• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plant growth media

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Physiological Characteristics of Actinomycetes Isolated from Turfgrass Rhizosphere (잔디 근권에서 분리된 Actinomycetes균주의 생리학적 특성)

  • Lee, Jung Han;Min, Gyu Young;Shim, Gyu Yul;Jeon, Chang Wook;Kwak, Youn-Sig
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.348-359
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    • 2015
  • Total 443 isolates of actinomycetes were isolated from turfgrass rhizosphere as potential biological control agents. The two isolates (S11 and S4) showed highest cellulase activity with compared to the other isolates that exhibited a clear zone of 1.2 mm around the colony on cellulose agar medium. S12 strain appeared the most active chitin degrading, which exhibited a 1.2 mm of clear zone. The highest proteolytic activity on skim milk agar was which exhibited a 7.5 mm of clear zone by S2 strain. S1 strain from the soli showed siderophore production ability, which exhibited a 0.6 mm of large clear zone on chrome azurol S agar. The antifungal activity of the volatile compound producing by 4 selected actinomycetes was investigated that inhibition rate against Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2 and Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Growth inhibition effect of S8 isolate against S. homoeocarpa was appeared to 94.8%, S2 to 76.9%, S5 to 46.1% and S12 to 43.5%. The significant inhibition effects on mycelial growth of S. homoeocarpa were shown on media with four strains. The inhibition effect was the highest with S8 strain treatment at 94.8%.

Pathogen Physiology, Epidemiology and Varietal Resistance in White Rot of Apple (사과 흰빛썩음병백부병(白腐病)의 병원균(病原菌) 생리(生理), 포장(圃場)에서의 전염(傳染) 및 품종저항성(品種抵抗性))

  • Cho, Won-Dae;Kim, Choong-Hoe;Kim, Seung-Chul
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.25 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 1986
  • Severity of incidence of white rot on apple fruit ranged from 5 to 16% and averaged 9% over major apple growing area in 1981. An isolate of Botryosphaeria ribis obtained from rotted apples developed lesions on leaves, branches and fruits of apple, pear, peach and grape in a series of wound inoculation test. B. ribis grew well on both potato sucrose agar and oatmeal agar. The best condition for vegetative growth on these two media was at $25{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ pH 4 and $10{\sim}15%$ sucrose content under light illumination. Rot development on fruit was first observed in the orchard at early August when sugar content in fruit reached 9.0%. Thereafter, number of rotted apples increased as sugar content increased. There was no correlation between the pH of juice of fruit and rot incidence. Infection on fruit began to occur as early as mid-June when young fruits were formed and infections were continued until harvest. When apple fruits were collected at 10-day intervals from the orchard beginning from early June and were wound-inoculated with B. ribis, rot lesion developed regardless of the stage of fruit growth. Incidence of white rot in the orchard was severe on Golden-delicious and Yukou, intermediate on Aoli, Fugi and Indo, and least on Jonathan and Red-delicious.

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The Optimum Conditions for Induction of Ginseng Hairy Roots (인삼 모상근 유도를 위한 최적 조건)

  • 양덕춘;김용해;양덕조;신성련;최광태
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1999
  • The experiments were carried out to determine the optimum conditions for the induction of hairy roots in ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) by Agrobacterium spp. We were examined the antibiotics resistance of Agrobacterium spp and various ginseng parts, and the media for induction of hairy roots. The optimum concentration of NaOCl for sterilization of ginseng root segments without tissue damage with reduce of contamination was 7% NaOCl for 15-20 min and 9% NaOCl for 5 min, respectively. The more ginseng ages, the more contamination of ginseng root segment by sterilized in 7% NaOCl for 20 min, and especially in ginseng root segments with epidermis in six-year old roots. The growth of Agrobacterium spp were inhibited, but ginseng root segments was death in 30mg/L tetracycline. In 500mg/L cefotaxime or 500mg/L carbenicillin, the growth of Agrobacterium sup were inhibited, and root segments was grown normally. The optimum conditions for induction of hairy roots were using the root segments of three-year old ginseng cultured in 1/2MS medium supplemented with 500mg/L cefotaxime, and inoculation of Agrobacterium to root segments were better co-culture than smear method. After 2 weeks co-culture, the callus induced in cambium of root segments cultured in 1/2MS solid medium with 500mg/L cefotaxime. And then after 2 weeks, ginseng hairy roots were induced in callus of root segments. PCR analysis of rot C gene fragment confirmed that hairy roots were transgenic tissues.

