• Title/Summary/Keyword: Policy Preparation

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The Study of Comparative Legal Review According to Data Exclusivity of Pharmaceutical Marketing Authorization - In preparation for the development of drugs and vaccine of COVID-19 - (의약품 자료독점권(Data Exclusivity)에 대한 비교법적 고찰 - COVID-19 치료제 및 백신 개발을 대비하여 -)

  • Park, Jeehye
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.223-259
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    • 2020
  • With COVID-19 spreading rapidly around the world, research and development issues on treatments and vaccines for the virus are of high interest. Among them, Remdesivir was the first to show noticeable therapeutic effects and began clinical trials, with each country authorizing the use of the drug through emergency approval. However, Gilead Co., Ltd., the developer of Remdesivir, received a lot of criticism from civic groups for submitting the application for the marketing authorization as an orphan drug. This is because when a new drug got a marketing authorization as an orphan drug could be granted an exclusive status for seven year. The long-term exclusive status of an orphan drug comes from the policy purpose of motivating pharmaceutical companies to develop treatment opportunities for patients suffering from rare diseases, which was not appropriate to apply to infectious disease treatments. This paper provides a review of the problems and improvement directions of the domestic system through comparative legal consideration against the United States, Europe and Japan for the statutes which give exclusive status to medicines. The domestic system has a fundamental problem that it does not have explicit provisions in the statute in the manner of granting exclusive status, and that it uses the review system to give it exclusive status indirectly. In addition, in the case of orphan drugs, the "Rare Diseases Management Act" and the "Regulations on Examination of Items Permission and Reporting of Drugs" provide overlapping review periods, and despite the relatively long monopoly period, there seems to be no check clause to recover exclusive status in the event of a change in circumstances. Given that biopharmaceuticals are difficult to obtain patents, the lack of such provisions is a pity of domestic legislation, although granting exclusive rights may be a great motivation to induce drug development. In the United States, given that the first biosimilar also has a one-year monopoly period, it can be interpreted that domestic legislation is quite strictly limited to granting exclusive status to biopharmaceuticals. The need for improvement of the domestic system will be recognized in that it could undermine local pharmaceutical companies' willingness to develop biopharmaceuticals in the future, and in that it is also necessary to harmonize international regulations. Taking advantage of the emergence of COVID-19 as an opportunity, we look again at the problems of the domestic system that grants exclusive rights to medicines and hope that an overall revision of the relevant legislation will be made to establish a unified legal basis.

Study of Ecological Response of Endangered Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai according to Moisture and Nutrient under Condition of Climate Change for Propagation and Restoration (증식 및 복원을 위한 기후변화조건에서 수분과 유기물에 따른 멸종위기식물 죽절초(Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai)의 생태적 반응 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-In;Lee, Eung-Pill;Jung, Young-Ho;Kim, Eui-Ju;Lee, Jae-Keun;Lee, Seung-Yeon;Park, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Hun;You, Young-Han
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide reference data about propagation, restoration, and preparation of policy of endangered Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai by investigating growth response and variation of ecological niche breadth according to moisture and nutrient under the condition of elevated $CO_2$ concentration and elevated temperature. We divided the investigation into the controlled group and treated group (elevated $CO_2$ concentration and elevated temperature) and then varied the moisture and nutrient treatment for testing. The results showed that the ecological niche breadth was wide at moisture and nutrient gradients of 0.899 and 0.844, respectively, under control. Also, the ecological niche breadth regarding the moisture and nutrient gradients under treatment simulating global warming was wider as 6.60% and 2.09%, respectively. Therefore, moisture and nutrient will not be the restriction factors concerning the growth of Sarcandra glabra under continued global warming. However, it will be advisable to specify the nutrient content condition in the soil to be 10% for population restoration when growing Sarcandra glabra in the green house which is not affected by external environment since the studies of rearing reaction reported that Sarcandra glabra prefer 10% of nutrient content than 0-5%. Furthermore, it is necessary to protect evergreen broad-leaved forest where is the natural habitat of Sarcandra glabra that has relatively high nutrient content.

