• Title/Summary/Keyword: Potential accidents

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Analysis of Suffocating Accidents in Confined Spaces in the Past 10 Years (2005-2015) (밀폐공간 질식재해 자료 분석을 통한 질식재해 요인 분석 (2005-2015))

  • Lee, Jung Wan;Kim, Tae Hyeung;Ha, Hyun Chul;Piao, Cheng Xu;Ahn, Kwangseog
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.436-444
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: Despite recent efforts to prevent suffocation disasters, a number of confined space accidents still happen and each year deaths continue to occur. There have been insufficient studies on the dangers of various potential disaster sites, such as manholes, septic tanks, reactors, and other tanks according to type, characteristics, task-specific disasters, equipment specific disasters, etc. The purpose of this study was to analyze recent suffocation disasters based on place and properties. Methods: In this study, we analyzed confined space accident cases from 2005 to 2015 in Korea and grouped them by type, size, monthly occurrence, continuous service period, accident location, person-specific group, age, employment, structural work and subcontracting work. We studied examples of accidents developed in other countries. Results: (1) We reviewed confined-space accident statistics, compared legal standards and analyzed cases of suffocation accidents in the United States and Japan. (2) Using a case study report from the Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, we specified confined-space accident statistics based on place, person-specific group, age, employment, structural work and subcontracting work. As a result we generated some precautions about confined-space accidents for the prevention of such accidents. Conclusions: Conclusions: Statistical analysis of recent suffocation disaster cases was performed to establish improvement measures, compare practices from developed countries, and develop precautionary measures accordingly. In this study, we presented the causes of disaster that occur in a confined space and proposed related preventive measures.

A Study on Years of Potential Life Lost in Korea - Focus on Alcohol - (우리 나라 잠재수명 손실년수에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Jeanman;Lim, Dar-Oh
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 1999
  • Objectives: This study sought to examine the impact of alcohol use and misuse on mortality in korea during the 1991-l997. Methods: Alcohol-Related Disease Impact estimation software and Korea vital statistics data were used to calculate alcohol related-mortality, mortality rates, and YPLL(years of potential life lost). The major findings are as follows : An estimated 23,528 Korean died during 1997 from causes related to alcohol. Such deaths accounted for 17,052(12.60%) of all deaths for men and 6,206(5.88%) for women. Motor vehicle accidents were major contributors to the total estimated number of alcohol related deaths and years of potential life lost before age 65. Alcohol related mortality rates were significantly higher for men. For men, major causes of the deaths were motor vehicle accidents(4,147 deaths, 17.90 per 100,000 population), cancer of the stomach(1,467 deaths, 16.60 per 100,000 population) and chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis(1,233 deaths, 13.10). For women, the largest contributors to alcohol related mortality were motor vehicle accidents(1,509 deaths, 6.61), cerebrovascular diseases(1,114 deaths, 11.3) and cancer of the stomach(810 deaths, 8.24). Kleinman's method was used for obtaining on regional(Dongs, ups and Myons) differential of the alcohol related mortality in 1995. In general, The alcohol-related death rate for men was significantly higher than that for women, and the rate for ups and myons was significantly higher than that for dongs During 1997, approximately 356,667(male: 282, 510, female: 74, 157)YPLL to age 65 and 572,708(male:424,338, female:148,370)YPLL to life expectancy were attributable to alcohol related causes. Men accounted for 79% of the total YPLL to age 65 and 74% of the total YPLL to life expectancy The major contributors to these alcohol related years lost were the diagnostic categories of unintentional injuries. Particullary, In male, Motor vehicle accidents and accidental drowning-YPLL are considerably higher for other causes. Male-female YPLL differentials were greatest for mental disorder. Male-female mean-YPLL to age 65, accidental drowning(male;36.47, female;37.67) is higher for other causes. In both sexes, The YPLL and M-YPLL to life expectancy was significantly higher than the YPLL and M-YPLL to life expectancy.

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A Study on the Aptitude Test of Helicopter Pilots - Based on the Diagnostic Model - (헬리콥터 조종사의 적성검사에 관한 연구 - 진단 모형을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Pil;Kim, Sang-Chul;Seol, Hyeonju
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2020
  • Securing excellent pilots is not only directly linked to the military's improved combat capabilities, but also a way to minimize human and property losses from aircraft accidents. Therefore, a scientific method is needed to diagnose pilot aptitude from the pilot selection process and select those with high accident potential, those who are dropped out of the flight training process, and those who are not suitable for pilot life in advance. Developed countries have implemented pilot aptitude tests to solve these problems early on, but so far, the Korean Army has not introduced a pilot aptitude test system that uses diagnostic tools in the helicopter pilot selection process. Therefore, in this study, scientific diagnostic tools are developed for selecting helicopter pilots, and through this, it is predicted that the number of people who are likely to be dropped out of the training course and who have the potential for accidents will be selected in advance and eliminated in the selection process. In this context, prior research examined the key factors involved in the pilot aptitude test. Through this, the aptitude test items were developed and aptitude tests were conducted on student pilots currently in flight training, and the results of flight training were analyzed.

