• Title/Summary/Keyword: Play Environment

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A Review of Scientific Evidence on Indoor Air of School Building: Pollutants, Sources, Health Effects and Management

  • Chithra, V.S;Shiva, Nagendra S.M
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.87-108
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    • 2018
  • Schools are one of the critical social infrastructures in a society, the first place for social activity and the most important indoor environment for children besides the home. Poor IAQ in classrooms can increase the chance of long-term and short-term health problems for students and staffs; affects productivity of teachers; and degrade the student learning environment and comfort levels. The primary objective of this paper is to review and summarize available scientific evidence on indoor air quality of schools and related health effects in children. It was found that the indoor air pollutant levels in school buildings varied over a wide range in different parts of the world depending on site characteristics, climatic conditions, outdoor pollution levels, occupant activities, ventilation type and building practices. Among the indoor air pollutants, particulate matter concentrations were found to be very high in many schools. Outdoor pollutant sources also play a major role in affecting the IAQ of the school building. Hence, scientific knowledge on sources of indoor pollutants, quantification of emissions, temporal and spatial dispersion of pollutants, toxicological properties, chemical and morphological characteristics of the pollutants and associated health risk among children in the school buildings are essential to evaluate the adequacy and cost effectiveness of control strategies for mitigating the IAQ issues.

Influence of Family-friendly Corporate Environment on Women Managers' Self-efficacy and Career Success (가족친화적 기업환경이 여성관리자의 자아효능감과 경력성공에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Phil-Suk
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2012
  • This study aims examining a few elements representing a family-friendly corporate environment such as the attitude of CEOs, corporate culture, the support from direct supervisors and their influence on the sense of self-efficacy and career success of women managers. The summary and conclusion of the result of this study is as follows; first, the positive attitude of CEOs as one of the representing elements for family-friendly corporate environment was found to affect the sense of self-efficacy and the career success of married women managers with positive effects. Second, the support of superiors turned out to have a positive effect on career development of women managers. Finally, the sense of women's self-efficacy turned out to affect career success of women managers. For the use of female resources as a growth power, the attitude of CEOs who promote gender equality, and the support of supervisors will play a very important part, and in order to build a corporate culture with gender equality, promotion and policy-making on corporate as well as government level are required.

A Study on Planning Aspects & Detaild Techniques of the Eco-school (Eco-School의 계획측면과 세부수법에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Eun-Ju;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2002
  • The fields of green building and ecological design have much to offer to those who are seeking to improve the ecological impact of schools and school grounds. These well established disciplines are particularly useful to existing schools considering renovations to make them more energy, water, and resource efficient as well as healthier places to work and play, Green building and ecological design principles and techniques are also very effective, of course, if incorporated into the design for brand new school buildings. The major concept of the Eco-school plan is to understand that the school consists of an ecosystem, so the design concept should focus on minimising impact but at the same time maintaining close contact with the environment. T his is becoming the basic concept in applying the Eco-school design to the new 21st century school building. This thesis is an analysis on the methods of application, based on careful examination of case-studies from the U.S.A about detailed plan element and design method, through the following six aspects ; (1) site use plan, (2) green plan, (3) water system plan, (4) materials and recycling of resources, (5) energy use plan, (6) indoor environment plan.

Effects of Herbicide on the Environmental Ecosystem in Subtropics

  • Wang, Yei-Shung
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 1998
  • Herbicides play a very important role in modern agriculture. However, the herbicide applied to the agricultural field may accumulate in the field, converting the advantages to environment pollution. Many small animals in the ecosystem such as alderfly, earthworm, butterfly, loach, frog, firefly, some birds and aquatic organisms have been known to disappear gradually. In addition, several behavior of herbicides including adsorption by soil, movement by water, photodecomposition, volatilization to air, absorption by plant, metabolism by soil microorganisms and so on, are proceeded while the herbicide remained in the environment. In this review, fate and behavior of herbicides in the environment and their effect on ecosystem after their application are focused on four aspects : the first is the absorption and metabolism of herbicides by plant; the second is the residues of herbicides in soil and water environments: the third is the accumulation and release of herbicides in aquatic organisms and the fourth is the translocation of herbicides in model agricultural ecosystem. Many factors may affect the behavior and fate of herbicides after their application, climatic conditions and soil properties seem to be the most important. Therefore, the fate and behavior of herbicide in Taiwan, located on subtropical region, may differ from those in Korea.

