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Modeling of Elastodynamic Problems in Finite Solid Media (유한 고체내 탄성동역학 문제의 모델링)

  • Cho, Youn-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.138-149
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    • 2000
  • Various modeling techniques for ultrasonic wave propagation and scattering problems in finite solid media are presented. Elastodynamic boundary value problems in inhomogeneous multi-layered plate-like structures are set up for modal analysis of guided wave propagation and numerically solved to obtain dispersion curves which show propagation characteristics of guided waves. As a powerful modeling tool to overcome such numerical difficulties in wave scattering problems as the geometrical complexity and mode conversion, the Boundary Element Method(BEM) is introduced and is combined with the normal mode expansion technique to develop the hybrid BEM, an efficient technique for modeling multi mode conversion of guided wave scattering problems. Time dependent wave forms are obtained through the inverse Fourier transformation of the numerical solutions in the frequency domain. 3D BEM program development is underway to model more practical ultrasonic wave signals. Some encouraging numerical results have recently been obtained in comparison with the analytical solutions for wave propagation in a bar subjected to time harmonic longitudinal excitation. It is expected that the presented modeling techniques for elastic wave propagation and scattering can be applied to establish quantitative nondestructive evaluation techniques in various ways.

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Effects of freezing-storage temperature on the shelf life of mackerel fish (냉동 저장 온도가 고등어의 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • Joo, So Young;Park, Jeong Ah;Hwang, Hyun Jung;Kim, Seo Jin;Choi, Jeong In;Ha, Joo Young;Cho, Mi Sook
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.536-541
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in the quality characteristics of mackerel fish fillet under freezing storage conditions. The changes in product quality were determined by measuring pH, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN); thiobarbituric acid (TBA), lightness (L), redness (a), yellowness (b) values, shearing force, and microbiological evaluation (Total Plate Count, TPC) during 21 days of storage at -20, -5, and 1C, and their shelf-lives were established. TPC as an effective quality indicator was used to estimate the shelf-life via linear regression analysis. The TPC increased steadily with increasing storage periods at every temperature (p<0.05) and showed a significant relationship with temperature at 1C (r=0.949), 5C (r=0.919), and 20C (r=0.905). Therefore, based on TPC, the shelf life of the mackerel fillet was noted to be 32 days when stored at 1C, more than 51 days when stored at 5C, and about 2 months when stored at 20C.

Petrology of the Cretaceous Igneous Rocks in the Mt. Baegyang Area, Busan (부산 백양산 지역의 백악기 화산-심성암류에 대한 암석학적 연구)

  • 김향수;고정선;윤성효
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.32-52
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    • 2003
  • The Mt. Baegyang in Busan, composed of sedimentary basement rocks (Icheonri Formation), andesite (lava), andesitic pyroclastic rocks, fallout tuff and tuffaceous sedimentary rocks, rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks, intrusive rocks (granite-porphyry, felsite, and biotite-granite) of Cretaceous age in ascending order. The volcanic rocks show a section of composite volcano which comprised alternation of andesitic lava and pyroclasitc rocks, rhyolitic pyrocalstic rocks (tuff breccia, lapilli tuff, fine tuff) from the lower to the upper strata. From the major element chemical analysis, the volcanic and intrusive rocks belong to calc-alkaline rock series. The trace element composition and REE patterns of volcanic and plutonic rocks, which are characterized by a high LILE/HFSE ratio and enrichments in LREE, suggest that they are typical of continental margin arc calc-alkaline rocks produced in the subduction environment. Primary basaltic magma might have been derived from partial melting of mantle wedge in the upper mantle under destructive plate margin. Crystallization differentiation of the basaltic magma would have produced the calc-alkaline andesitic magma. And the felsic rhyolitic magma seems to have been evolved from andesitic magma with crystallization differentiation of plagioclase, pyroxene, and hornblende.