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Biological Control of Stem Rot of Pepper caused by Sclerotium rolfsii using by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens KBC1009 (길항세균 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens KBC1009를 이용한 고추 흰비단병의 생물학적 방제)

  • Kang, Jae-Gon;Lee, Young-Ui;Park, Jeong-chan;Jeong, Yoon-Woo;Park, Chang-Seuk;Kang, Hoon-Serg
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2016
  • Sclerotium rolfsii is a well known broad host range soil borne plant pathogenic fungus and caused serious damage to various vegetable crops. To develop an effective biological control agent for S. rolfsii, an isolate which showed strong inhibitory effect on the mycelial growth of S. rolfsii was selected among the antagonistic bacterial isolates collected from vinyl-house soil. The bacterial isolate was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens KBC1009 based on the morphological, physiological characteristics and by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The growth conditions for B. amyloliquefaciens KBC1009 were optimized in LB media(pH7) by culturing at 30℃ for 72 hrs. Glucose and yeast extract were confirmed as the best carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. In order to test the inhibitory effect of B. amyloliquefaciens KBC1009 to stem rot of pepper, green house experiment was conducted. Drench of 1/500 diluted bacterial suspension of B. amyloliquefaciens KBC1009(5×108 cfu/ml) to each pepper plant 3 times with 10 days interval showed 66.7% control effectiveness. These results suggest that B. amyloliquefaciens KBC1009 is one of promising biocontrol agent to control stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii.

Effect of Root Medium Formulations on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Hot Pepper Plug Seedlings (혼합상토의 조성이 고추 플러그 묘의 생육 및 무기원소 흡수에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jong-Myung;Ahn, Joo-Won;Ku, Ja-Hyeong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2006
  • This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of root medium formulations on growth and nutrient uptake of hot pepper 'Knockgwang' in 72-cell plug trays. To achieve this, the nine root media were formulated by adjusting blending rate of perlite (PL) to coir (CO), peatmoss (PM) or coir+peatmoss (5:5, v/v, COPM). Then, the growth characteristics and tissue nutrient contents were determined at 35 and 70 days after sowing. The elevated blending rate of PL to CO increased fresh and dry weight of hot pepper at 35 days after sowing. The treatments of 20% in blending rate of PL to PM or that of 0% to COPM produced the highest fresh and dry weight among perlite treatments of PM or COPM. The results of crop growth at 70 days after sowing also showed similar trends to those of 35 days after sowing. The elevated blending rate of PL to CO or PM decreased tissue $P_2O_5$ and K contents and increased Ca and Mg contents at 35 days after sowing, With the equal blending rate of perlite, the plant tissue grown in CO had higher K contents and lower N, Ca and Mg contents than those in PM and COPM. The elevated blending rate of perlite in three organic matter also decreased tissue $P_2O_5$ and K contents at 70 days after sowing, but Ca and Mg contents were the highest in the treatment of 20% PL in CO, 40% PL in PM and 40% PL in COPM among perlite treatments in each organic matter.

Morphogenetic Responses according to Media and Growth Regulators in vitro Culture of Eight Populus spp. (배지(培地) 및 생장(生長)호르몬에 따른 기내배양(器內培養)된 포푸라속(屬) 8개(個) 수종(樹種)의 기관형성반응(器官形成反應))

  • Kim, Chi Moon;Kwon, Ki Won;Moon, Heung Kyu;Lee, Jae Soon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 1987
  • To examine the morphogenetic response, stem segments of 8 Populus spp. and 3 different explants of P. nigra var. italica were cultured on MS (Murashige and Skoog 1962) and WPM (Woody Plant Medium) medium containing various phytohormones. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Shoot regeneration and development from stem segment of 8 Populus spp. showed a quite difference according to the section and the species. All of the species of Leuce and Tacamahaca section did not form adventitious buds, while most of explants showed axillary or dormant bud elongation after 4 weeks. But P. nigra var. italica of Aigeiros section showed a successful adventitious bud formation (mean 5.4 buds per explant). 2. Leaf, petiole, and internode segment of P. nigra var. italica showed a quite differences according to media and ex plants upon the morphogenetic response. Adventitious bud formation from leaf was more abundant and readily initiated on the abaxial side than on the adaxial side. Mean number of 103 adventitious buds per explant was obtained from abaxial side of leaf segment cultured on WPM medium containing $0.2mg/{\ell}$ BAP for 5 weeks. 3. 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) supplemented to media appeared to be negative upon the adventitious bud formation of P. nigra var. italica, while it promoted callus formation from all explants. Especially, NAA (${\alpha}$-naphtalene acetic acid) or NAA combination with BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) promoted root regeneration from the all explant of P. nigra var. italica in this study.

