• Title/Summary/Keyword: Porous Ceramic Burner

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Numerical Study of Premixed Combustion within a Porous Ceramic Burner of Different Ceramic Properties (서로 다른 물성치로 이루어진 다공 세라믹 연소기 속에서의 예혼합화염 연소에 대한 수치해석 연구)

  • Lim, In-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1997
  • Premixed combustion within porous ceramic media is numerically studied to understand burning characteristics and to find best configurations for burner implementations. Among many parameters, critical to burner performance, flame location and extinction coefficient are selected as major parameters for this study. The flame structure and burner performance with respect to these two parameters are observed. In the study, it is found that the location of flame is the most important in porous burner operation since it affects the rate of heat transfer and flame structure. Stability of the flame within the porous ceramic burner is discussed with respect to the flame location. It is found that to obtain high radiative output, the flame should be located downstream section of the burner. But the flame is to be unstable at most of downstream section except near the exit plane. To overcome this problem, new porous ceramic burner, using different ceramic properties in one burner instead of single property ceramic, is made and tested. With a combination of ceramics of high extinction coefficient at upstream and another material of low extinction coefficient at downstream of the burner, the flame can be stabilized at wider region of the burner with higher radiative output compared to the original burner configuration.

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Application of sensitivity analyses in premixed combustion within a porous ceramic burner (다공 세라믹 연소기 속에서의 예혼합연소에 대한 민감도 해석의 적용)

  • Im, In-Gwon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.162-172
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    • 1998
  • A numerical study of premixed combustion within a porous ceramic burner (PCB) is performed to understand flame behavior with respect to various model parameters. Basic flame structure within the porous ceramic burner and species profiles such as NO and CO are examined. Sensitivity analysis of flame speed, gas and solid temperature, NO and CO emission from the burner with respect to reaction steps and various physical properties of the ceramic material is applied to find the most significant parameters in selection of porous materials for the porous ceramic burner. Effects of thermal conductivity, extinction coefficient and scattering albedo on the burner characteristics are studied through the sensitivity analysis. The results of sensitivity study reveal the order of importance in ceramic material properties to get suitable burner performance. Scattering albedo, which governs the ratio of absorbed energy by the ceramic material to total radiative energy transferred, is one of the most important parameters in the material properties since it affects the actual absorbed radiation rate and thus it largely affects the flame structure. Through the study, it is found that the sensitivity study can be used to estimate the flame behavior within the porous ceramic burner more effectively.

Experimental study on flame behavior within a porous ceramic burner (다공 세라믹 버너 내부의 화염 거동에 관한 실험)

  • Im, In-Gwon;Jeong, Seok-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.518-524
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    • 1997
  • Experimental studies on combustion phenomena within a porous ceramic burner are reported. Main interest of the present work is to investigate fundamental flame behaviors and their effects on the burner operation. Due to high thermal capacity of the porous ceramic materials, the response of flame to burning condition changes is slow and thus to have a stabilized flame is quite difficult and takes much time. It is found that the temperature profile obtained at downstream of the flame zone is not much sensitive to the movement of flame and the speed of flame movement is less than 0.1 mm/sec for the conditions tested. With the premixed LPG/air flame imbedded within the porous ceramic burner, stable combustion regions and unstable combustion regions leading to blowoff or flashback phenomena are observed and mapped on flow velocity versus equivalence ratio diagram. For the development of burner operation technique which is more practical and safe, intermittent burning technique, where the fuel or/and air is supplied to the burner intermittently, is proposed as one of the flame control methods for the porous ceramic burner and tested in this study. Through the experiment, it is realized that the proposed method is acceptable in respect to burner performance and give much flexibility in the operation of porous ceramic burner.

Experimental Study on the Temperature Distribution and CO, NOx Emission of Porous Ceramic Oil Burner (다공 세라믹 오일 연소기의 온도분포 및 CO, NOx 배출 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Cho, J.D.;Kang, J.H.;Lim, I.G.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.398-403
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    • 2000
  • Experimental study on the porous ceramic burner for oil burning has been performed. Temperature profile of the combustor and CO and NOx emission have been obtained for with and without porous ceramic plate. It is found that very uniform and high temperature region with porous ceramic plate can be realized due to high radiation emission from the plate and also obtained lower CO and soot particulate emission, when compared to the conventional burner. When this burning method is applied to conventional boiler of small heating capacity, it is found that near 6 and 7 percent increase in thermal efficiency could be obtained without a proper calibration for optimization.

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A Study on the Flame Stability of Porous Ceramic Burner (다공성세라믹버너의 화염안정화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Do-Hyung;Yun, Bong-Seok
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2016
  • Typical boiler system consists of combustion chamber and heat exchanger in one housing, therefore the size of boiler system is large and the heat exchanging efficiency becomes low. At these boiler systems, because the combustible mixture fires as free flame in the combustion chamber, consequently the combusted hot gas heats the heat exchanger only as conductive and convective heat transfer. The present Porous Ceramic Burner concept is that combustion process is occurred at the gaps of the porous ceramic materials, and the heat exchanger is placed in the same porous materials. Therefore we can reduce the boiler size, and we can also use radiative heat transfer from ceramic material with conductive and convective heat transfer from combusted gas throwing the porous materials. The purpose of this study is to search the flame stability ranges at different fuel flow rate and excess air ratio burning in the $Al_2O_3$ ceramic balls. We found out the stable excess air ratio range on given combustion intensity. And we can get clean porous ceramic combustion results compared with free flame.

An Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Radiant Burner (복사 버너의 연소특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Wie, Jae-Hyug;Lee, Dae-Rae;Kim, Young-Soo;Jeon, Chung-Hwan
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2006
  • Energy efficient and low pollution combustion systems the use gaseous fuels have been in great demand in recent year. Radiant burner in many different forms are emerging as very desirable combustion systems for same reason. Porous radiant burners are used in drying, preheating and curing, and in other type of materials processing and manufacturing processes. However, little knowledge is available about the operating characteristics and the structure of flames in porous ceramic fiber radiant burners. The objective of the present work is to investigate the global performance characteristics of the ceramic fiber burner. A detailed study which includes the spectral intensity, gas temperature, radiation efficiency and global pollutant emissions. Another objective is to study the flame structure of the ceramic fiber burner by measuring the local gas temperature. The results indicate that ceramic fiber burner do offer a 19-44% gain in radiant efficiency. The ceramic fiber burner exhibit significant spectral intensity peaks in the band at $2.0-2.5{\mu}m$. The local temperature distribution inside the mat and near the mat surface as a function of the equivalence ratio can be reasonably interpreted by the relation of the heat balance in the mat and movement of the reaction zone. Nox emission from ceramic fiber burner is less than 25ppm throughout the operating range.

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Combustion and Emission Characteristics of the Surface Flames in Porous Ceramic Burner (다공세라믹 버너를 이용한 표면화염의 연소 및 배기특성)

  • Hwang, Sang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2001
  • The surface flames in porous ceramic burner are experimentally characterized to investigate the effects of equivalence ratio and firing rates. The results show that the surface flames are classified into green, red radiant and blue surface flame as decrease of equivalence ratio. And each flame is maintained very stably and shows the same flame characteristics at any orientation of ceramic burner. Particularly the blue surface flame was found to be very stable at very lean equivalence ratio at 200 to $800\;kw/m^2$ firing rates. And the exhausted NOx was analysed to find out which flame has lower NOx emission. The blue surface flame showed the lowest NOx emission regardless of the location of burner since it sustained very stable at lean mixture ratio.

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Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Porous Ceramic Liquid Fuel Combustor (다공 세라믹 액체 연료 연소기의 연소 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Chung, K.H.;Lim, I.G.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 1999
  • Experimental study on a porous ceramic liquid fuel combustor is performed. Compact burner with low pollutant emission and high combustion efficiency is realized through the use of porous ceramic materials of high porosities. The use of porous ceramic materials in burner material results in rapid vaporization of liquid fuel and enhancement in mixing process, and thus nearly premixed combustion of liquid fuel is achieved instead of diffusion and partially premixed combustion method, which is often used and apt to produce high pollutant emissions such as CO, NOx and soot. With this enhanced vaporization and premixing method of liquid fuel vapor and air, it is found that enhanced combustion process with intense radiation output and better emission characteristics in NOx, CO and soot emission, compared to other conventional liquid fuel burning method, are possible.

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Combustion Characteristic and Stability of Flat Premixed Ceramic Burner with Different Porous Baffle Plates (평판 예혼합 세라믹 버너의 분포판 변화에 따른 연소화염특성과 안정성 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Young;Lee, Pil-Hyong;Park, Chang-Soo;Park, Bong-Il;Hwang, Sang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2009
  • Porous metal plates (Metal fiber, muti-hole metal plate) using mainly in surface burner are known to have a corrosion and durability problem under high temperature condition. In this study, premixed flat flame with perforated ceramic tile of more durable cordierite material was examined with respect to combustion stability and emission. The flat premixed ceramic burner consists of perforated ceramic tile and various type of baffle plates to form stable surface flame. The results show that most stable flat flame is generated using baffle plate with open ratio of 0.193. In downward flat flame mode which is widely used in condensing boiler, CO is measured below 50ppm from equivalence ratio 0.755 to 0.765 and $NO_X$ is measured below 12ppm from equivalence ratio 0.75 to 0.79. It is also found that the range of blue flame in flame stability curve becomes wider with increasing heat capacity.

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A Study on the Combustion Phenomena of Surface Flame in Perforated Cordierite Burner (Perforated Cordierite 재질 버너의 표면화염 연소특성 연구)

  • Yang, Si-Won;Hwang, Sang-Soon
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2004
  • The surface flames in porous ceramic burner are experimentally characterized to investigate the effects of equivalence ratio and firing rates. The results show that the surface flames are classified into green, red radiant and blue surface flame as the decrease of equivalence ratio. And each flame is maintained very stable and represents the same flame characteristics at any orientation of ceramic burner. Particularly the blue surface flame is found to be very stable at very lean equivalence ratio at 7000kcal/hr to 20000kcal/hr firing rates. And the exhausted NOx was analysed to find out which flame has lower NOx emission. The blue surface flame shows the lowest NOx emission regardless of the location of burner since it sustains very stable at lean mixture ratio.

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