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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Prediction of the Fatigue Life

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Evaluation of Static Spring Constant and Accelerated Life Prediction for Compression Set of Polyurethane Resilient Pad in Rail Fastening System

  • Lee, Seung-Won;Park, Jun-Young;Park, Eun-Young;Ryu, Sung-Hwan;Bae, Seok-Hu;Kim, Nam-Il;Yun, Ju-Ho;Yoon, Jeong-Hwan
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.220-225
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    • 2018
  • Resilient pads play a major role in reducing the impact of loads on a rail in a rail-fastening system, which is essentially used for a concrete track. Although a compression set test is commonly used to measure the durability of a resilient pad, the static spring constant is often observed to be different from the fatigue test. In this study, a modified compression set test method was proposed to monitor the variations in the compression set and static spring constant of a resilient pad with respect to temperature and time. In addition, the life of the resilient pad was predicted by performing an acceleration test based on the Arrhenius equation.

Numerical Fatigue Life Prediction of IGBT Module for Electronic Locomotive (수치해석을 이용한 전동차용 IGBT 모듈의 피로 수명 예측)

  • Kwon, Oh Young;Jang, Young Moon;Lee, Young-ho;Choa, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the thermomechanical stress and fatigue analysis of a high voltage and high current (3,300 V/1200 A) insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) module used for electric locomotive applications were performed under thermal cycling condition. Especially, the reliability of the copper wire and the ribbon wire were compared with that of the conventional aluminum wire. The copper wire showed three times higher stress than the aluminum wire. The ribbon type wire showed a higher stress than the circular type wire, and the copper ribbon wire showed the highest stress. The fatigue analysis results of the chip solder connecting the chip and the direct bond copper (DBC) indicated that the crack of the solder mainly occurred at the outer edge of the solder. In case of the circular wire, cracking of the solder occurred at 35,000 thermal cycles, and the crack area in the copper wire was larger than that of the aluminum wire. On the other hand, when the ribbon wire was used, the crack area was smaller than that of the circular wire. In case of the solder existing between DBC and base plate, the crack growth rate was similar regardless of the material and shape of the wire. However, cracking occurred earlier than chip solder, and more than half of the solder was failed at 40,000 cycles. Therefore, it is expected that the reliability of the solder between DBC and base plate would be worse than the chip solder.

Cycling life prediction method considering compressive residual stress on liner for the filament-wound composite cylinders with metal liner (금속재 라이너를 갖는 복합재 압력용기의 라이너 압축잔류응력을 고려한 반복수명 예측 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Ji-Sang;Jeung, Sang-Su;Chung, Jae-Han
    • Composites Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2006
  • In manufacturing process of composite cylinders with metal liner, the autofrettage process which induces compressive residual stress on the liner to improve cycling life can be applied. In this study, a finite element analysis technique is presented, which can predict accurately the compressive residual stress on the liner induced by autofrettage and stress behavior after. Material and geometrical non-linearity is considered in the finite element analysis, and the Von-Mises stress of a liner is introduced as a key parameter that determines pressure cycling life of composite cylinders. Presented methodology is verified through fatigue test of liner material and pressure cycling test of composite cylinders.

Prediction of Patient Discharge Status Based on Indicators on Admission (입원 초기 지표를 통한 호스피스 환자의 퇴원 형태 예측)

  • Chung, Sung-In;Lee, Seung Hun;Kim, Yun-Jin;Lee, Sang-Yeoup;Lee, Jeong-Gyu;Yi, Yu-Hyeon;Cho, Young-Hye;Tak, Young-Jin;Hwang, Hye-Rim;Park, Eun-Ju;Kim, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To provide effective palliative care, it is important to predict not only patients' life expectancy but their discharge status at a time of inpatient admission to a hospice care facility. This study was aimed to identify meaningful life expectancy indicators that can be used to predict patients' discharge status on admission to the facility. Methods: Among 568 patients who were admitted to the hospice ward of P hospital from April 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017, 377 terminal cancer patients were selected. This retrospective cohort study was performed by using performance status, symptoms and signs, socioeconomic status, laboratory findings on admission. Results: Alive discharge was associated with a good performance status that was measured with the Karnofsky and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) scales and the Global health and Mental status. Less anorexia, dyspnea, dysphagia and fatigue were also associated with symptoms and signs. Associated laboratory findings were close to normal Complete Blood Cell (CBC) count, Liver Function Test (LFT) and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), ECOG, Global health, Mental status, anorexia, dyspnea, dysphagia, fatigue, CBC, LFT, BUN are meaningful indicators when predicting discharge status for inpatients. Further investigation is warranted.