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Anaerobic Ammonium-Oxidizing Bacteria in Cow Manure Composting

  • Wang, Tingting;Cheng, Lijun;Zhang, Wenhao;Xu, Xiuhong;Meng, Qingxin;Sun, Xuewei;Liu, Huajing;Li, Hongtao;Sun, Yu
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.1288-1299
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    • 2017
  • Composting is widely used to transform waste into valuable agricultural organic fertilizer. Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria play an important role in the global nitrogen cycle, but their role in composting remains poorly understood. In the present study, the community structure, diversity, and abundance of anammox bacteria were analyzed using cloning and sequencing methods by targeting the 16S rRNA gene and the hydrazine oxidase gene (hzo) in samples isolated from compost produced from cow manure and rice straw. A total of 25 operational taxonomic units were classified based on 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, and 14 operational taxonomic units were classified based on hzo gene clone libraries. The phylogenetic tree analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and deduced HZO protein sequences from the corresponding encoding genes indicated that the majority of the obtained clones were related to the known anammox bacteria Candidatus "Brocadia," Candidatus "Kuenenia," and Candidatus "Scalindua." The abundances of anammox bacteria were determined by quantitative PCR, and between $2.13{\times}10^5$ and $1.15{\times}10^6$ 16S rRNA gene copies per gram of compost were found. This study provides the first demonstration of the existence of anammox bacteria with limited diversity in cow manure composting.

Effect of Green Manure Biomass and Rice Yield on Continuous Cropping by different Seeding rate of Hairy vetch in Paddy

  • Jeon, W.T.;Seong, K.Y.;Oh, I.S.;Jeong, K.H.;Lee, J.K.;Choi, B.S.;Kim, C.G.;Lee, Y.H.;Kang, U.G.
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.spc
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    • pp.174-177
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    • 2011
  • Green manure crops play an important role in organic farming. Field experiment was conducted at paddy soil (fine loamy, mixed, nonacid, mesic family of Aeric Fluvaquentic Endoquepts) in 2008/2009 to 2009/2010 at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA, Suwon, Gyeonggi province, Korea. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the biomass of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) and growth of rice (Oryza sativa) by different seeding rates. Seeding rates of hairy vetch consisted of 30, 60, and 90 kg $ha^{-1}$ by broadcasting before rice harvesting. The biomass and nitrogen production of hairy vetch were not significantly different between 60 kg $ha^{-1}$ and 90 kg $ha^{-1}$ of seedinq rates. Also, rice yield was not significantly different between seeding rate 60 kg $ha^{-1}$ of hairy vetch and conventional practice for two years. Therefore, we suggested that seeding rate of hairy vetch should be reduced by continuous cropping and incorporation of hairy vetch under rice-based cropping system.

Reduction of oocyte lipid droplets and meiotic failure due to biotin deficiency was not rescued by restoring the biotin nutritional status

  • Tsuji, Ai;Ikeda, Yuka;Murakami, Mutsumi;Kitagishi, Yasuko;Matsuda, Satoru
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.314-329
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    • 2022
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Oocyte lipid droplets play a crucial role in meiosis and embryo development. Biotin is associated with fatty acid synthesis and is the coenzyme for acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). The effects of a biotin deficiency on the oocyte lipid metabolism remain unknown. This study examined the effects of a biotin deficiency and its replenishment on murine 1) oocyte lipid droplet levels, 2) ovary lipid metabolism, and 3) oocyte meiosis. MATERIALS/METHODS: Mice were divided into 3 groups: control, biotin deficient (BD), and recovery groups. The control and BD groups were fed a control diet or BD diet (0.004 or 0 g biotin/kg), respectively. The recovery group mice were fed a BD diet until day 21, and were then fed the control diet from days 22 to 64. This study then quantified the oocyte lipid droplet levels, assessed the oocyte mitochondrial function, and examined the ability of oocytes to undergo meiosis. Ovarian phosphorylated ACC (p-ACC), lipogenesis, β-oxidation, and ATP production-related genes were evaluated. RESULTS: The BD group showed a decrease in lipid droplets and mitochondrial membrane potential and increased p-ACC levels. In the recovery group, the hepatic biotin concentration, ovarian p-ACC levels, and mitochondrial membrane potential were restored to the control group levels. On the other hand, the quantity of lipid droplets in the recovery group was not restored to the control levels. Furthermore, the percentage of oocytes with meiotic abnormalities was higher in the recovery group than in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: A biotin deficiency reduced the oocyte lipid droplet levels by downregulating lipogenesis. The decreased lipid droplets and increased oocyte meiosis failure were not fully restored, even though the biotin nutrition status and gene expression of lipid metabolism was resumed. These results suggest that a biotin deficiency remains robust and can be long-lasting. Biotin might play a crucial role in maintaining the oocyte quality.

