• 제목/요약/키워드: Pregnancy test

검색결과 409건 처리시간 0.027초

임부의 공포와 개인 및 환경변인의 상오관계에 관한 연구 (A Study on Relationship Between Fear During Pregnancy and Person and Environmental Variables in Pregnant Women)

  • 정송자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 1974
  • Antenatal care is zoomed toward3 assisting the Individual to achieve safe and wholesome state of health during pregnancy. Nature of fear is assumed to be rooted to complex interaction between past experiences, human relationship and present state of health, however. specific relationship between fear and the variables have not yet been ascertained. This study is designed to investigate the nature of fear of pregnancy, and the correlation between fear and the personal and environmental variables such as personal characteristics past experiences. and psycho-social factors. During the period from October 23 to November 5, 215 pregnant and 104 non-pregnant women of similar chronological are group residing in Seoul were interviewed according to check-list by random General anxiety test, general personality test and test for fear of pregnancy, family according to specific variables such as past experiences of Pregnancy and childbirth, structure of family, family relationship and month of pregnancy was done to the group of pregnant women. To non-pregnant group, general anxiety test was performed to compare with pregnant group. Results of the study are as follows; 1. Hypothesis 1; Degree of general anxiety will be higher e pregnant women compared to that of non-pregnant women. There is no significant difference between the general anxiety of pregnant women and that of non-pregnant women. Therefore, hypothesis I is rejected. 2. Hypothesis 2: Fear of pregnancy and general anxiety will be correlated with personality factors. Through test for fear of pregnancy and general anxiety, a meager contra-correlation between fear and only two personal factors (R and E factor) is revealed but there is no significant correlation between fear and other personal factors (A.S. and T factor). Degree of fear of pregnancy tends to b: higher in the group with low personality factors; responsibility and emotional stability expect the correlation between ascendancy, sociability, and confidence-inferiority. non-significant. Through general anxiety test, level of general anxiety tends to be higher in the group. with low personality factors; responsibility. emotional stability, and confidence except ascendency and sociability, non-significant. Hypothesis 2 is partially supported. 3. Hypothesis 3; General anxiety and fear of pregnancy will be correlated with the past experience-ol pregnancy, and child-birth experience. Though general anxiety test and test for fear of pregnancy, non-significant difference is revealed by P〉.05 level Hypothesis 3 is rejected. 4. Hypothesis 4: General anxiety and fear of pregnancy will be correlated with the month at pregnancy will be correlated with the month of pregnancy. Through tests of general anxiety and fear, significant correlation is revealed degree of fear by-P〈.05 level (CR=1.98) and level of general anxiety by P〈.005 level (CR=3. 11) is higher in the earlier stage of pregnancy. Hypothesis 4 is supported. 5. Hypothesis 5, 6, 7; General anxiety and fear of pregnancy will be correlated with socio-economic status, family structure, and family relationship. Through general anxiety test and tear of pregnancy test, non-significant is revealed by P〉.05 level. Hypothesis 3.6.7 are rejected. Conclusion and recommendation Level of general: anxiety and degree of fear of pregnancy is shown not to be correlated with variables of past experiencers of pregnancy and child-birth. and family factors except the month of - pregnancy. Personal characteristics are shown to be partially contra-correlated meagerly with genera anxiety and fear of pregnancy. This study revealed contrasted results, in regard to presence of correlation between general anxiety and fear of pregnancy to other thesis. In this context. further studies under controlled environment is recommended.

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임신진단검사기술의 발전사 (Development History of Pregnancy Test Technology)

