• Title/Summary/Keyword: Polycystic ovaries

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Effects of Ojeok-san on the Maturation of Follicles and NGF Expression in Rats with Estradiol Valerate-induced Polycystic Ovaries (오적산(五積散)이 Estradiol Valerate로 유발된 다낭성 난소 모델에서 난포의 성숙 및 NGF발현에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Dae;Seo, Il-Bock;Lee, Dong-Nyung;Kim, Hyung-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study was designed to investigate the effect of Ojeok-san(OJS) on the estradiol valerate(EV)-induced polycystic ovaries(PCO) in rats. Methods: PCO was induced by single intramuscular injection with estradiol valerate(EV)(4mg) in female rats. Normal group(n=8) were injected with sesame oil and orally administrated distilled water for sixty days. PCO control group (n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated distilled water for sixty days. OJS treated group(n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated OJS for sixty days. Then, we measured weights of body, ovaries, adrenal glands and uterus of rats. The histomorphometrical changes of ovaries were also evaluated. And we observed the NGF and CRF expression by immunohistochemistry. Results: The results were as follows - The weights(mg) of ovaries in OJS treated group($57.4{\pm}9.4$) were significantly increased(p < 0.05) compared with PCO control group($42.3{\pm}8.5$). - The numbers of mature follicles in OJS treated group($9.3{\pm}2.5$) were significantly increased(p < 0.05) compared with PCO control group($6.1{\pm}2.1$). - The expressions of NGF-immunoreactive cells in the ovarian granulosa cells in OJS treated group were weaker than PCO control group. Conclusion: From the these results, we concluded that Ojeok-san(OJS) has inhibitory effect on the development of EV-induced polycystic ovary. And it's effect maybe related with decreased NGF activities in the ovary.

Review of Experimental Studies on Estradiol Valerate-induced Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Herbal Medicine (Estradiol Valerate로 유발된 다낭성 난소 증후군의 한약치료에 대한 국내 실험연구 고찰)

  • An, Tteul-E-Bom;Kim, Dong-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: To observe the effects of Herb medication on Polycystic Ovary (PCO) in rats. Methods: Riss (Research Information Sharing Service) was searched for Oriental medicine about PCO on 2000~2014. So, Experimental studies using PCO model induced by Estradiol Valerate (EV) was selected to analyze how effects they were. Consequently, 10 studies published on 2000~2014 were selected to analyze about weight of model and both ovaries, the number aries, the number of follicle and corpus of follicle and corpus luteum, the level of serum Androstenedione (ADD) and total estrogen, the level of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF), the crossover rate and the number of implantation. Results: Among them, there was significantly difference between treatment group and control group in weight of both ovaries, the number of follicle and corpora lutea, the crossover rate and the number of implantation. Conclusions: The effects of Herb medication was observed on making weight of ovaries with PCO to promote. The study about effect of Herb medication on NGF and CRF with PCOS had to be conducted. The further research have to focus on treatment of subfertility and infertility, that is field showing the advantage of Oriental medicine.

Effects of Hyeolbuchukeo-tang on the Estradiol Valerate-induced Polycystic Ovaries and the Conception of Rats (혈부축어탕(血府逐瘀湯)이 Estradiol Valerate로 유발된 흰쥐의 다낭성 난소 및 수태에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Sang-Jin;Kim, Hyung-Jun;Lee, Dong-Nyung
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.43-65
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: This study was designed to investigate the effects of Hyeolbuchukeotang( HCT) on the Estradiol Valerate(EV) induced Polycystic Ovaries and the Implantation of rats. Methods: PCO was induced by single intramuscular(IM) injection with EV in female rats. Normal group(n=8) were injected with sesame oil and orally administrated distilled water for 60 days. Control group(n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated distilled water for 60 days. HCT treated group(n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated HCT for 60 days. At the end day of experiment, we measured weights of body, ovaries, adrenal glands, uterus and contents of serum LH, FSH, ADD. The histomorphometrical changes of ovaries were also evaluated. And we observed the NGF and CRF expression by immunohistochemistry. Also we observed the mating and count the number of implantation. Results: - The weights(mg) of ovaries in HCT treated group($58.9{\pm}6.5$) were significantly increased (p<0.01) compared with control group ($42.3{\pm}8.5$). - The number of mature follicles in HCT treated group($9.8{\pm}2.6$) was significantly increased (p<0.01) compared with control group($6.1{\pm}2.1$). - The number of cystic follicles in HCT treated group($1.6{\pm}1.2$) was significantly decreased (p<0.01) compared with control group($3.8{\pm}1.5$). - The value of serum FSH(mIU/ml) in HCT treated group($3.870{\pm}2.151$) was significantly decreased(p<0.05) compared with control group($10.476{\pm}6.294$). - The expression of NGF-immunoreactive cells in the ovarian cells in HCT treated group was lesser observed than control group. - The number of implantation in HCT treated group($7.4{\pm}1.8$) was significantly increased (p<0.05) compared with control group($3.1{\pm}4.4$). Conclusions: Hyeolbuchukeo-tang(HCT) is effect on polycystic ovaries and the implantation of rats by EV-induced.