Methods of Incorporating Design for Production Considerations into Concept Design Investigations (개념설계 단계에서 총 건조비를 최소로 하는 생산지향적 설계 적용 방법)

  • H.S.,Bong
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1990
  • 여러해 전부터 선박의 생산실적이나 생산성 관련 자료를 기록하고 보완하는 작업을 꾸준히 개선토록 노력해온 결과중 중요한 것 하나는, 선박의 여러 가지 설계 검토과정에서 충분히 활용할 수 있는 함축성 있고 믿을만한 형태의 생산정보를 제공해줄 수 있게 되었다는 것이라고 말 할 수 있겠다. 이러한 자료들은 생산계획상 각 단계(stage)에서의 작업량, 예상재료비와 인건비의 산출등이 포함될 수 있으며, 선박이나 해상구조물의 전반적인 설계방법론(design methodology)을 개선코자 한다면 ''생산지향적 설계(Design for Production)''의 근간이 되는 선박건조전략(build strategy), 구매정책(purchasing policy)과 생산기술(production technology)에 대한 폭넓은 지식이 한데 어우러져야 한다. 최근에는 CIMS의 일부분에서 보는 바와 같은 경영관리, 설계 및 생산지원 시스템의 도입으로 이와 같은 설계 프로세스의 추진을 가능케하고 있다. 이와 병행하여 설계를 지원하기 위한 전산기술, 특히 대화형 화상처리기술(interactive graphics)의 발달은 설계자가 선박의 형상이나 구조 배치를 여러 가지로 변화시켜 가면서 눈으로 즉시 확인할 수 있도록 설계자의 능력을 배가시키는데 크게 기여하고 있다. 여러 가지의 설계안(alternative design arrangement)을 신속히 만들어내고 이를 즉시 검토 평가할 수 있는 능력을 초기설계 단계에서 가질 수 있다면 이는 분명히 큰 장점일 것이며, 더구나 설계초기 단계에 생산관련인자를 설계에서 고려할 수 있다면 이는 더욱 두드러진 발전일 것이다. 생산공법과 관련생산 비용을 정확히 반영한 각 가지의 설계안을 짧은 시간내에 검토하고 생산소요 비용을 산출하여 비교함으로써, 수주계약단계에서 실제적인 생산공법과 신뢰성있는 생산실적자료를 기준으로 하여 총 건조비(total production cost)를 최소로 하는 최적의 설계를 선택할 수 있도록 해 줄 것이다. 이제 이와 같은 새로운 설계도구(design tool)를 제공해 주므로써 초기설계에 각종 생산관련 정보나 지식 및 실적자료가 반영가능토록 발전되었다. 본 논문은 영국의 뉴카슬대학교(Univ. of Newcastle upon Type)에서 위에 언급한 특징들을 반영하여 새로운 선박구조 설계 방법을 개발한 연구결과를 보여주고 있다. 본 선계연구는 5단계로 구분되는데; (1) 컴퓨터 그라픽스를 이용하고 생산정보 데이타베이스와 연결시켜 구조형상(geometry)을 정의하고 구조부재 칫수(scantling) 계산/결정 (2) 블럭 분할(block division) 및 강재 배치(panel arrangement)의 확정을 위해 생산기술 및 건조방식에 대한 정보 제공 (3) 상기 (1) 및 (2)를 활용하여 아래 각 생산 단계에서의 생산작업 분석(work content assessment) a) 생산 준비 단계(Preparation) b) 가공 조립 단계(Fabrication/Assembly) c) 탑재 단계(Erection) (4) 각각의 설계(안)에 대하여 재료비(material cost), 인건비(labour cost) 및 오버헤드 비용(overhead cost)을 산출키 위한 조선소의 생산시설 및 각종 품셈 정보 (5) 총 건조 비용(total production cost)을 산출하여 각각의 설계안을 비교 검토. 본 설계 방식을 산적화물선(Bulk Carrier) 설계에 적용하여 구조배치(structural geometry), 표준화의 정도(levels of standardisation), 구조생산공법(structural topology) 등의 변화에 따른 설계 결과의 민감도를 분석(sensitivity studies)하였다. 전산장비는 설계자의 대화형 접근을 용이하도록 하기 위해 VAX의 화상 처리장치를 이용하여 각 설계안에 대한 구조형상과 작업분석, 건조비 현황 등을 제시할 수 있도록 하였다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 설계초기 단계에서 상세한 건조비 모델(detailed production cost model)을 대화형 화상 처리방법에 접합시켜 이를 이용하여 여러가지 설계안의 도출과 비교검토를 신속히 처리할 수 있도록 함은 물론, 각종 생산 실적정보를 초기설계에 반영하는 최초의 시도라고 믿으며, 생산지향적(Design for Production) 최적설계분야의 발전에 많은 도움이 되기를 기대해 마지 않는다. 참고로 본 시스템의 설계 적용결과를 부록에 요약 소개하며, 상세한 내용은 참고문헌 [4] 또는 [7]을 참조 요망한다.