Risk Factors of Childhood Obesity II (소아 비만의 위험요소에 관한 연구 II)

  • Lim, Weon-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.213-225
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    • 1999
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate how the play habits, temperament, and environmental factors might affect childhood obesity. Methods : Two hundred sixty children, aged 4 through 6 years living in Seoul & Cheonan were surveyed by a questionnaire about the children's play habit and the parent's related factors such as weight, height, education, income. In addition the Korean version of the Parent Temperament Questionnaire for Children and the Korean version of the Family Environment Scale were also administered to parents of those children. The height and weight of those children were measured and the percentage of body fat was measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Fatness Analyzer. Result : 1) Among 260 children, 25 children were considered to be obese on the basis of both obesity index and percentage of body fat. 2) Parents of obese children showed a significantly higher educational level(p<0.05) and mothers of obese children had significantly more jobs(p<0.05) and showed higher body mass index(p<0.05) than those of nonobese children. 3) By observing play habits of children, obese children spent significantly longer time in watching TV and video(p<0.05), while nonobese children showed a trend to play outside(p<0.1). 4) On the Korean version of the Parent Temperament Questionnaire for Children, obese children showed significantly less activity than nonobese ones(p <0.05). 5) Family of obese children had significantly higher point on subscale of Achievement orientation, Intellectual-cultural orientation and Moral-religious emphasis of the Korean version of the Family Environment Scale(p<0.05). 6) Percentage of body fat of obese children was correlated with children's watching TV time, activity level, scores of Achievement orientation, Intellectual-cultural orientation of the Korean version of the Family Environment Scale and the both parent's education levels(p<0.05). Conclusion : Obese children showed hypoactivity and more watching TV time. And obese children's both parent had higher educational level and their mother had higher Body Mass Index and more jobs. Family of obese children had higher point on items of Achievement orientation, Intellectual-cultural orientation and Moral-religious emphasis. Family environmental factors influence on children's obesity through interaction of genetic and behavioral-psychological factors concomittently.

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Short Review of Global Methane Situation and of Facilities to Reduce in Ruminants in Third Wol1d Countries

  • Islam, M.R.;Begum, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 1997
  • This paper analyses a number of important areas relating to methane production in ruminants, consequent hazards and different methods of reducing this gas. Clearly methane not only affects on the environment but also on the economy of animal production. Several factors including feed, species, microbes, rumen environment, etc. are responsible for methane production in animals. Although methane production can be reduced by chemical manipulation, defaunation and strategic feeding, the latter was found to be effective because the method is easier to follow than the others. Furthermore, feeding technology could play an important role in reducing methane production particularly in developing countries because of its relative cost effectiveness. however, it needs to compare to what extent it could reduce methane production as well as cost of animal production. Therefore, research program needs to be concentrated on the appropriate feeding system to reduce methane production, consequently pollution and cost of production particularly in developing countries.

NDynamic Framework for Secure VM Migration over Cloud Computing

  • Rathod, Suresh B.;Reddy, V. Krishna
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.476-490
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    • 2017
  • In the centralized cloud controlled environment, the decision-making and monitoring play crucial role where in the host controller (HC) manages the resources across hosts in data center (DC). HC does virtual machine (VM) and physical hosts management. The VM management includes VM creation, monitoring, and migration. If HC down, the services hosted by various hosts in DC can't be accessed outside the DC. Decentralized VM management avoids centralized failure by considering one of the hosts from DC as HC that helps in maintaining DC in running state. Each host in DC has many VM's with the threshold limit beyond which it can't provide service. To maintain threshold, the host's in DC does VM migration across various hosts. The data in migration is in the form of plaintext, the intruder can analyze packet movement and can control hosts traffic. The incorporation of security mechanism on hosts in DC helps protecting data in migration. This paper discusses an approach for dynamic HC selection, VM selection and secure VM migration over cloud environment.