• Title/Summary/Keyword: Population fluctuation

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Surface Brightness Fluctuation of Normal and Helium-enhanced Simple Stellar Populations

  • Chung, Chul;Yoon, Suk-Jin;Cho, Hyejeon;Lee, Sang-Yoon;Lee, Young-Wook
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.31.3-32
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    • 2020
  • The surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) is one of the most crucial distance indicators for unresolved stellar systems at large distances. Here, we present an evolutionary population synthesis model of the surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) for normal and He-enriched simple stellar populations (SSPs). Our SBF model for the normal-He population agrees well with other existing models, but the He-rich populations bring about a substantial change in the SBF of SSPs. Our normal-He SBF model well reproduces the observed SBFs of the Milky Way globular clusters, but the SBFs of early-type galaxies in the Virgo Cluster are placed between the normal-He and He-rich SBF models. We show that the SBF-based distance estimation would be affected by up to a 10-20% level in I- and near-IR bands at given colors. Finally, we propose that when combined with independent metallicity and age indicators such as Mg2 and H��, the UV and optical SBFs can readily detect underlying He-rich populations in unresolved stellar systems. Given the degree of the SBF variation resulting from the population difference, we suggest that the distance measurement before the proper in-depth analysis of stellar populations should be done with great caution.

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Studies on the Seasonal Incidence of the Whitefly (Dialeuropora decempuncta Quaintance and Baker) Causing Leaf Curl on Mulberry in Relation to Abiotic Factors

  • Bandyopadhyay, U.K.;Sahu, P.K.;Raina, S.K.;Santhakumar, M.V.;Chakraborty, N.;Sen, S.K.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2000
  • A study was conducted to examine the relationship between abiotic factors and the population of white-fly (Dialeuropora decempuncta) in mulberry field. The study reveals that relationship between abiotic factors and the whitefly population is very much existent like other pests in other agricultural crops. Duration and time of distinct occurrence of whitefly in mulberry is influenced by the abiotic conditions of field. Abiotic parameters of previous month are more important in influencing the intensity of the pest than the current abiotic factors. Not all the abiotic factors are equally important but factors like minimum temperature, fluctuation in temperature during the days minimum relative humidity, fluctuation in relative humidity and rainfall are the major important lactors in influencing the intensity of the pest under consideration.

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Soil Microarthropods at the Kwangyang Experiment Plantation(5. Vertical Distribution and Seasonal Fluctuation of Soil Microarthropods) (서울大 光陽蓮習林內 土壤 微小節肢動物에 관한 硏究 5. 垂直分布와 季節的 變動)

  • Kwak, Joon-Soo;Park, Seong-Sik;Kim, Tae-Heung;Cho, Hyung-Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 1990
  • The vertical distribution and seasonal fluctuation of soil microarthropods in the forests with different flora were investigated in this study. soil micrarthropods were concentrated as much as 71.8% in the first layer subsoil (0-5cm), 22.3% in the second layer subsoil (5-10cm), and 5.9% in the third layer subsoil (10-15cm) in the decreasing order. The population density in the first layer decreased slightly in winter while that of the second layer increased. However, the density in the first layer bounced back in the following spring. Seasonal fluctuations of population density were revealed "Two peak-Two valley type", that is, the densities were high in fall and spring, and low in winter and summer.nd summer.

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Development a Estimate Model of Migration Using Cohort-Survival Model (집단 생잔 모형을 이용한 인구이동모델 개발)

  • Han, Yi-Cheol;Lee, Jeong-Jae;Jung, Nam-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.456-460
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a estimation model of migration with only population data using the cohort-survival model which has been used for forecasting future population. The fluctuation of population can be bisected to the natural change which can be occurred by birth and death and the social change which means migration. The factors of the social change are usually very important for establishing rural policies. However, researches using migration data has limitations because the usage of them are restricted. For verifying a estimation model of migration, comparing estimated population in 2000 year and migration quantity between 1996 and 2000 of 25 gu with real values, using population data and death ratio from 1995 to 2000 of the 25 gu in Seoul. Result shows a reliable data that R-square of forecating population model is 0.9755 and migration is 0.9180. So these model are worth to estimate a population and migration quantity to restricted migration data.

