• 제목/요약/키워드: Pollution Purification

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토양오염에 대한 정화책임의 주체 (A concerned party of purification liability for soil pollution)

  • 조은래
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 1999년도 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.53-56
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    • 1999
  • The concerned party of purification liability in a soil pollution is an owner or occupant of a contaminated site. But when we don't appoint the polluter or he can't do a cleanup, municipal put in effect the purification. In such a case, another parties who are related to the contamination ought to the liability. The province of responsible parties, therefore, is required to extend to an owner or operator of a facility, a carrier and lender

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Analysis to Select Filter Media and The Treatment Effect of Non-point Pollution Source in Road Runoff

  • Lee, Tae Goo;Han, Young Hae
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2014
  • This study selected and analyzed filter media that can be applied in non-point pollution reduction devices aimed at processing the source of pollution on site for road runoff that increases rapidly in rainfall-runoff in order to improve the water quality of urban areas. First, the factors that affect the quality of runoff caused by sources of non-point pollution include physical and social factors such as the usage of land around the area of water collection, type of pavement and movement of cars and people, as well as rainfall characteristics such as frequency, intensity, amount and duration of rainfall. Second, the purification tests of the filter media were processed for pH, BOD, COD and T-P, and the filter media showed to have initial purification effect at that items. However, the filter media showed to be very effective for the processing of SS, T-N, Zn and Cd from the beginning to the end. Third, for filter media, zeolite and vermiculite showed to be effective for processing SS, T-N, Zn and CD constantly, and composite filter media including zeolite showed to have strong processing effects. The authors conclude that this study can be applied to technical areas and policies aimed at reducing non-point pollution in urban areas and can also contribute to allowing eco-friendly management of rainfall as well as improvement of water quality.

이매패의 생물정화 기작을 이용한 마산만의 수질개선방안 (Water quality management by bio-purification of bivalve, Mytilus galloprovincialis, in Masan Bay)

  • 홍석진;엄기혁;장주형;박종수;김동명;권정노
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2007
  • 마산만은 한국의 대표적인 반 폐쇄성 내만으로 유속이 느리며, 해수의 순환이 제한되어 입자물질의 침강이 주로 일어나고 있다. 특히, 육상기원 오염물질 유입은 환경오염문제를 일으켜, 부영양화, 적조, 저층 빈산소 현상 등의 문제가 빈번히 발생하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 생태계 모델을 이용하여, 이매패류를 포함하는 생태계 시스템에서 물질순환 과정의 계산을 수행하였으며, 여과식자인 이매패류에 의한 COD와 식물플랑크톤 같은 입자유기물질의 제거 효과도 계산하였다. 또한, 이매패류 양식장의 입식위치와 입식량을 산정하여, 생물학적 수질관리에 적용하고자 하였다. 모델결과에서, 최적 입식위치는 해양 물리적 과정을 참고로 하여 식물플랑크톤의 집적이 일어나는 곳을 선정하였으며, 최적 입식밀도는 35 개체/$m^{-3}$였고, 최적 입식 면적은 약 500 ha로 나타났다. 이매패류가 최적의 성장을 보인다고 가정하면, 육상부하의 삭감에 관한 노력 없이도 수중의 COD 농도의 18%의 개선효과가 나타났다.

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비점오염 부하 저감을 위한 식생 매트의 수질정화능 평가 (Assessment of Water Purification Capacity of Vegetation Mats for the Reduction of Nonpoint-Source Pollution Loads)

  • 송규성;한상훈
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구의 목적은 하천과 호소로 유입되는 비점오염을 저감하기 위해 자연형 하천조성기술 중에서 활용성이 증가되고 있는 식생 매트에 충진재를 적용하여 수질정화기능을 향상하는데 있다. 본 연구에서는 우수한 충진재 선별을 위하여 제올라이트, 규조토 그리고 이들을 혼합하여 소성한 발포여재에 대한 수질정화기능 실내 평가실험과 제방사면조건에서 강우 유출수를 대상으로 한 식생 매트의 수질정화능 검증 현장실험을 진행하였다. 충진재별 수질정화기능은 발포여재가 SS 46.3%, T-N 29.9%, T-P 33.3%로서 다른 충진재보다 수질정화기능이 우수하였다. 식생 매트의 현장 실험에서는 수질정화능은 SS가 60.1%, T-N이 32.2%, T-P가 20.2%으로서 식생 매트의 우수한 오염저감 능력을 확인할 수 있었다.

포름알데히드로 오염된 실내공기의 정화에 미치는 식물효과에 관한 연구 (A Study on Plant Effects on Decontamination of Polluted Indoor Air with Formaldehyde)

  • 박소영;김정;장영기;성기준
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2005
  • This study was designed to investigate the effect of plant as a botanical air purification on the indoor pollution by formaldehyde. Three indoor plants such as Dracaena marhginata, Spathiphyllum and Dracaena reflexa, were placed in the artificially contaminated reactor under laboratory condition. Both plant and soil effects on removal of formaldehyde from contaminated indoor air were observed. Reductions in the formaldehyde levels appeared to have been associated with soil medium factors as well as plant factors. The effect of soil on formaldehyde reduction was high in the early stage of the experiment and the results suggest that sorption could be more important factor than microbial degradation in the initial dissipation of contaminants in the soil. It was suggested that the effect of plant on formaldehyde reduction might be related to the plant species, total leaf surface area of plant, degree of contribution of soil medium, and exposed concentration level. The results of this study showed that air purification using plants is an effective means of reduction on indoor formaldehyde level, though, utilization of soil media with high sorption capacity and/or supplementary purifying aids were also suggested when the source is continuous or exposed concentration level is high.