Effects of Gaeullijin-Tang on the Progression of the Estradiol Valerate-induced Polycystic Ovaries in Rats (개울이진탕(開鬱二陳湯)이 Estradiol Valerate로 유도된 흰쥐의 다낭성 난소 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Mun-Hui;Lee, Dong-Nyung;Seo, Il-Bock;Kim, Hyung-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the effects of Gaeullijin-Tang(GIT) on the progression of the estradiol valerate(EV)-induced polycystic ovaries(PCO) in rats. Methods: PCO was induced by single intramuscular injection with estradiol valerate(EV)(4mg) in female rats. Normal group(n=8) were injected with sesame oil and orally administrated distilled water for sixty days. PCO control group (n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated distilled water for sixty days. GIT treated group(n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated GIT for same duration. At the end day of experiment, we measured weights of body, ovaries, adrenal glands, uterus and contents of serum androsternedione (ADD) and total estrogen. The histomorphometrical changes of ovaries were also evaluated. And we observed the NGF and CRF expression by immunohistochemistry. Results: The results were as follows - The weights(mg) of ovaries in GIT treated group($75.5{\pm}4.3$) were significantly increased(p<0.001) compared with PCO control group($54.3{\pm}4.5$). - The numbers of mature follicles in GIT treated group($5.3{\pm}1.2$) were significantly increased(p<0.05) compared with PCO control group($3.5{\pm}1.2$). - The numbers of corpora lutea in GIT treated group($1.8{\pm}1.3$) were significantly increased(p<0.05) compared with PCO control group($0.3{\pm}0.7$). Conclusion: From the above results, we concluded that Gaeullijin-Tang(GIT) contributes to stimulating normally ovulation by decreasesing ovarian NGF concentrations.

Therapeutic Effect of Korean Red Ginseng Extract on Infertility Caused by Polycystic Ovaries

  • Jung, Ji-Hun;Park, Hyun-Tae;Kim, Tak;Jeong, Moon-Jin;Lim, Sung-Chul;Nah, Seung-Yeol;Cho, Ik-Hyun;Park, Soo-Hyun;Kang, Seong-Soo;Moon, Chang-Jong;Kim, Jong-Choon;Kim, Sung-Ho;Bae, Chun-Sik
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.250-255
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    • 2011
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a very common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Nerve growth factor (NGF) may be involved in the pathogenesis of PCOS. In this study, we investigated the effect of Korean red ginseng extract (KRGE) on the ovarian morphology and NGF expression in an estradiol valerate (EV)-induced rat model. Polycystic ovaries were induced by a single intramuscular injection of estadiol valerate (4 mg, dissolved in sesame oil) in adult cycling rats. KRGE was administered orally (200 mg/kg body weight/day) for 60 consecutive days, beginning 60 days after the induction. Ovarian morphology was almost normalized and NGF was normalized in the EV+KRGE group. KRGE lowered the high numbers of antral follicles and increased the number of corpora lutea in the polycystic ovaries. The results are consistent with a beneficial effect of KRGE in the treatment of PCOS.

Effects of J okyeongjongok-Tang on the Maturation of Follicles and NGF Expression in Rats with Estradiol Valerate-induced Polycystic Ovaries (조경종옥탕(調經種玉湯)이 Estradiol Valerate로 유발된 다낭성 난소 모델에서 난포의 성숙 및 NGF 발현에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Yang, Joon-Mo;Seo, Il-Bock;Lee, Dong-Nyung;Kim, Hyung-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study was designed to investigate the effects of Jokyeongjongok -Tang(JJT) on the progression of the estradiol valerate(EV)-induced polycystic ovaries(PCO) in rats. Methods: PCO was induced by single intramuscular injection with estradiol valerate(EV)(4 mg) in female rats. Normal group(n=8) were injected with sesame oil and orally administrated distilled water for sixty days. PCO control group (n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated distilled water for sixty days. JJT treated group(n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated JJT for same duration. At the end day of experiment, we measured weights of body, ovaries, adrenal glands and uterus. The histopathological changes of ovaries were also evaluated. And we observed the NGF and CRF expression by immunohistochemistry. Results: The results were as follows - The weights(mg) of ovaries of JJT treated group($58.4{\pm}9.4$) were significantly increased(p<0.01) compared with PCO control group($42.3{\pm}8.5$). - The numbers of mature follicles of JJT treated group($10.1{\pm}2.5$) were significantly increased(p<0.01) compared with PCO control group($6.1{\pm}2.1$). - The numbers of cystic follicles of JJT treated group($1.8{\pm}1.4$) were significantly decreased(p<0.05) compared with PCO control group($3.8{\pm}1.5$). - The expressions of NGF-immunoreactive cells in the ovaries of JJT treated group were weaker than PCO control group. Conclusions: From the above results, we concluded that Jokyeongjongok-Tang (JJT) contributes to a normal maturation of follicles and has the effects of promoting a normal ovulation. And these effects may be related with the decreased NGF activities in the ovaries.