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Variation and Forecast of Rural Population in Korea: 1960-1985 (농촌인구(農村人口)의 변화(變化)와 예측(豫測))

  • Kwon, Yong Duk;Choi, Kyu Seob
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.8
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 1990
  • This study investigated the relationship between the cutflow of rural population and agricultural policy by using time series method. For the analytical tools, decomposition time series methods and regression technique were employed in computing seasonal fluctuation and cyclical fluctuation of population migration. Also, this study predicted farmhouse, rural population till the 2000's by means of the mathematical methods. The analytical forms employed in forecasting farmhouse, rural population were Exponential curve, Gompertz curve and Transcendental form. The major findings of this study were identified as follows: 1) Rural population and farmhouse population began to decrease from 1965 and hastily went down since 1975. Rural population which accounted for 36.4 percent, 35.6 percent of national population respectively in 1960 diminished about two times: 17.5 percent, 17.1 percent respectively. 2) The rapid decreasing of the rural population was caused because of the outflow of rural people to the urban regions. Of course, that was also caused from the natural decreases but the main reason was heavily affected more the former than the latter. In the outflowing course shaped from rural to the urban regions, rural people concentrated on such metropolis as Seoul, Pusan, Keanggi. But these trends were diminishing slowly. On the other hand, compared with that of the 1970's the migration to Keanggi was still increasing in the 1980's. That is, people altered the way of migration from the migration to Seoul, Pusan to the migration to the out-skirts of Seoul. 3) The seasonal fluctuation index of population migration has gone down since the June which the request of agricultural labor force increases and has turned to be greatly wanted in the March as result of decomposition time series method. As result of cyclical analysis, the cyclical patterns of migration have greatly 7 cycle. 4) As result of forecasting the rural and farmhouse population, rural and farmhouse population in the 2000 will be about 9,655(thousand/people) and 4,429(thousand/people) respectively. Thus, it is important to analyze the probloms that rural and farmhouse population will decrease or increase by the degree. But fairly defining the agricultural into a industry that supply the food, this problem - how much our nation need the rural and farmhouse population - is greatly significant too. Therefore, the basic problems of the agricultural including the outflows of rural people are the earning differentials between rural and urban regions. And we should regard the problems of the gap of relative incomes between rural and urban regions as the main task of the agricultural policy and treat the agricultural policy in the viewpoint of developing economic equilibrium than efficiency by using actively the natural resources of the rural regions.

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Function of Habitat Heterogeneity for the Biodiversity and Demography of Population in Small Mammal Community (소척추동물군집에서 개체군 변동과 생물다양성 유지를 위한 서식지 이질성의 기능)

  • Lee, Sang Don
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.512-523
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    • 1995
  • The central theme of Habital heterogeneity is to provide animals with habital complexity or structural diversity and to allow resource partitioning among individuals. In turn, the leads to population stability because prey can escape more easily with more hiding places causing less population fluctuation. Species diversity is characterized due to more potential niches both horizontally and verticall. Empirically, in homogeneous habitats population was less abundant, reproduction and survival were lower, spacing behavior, competition and dispersal were higher than in heterogeneous habitats. The results imply that diversity and conservation of species can be maintained through providing heterogeneous habitats.