  • 권영일
    • 대한임상검사과학회지
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    • 제50권4호
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    • pp.382-390
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    • 2018
  • 임신진단검사는 고대 이집트에서 밀과 보리를 이용한 발아시험으로 시작하였다. 이후 Hippocrates와 Galen을 거쳐 uroscopy를 활용하던 중세를 넘어 1800년대 초반까지도 비과학적 방법들이 사용되었다. 그러나 1800년대 중반 이후 과학적 실험방법과 근거들이 나타나기 시작하면서 임신의 생리학적 특성에 대한 과학적 연구들이 시작되었다. 이와 같은 과학적 연구결과를 활용하려는 최초 시도는1927년 Aschheim와 Zondek의 rat와 mouse를 이용한 bioassay로 시작되었고, 이후 토끼와 개구리를 이용하는 실험으로 발전하였다. 1960년대부터 시작된 면역검사방법은 bioassay의 문제점을 개선하면서 임신진단검사를 일반화하는데 크게 기여하였다. 1976년에는 가정에서 사용할 수 있는 임신진단키트가 출시되어 임신진단을 대중화하는데 기여하였다. 1980년대 이후 진단검사의 기술적 진보는 임신진단검사에도 활용되어 임신진단의 검사신뢰도는 더욱 향상되었으며, 2000년대에는 가정용 임신진단키트의 정확도와 사용편리성이 혁신적으로 향상되었다. 본 조사에서는 임신진단검사의 역사와 과학적 발전과정을 고찰하였다.

임부의 우울에 임신 스트레스, 자아존중감이 미치는 영향 (Effects of Pregnant Women's Pregnancy Stress and Self-Esteem on Their Depression)

  • 황란희
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구 목적은 임부의 임신 스트레스, 자아존중감 및 우울 정도를 조사하고 그 변수들 사이의 관계를 규명하여, 임부의 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하는 데 있다. 본 연구는 154명의 임부를 대상으로 자료를 수집하고, 분석은 t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Stepwise Regression Analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient를 이용하였다. 대상자의 임신 스트레스는 평균 61.17±13.84점(범위:27~135)으로, 계획된 임신인지에 따라 유의한 차이를 있는 것으로 나타났다. 대상자의 자아존중감은 평균 30.94±4.76점(범위:10~40)으로, 종교, 직업, 임신주수에 따라 유의한 차이를 보였다. 대상자의 우울은 평균 6.89±5.04점(범위:0~63)으로, 계획된 임신인지에 따라 유의한 차이를 보였다. 대상자의 우울은 임신 스트레스와 통계적으로 유의한 양적 상관관계를 나타냈고, 자아존중감과는 통계적으로 유의한 음적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 임신 스트레스는 자아존중감과 통계적으로 유의한 음의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 임부의 우울에 영향을 주는 요인은 자아존중감, 계획된 임신 여부, 임신 스트레스 순이었다. 본 연구결과는 산전 관리 시 임부의 임신 스트레스, 자아존중감 및 우울 등 정서적 요인 정도를 사정하고, 임부의 정서적 측면을 지지하기 위한 간호 중재 프로그램 개발 및 적용의 필요성을 제시한다.

한국 재래흑염소의 계통별 인공수정과 임신진단 키트의 활용 (Application of artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis kit for Korea native black goats)

  • 김관우;이진욱;전다연;이성수;김승창;이상훈
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제20권10호
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    • pp.446-451
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구의 목적은 인공수정 기법을 이용한 한국 재래흑염소 계통별 인공수정 수태율을 알아보고자 정액의 성상, 수태율 및 분만율을 조사하고, 임신진단을 위한 소의 임신진단 키트의 활용 가능성을 알아보는 것이다. 재래흑염소에서 전기자극을 통해 정액을 채취하여 3계통(당진, 장수, 통영)별 정액분석과 발정동기화 된 암컷에 인공수정을 실시하여 계통별 번식능력을 조사하였다. 인공수정된 암컷에서는 소의 임신진단 키트(IDEXX Rapid Visual Pregnancy Test kit)와 초음파진단으로 임신을 확인하였다. 그 결과 개통별 정액채취량은 1~1.5 ml 내외였으며, 정액농도는 $18{\sim}25{\times}10^8/ml$, 정액 채취 직후 정자활력은 97% 이상 높게 나타났다. 그리고 임신진단의 결과에서 소의 임신진단 키트와 초음파진단 모두 동일한 결과를 보였으며, 계통별 인공수정 수태율의 효율은 20~44%로, 통영계통이 44%로 가장 높게 나타났고 장수계통이 20%로 인공수정 수태율이 낮게 나타났다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 한국 재래흑염소의 계통별 인공수정 효율을 알 수 있었고, 조기 임신진단을 위한 소 임신진단 키트의 활용가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과는 재래흑염소 증식과 개량에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

단일클론항체를 이용한 Milk Progesterone Test(EIA) 측정법의 개발과 이에 의한 소의 발정 및 임신조기진단의 정확도 향상에 관한 연구 (Development of Milk Progesterone Test(EIA) using Monoclonal Antibody and It's Application to Estrus-and Early Pregnancy Detection in Dairy Cattle)