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Awareness and Practice of Sugar Reduction in School Foodservice and the Practice of Nutrition Education in Daegu (대구시 영양(교)사의 학교급식 당류 저감화 인식도와 실천도 및 영양교육 실태)

  • Jang, Suhyang;Kim, Kilye;Lee, Yeon-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the awareness and practice of reducing sugar in school meals and the status of nutrition education regarding sugar reduction. Methods: An online survey was conducted on 101 nutrition teachers (dietitians) working at elementary, middle, and high schools in Daegu. Results: School nutrition teachers in Daegu recognized the need for efforts to reduce the sugar intake in the Korean diet, and it was found that elementary nutrition teachers were more aware of the implementation of the sugar reduction policy at the national level than middle and high school nutrition teachers (P = 0.002). Among the policies to reduce sugar intake at the national level, there was a high need for the promotion of self-control and limiting the sales of food with high sugar content in schools and their vicinity. The degree of practice for reducing sugar in school meals was found to be higher in the preparation, purchase, and cooking stage compared to the serving stage (P < 0.05). There was a high need for changing the preferences of the subjects for a sweet taste as a means of reducing the sugar in school meals. Thirty-six percent of nutrition teachers conducted sugar reduction education, and sending out school newsletters was the highest type of nutrition education at 80.6%. Conclusions: To effectively promote reduced sugar intake in school meals, it is necessary to change the preference of the subjects for sweetness and to conduct continuous education that can improve the awareness of people for reducing their sugar intake. For this, it is necessary to set aside time for nutrition education and to prepare an institutional framework for providing this education.

Calibration of Pyranometer with Solar Radiation Intercomparison Observation at Research Institute for Radiation-Satellite, Gangneung-Wonju National University (강릉원주대학교 복사-위성연구소에서 실외 비교관측을 통한 전천일사계 교정)

  • Jee, Joon-Bum;Zo, Il-Sung;Kim, Bu-Yo;Lee, Kyu-Tae;Yoo, Myeong-Seon;Lee, Yong-Joo;Jang, Jeong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2019
  • Although the technology for the observation of solar radiation is rapidly developing worldwide, in Korea the guidelines for comparing observations of solar radiation are only now under preparation. In this study, a procedure for intercomparison observations of solar radiation was established which accounts for meteorological and geographical conditions. The intercomparisons among observations by national reference pyranometers were carried out at the Asia Regional Radiation Center, Japan, in 2017. Recently, the result of the calibration of the reference pyranometer of the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) has been reported. Using the KMA pyranometer as a reference, comparisons between observations and calibrations were carried out for the standard (B to J) pyranometers of the KMA, and for the reference (A) and the standard pyranometers of the Gangneung-Wonju National University. The intercomparisons were carried out between October 24 and October 25, 2018. The sensitivity constants were adjusted according to the results of the data analysis performed on October 24. On October 25, a post-comparison observation was also performed, and the data of the participating pyranometers were verified. The sensitivity constants were calculated using only data corresponding to a solar radiation of $450.0W\;m^{-2}$ or higher. The B and I pyranometers exhibited a small error (${\pm}0.50W\;m^{-2}$), and the applied sensitivity constants were in the range $0.08-0.16{\mu}V(W\;m^{-2})^{-1}$. For the C pyranometer, the adjustment of the sensitivity constant was the largest, i.e., $-0.16{\mu}V(W\;m^{-2})^{-1}$. As a result, the nine candidate pyranometers could be calibrated with an average error of $0.06W\;m^{-2}$ (0.08%) with respect to the KMA reference, which falls within the allowed tolerance of ${\pm}1.00%$ (or ${\pm}4.50W\;m^{-2}$).

