• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plane fitting

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Map Error Measuring Mechanism Design and Algorithm Robust to Lidar Sparsity (라이다 점군 밀도에 강인한 맵 오차 측정 기구 설계 및 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Sangwoo;Jung, Minwoo;Kim, Ayoung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we introduce the software/hardware system that can reliably calculate the distance from sensor to the model regardless of point cloud density. As the 3d point cloud map is widely adopted for SLAM and computer vision, the accuracy of point cloud map is of great importance. However, the 3D point cloud map obtained from Lidar may reveal different point cloud density depending on the choice of sensor, measurement distance and the object shape. Currently, when measuring map accuracy, high reflective bands are used to generate specific points in point cloud map where distances are measured manually. This manual process is time and labor consuming being highly affected by Lidar sparsity level. To overcome these problems, this paper presents a hardware design that leverage high intensity point from three planar surface. Furthermore, by calculating distance from sensor to the device, we verified that the automated method is much faster than the manual procedure and robust to sparsity by testing with RGB-D camera and Lidar. As will be shown, the system performance is not limited to indoor environment by progressing the experiment using Lidar sensor at outdoor environment.

Forefoot disorders and conservative treatment

  • Park, Chul Hyun;Chang, Min Cheol
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2019
  • Forefoot disorders are often seen in clinical practice. Forefoot deformity and pain can deteriorate gait function and decrease quality of life. This review presents common forefoot disorders and conservative treatment using an insole or orthosis. Metatarsalgia is a painful foot condition affecting the metatarsal (MT) region of the foot. A MT pad, MT bar, or forefoot cushion can be used to alleviate MT pain. Hallux valgus is a deformity characterized by medial deviation of the first MT and lateral deviation of the hallux. A toe spreader, valgus splint, and bunion shield are commonly applied to patients with hallux valgus. Hallux limitus and hallux rigidus refer to painful limitations of dorsiflexion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. A kinetic wedge foot orthosis or rocker sole can help relieve symptoms from hallux limitus or rigidus. Hammer, claw, and mallet toes are sagittal plane deformities of the lesser toes. Toe sleeve or padding can be applied over high-pressure areas in the proximal or distal interphalangeal joints or under the MT heads. An MT off-loading insole can also be used to alleviate symptoms following lesser toe deformities. Morton's neuroma is a benign neuroma of an intermetatarsal plantar nerve that leads to a painful condition affecting the MT area. The MT bar, the plantar pad, or a more cushioned insole would be useful. In addition, patients with any of the above various forefoot disorders should avoid tight-fitting or high-heeled shoes. Applying an insole or orthosis and wearing proper shoes can be beneficial for managing forefoot disorders.

A Cost-Effective Land Surveying System for Engineering Applications

  • El-Ashmawy, Khalid L.A.
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.373-380
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    • 2022
  • The field of land surveying is changing dramatically due to the way data is processed, analyzed and presented. Also, there is a growing demand for digital spatial information, coming primarily from the GIS (Geographical Information System) user community. Such a demand has created a strong development potential for a new land surveying software. An overview of the development and capabilities of a land surveying software platform based on the Windows system, SurveyingMap, is presented. Among its many features, SurveyingMap provides a lot of adaptability for networks adjustment, geodetic and plane coordinates transformation, contouring, sectioning, DTM (Digital Terrain Model) generation, and large scale mapping applications. The system output is compatible with well known computer aided drafting (CAD) /GIS packages to expand its scope of applications. SurveyingMap is also suitable for non-technical users due to the user-friendly graphic user interface. The system could be used in engineering, architecture, GIS, and academic teaching and research, among other fields. Two applications of SurveyingMap, extension of field control and large scale mapping, for the case study area are established. The results demonstrate that the system is adaptable and reasonably priced for use by college and university students.