  • 김정우;홍승욱
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 1990
  • A simple and sensitive microplate enzyme immunoassay(ELISA) was developed for progesterone, based on progesterone monoclonal antibody as anti-progesterone, horseradish peroxise(HRP) as enzyme-label and tetramethylbenzidine(TMB) as substrate. The assay has a sensitivity of 5pg-120pg/well and intra- and inter assay coefficients of variation for progesterone standard curve(0.1ng-3.2ng/ml) were ranged 4.4-10.6% and 5.-12.6%, respectively. They assay is performed in less than two hours and provide reliable values to differentiate among samples from day 0(A.I.), day 14 and day 19. The discriminatory levels for early pregnancy diagnosis are [>10ng(day 19) & decreasing rate <1.5 : pregnancy] and [ 7ng & decreasing rate 1.5 : non-pregnancy]. The accuracy of the pregnancy diagnosis for cows classified as positive(pregnancy) and negative(non-pregnancy) were 96% and 100%, respectively.

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Prevalence and associated factors of prenatal depression in pregnant Korean women during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

  • Mi-Eun Kim;Ha-Neul Jung
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.274-290
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study investigated the effects of prenatal education characteristics, pandemic-related pregnancy stress, and health behaviors during pregnancy on prenatal depression in pregnant women during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: The participants were 180 pregnant Korean women, recruited from internet communities for pregnancy preparation, childbirth, and childcare, from July 5 to 15, 2022. The collected data were analyzed using the t-test, analysis of variance, the Mann-Whitney U-test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and multiple regression analysis. Results: The scores for pandemic-related pregnancy stress (24.50±6.37) and health behaviors during pregnancy (67.07±9.20) were high. Nearly half of the participants (n=89, 49.4%) presented with prenatal depression, with scores of 10 or greater. Prenatal depression had a positive correlation with gestational age (r=.18, p=.019) and pandemic-related pregnancy stress (r=.27, p<.001), and a negative correlation with health behaviors during pregnancy (r=-.42, p<.001). The factors associated with prenatal depression were pandemic-related pregnancy stress (t=4.70, p<.001), marital satisfaction (dissatisfied) (t=3.66, p<.001), pregnancy healthcare practice behaviors (t=-3.31, p=.001), family type (weekend couple) (t=2.84, p=.005), and gestational age (t=2.32, p=.022). The explanatory power of these variables was 38.2%. Conclusion: Since participants had a high level of prenatal depression during the pandemic, and infectious diseases such as COVID-19 may recur, strategies should be developed to improve pregnant women's mental health with consideration of the unique variables that are relevant in a pandemic. It is also necessary to develop efficient online prenatal education programs that can be implemented even in special circumstances such as social distancing, and to evaluate their effectiveness.

가축번식효율 증진을 위한 임부진단방법 (Pregnancy Diagnosis for Improvement of Reproductive Efficiency in Farm Animals)

  • 정영채
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.8-26
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    • 1983
  • Various early pregnancy diagnostic methods have been developed in order to improve the reproductive efficiency in cow, mare, mule, sow, sheep, goat, dog, cat, rabbit, buffalo, camel, elephant, monkey, deer, lion, coipus and guinea pig. These methods include abdominal swelling, abdominal palpation, esturs cylce detection, Lupin test, gonadotropin assay, colostrum injection test, sperm motility assessment, cervical mucus viscosity test, Kaber chromagens method, estrogen test, A Scheim-Zond다 test, spectrophotometric detection of estrogen in urine and feces, boric acid crystraline formation test in urine, oxytocin injection test, diamino-oxidase test, PMSG HA test, behaviour test, Simolus iodine detection test, detection of tryptophane in urine, x-ray method, Cuboni and Lunaas method, vaginal biopsy method, Friedmann Schneider diagnostic method, electrode method, barium chloride detection method, ECG, Doptone method, ultrasound method, ultrasound scanning method, LDH method, rectal palpation method, CL palpation method, radioautography, serum creatine test, serum globulin test, chlormadine method, CAP method, Medata Do, pp.ers method, body fluid test, Plasma oCS detection method, ERIA, LHRH method, negative latex cogulation test and oestrone sulphate detection method. The most reliable methods with high a, pp.icability to farm animals such as sheep, mare, sow and cow are rectal palpation, ultrasound method and hormonal assay in blood and milk. However, they require complicated laboratory works for the early diagnosis of pregnancy and in most cases, the simple and economical methods which are described up to now need a long period of time after conception. Generally, it is possible to detect pregnancy after one estrus cycle, even though it varies depending on the species of animals. For improvement of the reproductive efficiency, it is required to develop a more accurate, economical, simple and early detectable method. It is anticipated that the result of a study on the detection method of EPF(early pregnancy factor) would be a, pp.icable to various animals within 6 hours after conception.