Design of the air purification system with On/Off fan control to reduce harmful air in nail shop

  • Minwoo Cheon
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2023
  • With the development of the beauty industry, the nail art industry is expanding, and through this, nail culture is becoming more popular. However, some products used in the nail art field may produce harmful substances, so great caution is required. In this paper, an air purification system was designed to reduce harmful air. The air purification system uses a harmful gas sensor to measure the level of pollution in the surrounding air and then turns the fan on/off to remove harmful gases and fine dust. Two types of filters and two fans can be driven and controlled respectively so that harmful gases are absorbed into the charcoal filter and fine dust is absorbed into the HEPA filter. In addition, filters, fans, and piping were appropriately placed to remove contaminated surrounding air as quickly as possible during nail procedures.

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토양오염의 피해에 대한 책임 (The Liability on the Damage of Soil Pollution)

  • 조은래
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2005
  • 토양오염으로 인해 피해가 발생하면 그 피해배상과 토양오염정화에 대한 책임을 진다. 이러한 책임은 민사상의 일반적 책임과는 다르다. 토양환경보전법상으로는 피해에 대하여 과실책임이 아닌 무과실책임을 지우고 있으며, 공동의 책임인 경우에는 연대책임(부진정연대책임)을 지우고 있다. 이것은 피해자의 구제를 용이하게 하기 위한 것이다. 그리고 토양정화책임과 그에 따른 비용책임에 대하여도 소급책임, 엄격책임, 연대책임을 지게하고 있다. 다만 천재지변과 전쟁으로 인한 경우에는 면책하고 있다. 책임당사자는 오염유발자와 토양오염시설의 소유 또는 점유자 및 운영자, 그리고 그 시설을 양수한 자 및 인수자로 규정하고 있다. 이와 관련하여 책임당사자가 불명하거나 무자력 등으로 인하여 책임을 질 수 없는 경구에 결국 국가가 책임을 짐으로써 국민의 조세부담을 가중시킬 염려가 있다 따라서 책임당사자의 범위를 확대시키거나 정화비용에 대한 기금제도의 활용이 요청된다

HFCLM Purification of SO2 from Flue Gas

  • Cha, Jun-Seok;K.K.Sirkar
    • 한국대기환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국대기환경학회 1997년도 한국대기보전학회 춘계학술대회 요지집
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    • pp.135-137
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    • 1997
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친환경 도로포장용 투수콘크리트의 제조와 이를 이용한 도로포장시스템의 수질정화특성 (Development of Environmentally Favorable Porous Concrete and Water Purification Characteristics by the Pavement System)

  • 홍종현;김문훈;양철신
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제15권11호
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    • pp.1045-1052
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    • 2006
  • Stormwater pollution is a major problem in urban areas. Pollutants like heavy metals and harmful chemicals in the runoff can endanger soil and ground water, when they are not sufficiently removed doting infiltration. Strength and infiltration capacity of porous concrete are the major problems that must be considered if permeable pavement system are demanded to be used in a drive way application. In this study, a series of compacted porous concrete mixtures and the system of pavement ate tested for the physical characteristics like compressive strength, flexural strength, unit weight, porosity, water permeability, and the purification capacity of contaminated water. The test results obtained indicate that the strength and infiltration capacity of porous concrete are strongly related to its matrix proportion and compaction energy and providing adequate filter layers underneath pavement surface course is one of the most important design considerations of permeable pavement system for pollution retention purpose.

산림 활엽수 지역의 강우유출수 유출특성 및 EMC 산정 (Determination of EMC and Washoff Characteristics of Stormwater Runoff from Broad-Leaved Forest Areas)

  • 강창국;이소영;조안;이재운;김이형
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.393-399
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    • 2009
  • The water of rivers and lakes are affecting by point and nonpoint source pollutions. The point source pollution can be controlled by establishing the treatment plants. However, nonpoint source pollution by various human activities is not easy to be controlled because it is difficult to determine the exits of the water flow and have many exit points. Due to contribution of nonpoint source pollution, the achievement ratio of water quality in rivers and lakes is not high. TMDL is the outstanding water quality control policy because all of the pollutant loadings from the watershed area are counting on the input loads. Our aqua-ecosystem has self-purification process by biological, physical and ecological processes. The self-purification process can remove the pollutant load from background concentrations. Usually forest area is main source of background concentrations. In Korea, about 70% of the national boundary area consists of mountains. This study is conducting as part of long-term monitoring to determine the Event Mean Concentration during a storm. The monitoring was performed on a broad-leaved tree area.