• Title/Summary/Keyword: Positive Effect

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Dynamics of Technology Adoption in Markets Exhibiting Network Effects

  • Hur, Won-Chang
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2010
  • The benefit that a consumer derives from the use of a good often depends on the number of other consumers purchasing the same goods or other compatible items. This property, which is known as network externality, is significant in many IT related industries. Over the past few decades, network externalities have been recognized in the context of physical networks such as the telephone and railroad industries. Today, as many products are provided as a form of system that consists of compatible components, the appreciation of network externality is becoming increasingly important. Network externalities have been extensively studied among economists who have been seeking to explain new phenomena resulting from rapid advancements in ICT (Information and Communication Technology). As a result of these efforts, a new body of theories for 'New Economy' has been proposed. The theoretical bottom-line argument of such theories is that technologies subject to network effects exhibit multiple equilibriums and will finally lock into a monopoly with one standard cornering the entire market. They emphasize that such "tippiness" is a typical characteristic in such networked markets, describing that multiple incompatible technologies rarely coexist and that the switch to a single, leading standard occurs suddenly. Moreover, it is argued that this standardization process is path dependent, and the ultimate outcome is unpredictable. With incomplete information about other actors' preferences, there can be excess inertia, as consumers only moderately favor the change, and hence are themselves insufficiently motivated to start the bandwagon rolling, but would get on it once it did start to roll. This startup problem can prevent the adoption of any standard at all, even if it is preferred by everyone. Conversely, excess momentum is another possible outcome, for example, if a sponsoring firm uses low prices during early periods of diffusion. The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamics of the adoption process in markets exhibiting network effects by focusing on two factors; switching and agent heterogeneity. Switching is an important factor that should be considered in analyzing the adoption process. An agent's switching invokes switching by other adopters, which brings about a positive feedback process that can significantly complicate the adoption process. Agent heterogeneity also plays a important role in shaping the early development of the adoption process, which has a significant impact on the later development of the process. The effects of these two factors are analyzed by developing an agent-based simulation model. ABM is a computer-based simulation methodology that can offer many advantages over traditional analytical approaches. The model is designed such that agents have diverse preferences regarding technology and are allowed to switch their previous choice. The simulation results showed that the adoption processes in a market exhibiting networks effects are significantly affected by the distribution of agents and the occurrence of switching. In particular, it is found that both weak heterogeneity and strong network effects cause agents to start to switch early and this plays a role of expediting the emergence of 'lock-in.' When network effects are strong, agents are easily affected by changes in early market shares. This causes agents to switch earlier and in turn speeds up the market's tipping. The same effect is found in the case of highly homogeneous agents. When agents are highly homogeneous, the market starts to tip toward one technology rapidly, and its choice is not always consistent with the populations' initial inclination. Increased volatility and faster lock-in increase the possibility that the market will reach an unexpected outcome. The primary contribution of this study is the elucidation of the role of parameters characterizing the market in the development of the lock-in process, and identification of conditions where such unexpected outcomes happen.

Effects of Feed Additive as an Alternative for Antibiotics on Growth Performance and Feed Cost in Growing-finishing Pigs (항생제 대체제로서 첨가제가 육성 및 비육돈의 성장능력과 사료비에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Duk;Abuel, Sherwin J.;Shim, Keum-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.233-244
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    • 2010
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate two different types of feed additive as an alternative for antibiotics on growth performance and feed cost in growing and finishing pigs. One additive is an herb extract, with Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) as the main component, while the other feed additive contains aminolevulinic acid (ALA). In the first experiment, 128 grower pigs were allotted to 4 different treatment groups and replicated 4 times with 8 pigs per replicate; the trial lasted for 28 days. The positive control group (PC) which is the control group supplemented with antibiotics was significantly higher (p<0.05) in growth rate (580.6 g/d) followed by the ALA group (532.0 g/d), there was no significant differences in terms of feed intake and feed efficiency. There were marginal reductions in feed costs measured as feed cost per head in ALA and HE added diet. However, the feed cost per weight gain of ALA treatment was higher than the control group (PC) supplemented with antibiotics. In the second experiment, 80 finisher pigs were allotted to 4 treatment groups and replicated 4 times with 5 pigs per replicate; the trial lasted for 70 days. The treatment group supplemented with an herb extract (HE) had a significantly higher (p<0.05) feed intake (2,415.8 g/d) compared to the other treatment groups, but there was no significant differences in terms of growth rate and feed efficiency. Feed cost per head in HE and ALA treatments were higher than PC treatment, and feed cost per weight gain of HE was higher than PC treat (p<0.05). The results from these experiments suggests that these two types of feed additives can both be used as an alternative for antibiotics without having a negative effect on the performance of the animals. And aminolevulinic acid was good in performance and production cost of grower and finisher pigs.