Derivation of Cause Variables necessary for Electrostatic Fire/Explosion Risk Assessment and Accident Investigation (정전기 화재·폭발 위험성평가 및 사고조사에 필요한 발생원인 변수 도출)

  • Junghwan Byeon;Hyeongon Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2024
  • Static-electricity-induced fires and explosions persistently occur every year, averaging approximately 80 and 20 cases annually according to fire statistics provided by the National Fire Agency and industrial accident statistics provided by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, respectively. Despite the relatively low probabilities of these accidents, their potential risks are high. Consequently, effective risk assessment methodologies and accident investigation strategies are essential for efficiently managing static-electricity hazards in fire- and explosion-prone areas. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the causal variables essential for accident investigations, thereby facilitating risk assessments and the implementation of effective recurrence prevention measures to mitigate static-electricity hazards in fire-and explosion-prone regions. To this end, industrial accident statistics recorded over the past decade (2012 to 2021) by the Ministry of Employment and Labor were analyzed to identify major fire and explosion incidents and related industrial accidents wherein static electricity was identified as a potential ignition source. Subsequently, relevant investigation reports (63 cases) were thoroughly analyzed. Based on the results of this analysis, existing electrostatic fire and explosion risk assessment techniques were refined and augmented. Moreover, factors essential for investigating electrostatic fire and explosion disasters were delineated, and the primary causal variables necessary for effective risk assessments and scientific investigations were derived.

A Study on Development of Ship Collision Avoidance Support Program (선박충돌회피지원프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yang Hyoung-Seon;Jeong Dae-Deuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.12 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2006
  • Recently, ship collision accidents account for $20%{\sim}34%$ of domestic marine accidents, also have increased continually. In this paper, therefore we propose the development of Ship Collision A voidance Support program for decreasing ship collision accidents. This program has been developed on the basis of CCAS-Model. A CCAS-Model has ship's maneuvering performance and has been studied for the propose of supporting to avoid ship collision in close quarters. Besides. the program will effectively support maneuvering for collision avoidance through display of the feasible area and the method of collision avoidance using own ship's turning characteristic about action of target ship's keeping course and velocity in various encounter.

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Development of Laboratory hazard discovery and management techniques (연구실 유해인자 발굴 및 관리기법 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyung-Kyu;Lee, In-Bok;Sin, Young-Te;Moon, Jin-Young;Lee, Ik-Mo
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2016
  • Research and development activities have been actively conducted at universities, research institutions and research laboratories which belong to corporations. Because of blooming research and development activities in various fields, safety accidents in the laboratories happen consistently. The government office established Act on the establishment of safe laboratory environment to decrease safety accident rates and make environment of laboratories better, and it is effective slowly. However, in the case of laboratory safety management of the laboratory where various research and development activities are carried out. So it is difficult to closely monitor them. Even though safety inspections and periodic inspections is regularly conducted, these are focused on facilities and environment. According to a study of Dea-deok science town safety council, accidents in laboratories of 73% have arisen out of careless actions. Therefore, it is important for researchers to know to potential harmful factors in research. there is necessary to make a system to prevent laboratory accidents. The purpose of this study is that the researchers discovered potential hazard factors in laboratories. For that, foreign laboratory safety management systems has applied to domestic laboratories. Four laboratories in targeted institution has been selected to apply the appropriate personal protection equipments, job safety assessment and standard operating procedures. And I found the limitations of the process according to the excavations harmful factors in the research process. To overcome these limitations, Suggest a laboratory safety management system. This study discovered current laboratory safety system limitations and provides alternatives so that effective safety management can be achieved.

Accident research II for the college students happened during Dental Laboratory Technology-major classes (치기공과 실습 중 안전사고 실태조사 II)

  • Park, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.131-153
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the accidents happened in the college dental laboratory technique classes and to realize the level of safety education for the dental laboratory technique major students. The research data were collected from a self-administered survey distributed to the conveniently selected college students whose majors were dental laboratory technology in Suwon, Daejeon, Daegu, Kimcheon, and Icsan. The study participants were 422 freshmen, sophomore and junior students in the selected cities. All collected survey responses were encoded and analyzed in SPSS 12.0. The findings were as follows. 1. The students who had any accidents in their laboratory classes were 36% and the other 64% answered 'no.' 2. Most injuries which the participants had were not significant. 3. The medical treatment periods of most injury cases were less than one week; however, approximately 20% of the self-reported injury cases reported that their treatment periods were longer than one week. 4. The body parts frequently injured from accidents were hands with 84.7% and arms, eyes, face, head, and legs in order. 5. Concerning the materials involved in the laboratory classes, most accidents happened when working with wax in 59.9%, with plaster in 52.3%, with wire in 39.8%, with alcohol in 34.6%, and casting iron in 22.2% in order. 6. The accident-prone laboratory methods were polishing with 53.5%, pickling or sanding with 17.4%, and casting or burning with 5.8% in order. 7. Most students wore their laboratory gowns well; however, few students wore mask before dust-involved jobs. Furthermore, only 57.1% students answered their laboratory fans worked during the polishing job. 8. Approximately 54% participant students answered that they took laboratory safety education when necessary only from the class instructors. 9. The 76.1% students responded that they needed laboratory safety education at least 1-2 times every semester. 10. The survey participants answered that the primary factors for injury prevention in their laboratory were taking safety education, wearing safety equipments, and providing safety-focused facilities. Concludingly, comprehensive evaluation and monitoring for potential risk factors from both the human side and the environment side should be continually provided to minimize the college laboratory accidents.