Effect of Feeding Yogurt Using Enterococcus faecium KHM-11 on the Growth in Piglet (Enterococcus faecium KHM-11를 이용한 요구르트 급여가 자돈의 성장에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Hyoung-Churl;Lee, Jo-Yoon;Nam, Myoung-Soo
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.204-210
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    • 2008
  • A total of 70 colonies were isolated from the Korean human milk samples on the BCP plate count agar. These LAB isolates were subcultured in 10% reconstituted skim milk, and two strain thereof were finally selected for their highest acid productions. These strains were identified as Enterococcusfaecium based on 16S rDNA sequencing data, named as Enterococcus faecium KHM-11. Sugar utilization of E. faecium KHM-11 was investigated by API 50CH kit, and 19 different sugars including D-arabinose, L-arabinose, galactose, D-glucose, D-fructose, and D-mannose were utilized. For fermentation profiles, a yogurt inoculated by E. faecium KHM-11 after 15 hour, reached at pH 4.09, titratable acidity at 1.10% and average viable counts 1.30×109CFU/mL. Effects of the administration of yogurt 0.5% of piglet diet to piglets were investigated for growth rate, analysis of blood and incidence of diarrhea. 24 heads of piglets were divided into two groups: the experimental and the control of 12 animals each. The average growth rate in the yogurt-fed group was higher for 21.67%, compared with control (p<0.05). There were no differences in the concentrations of blood glucose, cholesterol, albumin and globulin between the two treatments. Incidence of diarrhea was no in pigs fed yogurt as compare to control.

Prevention of P-i Interface Contamination Using In-situ Plasma Process in Single-chamber VHF-PECVD Process for a-Si:H Solar Cells

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Jeon, Jun-Hong;Choi, Jin-Young;Park, Won-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.204-205
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    • 2011
  • In thin film silicon solar cells, p-i-n structure is adopted instead of p/n junction structure as in wafer-based Si solar cells. PECVD is a most widely used thin film deposition process for a-Si:H or μc-Si:H solar cells. For best performance of thin film silicon solar cell, the dopant profiles at p/i and i/n interfaces need to be as sharp as possible. The sharpness of dopant profiles can easily achieved when using multi-chamber PECVD equipment, in which each layer is deposited in separate chamber. However, in a single-chamber PECVD system, doped and intrinsic layers are deposited in one plasma chamber, which inevitably impedes sharp dopant profiles at the interfaces due to the contamination from previous deposition process. The cross-contamination between layers is a serious drawback of a single-chamber PECVD system in spite of the advantage of lower initial investment cost for the equipment. In order to resolve the cross-contamination problem in single-chamber PECVD systems, flushing method of the chamber with NH3 gas or water vapor after doped layer deposition process has been used. In this study, a new plasma process to solve the cross-contamination problem in a single-chamber PECVD system was suggested. A single-chamber VHF-PECVD system was used for superstrate type p-i-n a-Si:H solar cell manufacturing on Asahi-type U FTO glass. A 80 MHz and 20 watts of pulsed RF power was applied to the parallel plate RF cathode at the frequency of 10 kHz and 80% duty ratio. A mixture gas of Ar, H2 and SiH4 was used for i-layer deposition and the deposition pressure was 0.4 Torr. For p and n layer deposition, B2H6 and PH3 was used as doping gas, respectively. The deposition temperature was 250C and the total p-i-n layer thickness was about 3500\AA. In order to remove the deposited B inside of the vacuum chamber during p-layer deposition, a high pulsed RF power of about 80 W was applied right after p-layer deposition without SiH4 gas, which is followed by i-layer and n-layer deposition. Finally, Ag was deposited as top electrode. The best initial solar cell efficiency of 9.5 % for test cell area of 0.2 cm2 could be achieved by applying the in-situ plasma cleaning method. The dependence on RF power and treatment time was investigated along with the SIMS analysis of the p-i interface for boron profiles.