Active Facial Tracking for Fatigue Detection (피로 검출을 위한 능동적 얼굴 추적)

  • 박호식;정연숙;손동주;나상동;배철수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.603-607
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    • 2004
  • The vision-based driver fatigue detection is one of the most prospective commercial applications of facial expression recognition technology. The facial feature tracking is the primary technique issue in it. Current facial tracking technology faces three challenges: (1) detection failure of some or all of features due to a variety of lighting conditions and head motions; (2) multiple and non-rigid object tracking and (3) features occlusion when the head is in oblique angles. In this paper, we propose a new active approach. First, the active IR sensor is used to robustly detect pupils under variable lighting conditions. The detected pupils are then used to predict the head motion. Furthermore, face movement is assumed to be locally smooth so that a facial feature can be tracked with a Kalman filter. The simultaneous use of the pupil constraint and the Kalman filtering greatly increases the prediction accuracy for each feature position. Feature detection is accomplished in the Gabor space with respect to the vicinity of predicted location. Local graphs consisting of identified features are extracted and used to capture the spatial relationship among detected features. Finally, a graph-based reliability propagation is proposed to tackle the occlusion problem and verify the tracking results. The experimental results show validity of our active approach to real-life facial tracking under variable lighting conditions, head orientations, and facial expressions.

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Active Facial Tracking for Fatigue Detection (피로 검출을 위한 능동적 얼굴 추적)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Kang, Yong-Seok
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2009
  • The vision-based driver fatigue detection is one of the most prospective commercial applications of facial expression recognition technology. The facial feature tracking is the primary technique issue in it. Current facial tracking technology faces three challenges: (1) detection failure of some or all of features due to a variety of lighting conditions and head motions; (2) multiple and non-rigid object tracking; and (3) features occlusion when the head is in oblique angles. In this paper, we propose a new active approach. First, the active IR sensor is used to robustly detect pupils under variable lighting conditions. The detected pupils are then used to predict the head motion. Furthermore, face movement is assumed to be locally smooth so that a facial feature can be tracked with a Kalman filter. The simultaneous use of the pupil constraint and the Kalman filtering greatly increases the prediction accuracy for each feature position. Feature detection is accomplished in the Gabor space with respect to the vicinity of predicted location. Local graphs consisting of identified features are extracted and used to capture the spatial relationship among detected features. Finally, a graph-based reliability propagation is proposed to tackle the occlusion problem and verify the tracking results. The experimental results show validity of our active approach to real-life facial tracking under variable lighting conditions, head orientations, and facial expressions.

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Exploring Chemotherapy-Induced Toxicities through Multivariate Projection of Risk Factors: Prediction of Nausea and Vomiting