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Incident Investigator's Perspectives on Incident Investigations Conducted in Korea Industry (한국 산업계에서 사고조사 수행 시 사고조사자의 관점에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Jae Beom;Kwon, Young Guk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 2021
  • Incident investigation is regarded as a means to improve safety performance. For the prevention of industrial accidents, measures such as providing safety education, enhancing management interest and participation, establishing a safety management system, and conducting inspection of the work site are necessary. In particular, accident investigation activities, which are an important element of safety management, help to prevent similar accidents, thereby minimizing damage and enhancing work safety. They are critical for understanding business-related incidents and the vulnerabilities and opportunities associated with them. Therefore, it is clear that accident investigation activities are important for accident prevention. The primary focus of many incident investigation processes is on identifying the cause of an event. While considerable research has been conducted on potential accident investigation tools there has been little research on including the views and experiences of practitioners in the accident investigation process. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted among safety managers in the domestic manufacturing/construction industry to understand the practice of accident investigation. The investigation pertained to companies' accident investigation systems, the competence of investigators, and the identification and recommendations of the cause of accidents. From the analysis results of accident investigations, investigators' competence, the difficulty level of investigations, and the root causes of accidents were identified from the viewpoint of the participants of the accident investigations. In particular, the development of standardized and simple accident investigation methods and their dissemination to companies were found to be necessary for activating the root cause of accidents. Based on this, it can be used as basic data for the development of root cause analysis investigation techniques that are easily applicable to organizations.

Health and Safety Management Issues of Migrant Workers in Manufacturing Industries and Workplace Enhancement (제조업사업장 외국인근로자 안전관리 실태와 개선방안연구)

  • Kawshalya, Mailan Arachchige Don Rajitha;Weerasinghe, S.D.N.A.M. Amila Madhushanka;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Lim, Hyung-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.2_2
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    • pp.257-262
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    • 2022
  • With the shortage of labor force in small and medium-size industries, the Korean Employment Permit System (EPS) continues to bring migrant workers. However, the question remains of the health and safety management of their migrant workers. Considering that a significant part of safety and health problems are caused by migrant workers due to a lack of information on identifying risk and inexperience in the field. Telephone interviews were conducted to investigate the migrant workers' perspectives on workplace safety practices. The survey focused on workers' accident histories, understanding of safety practices, and responding to industrial accidents. A total of 66 accidents occurred among 30 participants. 10 accidents were not reported to the employer (company), which the foreign workers judged to be minor injuries that should not be reported as accidents. 80.0% of the participants expressed dissatisfaction with the PPE they were using. Among various reasons lack of understanding due to language barriers, lack of awareness of the importance of safety, communication difficulties were major reasons for the caused accidents and potential health issues. It is necessary to improve the safety and health support system by providing practical support through specialized educational institutes with experts in the field. A legal framework and a proper safety management system need to be maintained. This study suggests changing the current policy to improve the health and safety of migrant workers by, establishing specialized educational institutes with locally grown foreign experts in the field.

Hazardous Material Process Risk Evaluation Using HAZOP and Bow-tie (HAZOP 및 BOW-TIE를 이용한 위험물질 취급공정의 위험성평가)

  • Min-Seo Nam;Byung-Tae Yoo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2024
  • With continuous advancements in industry, science, and technology, there is a steady increase in the number and utilization of new chemicals. The growing societal emphasis on chemical safety management is paralleled by an increasing public demand for robust safety measures. While various ministries at the government level oversee the safety management of chemical substances, the occurrence of accidents related to chemical substances remains frequent each year due to problems such as aging facilities and careless handling. Upon analyzing domestic chemical accident cases, incidents occurred predominantly in the sequence of leakage, explosion, fire, and others. The main causes of these accidents were examined, revealing facility defects and non-compliance with safety management as the primary contributing factors. In this study, Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) was employed to identify hazardous risk factors associated with the handling of hydrofluoric acid in workplaces, and a risk assessment was performed using Bow-Tie method. Based on the results of this study, it is expected to enhance safety management plans aimed at preventing chemical accidents in workplaces dealing with similar facilities. Ultimately, these insights contribute to the development of an advanced chemical safety management system, capable of proactively preventing potential chemical accidents.