Investigation of Microbial Contamination in Oenanthe javanica at Postharvest Environments (미나리(Oenanthe javanica) 수확 후 처리 환경에서의 위생지표세균 및 병원성 미생물 오염도 조사)

  • Kim, Yeon Rok;Lee, Kyoung Ah;Choi, In-Wook;Lee, Young-Ha;Kim, Se-Ri;Kim, Won-Il;Ryu, Song Hee;Lee, Hyo Sub;Ryu, Jae-Gee;Kim, Hwang-Yong
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.268-277
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    • 2014
  • This study assessed microbiological hazards at postharvest stage of dropwort farms (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) located in 4 different areas in Korea. The samples were assessed for sanitary indication bacteria (total aerobic bacteria, coliform, and Escherichia coli) and pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus). Total aerobic bacteria and coliform in 9 dropwort farms were detected at the levels of 0~7.00 and 0~4.25 log CFU/g, mL, of $100cm^2$. In particular, microbial contamination in worker's hand showed higher than cultivation environment factors. Escherichia coli was detected in several farms of soil, irrigation water, washing water and worker's hand and also, dropwort in these farms was contaminated with E. coli (positive reaction). In case of pathogenic bacteria, B. cereus was detected at the highest levels in soil. S. aureus was detected qualitatively from only one sample of dropwort washed by water. E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes were not detected. Although dropwort pass through 2 process (trimming and washing), the microbial contamination was not differ significantly before and after which indicates that current washing system was not effect on reduction of microorganism. From these results, the postharvest environment and workers have been considered as cross-contamination factors. Thus, processing equipments and personal hygiene should be managed to reduce the microbial contamination of dropwort. Accordingly management system such as good agricultural practices (GAP) criteria is needed for the safety of dropwort

Studies on the Standardization of Carcass Quality Scores for Pork Quality Assurance (돈육 품질인증을 위한 도체 육질점수 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan;Seo, Jong-Tae;Kwack, Suk-Chun;Lee, Jeong-Ill
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.424-431
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of intramuscular fat scores on pork quality assurance. Pork loins were collected from animals (110-120 kg body weight) slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse, assigned an IMF score (1-3) from and stored for 24 hrs at $-3^{\circ}C$. Samples were analyzed for chemical composition, pH, cooking and drip loss, shear force, meat color, and texture characteristics. The moisture, crude protein and crude ash content were not significantly different among the various IMF score groups. The crude fat content of the IMF score 3 group was significantly higher than the IMF score 1 and 2 groups (p<0.05). The pH values of the IMF score 2 and 3 groups was significantly higher than the IMF score 1 group (p<0.05). There was a no significant difference in shear force value and cooking loss among the IMF score groups. The purge loss content of the IMF 3 group was significantly lower than that of the IMF score 1 group (p<0.05). The increase in IMF score resulted in lower hardness, gumminess, and brittleness values. The hardness and gumminess of the IMF score 3 group were significantly lower than those of the IMF 1 score group. The adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and springiness were not significantly different among the IMF score groups. With regard to meat color traits, lightness ($CIE\;L^*$) was not significantly different among the IMF score groups. The $a^*\;and\;b^*$ values correlated positively with the IMF score. In general, the results of this study show that the CIE color values and drip loss had a positive correlation, while only redness was positively correlated with shear force and hardness. pH was negatively correlated with CIE color values and drip loss, while positively correlated with moisture content.