Effects of Gwibi-Tang on the Estradiol Valerate-induced Polycystic Ovaries in Rats (귀비탕(歸脾湯)이 Estradiol Valerate로 유도된 흰쥐의 다낭성 난소에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yeon-Kyeong;Seo, Il-Bock;Lee, Dong-Nyung;Kim, Hyung-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.60-74
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the effects of Gwibi-Tang(GBT) on the polycystic ovary(PCO) induced by estradiol valerate(EV) in rats. Methods: PCO was induced by single intramuscular injection with EV(4mg) in female rats. Normal group(n=8) were injected with sesame oil and orally administrated distilled water for eight weeks. PCO control group(n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated distilled water for eight weeks. GBT treated group(n=8) were injected with EV and orally administrated GBT for eight weeks. Then we measured weight of body, ovaries, adrenal glands, and uterus of rats. The histopathology changes of ovaries were also evaluated. The expression of nerve growth factor(NGF) was analyzed in the central nervous system, adrenal glands and ovaries by immunohistochemistry. And also CRF expression in median eminance of Rats were analyzed. Results: 1. The weight(g) of rats in GBT treated group($275{\pm}14$) was significantly increased(p<0.01) compared with control group($253{\pm}8$), 2. The weight(mg) of ovaries in GBT treated group($75.8{\pm}16.7$) was significantly increased(p<0.001) compared with control group($37.4{\pm}6.7$). 3. The number of mature follicles in GBT treated group($3.6{\pm}1.2$) was significantly increased(p<0.01) compared with control group($1.5{\pm}1.5$. 4. The number of atretic follicles in GBT treated group($8.0{\pm}3.1$) was significantly decreased(p<0.01) compared with control group($18.6{\pm}6.0$). 5. The number of cystic follicles in GBT treated group($0.5{\pm}0.5$) was significantly increased(p<0.01) compared with control group($2.3{\pm}1.3$). 6. The number of corpora lutea in GBT treated group($6.1{\pm}3.9$) was significantly increased(p<0.01) compared with control group($1.6{\pm}2.3$). 7. The expression of NGF-immunoreactive cells in the ovarian granulosa cells in GBT treated group was lesser observed than control group. Conclusion: From the above results, we concluded that Gwibi-Tang has inhibitory effect on the development of EV-induced polycystic ovary. And it's effect may be related with decreased NGF activities in the ovary.

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Alteration of TGFB1, GDF9, and BMPR2 gene expression in preantral follicles of an estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovary mouse model can lead to anovulation, polycystic morphology, obesity, and absence of hyperandrogenism

  • Asghari, Reza;Shokri-Asl, Vahid;Rezaei, Hanieh;Tavallaie, Mahmood;Khafaei, Mostafa;Abdolmaleki, Amir;Seghinsara, Abbas Majdi
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2021
  • Objective: In humans, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an androgen-dependent ovarian disorder. Aberrant gene expression in folliculogenesis can arrest the transition of preantral to antral follicles, leading to PCOS. We explored the possible role of altered gene expression in preantral follicles of estradiol valerate (EV) induced polycystic ovaries (PCO) in a mouse model. Methods: Twenty female balb/c mice (8 weeks, 20.0±1.5 g) were grouped into control and PCO groups. PCO was induced by intramuscular EV injection. After 8 weeks, the animals were killed by cervical dislocation. Blood serum (for hormonal assessments using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique) was aspirated, and ovaries (the right ovary for histological examinations and the left for quantitative real-time polymerase) were dissected. Results: Compared to the control group, the PCO group showed significantly lower values for the mean body weight, number of preantral and antral follicles, serum levels of estradiol, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, and follicle-stimulating hormone, and gene expression of TGFB1, GDF9 and BMPR2 (p<0.05). Serum progesterone levels were significantly higher in the PCO animals than in the control group (p<0.05). No significant between-group differences (p>0.05) were found in BMP6 or BMP15 expression. Conclusion: In animals with EV-induced PCO, the preantral follicles did not develop into antral follicles. In this mouse model, the gene expression of TGFB1, GDF9, and BMPR2 was lower in preantral follicles, which is probably related to the pathologic conditions of PCO. Hypoandrogenism was also detected in this EV-induced murine PCO model.

Inter-ovarian differences in ultrasound markers of ovarian size in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Chun, Sungwook
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.197-201
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to establish whether differences in ovarian size exist between the right and the left ovary of the same individual in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Methods: In total, 206 Korean women with polycystic ovary syndrome were included in this study. In all participants, a transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound examination was conducted in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Results: A significant linear correlation was found between the two ovaries with regard to antral follicle count and ovarian volume. The mean antral follicle count in the right ovary (26.75 ± 11.72) was significantly higher than that in the left ovary (23.98 ± 10.85), and the mean volume of the right ovary (11.06 ± 5.17 cm3) was significantly different from that of the left ovary (9.12 ± 4.89 cm3). Conclusion: Ovarian size is different between the right and the left ovary in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.