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Ecological Characteristics of Actinomycetes from Mercury and Chrome Polluted Soil (수은, 6가크롬 오염토양으로부터 분리된 방선균군의 생태학적 특성)

  • Cho Min-Hye;Han Sang-Mi;Baek Ha-Ju;Whang Kyung-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.24 no.1 s.61
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2006
  • Ecological characteristics of microbial populations inhabiting heavy metal polluted soil were investigated. The samples were collected from 293 sites around an factory and industry at Gyeoungsangbuk-do. We measured the contents of seven heavy metal elements (Cd, Cu, As, Hg, Pb, Cr6+, CN), seven sites have been seriously contaminated by mercury and chrome. A quantitative evaluation of microbial populations in mercury and chrome contaminated soil was examined by using plate count method. Bacterial numbers in polluted soil samples ranged from 7.4X105to9.3X107cfug1, about 10100 fold less than the count for the unpolluted soil. Moulds were not detected in chrome polluted soil. The log values of actinomycetes of each contaminated soil samples were log ranged from 6.18 to 7.52. The ratio of actinomycetes was similar to unpolluted soil. The investigation showed actinomycetes to be the major microbial population inhabiting the mercury and chrome polluted soil. Thirty-one isolates among the total isolates were examined for antibacterial activity. These isolates were identified based on a phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences, they were categorized in three major phylogenetic groups, belong to the Streptomyces (6 strains), Saccharopolyspora (3 strains), Nocardiodes (1 strain). On the phylogenetic tree, the clade consisting of five isolates were distantly related to all of the established Streptomycetes genera, indicating the possibility as members of new species.

Air-side Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Finned Tube Beat Exchangers with Slit Fin or Plain Fin (슬릿과 평판 핀-관 열교환기의 공기측 열전달 및 마찰특성)

  • Kwon, Young-Chul;Chang, Keun-Sun;Park, Byung-Kwon;Kwon, Jeong-Tae;Jeong, Ji-Hwan
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1 s.49
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2007
  • An experimental study is performed to investigate the effect of air-side heat transfer and friction on characteristics of finned tube heat exchanger under dry surface and wet surface conditions (RH 50%, 70%). Air enthalpy calorimeter is used to obtain the performance evaluation and analysis of a fined tube heat exchanger. Four finned tube heat exchangers with slit fin or plain fin are tested. The number of tube rows are 2 and 3, and the tube diameter is 7 mm. Air-side heat transfer and friction are presented in terms of j factor and friction factor. At dry surface condition, j factor decreases with increasing Re and j factor of 3 row is lower than that of 2 row. Also, the friction factor of a slit fin is larger than that of a plain fin. At wet surface condition, the heat transfer effect is more significant in the case of the slit fin than the plain fin and 2 row than 3 row. The j factor and friction factor are affected by humidity, tube row and fin configuration.

Analytical method validation of oxiracetam using HPLC (HPLC를 이용한 의약품 주성분인 옥시라세탐의 Analytical Method Validation)

  • Kim, Yoo-Gon;Seo, Houng-Seok;Won, Chan-Hee
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.587-594
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to determine that the test of medicines containing oxiracetam as their main ingredient was properly performed according to protocol. Furthermore, the study is to provide the written form of protocol in order to examine the validity of the HPLC analytical method for the quantitative analysis of oxiracetam in the finished products. In this experiment, system suitability, precision, linearity, range, accuracy, specificity, quantitative limit, and detection limit of the analytical method which was used to determine the contained quality of oxiracetam, were examined. The result shows that system suitability indicates 0.127% RSD, plate number 15081, tailing factor 0.49, and resolution 32.41. The experiment of precision reveals the result of below 0.359% for repetitiveness and among the subjects. In the linearity experiment, a coefficient of correlation (R2) indicates that it is 1. The accuracy experiment satisfies the standards of the recovery test, which is minimum 98.4% and maximum 99.6%. Detection limit is 0.1 mg/L and quantitative limit was found to be 0.5 mg/L. The experiment to check the specificity also satisfies the standards, so the finished product using oxiracetam as the main ingredient is verified as suitable.