A Study on the Cause and Improvement of Crack in the Installing Structure of the Bulkhead of Aircraft (항공기 Bulkhead 체결구조의 균열 원인 및 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Hyoung Jun;Park, Sung Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.448-454
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to determine the cause of structural defects occurring during aircraft operations and to verify the structural integrity of the improved features. The fracture plane was analyzed to verify the characteristics of the cracks and the fatigue failure leading to the final fracture was determined by the progress of the cracks by the repeated load. During aircraft operations, the comparative analysis of the load measurement data at the cracks with the aircraft design load determined that the measured load was not at the level of 30% of the design to be capable of being damaged. A gap analysis resulted in a significant stress of approximately 32 ksi at the crack site. Pre-Load testing also confirmed that the M.S. was reduced by more than 50% from +0.71 to +0.43, resulting in a sharp increase in aircraft load and the possibility of cracking when combined. Thus, structural reinforcement and the removal of the gap for aircraft cracking sites improved the defect. Based on the structural strength analysis of the improvement features, the bulkhead has a margin of about +0.88 and the fitting feature is about +0.48 versus allowable stress. In addition, the life analysis results revealed an improvement of approximately 84000 hours.

A Study on the Gamut Mapping Method of the Wide Gamut Display Device (광 색역 디스플레이 장치의 색역 사상에 관한 연구)

  • Um Jinsub;Shin Yoonchol;Kim Moonchol
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.2 s.302
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2005
  • In these days, the technology development of the imaging/optic industry and the digital broadcasting replace the classic CRT with the new display devices that is getting slimmer and larger. Especially, when the general TV signal is applied directly to the wide gamut display using LED or laser, which can display higher chromatic colors that can't be reproduced on CRT, the color distortion occurs and it causes serious problems. Thus, in this paper the gamut mapping is studied, which gets rids of the color distortion and utilizes the wider color gamut than that of the CRT sufficiently. In the gamut mapping the general mapping concept is the increasement of the chroma on the same hue plane but it causes the over chromatic enhancement. So, the vector mapping, which increases the lightness md the chroma at the same time, is proposed to prevent the side effect. In the vector mapping the chromaticity is maintained constantly, hence the image can be seen more natural than that of the chroma mapping. By using the gamut fitting, it is compensated that the tone disappearance or the contour effect that is arose from the geometric properties of the input and the output color gamut. These gamut mapping and gamut fitting can prevent the color distortion and reproduce the natural image on the wide gamut displays.

Influence of Microcracks in Geochang Granite on Brazilian Tensile Strength (거창화강암의 미세균열이 압열인장강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Deok-Won
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.193-208
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    • 2021
  • The characteristics of the microcrack lengths(①), microcrack spacings(②) and Brazilian tensile strengths(③) related to the six directions of rock cleavages(H2~R1) in Geochang granite were analyzed. First, the 18 cumulative graphs for the above three major factors representing unique characteristics of the rock cleavages were made. Through the general chart for these graphs classified into three planes and three rock cleavages, the 28 parameters on the length, spacing and Brazilian tensile strength have been determined. The results of correlation analysis among these parameters are summarized as follows. Second, the above parameters were classified into six groups(I~VI) according to the sorting order on the magnitude of parameter values among three rock cleavages and three planes. The values of parameters belonging to group I and II are in order of R(rift) < G(grain) < H(hardway) and H < G < R. The values of the 8 parameters on the length of line(os2, 𝚫s, 𝚫L and oSmean), the exponent(λLmean and λSmean), the slope(amean) and the anisotropy coefficient (Anmean) are in order of R < G < H and H'(hardway plane) < G'(grain plane) < R'(rift plane). Third, the noticeable differences in distribution patterns among the six types of charts for three planes and three rock cleavages are as follows. From the chart for three planes, the values of 𝚫L, 𝚫s and 𝚫σt, corresponding to the distance between two points where the two fitting lines meet on the X-axis, increase in the order of R' < H' < G'. In particular, the two graphs of R2 and G2 related to the length and Brazilian tensile strength are almost parallel to each other and show the distribution characteristics of hardway plane. Among the graphs related to the Brazilian tensile strength, the overall shape for hardway plane is similar to that for grain. From the chart for three rock cleavages, the slopes of the graphs related to the length increase in the order of R < G < H, while those of the graphs related to the spacing and Brazilian tensile strength decrease in the order of R < G < H. Lastly, the characteristics of variation among the six rock cleavages, the three planes and the three rock cleavages were visualized through the correlation chart among the above parameters from this study.