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Semiweekly Variation of Spring Population of a Mixotrophic Ciliate Myrionecta rubra (=Mesodinium rubrum) in Keum River Estuary, Korea (춘계 금강 하구에서 혼합영양 섬모류인 Myrionecta rubra (=Mesodinium rubrum) 개체군의 단주기 변동)

  • Yih, Won-Ho;Myung, Geum-Og;Kim, Hyung-Seop;Jeong, Hae-Jin
    • ALGAE
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2005
  • Myrionecta rubra, a mixotrophic ciliate, is a cosmopolitan red tide species which is commonly found in neritic and estuarine waters. M. rubra had long been listed as an “nculturable protist”until 2 different laboratory strains were finally established in 2 research groups at the beginning of this century, enabling us to perform initiative investigation into various aspect of the live M. rubra strains (Gustafson et al. 2000; Yih et al. 2004b; Johnson and Stoecker 2005). Field sampling was carried out on high tide at 2 fixed stations around Kunsan Inner Harbor (St.1 near the Estuarine Weir and St.2 off Kunsan Ferry Station) every other day for 4 months from mid-February 2004 to understand detailed figure of the recurrent spring blooms of M. rubra following the onset of the water gates operation of the Keum River Estuarine Weir on August 1994. With its maximum abundance of 272 cells mL$^{-1}$ in St.1, fluctuation pattern of the M. rubra population at the 2 stations was strikingly similar. Notable growth of M. rubra population started on late April, to cause M. rubra red tides during one month from mid-May in which “xceptionally low salinity days”without its red tide were intermittently inserted. High abundance of M. rubra over 50 cells mL$^{-1}$ was recorded at samples with their water temperature and salinity higher than 15${^{\circ}C}$ and 4.0 psu, respectively. During pre-bloom period when salinity fluctuation is moderate and the water temperature is cooler than 15°C, Skeletonema costatum, a chain-forming centric diatom, was most dominant. Cyanobacterial species such as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Phormidium sp. replaced other dominant phytoplankters on the days with “xceptionally low salinity”even during the main blooming period of M. rubra. To summarize, M. rubra could form spring blooms in Keum River Estuary when the level of salinity fluctuation was more severe than that for the dominant diatom Skeletonema costatum and milder than that for the predominance by freshwater cyanobacteria. Therefore, optimal control of the scale and frequency of freshwater discharges might lead us to partially modify the fluctuation pattern of M. rubra populations as well as the period of spring blooms by M. rubra in Keum River Estuary. Sampling time interval of 2 days for the present study or daily sampling was concluded to be minimally required for the detailed exploration into the spring blooms by M. rubra populations in estuaries with weirs like Keum River Estuary.

Wintering Bird Community in Cheonsu Bay and the Relationship with Food Resources (천수만에서 월동하는 조류군집과 먹이 자원과의 관계)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hwa;Kim, In-Kyu;Kang, Tae-Han;Jo, Hae-Jin;Yu, Jae-Pyoung;Lee, Si-Wan;Lee, Han-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2008
  • We conducted the survey about the avian fauna, population, community and correlation between avian population and densities of the fallen rice grain in Cheonsu reclaimed area(Ganwol and Bunam Lake and reclaimed land) from Oct. 2006 to Mar. 2007. Total surveyed species number was 142 species, sum of maximum count of each species was 362,797 individuals, sum of average count of each species was 84,818 individuals. Comparing with early and late wintering season, number of species was stable in each survey time, but total population was decreased as the season progressed. Dominant species were Bean Geese Anser fabalis, Baikal Teals Anas formosa, White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons, Mallards Anas platyrhynchos and Pintails Anas acuta. Population fluctuation of the Bean Geese Anser fabalis, Baikal Teals Anas formosa, Mallards Anas platyrhynchos, PintailsAnas acuta was decreasing, but population of the White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons was stable. Number of species, total population were not significantly different among Ganwol, Bunam and Cheonsu Bay. Survey period was significantly correlated with species diversity and population in each area, and most community indices of each area were shown significant correlation. The density of the fallen rice grain was significantly different between the harvested rice paddy by big harvesting machine and small harvesting machine. Density of the fallen rice grain in stubble collected area was significantly different with area of stubble not collected. Density of the fallen rice grain was drastically decreased in the middle of wintering season, but not significantly different between Dec. 2006 and Feb. 2007. Avian population was strongly correlated with number of fallen rice grain in the same period.