  • Suh, Chang-Ho;Bae, Jung-Soo;Chin, Byung-Rho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.428-434
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    • 2001
  • After miniplate fixation of mandibular angle fractures, fracture line stability during functional loading was evaluated. Using panoramic radiographs, 15 mandibular angle fracture patients who were treated by open reduction and one miniplate fixation along the external oblique ridge, were evaluated at postoperative 1, 4 and 8 weeks. At each time, 2 radiographs were taken: one taken during maximum biting of hardened silicone sheet on the affected side molar area and the other on the non-affected side. The distraction gap of inferior border of mandible at each time and each side was measured and these data were analysed statistically with clinical findings. The differences of inferior border distraction gap during hardened silicone sheet biting on the affected side molar area and on the non-affected side molar area at 4 week radiographs were smaller than those of 1 week's except one case. At 8 week's radiographs, the fracture lines were so stabilized that it was almost impossible to find the gap differences except one case and there were increased radiopacity along the entire fracture lines. Clinically, bony union was confirmed in all cases during plate removal performed at postoperative 6 month. By statistical analysis(paired t-test), the inferior border distraction gap during biting of hardened silicone sheet on the affected side was significantly reduced during 1 and 4 week interval(p<0.01). The differences of inferior border distraction gap during biting on the affected side molar area and on the non-affected side molar area were also significantly reduced at 1 and 4 week interval(p<0.01). But the inferior border distraction(compression) gap during non-affected side biting was not significantly changed. From these findings, it could be concluded that fracture line stability during functional loading after one miniplate fixation of mandibular angle fractures stems mainly from reduction of inferior border distraction gap during affected side biting on time interval. According to these radiographic and clinical findings, the clinical superiority of one miniplate fixation technique in mandibular angle fracture treatment could be confirmed.

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Distribution of the lingual foramina in mandibular cortical bone in Koreans

  • Kim, Dae Hyun;Kim, Moon Yong;Kim, Chul-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: The interforminal region, between the mandibular foramen, is known as a relatively safe area that is free of anatomic structures, such as inferior alveolar nerve, submandibular fossa, and lingual side of the mandible is occasionally neglected for its low clinical importance. Even in the case of a severely constricted alveolus, perforation of the lingual cortical bone had been intended. However, anterior extension of the inferior alveolar canal, important anatomic structure, such as concavity of lingual bone, lingual foramina, and lingual canal, has recently been reported through various studies, and untypical bleeding by perforation of the lingual plate on implantation has also been reported. Therefore, in this study, we performed radiographic and statistical analysis on distribution and appearance frequencies of the lingual foramina that causes perforation of the mandibular lingual cortical bone to prevent complications, such as untypical bleeding, during surgical procedure. Materials and Methods: We measured the horizontal length from a midline of the mandible to the lingual foramina, as well as the horizontal length from the alveolar crest to the lingual foramina and from the lingual foramina to the mandibular border by multi-detector computed tomography of 187 patients, who visited Dankook University Dental Hospital for various reasons from January 1, 2008 to August 31, 2012. Results: From a total of 187 human mandibles, 110 (58.8%) mandibles had lingual foramina; 39 (20.9%) had bilateral lingual foramen; 34 (18.2%) had the only left lingual foramen; and 37 (19.8%) had the only right lingual foramen. Conclusion: When there is consistent bleeding during a surgical procedure, clinicians must consider damages on the branches of the sublingual artery, which penetrate the lingual foramina. Also, when there is a lingual foramina larger than 1 mm in diameter on a pre-implantation computed tomography, clinicians must beware of vessel damage. In order to prevent these complications and progress with a safe surgical procedure, a thorough radiographic examination before the surgery is indispensable. Further, clinicians should retract lingual flap definitely to confirm the shape of the lingual bone and existence of the lingual foramina.