Effects of Dietary Mugwort Powder on the VBN, TBARS, and Fatty Acid Composition of Chicken Meat during Refrigerated Storage (쑥 분말의 급여가 계육의 저장기간 중 VBN, TBARS 및 지방산 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chang-Ill;Kim, Young-Jik
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.505-511
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    • 2008
  • The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary mugwort on the proximate composition, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) and fatty acid in chicken meats. One hundred sixty broiler chicks (1 d old) were assigned to one or four dietary groups: Control; commercial feed supplemented with 1% mugwort (T1); commercial feed with 3% mugwort (T2) and commercial feed with 5% mugwort (T3). After 42 d, broilers from each group were slaughtered and meat samples were vacuum packaged and stored at $4{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ over a period of 0, 1,2,3, and 4 wk. Chicken breast was not influenced by all treatments in moisture, crude protein and crude fiber, while crude fat was lowered (p<0.05) in chickens fed with the T2 and T3 diets compared to the control and T1 diets. All treatments with mugwort diets tended to have decreased VBN values for chicken breast and thigh compared to control. As storage time increased, VBN was increased for all chickens (p<0.05). No significant differences in TBARS were observed among all treatments at 0 wk. TBARS values were reduced with the T2 and T3 diets and initially increased from 0 through 3 wk, then abruptly decreased at 4 wk. Dietary mugwort supplementation resulted in increased stearic acid (excepted T2) and oleic acid and decreased linoleic acid. Stearic acid in thigh meat was decreased in the T1, T2 and T3, however linoleic acid levels tended to increase with mugwort powder supplementation. It is concluded that dietary mugwort has a positive effect on increasing unsaturated fatty acid contents and decreasing saturated fatty acids.

Effect of High-Protein Korean Malting Barley on Malt Quality (한국산 고단백질 맥주보리가 맥아 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kwan-Bae;Kang, Kook-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.407-412
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the differences in malt quality between high-protein Korean malting barley and low-protein Korean malting barley. The average protein content of each area in the 1996 crops was as follows; The protein content of Doosan-29 from Jeon-Nam was 14.1% (d.b), that of Sacheon-6 from kyung-Nam was 13.4% (d.b) and that of Doosan-8 from Je-Ju was 12.8% (d.b). In the micro malting trial for high and low protein malting barley, the original protein level of the malting barley was not changed and decreased during germination days. The malt friability of high-protein malting barley was very low, but that of low-protein malting barley was high. The malt friability of high-protein malting barley was 44.5% and that of low-protein malting barley was 84.2%. In proportion to an increase of +1% (d.b) in barley protein, the fine grind extract of malt was decreased -0.86% (d.b). Economically, it was the most negative factor for high-protein Korean malting barley. The ${\beta}-glucan$ content of high-protein malting barley was higher than that of low-protein malting barley. Wort viscosity and malt color were increased and Kolbach index was decreased in high-protein malting barley. Free amino nitrogen and diastatic power for high-protein malting barley were higher than those of low-protein malting barley. They were the most positive factors for high-protein Korean malting barley.