Analysis of Growth-Decline Type and Factors Influencing Growth Commercial Area Using Sales Data in Alley Commercial Area - Before and After COVID-19 - (골목상권 매출액 데이터를 활용한 성장-쇠퇴 유형화와 성장상권 영향요인 분석 - 코로나19 전후를 대상으로 -)

  • Jiwan Park;Leebom Jeon;Seungil Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2023
  • Due to COVID-19, the external activities of urban residents have greatly shrunk, causing a lot of damage to the commercial district, such as a decrease in population and sales. The downturn in commercial districts means the collapse of the infrastructure of the national economy, and can have serious side effects on the local economy and individual lives. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the alley commercial area, which is closely related to the national local economy, and pay attention to the damage and stagnation of the alley commercial area where small business owners are concentrated. The purpose of this study is to classify alley commercial districts into growth commercial districts and decline commercial districts by using commercial sales time series data and DTW time series group analysis for the pre- and post-COVID-19 period. The main findings of the study are as follows. First, using the time series data on commercial sales before and after COVID-19, the alley commercial districts were divided into growth commercial districts and decline commercial districts, and it was confirmed that the distribution of growth commercial districts and decline commercial districts was regionally different. Therefore, it is necessary to actively manage commercial districts in areas where many declining commercial districts are distributed, and it is required to prepare policies for each region in consideration of the spatial distribution of declining commercial districts. Second, during the COVID-19 period, face-to-face essential industries, density of guest facilities, and population density negatively affected the sustainability of commercial districts, which is the opposite of previous studies. This is the result of empirically confirming the specificity of the COVID-19 period and the negative effects of the integrated economy, and can be used as basic data for effective commercial district management and policy preparation in the event of a national disaster in the future. Third, the characteristics of the background of the commercial district had a significant effect on the sustainability of the commercial district, and the negative effect of the attracting facilities inducing population concentration in the background area was found. This suggests that it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the background as well as the inside of the commercial district when establishing policies to revitalize the commercial district and support small business owners in a national disaster situation.

Development and Validation of Career Barrier Scale for Career Interruption Women (경력단절여성 진로장벽 척도 개발 및 타당화)

  • Ae Ri Kim;Jin Kook Tak
    • The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-50
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to identify career barrier factors experienced by career interruption women, develop a tool to measure career barrier, and verify their validity. To this end, preliminary questions were developed by reviewing literature, conducting one-on-one in-depth interviews with 10 women on career interruption, and conducting an open questionnaire with 100 women on career interruption. The subjects of the study were married women aged 20 to 54 who had past employment experience, wanted to be re-employed, and experienced retirement due to marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and family care, and the period of career interruption was selected for more than one year. After that, 63 questions were selected for 7 factors. A preliminary survey was conducted on 300 women with career interruption in Korea, and as a result, 63 questions of 6 factors were derived through exploratory factor analysis. The main survey was conducted with 44 questions of 6 factors by partially modifying the questions reflecting the important concepts in each factor. In this survey of 600 people, in order to verify the validity of the constituent concept of this test, the entire sample was divided into two groups, and group 1 (G1, N=309) conducted exploratory factor analysis and group 2 (G2, N=291) conducted confirmatory factor analysis. As a result of exploratory factor analysis for Group 1, 34 questions of 6 factors were finally derived, and a confirmatory factor analysis of Group 2(G2) was conducted to confirm the model fit of the derived factors, and it was confirmed that the model fit criteria were met. In order to verify the convergence validity of the developed career barrier scale, a correlation analysis was conducted with the career barrier test for female college students, and as a result of the analysis, the career barrier scale for women with career interruption and the career barrier test for female college students showed statistically significant correlation. In order to verify the validity of the criterion, the results of a correlation analysis with variables of job preparation behavior, job stress, state anxiety, and life satisfaction were all found to be statistically significant. Finally, the academic, practical, and policy significance and limitations of this study and future research directions were presented.

Development of Yóukè Mining System with Yóukè's Travel Demand and Insight Based on Web Search Traffic Information (웹검색 트래픽 정보를 활용한 유커 인바운드 여행 수요 예측 모형 및 유커마이닝 시스템 개발)

