• 제목/요약/키워드: Polymerase Chain Reaction

검색결과 4,186건 처리시간 0.029초

Polymerase chain reaction을 이용한 실험적 감염 돼지의 혈액과 조직으로부터 Toxoplasma gondii 검출 (Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in experimentally infected porcine blood and tissues by polymerase chain reaction)

  • 신명득;신기욱
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to detect the toxoplasma specific-DNA in circulating blood and organs collected from slaughtered pigs at slaughtering house and experimentally infected pigs with Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites by polymerase chain reaction(PCR), and also PCR was applied to diagnose for acute phase of swine toxoplasmosis as a newly developed diagnostic test. The sensitivity of oligonucleotide primer, T-1 & T-2, designed from toxoplasma B1 gene amplification method was compared with Tp parasite detection by mouse inoculation(MI). On the other hand, latex agglutination test(LAT) was conducted to detect the serum antibodies comparing with the detection of toxoplasma by PCR and MI. The results obtained were summarized as follows. PCR was able to determine at the lowest level of $10^0/ml$ T. gondii in blood samples which were blended with a serial diluted T gondii in vitro. On the other hand, $10^2/5g$ of T gondii could detect from a variety of tissues including lung, diaphragm, liver, heart, spleen and brain in vitro. The primer was proved to specifically determine T gondii in blood and tissues in vitro but it did not detect Neospora caninum used as a negative control. DNA of T. gondii was effectively extracted by freezing, thawing and grinding twice both tissues mixed with T gondii in vitro and in experimentally infected pig's tissues. PCR detected specific DNA in the blood of experimentally infected pigs at 108 hrs and 120 hrs post-infection, it was the same time that the pigs showed fever and parasitaemia. In case of tissue, specific DNA was, however, detected only lung from experimentally infected pigs. Even though the duration of acute phase was from 3 to 7 days post-infection, but the latex agglutination test (LAT) results appeared from 8 days post-infection. A comparison of sensitivity in determining T gondii in blood samples between PCR and MI, PCR positive rate ranged from 25 to 33.3%, but that of MI covered from 75 to 100%.

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Optimization of ultra-fast convection polymerase chain reaction conditions for pathogen detection with nucleic acid lateral flow immunoassay

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Hwang, Hyun Jin;Kim, Jeong Hee
    • International Journal of Oral Biology
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    • 제44권1호
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the importance of on-site detection of pathogens has drawn attention in the field of molecular diagnostics. Unlike in a laboratory environment, on-site detection of pathogens is performed under limited resources. In this study, we tried to optimize the experimental conditions for on-site detection of pathogens using a combination of ultra-fast convection polymerase chain reaction (cPCR), which does not require regular electricity, and nucleic acid lateral flow (NALF) immunoassay. Salmonella species was used as the model pathogen. DNA was amplified within 21 minutes (equivalent to 30 cycles of polymerase chain reaction) using ultra-fast cPCR, and the amplified DNA was detected within approximately 5 minutes using NALF immunoassay with nucleic acid detection (NAD) cassettes. In order to avoid false-positive results with NAD cassettes, we reduced the primer concentration or ultra-fast cPCR run time. For singleplex ultra-fast cPCR, the primer concentration needed to be lowered to $3{\mu}M$ or the run time needed to be reduced to 14 minutes. For duplex ultra-fast cPCR, $2{\mu}M$ of each primer set needed to be used or the run time needed to be reduced to 14 minutes. Under the conditions optimized in this study, the combination of ultra-fast cPCR and NALF immunoassay can be applied to on-site detection of pathogens. The combination can be easily applied to the detection of oral pathogens.

Screening of BCL-2 associated X protein gene polymorphism associated with scrotal hernia in domesticated swine using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism

  • Manalaysay, Jessica G.;Antonio, Nathaniel D.;Apilado, Ralph Lorenz R.;Bambico, Joseph F.;Mingala, Claro N.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.262-266
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study was conducted to screen scrotal hernia in domesticated swine from selected breeders in the Philippines. This defect is associated with a cytosine to thymine mutation in the BCL-2 associated X protein (BAX) gene of swine. Methods: Genetic screening was done by DNA extraction followed by amplification and digestion using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism, amplifying the 416 bp region of the BAX gene that was subjected to digestion using the Ear I enzyme. Sequencing was also conducted to validate the results. Results: Results revealed that out of 538 samples tested, 411 (76.4%) of the samples were found to be normal whereas the remaining were carriers of the mutation in which 80 (14.9%) were heterozygous mutants and 47 (8.7%) were homozygous mutants. Pietrain breed was found to have the highest incidence. Conclusion: Having a scrotal hernia eliminates the chances of using the boar as a breeder stock because the following generations arising from it would most likely exhibit herniation. It is therefore advised to establish a genetic screening method for Scrotal Hernia in the Philippines to eliminate the negative gene from the herd.

Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence Specific Primer를 이용한 HLA-A 유전자의 DNA 다형성 조사 (Genotyping of HLA-A by Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence Specific Primer)

  • 장순모
    • 대한임상검사과학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.94-97
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    • 2008
  • The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is the name of the major histocompatibility complex (MCH) in humans. The superlocus contains a large number of genes related to immune system function in humans. This group of genes resides on chromosome 6. and encode cell surface antigen-presenting proteins and many other genes. HLA class I antigen (A, B & C) present peptides from inside the cell. These peptides are produced from digested proteins that are broken down in the lysozymes. Most expressed HLA loci exhibit a remarkable degree of allelic polymorphism, which derives from sequence differences predominantly localized to discrete hypervariable regions of the amino terminal domain of the molecule. In this sutdy, the HLA-A genotypes were determined in twenty students unrelated koreans using the PCR-SSP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence Specific Primer) technique. Several specific primer pairs in assigning the HLA-A gene were used (A*0201, A*33, A*2401). The results of PCR-SSP, the HLA-A*0201 primer was detected eleven (55%), the HLA-A*33 were detected seven (35%) and the HLA-A*2401 were detected seven (35%). This study shows that the PCR-SSP technique is relatively simple, fast and a practical tool for the determination of the HLA-A genotypes.

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뽕나무 하늘소(Apriona germari Hope)로부터 Beauveria속 사상균의 분리 및 PCR에 의한 동정 (Identification of Beauveria spp. Isolated from Mulberry Longicorn Beetle (Apriona germari Hope) using Polymerase Chain Reaction)

  • 서종복;진병래
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.167-171
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    • 1995
  • 딱정벌레목 천공성 해충인 뽕나무 하늘소(Apriona germari)의 효과적인 방제를 위하여, 뽕나무 하늘소 이병충으로 부터 곤충병원 사상균을 분리하고, 위상차 현미경 및 주사전자현미경으로 관찰하였으며, PCR(polymerase chain reaction)을 이용하여 동정하였다. 뽕나무 하늘소 이병충으로 부터 분리된 곤충병원 사상균은 현미경 관찰 결과 Beauveria속의 전형적인 형태적 특성을 나타냈다. 따라서 이들의 용이한 동정을 위하여 PCR primer(5'-ACG GGC GCT C-3')를 이용한 RAPD(random amplification of polymorphic DNA) 방법으로 분석하고, B. bassiana와 B. brongniartii의 PCR 산물을 전기영동한 결과 DNA 표식자로 이용이 가능하였다. 이상의 결과로서 본 실험에서 분리·명명된 SFB-1A는 B. bassianifh, SFB-1A는 B. bassiana로, SFB-3A는 B. brongniartii로 동정되었다.

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Degenerate Polymerase Chain Reaction을 통한 [NiFe]-Hydrogenase의 탐색 (Search for [NiFe]-Hydrogenase using Degenerate Polymerase Chain Reaction)

  • 정희정;김영환;차형준
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2005년도 제17회 워크샵 및 추계학술대회
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    • pp.631-633
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    • 2005
  • For biohydrogen production, hydrogenase is a key enzyme. In the present work we performed search of [NiFe]-hydrogenases from hydrogen producing microorganisms using degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) strategy. Degenerate primers were designed from the conserved region of [NiFe]-hydrogenase group I especially on structural genes encoding for catalytic subunit of [NiFe]-hydrogenase from bacteria producing hydrogen. Most of [NiFe]-hydrogenase (group I) are expressed via complex mechanism with aid of auxiliary protein and localized through twin-arginine translocation pathway. [NiFe]-hydrogenase is composed of large and small subunits for catalytic activity. It is known that only small subunit has signal peptide for periplasmic localization and large & small subunitscome together before localization. During this process, large subunit is treated by endopeptidase for maturation. Based on these information we used signal peptide sequence and C-terminal of large subunit by recognized by endopeptidase as templates for degenerate primers. About 2,900 bp of PCR products were successfully amplified using the designed degenerate primers from genomic DNAs of several microorganisms. The amplified PCR products were inserted into T-vector and then sequenced to confirm.