Influence of $SiO_2$ Treatment on Guttation in Rice Seedlings Stage (규산(珪酸)이 수도(水稻) 유묘(幼苗)의 일액(溢液)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Jeh, Sang Yull;Choi, Jang Soo
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.4
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted to find out the effect of $SiO_2$ treatment on the $SiO_2$ concentration in guttation liquid, the amount of guttation liquid exudated from the margin of rice leaves, and the relationships between $SiO_2$ concentration in guttation liquid and foliar burn during the rice seedling stage, using two rice varieties;Nagdong-byeo (a Japonica) and Samgang-byeo (a - Indica - Japonica hybrid). Seedlings were cultivated in water solution and enveloped in polyvinyl case ($50cm{\times}150cm{\times}70cm$). $SiO_2$ treatment increased the amount of guttation liquid, the amount of guttation liquid (Nagdong-byeo:4.30mg/plant, Samgang-byeo:4.34mg/plant)) treated with 200ppm of $SiO_2$ was greater than any other level, decreased over 200ppm of $SiO_2$. $SiO_2$ concentration in guttation liquid was increased as application rates of $SiO_2$ increased, showing the positive correlation, and $SiO_2$ in guttation liquid/$SiO_2$ in culture ratio decreased over 100ppm of $SiO_2$. The highest concenitration of $SiO_2$ (Nagdong-byeo:172.6ppm/lcc, Samgang-byeo:199.8ppm/lcc) in guttation liquid was obtained at 12 hrs after $SiO_2$ applied. Foliar burn seemed to be closely related with $SiO_2$ concentration in guttation liquid.

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The Relationship between Internet Search Volumes and Stock Price Changes: An Empirical Study on KOSDAQ Market (개별 기업에 대한 인터넷 검색량과 주가변동성의 관계: 국내 코스닥시장에서의 산업별 실증분석)

  • Jeon, Saemi;Chung, Yeojin;Lee, Dongyoup
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2016
  • As the internet has become widespread and easy to access everywhere, it is common for people to search information via online search engines such as Google and Naver in everyday life. Recent studies have used online search volume of specific keyword as a measure of the internet users' attention in order to predict disease outbreaks such as flu and cancer, an unemployment rate, and an index of a nation's economic condition, and etc. For stock traders, web search is also one of major information resources to obtain data about individual stock items. Therefore, search volume of a stock item can reflect the amount of investors' attention on it. The investor attention has been regarded as a crucial factor influencing on stock price but it has been measured by indirect proxies such as market capitalization, trading volume, advertising expense, and etc. It has been theoretically and empirically proved that an increase of investors' attention on a stock item brings temporary increase of the stock price and the price recovers in the long run. Recent development of internet environment enables to measure the investor attention directly by the internet search volume of individual stock item, which has been used to show the attention-induced price pressure. Previous studies focus mainly on Dow Jones and NASDAQ market in the United States. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the individual investors' attention measured by the internet search volumes and stock price changes of individual stock items in the KOSDAQ market in Korea, where the proportion of the trades by individual investors are about 90% of the total. In addition, we examine the difference between industries in the influence of investors' attention on stock return. The internet search volume of stocks were gathered from "Naver Trend" service weekly between January 2007 and June 2015. The regression model with the error term with AR(1) covariance structure is used to analyze the data since the weekly prices in a stock item are systematically correlated. The market capitalization, trading volume, the increment of trading volume, and the month in which each trade occurs are included in the model as control variables. The fitted model shows that an abnormal increase of search volume of a stock item has a positive influence on the stock return and the amount of the influence varies among the industry. The stock items in IT software, construction, and distribution industries have shown to be more influenced by the abnormally large internet search volume than the average across the industries. On the other hand, the stock items in IT hardware, manufacturing, entertainment, finance, and communication industries are less influenced by the abnormal search volume than the average. In order to verify price pressure caused by investors' attention in KOSDAQ, the stock return of the current week is modelled using the abnormal search volume observed one to four weeks ahead. On average, the abnormally large increment of the search volume increased the stock return of the current week and one week later, and it decreased the stock return in two and three weeks later. There is no significant relationship with the stock return after 4 weeks. This relationship differs among the industries. An abnormal search volume brings particularly severe price reversal on the stocks in the IT software industry, which are often to be targets of irrational investments by individual investors. An abnormal search volume caused less severe price reversal on the stocks in the manufacturing and IT hardware industries than on average across the industries. The price reversal was not observed in the communication, finance, entertainment, and transportation industries, which are known to be influenced largely by macro-economic factors such as oil price and currency exchange rate. The result of this study can be utilized to construct an intelligent trading system based on the big data gathered from web search engines, social network services, and internet communities. Particularly, the difference of price reversal effect between industries may provide useful information to make a portfolio and build an investment strategy.