  • Yap, Kevin Yi-Lwern;Low, Xiu Hui;Chan, Alexandre
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2012
  • Many risk factors exist for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). This study utilized a multivariate projection technique to identify which risk factors were predictive of CINV in clinical practice. A single-centre, prospective, observational study was conducted from January 2007~July 2010 in Singapore. Patients were on highly (HECs) and moderately emetogenic chemotherapies with/without radiotherapy. Patient demographics and CINV risk factors were documented. Daily recording of CINV events was done using a standardized diary. Principal component (PC) analysis was performed to identify which risk factors could differentiate patients with and without CINV. A total of 710 patients were recruited. Majority were females (67%) and Chinese (84%). Five risk factors were potential CINV predictors: histories of alcohol drinking, chemotherapy-induced nausea, chemotherapy-induced vomiting, fatigue and gender. Period (ex-/current drinkers) and frequency of drinking (social/chronic drinkers) differentiated the CINV endpoints in patients on HECs and anthracycline-based, and XELOX regimens, respectively. Fatigue interference and severity were predictive of CINV in anthracycline-based populations, while the former was predictive in HEC and XELOX populations. PC analysis is a potential technique in analyzing clinical population data, and can provide clinicians with an insight as to what predictors to look out for in the clinical assessment of CINV. We hope that our results will increase the awareness among clinician-scientists regarding the usefulness of this technique in the analysis of clinical data, so that appropriate preventive measures can be taken to improve patients' quality of life.

Evaluation of Permanent Deformation Characteristics in Crushed Subbase Materials Using Shear Stress Ratio and Large Repeated Triaxial Compression Test (대형반복삼축시험과 전단응력비 개념을 이용한 쇄석 보조기층의 영구변형 특성평가)

  • Lim, Yu-Jin;Kim, In-Tae;Kwak, Ki-Heon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2011
  • It is well-known that pavement is easily damaged by several factors including permanent deformation and fatigue crack, causing service life of the pavement to be shorter than expected. It is very important to predict amount of permanent deformation for designing pavement and developing design method of pavement. A new model of permanent deformation of pavement materials based on concept of shear stress ratio has been proposed because the lower pavement materials are highly affected by shear strength of the material. In this study a large repetitive triaxial load test has been adapted for performing test of permanent deformation of crushed subbase materials. The test procedure which includes concept of shear stress ratio has been newly developed. Several important model parameters can be obtained from the test that can be used for making correct permanent deformation model of the material.

Acceleration Test Method for Failure Prediction of the End Cap Contact Region of Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Rod (소듐냉각 고속로 연료봉단의 접촉부 손상예측을 위한 가속시험 방법)

  • Kim, Hyung-Kyu;Lee, Young-Ho;Lee, Hyun-Seung;Lee, Kang-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2017
  • This paper reports the results of an acceleration test to predict the contact-induced failure that could occur at the cylinder-to-hole joint for the fuel rod of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). To incorporate the fuel life of the SFR currently under development at KAERI (around 35,000 h), the acceleration test method of reliability engineering was adopted in this work. A finite element method was used to evaluate the flow-induced vibration frequency and amplitude for the test parameter values. Five specimens were tested. The failure criterion during the life of the SFR fuel was applied. The S-N curve of the HT-9, the material of concern, was used to obtain the acceleration factor. As a result, a test time of 16.5 h was obtained for each specimen. It was concluded that the B0.004 life would be guaranteed for the SFR fuel rods with 99% confidence if no failure was observed at any of the contact surfaces of the five specimens.

Developed Compact Injection Molding Machine for Desktop (탁상용 소형 사출 성형기 개발)

  • Lee, Byung-Ho;Shin, Dong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.257-263
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    • 2018
  • It is a small injection molding machine for table top considering the material heating mechanism and the design and structure stability by securing the mechanism that compresses the inside of the material heating tube by using the electric actuator and by providing space between the body and the material heating tube to reduce heat loss Develop body. An electric actuator suitable for applying pressure to the inside of a material heating tube is a mechanical system composed of a rigid structure. Since a large force is repeatedly applied to the electric actuator and the push rod, the interaction between the moving parts and the dynamic Maximum stress through analysis and prediction of fatigue life of critical parts The pushrod reflects the structural analysis results of the electric actuator and the push rod, and pushes the inside of the material heating tube by the push rod to inject the molten material from the nozzle into the mold. The pushrod operates by the operation of the electric actuator. The material heated by the coil heater is ejected through the nozzle by the pressure of the material heating tube, and the material heating tube and the nozzle are also lowered at the same time as the push rod is lowered, so that the material is closely adhered to the mold. We want to study the completion of the injection.