술에 대한 태도와 심폐소생술에 대한 자신감은 유의한 정적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다(r=.620, p<.001). 대상자의 심폐소생술에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 심폐소생술에 대한 자신감, 성별, 심폐소생술에 대한 지식, 성격, 전공에 대한 생각, 심폐소생술 교육경험, 의료봉사경험, 전공선택동기가 유의한 영향 요인이었으며, 설명력은 49%이었다. 본 연구의 결과를 근거로 심폐소생술에 대한 긍정적인 태도를 강화할 수 있는 적극적인 프로그램 개발과 교육을 제언한다.

고형장기이식 환자의 정신건강: 이식의 시기별 이슈 (Mental Health Issues in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients; Pre-, Peri-, and Post-Transplant Phases)

  • 정연진;강지인
    • 대한불안의학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2023
  • This review article explores the psychological characteristics, comorbid mental disorders, and psychosocial assessments throughout the solid organ transplant journey, spanning the pre-transplant, peri-transplant, and post-transplant phases for transplant recipients. The psychological burden and anxiety in the pre-transplant phase are high for organ failure patients with complex physical difficulties who are deciding to undergo transplantation and are on the waiting list. The pre-transplant psychosocial evaluation covers various aspects, including the patient's readiness, awareness of, and commitment to transplant treatment, medical compliance, psychopathological conditions such as cognitive function and personality disorders, lifestyle factors, including substance abuse, as well as various psychosocial factors like social support. During the peri-transplant phase, mental health problems such as postoperative delirium should be carefully recognized and addressed. After transplantation, it is essential to assist patients in coping with the various stressful experiences they encounter, manage psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, and improve treatment adherence and quality of life during long-term care for the transplanted organ. Managing psychiatric problems in post-transplant patients requires a deep understanding of immunosuppressant medications and a keen awareness of associated risks, including adverse effects and potential drug interactions. This comprehensive review emphasizes the significance of proactive mental health care and psychosocial evaluation, highlighting the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to enhance the quality of life and overall success of transplant patients throughout all phases of transplantation.