Effect of Inorganic Environmental Factors on the Growth of Pinus koraiensis Seedlings (I) - The Influence of Shading on the Growth of Seedlings Grown on the Seed Bed - (무기적(無機的) 환경요인(環境要因)이 잣나무 유묘(幼苗)의 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) - 파종상(播種床)에 있어서의 피음처리(被陰處理) 영향(影響) -)

  • Kim, Young Chai
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.73 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 1986
  • This study was carried out to investigate the influence of light intensity on the growth of Korean white pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings. The seedlings were grown under four different relative light intensities: 100%, 63%, 37%, and 19% of full sunlight by covering with saran screen on seed bed. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The highest shoot elongation was found at 37% in relative light intensity (RLI) plot, and the best growth in root, seedling length and diameter increment appeared at 100% on RLI plot. Contribution rates of shading to growth in shoot elongation, root growth, seedling length, and diameter increment were 9.3%, 26.2%, 21.0%, and 48.7%, respectively. 2. The greatest number of one-year-old needle fascicle was found at 100% in RLI plot, whereas that of two-year-old needle fascicle appeared at 37% in RLI plot. The contribution rate of the light intensity to number of needle fascicle was 3.9% and factor of leaf age contributed to number of needle fascicle in 27.8%. The length of needles grown under different light intensities varied with needle ages. The longest length of new needles appeared at 37% in RLI plot, but old needles were not clear in influence of light intensity. The contribution rate to needle length by the light intensity was 2.5%. 3. The heaviest value of the fresh and dry weight of seedlings appeared at 100% of RLI plot then decreased with light intensity. The contribution rates to fresh and dry weight by the shading were 38% and 7.6% respectively. 4. The largest value of the dry weight of needles appeared at 100% of RLI plot and then decreased with light intensity. The contribution rates to dry weight of needles by the light intensity was 13.18%. 5. The values of T/R ratio increased with decreased light intensity and the contribution rate was 7.0%. 6. Positive correlation and linear regressions were recognized between dry weight of leaf and other factors (dry weight of shoot, root, seedling and diameter increment).

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Mapping and Race Specific Reaction of the Resistance Gene Pi45(t) in Rice (벼 도열병 저항성 유전자 Pi45(t)의 균계 특이적 반응과 고밀도지도 작성)

  • Kim, Dong-Min;Ju, Hong-Guang;Yang, Paul;Han, Seong-Sook;Roh, Jae-Hwan;Ahn, Sang-Nag
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2011
  • QTL analysis for blast resistance was carried out using 140 $BC_3F_3$ lines derived from a cross between Ilpum as a recurrent parent and Moroberekan as a donor parent. 140 $BC_3F_3$ lines with the parents were inoculated with nine blast isolates. To identify QTLs for resistance to nine blast isolates, 134 SSR markers showing polymorphisms between the parents were genotyped for the 140 $BC_3F_3$ lines. A total of 17 resistance QTLs to nine isolates were detected on chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10. The phenotypic variance explained by each QTL ranged from 8.2% to 26.4%. The Moroberekan alleles contributed the positive effect at these 17 QTL loci. In a previous study, the QTL, Pi45(t) for durable resistance to blast was identified using a sequential planting method. To know the relationship between Pi45(t) and the isolate-specific resistance gene, an $F_2$ population was developed from a cross between Ilpum and an introgression line harboring Pi45(t). $F_3$ lines segregating for the Pi45(t) were inoculated to three isolates. $F_3$ lines from the $F_2$ plants with the Moroberekan segment at the target region showed resistance to two isolates. This result seems to indicate that the Pi45(t) and the isolate-specific resistance gene are tightly linked or the resistance is controlled by the same gene(s). The markers linked to genes controlling blast resistance would be useful in developing blast resistance lines in the breeding program.