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초임부의 임신경험과 임신 중 체중변화에 대한 태도와의 관계 (Correlates of the Pregnancy Experience and Attitude regarding Weight Change during Pregnancy in Primigravida Women)

  • 신기수;김미옥
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: We aimed to examine the correlations between pregnancy experience and attitude regarding weight change during pregnancy. Methods: This correlative study was conducted from July 2017 to October 2017 by involving 156 primigravida women who were over pregnancy 20 weeks in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do province. Data were collected using a questionnaire, which included questions on demographic data, experience during pregnancy, and attitude regarding weight change during pregnancy. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Also, independent t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficients were used for data analysis. Results: The mean age of the participants was 30.62 years and their score of attitude regarding weight gain during pregnancy was low. Moreover, a significant correlation was found between the pregnancy experience and attitude regarding weight gain during pregnancy in primigravida women. Conclusion: As a result of analyzing the correlation between pregnancy experience and attitude towards weight gain during pregnancy, it is apparent that attitudes toward weight change are different according to experience during pregnancy in women. Based on these results, it can be concluded that nursing intervention programs are necessitated to enhance the attitude of pregnant primigravida women towards pregnancy and weight gain.

체험중심 산전 프로그램이 초임부의 스트레스, 상태불안, 분만자신감 및 태아애착에 미치는 효과 (Effects of an Experience-focused Prenatal Program on Stress, Anxiety, Childbirth Confidence, and Maternal-Fetal Attachment on Women in Their First Pregnancy)

  • 박미라;이선옥
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.126-137
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of an experience-focused prenatal program on stress, anxiety, childbirth confidence, and maternal-fetal attachment for women in their first pregnancy. Methods: The participants were 57 pregnant women at 32 weeks or more of a first pregnancy who agreed to participate in this study. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, $x^2$ test, and Fisher's exact test using the SPSS 21.0 program. Results: The experimental group showed significant differences in stress, anxiety, childbirth confidence, and maternal-fetal attachment from the control group. Conclusion: The four-week experience-focused prenatal program can be used for women in their first pregnancy to reduce their stress and anxiety and to increase their childbirth confidence and maternal-fetal attachment.

임산부 체조 참여가 신체평가 및 임신스트레스에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Regular Participation in Pregnant Exercise on the Body-esteem and Pregnancy Stress)

  • 문태영;박순문;한미선
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.1153-1162
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구의 목적은 임산부의 임산부 체조 참여에 따른 신체평가 및 임신 스트레스에 미치는 영향을 규명하는데 있으며 연구대상은 2009년 현재 서울 강북지역에 거주하면서 임신을 한 20세에서 39세 사이의 성인여성을 대상으로 임산부 체조 참여자 49명, 비참여자 51명 총 100명을 대상으로 하였으며 SPSS Windows 15.0 Version을 이용하여 분석 목적에 따라 전산처리 하였으며 자료분석을 위하여 본 연구에서 사용할 분석기법은 빈도분석(Frequency), 요인분석(factor analysis), 신뢰도분석(reliability analysis), t-test, 일원변량분석(one-way ANOVA) 및 사후분석(Scheffe), 중다회귀분석(multiple regression analysis)을 실시하였다. 이러한 과정을 통한 구체적인 통계분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 임산부들의 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 신체평가 및 임신스트레스의 차이는 부분적으로 나타났다. 둘째, 임산부들의 임산부 체조 참여유무에 따른 신체평가 및 임신스트레스의 차이는 부분적으로 나타났다. 셋째, 임산부들의 신체평가가 임신 스트레스에 부분적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.