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Studies on the Host Range of Colletotrichum dematium Isolated from Anthracnose of Pepper and Toxic Metabolites Produced by the Pathogen (고추 탄저병균(炭疽病菌) Colletotrichum dematium의 기주범위(寄主範圍) 및 대사독소(代謝毒素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Hi Wang;Yu, Seung Hun;Park, Jong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 1987
  • This studies were conducted to investigate pathgenicity and host range of Colletotrichum dematium isolated from anthracnose of pepper, and phytoxicity of its culture filtrate and the partially purified toxin. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Investigation on the host range of C. dematium has revealed that pepper as well as soybean, tomato, spinach, and beet were highly susceptible, egg plant and water melon were moderately susceptible and stone leek was slightly suceptible, but no symptoms were produced on carrot, tabacco, cucumber and melon. 2. The culture filtrates of C. dematium in Czapeck dox liquid media were toxic to leaves of pepper and caused necrosis and wilting of the plant. The toxicity of culture filtrates was most active at 15 days after fungal growth in Czapeck dox liquid media and the toxin productivity in still culture was higher than that in shaking culture. 3. The partially purified toxic substance was isolated from the culture filtrates by the acetone precipitation method. When cuttings of various pepper cultivars were placed in the toxin solutions, suceptible cultivars and resistant cultivars were equally toxic and showed necrosis and wilting of the leaves. 4. Several other plants such as soybean, tomato and carrot were also affected with the toxin solution by shoot cutting bioassay and showed veinal necrosis, leaf spots and wilting of the shoots. 5. The acetone precipitation toxin affected seed germination of pepper, cucumber, sesame and egg plant and inhibited the growth of root and hypocotyl of the seedlings.

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Acceleration of Mycelial growth of Lentinus edodes in Coniferous Sawdust (침엽수 톱밥에서 표고 균사생장 촉진에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Mok;Kim, Dong-Chan;Lee, Jong-Yoon;Yang, Jae-Kyung;You, Chang-Hyun;Chung, Won-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 1994
  • In Lentinus edodes(oak mushroom) cultivation, commonly are logs and sawdusts of oak and some other broadleaved tree species used. Recently oak trees have been substantially diminished due to extensive logging. Thus, to develop comparable synthetic formula using other tree species for the cultivation of Lentinus edodes, we investigated the effect of various nutrients and pretreatment on L. edodes mycelial growth in coniferous sawdusts(i.e., Pine and Larch). We found that 1.5 hr pretreatment of sawdust with hot water and adding 10% rice bran, 3% charcoal, 0.02% $NH_4CI$ and 0.5-1% lignosulfornic acid were effective for the growth of L. edodes in pine sawdust media. In larch sawdust pretreatment with acetone for one hr and adding 20% rice bran, 3% charcoal and 0.02% $NH_4CI$ increased L. edodes mycelial growth. We also analyzed the components of oak and coniferous sawdusts and found oak has higher content of xylose and lower content of lignin, arabinose and mannose than conifers. Rice bran, compared with BITEL(HOKKEN Co.) known for better commercial substitute for rice bran, has lower content of xylose and galactose, but the similar C/N ratio.

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Studies on Growth Characteristics and Propagation Method of Introduced Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Cultivars (홉(Humulus lupulus L.) 도입 품종의 생육특성 및 영양번식 연구)