  • Choi, Youji;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.155-175
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    • 2017
  • As social data become into the spotlight, mainstream web search engines provide data indicate how many people searched specific keyword: Web Search Traffic data. Web search traffic information is collection of each crowd that search for specific keyword. In a various area, web search traffic can be used as one of useful variables that represent the attention of common users on specific interests. A lot of studies uses web search traffic data to nowcast or forecast social phenomenon such as epidemic prediction, consumer pattern analysis, product life cycle, financial invest modeling and so on. Also web search traffic data have begun to be applied to predict tourist inbound. Proper demand prediction is needed because tourism is high value-added industry as increasing employment and foreign exchange. Among those tourists, especially Chinese tourists: Youke is continuously growing nowadays, Youke has been largest tourist inbound of Korea tourism for many years and tourism profits per one Youke as well. It is important that research into proper demand prediction approaches of Youke in both public and private sector. Accurate tourism demands prediction is important to efficient decision making in a limited resource. This study suggests improved model that reflects latest issue of society by presented the attention from group of individual. Trip abroad is generally high-involvement activity so that potential tourists likely deep into searching for information about their own trip. Web search traffic data presents tourists' attention in the process of preparation their journey instantaneous and dynamic way. So that this study attempted select key words that potential Chinese tourists likely searched out internet. Baidu-Chinese biggest web search engine that share over 80%- provides users with accessing to web search traffic data. Qualitative interview with potential tourists helps us to understand the information search behavior before a trip and identify the keywords for this study. Selected key words of web search traffic are categorized by how much directly related to "Korean Tourism" in a three levels. Classifying categories helps to find out which keyword can explain Youke inbound demands from close one to far one as distance of category. Web search traffic data of each key words gathered by web crawler developed to crawling web search data onto Baidu Index. Using automatically gathered variable data, linear model is designed by multiple regression analysis for suitable for operational application of decision and policy making because of easiness to explanation about variables' effective relationship. After regression linear models have composed, comparing with model composed traditional variables and model additional input web search traffic data variables to traditional model has conducted by significance and R squared. after comparing performance of models, final model is composed. Final regression model has improved explanation and advantage of real-time immediacy and convenience than traditional model. Furthermore, this study demonstrates system intuitively visualized to general use -Youke Mining solution has several functions of tourist decision making including embed final regression model. Youke Mining solution has algorithm based on data science and well-designed simple interface. In the end this research suggests three significant meanings on theoretical, practical and political aspects. Theoretically, Youke Mining system and the model in this research are the first step on the Youke inbound prediction using interactive and instant variable: web search traffic information represents tourists' attention while prepare their trip. Baidu web search traffic data has more than 80% of web search engine market. Practically, Baidu data could represent attention of the potential tourists who prepare their own tour as real-time. Finally, in political way, designed Chinese tourist demands prediction model based on web search traffic can be used to tourism decision making for efficient managing of resource and optimizing opportunity for successful policy.

A Study on Health Awareness of Middle and High School Students in Yong Nam Area (영남지역(嶺南地域) 중고등학교학생(中高等學校學生)들의 보건의식행태조사(保健意識行態調査) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyung Nam;Nam, Chul Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.119-135
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    • 1991
  • The study was designed to gain necessary basic data order to grasp health knowledge, attitude, practice level of middle and high school students and to analyse th problem and to point out the method of improvement in the field of school health education. The survery was carried out through this reporter's interview for 2,400 students who attend to ten schools in Young Nam area during the period of a month from 25 the June to 25th July 1989. The result of this study can be summaried as follows. 1. The total number of answers on the question was 2,346. As for general characteristics the percent of female middle school students was 60.6% and the percent of male students was 77.7%, 45.9% of high school students was evening school students. 52.9% of middle school students and 42.3% of high school students were borne in rural area. 2. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Epidemic Hepatitis infection was 46.3% of middle school students and 29.6% of high school students. 3. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Epidemic Hemorrhage fever infection was 85.6% of middle school students and 66.9% of high school students. 4. The percentage of right knowledge for AIDS infection was 66.0% of middle school students and 90.4% of high school students. 5. The percentage of right knowledge for Typhoid infection was 47.8% of middle school students and 69.4% of high school students. 6. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Tuberculosis infection was 71.6% of middle school students and 62.2% of high school students. 7. As for personal hygiene, the percentage of toothbrushing after every meal was high level : 44.2% of middle school students and 42.0% of high school students. 8. 60.9% of middle school students take a bath twice a week, 49.2% oh high school students take a bath a week. Times of bath of middle school students was higher than that of high school students. 9.The percentage of washing hand after using toilet was 42.1% of middle school students and 35.1% of high school students. 49.0% of middle school students and 55.1% of high school students wash hand sometimes after using toilet. 10. The percentage of change of underwear twice a week was 57.6% of middle school students and 49.8% of high school students. 11. The percentage of habit of unbalanced diet was 30.% of middle school students and 27.6% of high school students. 50.8% of middle school students and 51.7% of high school students have balanced diet. 12. Index of health practice of personal hygiene can be summarized as follows. A. A case of middle school students. 1) The percentage of health practice index in male and female was 49.6% and 48.1% respectively. Index of female students was higher than that of male students. 2) As for parent's occupation, public servants and company emplyee was upper level. Farming was low level. 3) As for income level, middle, level with 56.5% was highest in high income level and low level with 27.4% was highest in low income level. B. A case of high school students. 1) Middle level of health practice index was 46.0% of male students, upper and low level was 32.4% and 28.0% of female students respectively. 2) Middle level of health practice index was high in farming and company employee and upper level was high in commerce and service, low level with 60.0% was high in unemployed. 3) Upper practice index 35.7% appears in the rich and low practice index 38.3% appears in the poor. 13. Average points of Health practice about personal hygiene were as follows. (Full marks at 4). A. A case of middle school. Female (1.87 point) was higher than male (1.26 point). Night time (2.03 point) was higher than day time (1.66 point) and middle or small cities (2.17 point) are high than any other places. As for parent's occupation, students whose parents are company clerk get high marks (2.32) and ten students whose parent's job are service get next high marks (2.20). B. A case of high school. Female (1.53 point) was higher than male (1.22 point), as parents educational level were higher the point were higher, and as income level was higher, the points of health practice (1.78) were higher, and as for parents occupation, service get highest point (1.93) and commerce get next high point (1.86) public servant get low point (1.66). 14. The percentage of experience in smoking was 11.9% of middle school students and 60.9% of high school students. 15. The percentage of experience in inhalation of bond and administrating LSD was 4.3% of male middle school students, 8.4% of female middle school students, 6.9% of male high school students and 4.2% of female high school students. The knowledge level of communicable disease infection are very low in middle and high school students and practice level of personal hygiene are also very low. As a whole we can evaluate that middle and high school students are low level of health knowledge and practice. In conclusion, we must consider preparation for school health education program through establishing of health subjects in the carriculum, and securing of health education teachers and using materials and media program of health education. It is very important to establish macroscopic policy and strategy for public health education and to get people have right knowledge and practice for health.