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중합효소 연쇄반응을 이용한 Varicella-Zoster Virus DNA 검출로 확인된 대상포진 수막염 -증례 보고- (Herpes Zoster Meningitis Confirmed by Detection of Varicella-Zoster Virus DNA Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction -A case report-)

  • 허후만;최유선;박성규
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.210-213
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    • 2005
  • Acute viral meningitis and myositis are rare complications of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) reactivation. A 71-years-old immunocompetent man, who presented with lower back pain radiating to the left lower extremities, developed vesicles on the L5 dermatomal area. The next day, he had complained of aberrant vesicles on the trunk, face and scalp, with generalized myalgia, headache and dizziness. He was confirmed with VZV meningitis and myositis, as demonstrated by the presence of VZV DNA in the blood and cerebral spinal fluid using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. PCR has been used in patients with a VZV infection associated neurological symptoms, and provides a useful tool for the early diagnosis of VZV-associated neurological disease. The patient was treated with bed rest, with intravenous acyclovir for the VZV infection, and intravenous Patient-controlled Analgesia for pain management and the prevention of postherpetic neuralgia. When he visited the outpatient department 3 months later, the skin lesion, leg pain, headache and myalgia had all improved, without sequelae. Here, this case is reported, with a discussion of the relevant literature on its diagnosis and management.

식물 원형질체에서의 marker gene 삽입 (DNA-mediated gene transfer in plant protoplasts)

  • 유장걸;류기중;소인섭;홍경애
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.557-561
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    • 1993
  • Polyethylene glycol(PEG)법 또는 electroporation법으로 제라니움 원형질체에 neomycin phosphotransferase II(nptII) 유전자를 옮기고, 세포내에 도입된 nptII DNA의 존재유무와 발현여부를 조사하였다. Polymerase chain reaction(PCR)을 이용하여 검토한 결과, PEG법을 사용했을 때나 electroporation법을 사용했을 때 모두 세포내에 도입된 nptII DNA가 있음이 확인되었다. 또 이들 세포의 추출물을 전기영동하여 neomycin phosphotransferase 활성을 조사한 결과, 효소활성을 보이는 band가 검출되어 marker gene 으로 도입된 notII 유전자가 세포내에서 발현된다는 것이 확인되었다.

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Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence Specific Primer를 이용한 HLA-B 유전자의 DNA 다형성 조사 (Genotyping of HLA-B by Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence Specific Primer)

  • 장순모
    • 대한임상검사과학회지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.147-150
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    • 2007
  • Most expressed HLA (human leukocyte antigen) loci exhibit a remarkable degree of allelic polymorphism, which derives from sequence differences predominantly localized to discrete hypervariable regions of the amino terminal domain of the molecule. In this study, the HLA-B genotypes were determined in twenty students unrelated koreans using the PCR-SSP (polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer) technique. Several specific primer pairs in assigning the HLA-B gene were used ($B^{\ast}4001/4007$, $B^{\ast}4901/5001/4501$, $B^{\ast}3701$, $B^{\ast}5801$). The results of PCR-SSP, the HLA-B3701 primer was detected one (5%), the $HLA-B^{\ast}5801$ were detected four (20%), the $HLA-B^{\ast}4001/4007$ were detected nineteen (95%) and the $HLA-B^{\ast}4901/5001/4501$ were detected twenty. This study shows that the PCR-SSP technique is relatively simple, fast and a practical tool for the determination of the HLA-B genotypes. Moreover, these results genotype frequency of the HLA-B gene could be useful for database study before being applied to individual identification and transplantation immunity.

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Enhanced detection and serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae using multiplex polymerase chain reaction

  • Ahn, Jong Gyun;Choi, Seong Yeol;Kim, Dong Soo;Kim, Ki Hwan
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제55권11호
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    • pp.424-429
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Methods for quick and reliable detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae are needed for the diagnosis of pneumococcal disease and vaccine studies. This study aimed to show that sequential multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is more efficient than conventional culture in achieving S. pneumoniae -positive results. Methods: Nasopharyngeal (NP) secretions were obtained from 842 pediatric patients admitted with lower respiratory infections at Severance Children's Hospital in Korea between March 2009 and June 2010. For identification and serotype determination of pneumococci from the NP secretions, the secretions were evaluated via multiplex PCR technique with 35 serotype-specific primers arranged in 8 multiplex PCR sets and conventional bacteriological culture technique. Results: Among the results for 793 samples that underwent both bacterial culture and PCR analysis for pneumococcal detection, 153 (19.3%) results obtained by PCR and 81 (10.2%) results obtained by conventional culture technique were positive for S. pneumoniae. The predominant serotypes observed, in order of decreasing frequency, were 19A (23%), 6A/B (16%), 19F (11%), 15B/C (5%), 15A (5%), and 11A (4%); further, 26% of the isolates were non-typeable. Conclusion: As opposed to conventional bacteriological tests, PCR analysis can accurately and rapidly identify pneumococcal serotypes.