  • Tae Hyun Ha;Jae Il Lyu;Jun-Hyung Lee;Jaihyunk Ryu;Sang Hoon Park;Si-Yong Kang
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2023
  • Domestic hop (Humulus lupulus L.) production has been suspended since the early 1990s due to foreign imports, but interest in local production is rising due to the recent craft beer boom in Korea. This study was conducted focusing on the development of growth characteristics and propagation technology for 6 introduced hop cultivars as a basic study for domestic hop production and breeding program. In the hop growth survey conducted in 2021 and 2022, the 5-year-old plants after planting generally showed a tendency to increase the height of strobile setting, strobile size, number and weight of strobile per hill compared to the 4-year-old plants. As a result of the experiment with hop vine cuttings, the average rooting rate of all cultivars was as high as 88% even in only water treatment that were not added with Atonik (Atonik, Arysta, Japan), a rooting agent. There were differences between cultivars in rooting length and rooting rate according to the Atonik treatment method. When checking the survival rate of the rooted cuttings seedlings after transplanting into the soil, it was confirmed that the survival rate of the cuttings in the tissue culture room was significantly lower than that of the cuttings in the greenhouse. However, in transplanting step, cutting plants from culture room condition was strongly inhibited plant growth because of changing environment conditions. As a results of tissue culture, the thidiazuron (TDZ) 1 ㎎/L treatment in the media generated 6 to 9 shoots/explant, while the 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) 1 ㎎/L treatment generated only 1 to 2 shoots/explant. Therefore, it is more effective to culture by adding TDZ rather than BAP. These results indicated that the development of technology to manage stably after transplanting of cutting or micropropagating plants into potting soil is important for mass propagation of hops.

Improving Corsican pine somatic embryo maturation: comparison of somatic and zygotic embryo morphology and germination

  • Wtpsk, Senarath;Shaw, D.S.;Lee, Kui-Jae;Lee, Wang-Hyu
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.61-62
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    • 2003
  • Clonal propagation of high-value forest trees through somatic embryogenesis (SE) has the potential to rapidly capture the benefits of breeding or genetic engineering programs and to improve raw material uniformity and quality. A major barrier to the commercialization of this technology is the low quality of the resulting embryos. Several factors limit commercialization of SE for Corsican pine, including low initiation rates, low culture survival, culture decline causing low or no embryo production, and inability of somatic embryos to fully mature, resulting in low germination and reduced vigour of somatic seedlings. The objective was to develop a Corsican pine maturation medium that would produce cotyledonary embryos capable of germination. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, and significant differences between treatments determined by multiple range test at P=0.05. Corsican pine (Pinus nigra var. maritima) cultures were initiated on modified !P6 medium. Modifications of the same media were used for culture multiplication and maintenance. Embryogenic cultures were maintained on the same medium semi solidified with 2.5 g/l Gelrite. A maturation medium, capable of promoting the development of Corsican pine somatic embryos that can germinate, is a combination of iP6 modified salts, 2% maltose, 13% polyethylene glycol (PEG), 5 mg!l abscisic acid (ABA), and 2.5 g/l Gelrite. After initiation and once enough tissue developed they were grown in liquid medium. Embryogenic cell suspensions were established by adding 0.951.05 g of 10- to 14-day-old semisolid-grown embryogenic tissue to 9 ml of liquid maintenance media in a 250ml Erlenmeyer flask. Cultures were then incubated in the dark at 2022$^{\circ}$C and rotated at 120 rpm. After 2.53 months on maturation medium, somatic embryos were selected that exhibited normal embryo shape. Ten embryos were placed horizontally on 20 ml of either germination medium ($\frac{2}{1}$strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) salts with 2.5 g/l activated charcoal) or same medium with copper sulphate adjusted to 0.25 mg/1 to compensate for copper adsorption by activated carbon. 2% and 4% maltose was substituted by 7.5% and 13% PEG respectively to improve the yield of the embryos. Substitution of' maltose with PEG was clearly beneficial to embryo development. When 2% of the maltose was replaced with 7.5% PEG, many embryos developed to large bullet-shaped embryos. At latter stages of development most embryos callused and stopped development. A few short, barrel-shaped cotyledonary embryos formed that were covered by callus on the sides and base. When 4% of the maltose was removed and substituted with 13% PEG, the embryos developed further, emerging from the callus and increasing yield slightly. Microscopic examination of the cultures showed differing morphologies, varying from mostly single cells or clumps to well-formed somatic embryos that resembled early zygotic embryos only liquid cultures with organized early-stag. A procedure for converting and acclimating germinants to growth in soil and greenhouse conditions is also tested. Seedling conversion and growth were highly related to the quality of the germinant at the time of planting. Germinants with larger shoots, longer, straighter hypocotyls and longer roots performed best. When mature zygotic embryos germinate the root emerges, before or coincident with the shoot. In contrast, somatic embryos germinate in reverse sequence, with the cotyledons greening first, then shoot emergence and then, much later, if at all, the appearance of the root. Somatic seedlings, produced from the maturation medium, showed 100% survival when planted in a field setting. Somatic seedlings showed normal yearly growth relative to standard seedlings from natural seed.

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