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Analysis and Improvement Strategies for Korea's Cyber Security Systems Regulations and Policies

  • Park, Dong-Kyun;Cho, Sung-Je;Soung, Jea-Hyen
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.18
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    • pp.169-190
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    • 2009
  • Today, the rapid advance of scientific technologies has brought about fundamental changes to the types and levels of terrorism while the war against the world more than one thousand small and big terrorists and crime organizations has already begun. A method highly likely to be employed by terrorist groups that are using 21st Century state of the art technology is cyber terrorism. In many instances, things that you could only imagine in reality could be made possible in the cyber space. An easy example would be to randomly alter a letter in the blood type of a terrorism subject in the health care data system, which could inflict harm to subjects and impact the overturning of the opponent's system or regime. The CIH Virus Crisis which occurred on April 26, 1999 had significant implications in various aspects. A virus program made of just a few lines by Taiwanese college students without any specific objective ended up spreading widely throughout the Internet, causing damage to 30,000 PCs in Korea and over 2 billion won in monetary damages in repairs and data recovery. Despite of such risks of cyber terrorism, a great number of Korean sites are employing loose security measures. In fact, there are many cases where a company with millions of subscribers has very slackened security systems. A nationwide preparation for cyber terrorism is called for. In this context, this research will analyze the current status of Korea's cyber security systems and its laws from a policy perspective, and move on to propose improvement strategies. This research suggests the following solutions. First, the National Cyber Security Management Act should be passed to have its effectiveness as the national cyber security management regulation. With the Act's establishment, a more efficient and proactive response to cyber security management will be made possible within a nationwide cyber security framework, and define its relationship with other related laws. The newly passed National Cyber Security Management Act will eliminate inefficiencies that are caused by functional redundancies dispersed across individual sectors in current legislation. Second, to ensure efficient nationwide cyber security management, national cyber security standards and models should be proposed; while at the same time a national cyber security management organizational structure should be established to implement national cyber security policies at each government-agencies and social-components. The National Cyber Security Center must serve as the comprehensive collection, analysis and processing point for national cyber crisis related information, oversee each government agency, and build collaborative relations with the private sector. Also, national and comprehensive response system in which both the private and public sectors participate should be set up, for advance detection and prevention of cyber crisis risks and for a consolidated and timely response using national resources in times of crisis.

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