Study on Evaluation Method of Flow Characteristics in Steady Flow Bench(4) - Velocity Profile(2) (정상유동 장치에서 유동 특성 평가 방법에 대한 연구(4) - 유속분포(2))

  • Park, Chanjun;Sung, Jaeyong;Ohm, Inyong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.242-254
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    • 2016
  • This paper is the forth investigation on the evaluation methods of flow characteristics in a steady flow bench. In the previous works, it was concluded that the assumption of the solid rotation might cause serious problems and both of the eccentricity and the velocity profile distort the flow characteristics when using the ISM at 1.75B plane. Also particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement at this position showed that the real velocity profile was far from the assumption of ISM evaluation. In this paper, the planar velocity profiles were measure from 1.75B to 6.00B position by PIV and the characteristics were examined according to the valve angles and lifts for further investigations about the effect of the position on the velocity profile. The results show that $26^{\circ}$ valve angle is always an unique exceptional case in all aspects. If the valve angle is $21^{\circ}$ and below, the planar velocity profiles according to the lift and the position are similar to each other, however, the tangential velocity curves along with the radial direction have common tendencies up to $16^{\circ}$ angle. Also the well arranged swirl behaviors are generally observed at the position above 3.00B and the velocity contour lines come closer to the concentric circle as the valve lift increases. In addition, the gradient of tangential velocity along with the radial direction from the swirl center becomes stable and constant as the position goes downstream. Concurrently the velocity gradient is larger to the eccentric direction of the center. In the meantime the tangential velocity curves along with the radial direction are irregular and various at 1.75B, however, they become regular and reach higher level as the evaluation position goes downstream. At this time the curves of 4.50B are the best fitted to the ideal one. On the other hand in an exceptional case, $26^{\circ}$, the velocity contours are very complicated over 6mm valve lift regardless the position and the gradient increases to the opposite direction of the eccentric center. Also, 6.00B is a best fitting position in the geometrical cylinder center base. With respect to the swirl center, the distribution range of centers for 1.75B is different to that for the other positions and the eccentricities of this plane are larger regardless the valve angle. After 1.75B, there is no certain tendency in the center position change according to the valve angle and lift. Additionally, the eccentricities are not sufficiently small to neglecting the effect on ISM measurement.

Development of Designed Formulae for Predicting Ultimate Strength of the Perforated Stiffened Plate subjected to Axial Compressive Loading (압축하중을 받는 유공보강판 구조의 최종강도 설계식 개발)

  • Park, Joo-Shin;Ko, Jae-Yong;Lee, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.5 s.121
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    • pp.435-445
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    • 2007
  • Ship structures are thin-walled structures and lots of cutouts, for example, of inner bottom structure, girder, upper deck hatch, floor and dia-frame etc. In the case where a plate has cutout it experiences reduced buckling and ultimate strength and at the same time the in-plane stress under compressive load produced by hull girder bending will be redistributed. In the present paper, we investigated several kinds of perforated stiffened model from actual ship structure and series of elasto-plastic large deflection analyses were performed to investigate into the influence of perforation on the buckling and ultimate strength of the perforated stiffened plate varying the cutout ratio, web height, thickness and type of cross-section by commercial FEA program(ANSYS). Closed-form formulas for predicting the ultimate strength of the perforated stiffened plate are empirically derived by curve fitting based on the Finite Element Analysis results. These formulas are used to evaluate the ultimate strength, which showed good correlation with FEM results. These results will be useful for evaluating the ultimate strength of the perforated stiffened plate in the preliminary design.

The Algorithm of Protein Spots Segmentation using Watersheds-based Hierarchical Threshold (Watersheds 기반 계층적 이진화를 이용한 단백질 반점 분할 알고리즘)

  • Kim Youngho;Kim JungJa;Kim Daehyun;Won Yonggwan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.12B no.3 s.99
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2005
  • Biologist must have to do 2DGE biological experiment for Protein Search and Analysis. This experiment coming into being 2 dimensional image. 2DGE (2D Gel Electrophoresis : two dimensional gel electrophoresis) image is the most widely used method for isolating of the objective protein by comparative analysis of the protein spot pattern in the gel plane. The process of protein spot analysis, firstly segment protein spots that are spread in 2D gel plane by image processing and can find important protein spots through comparative analysis with protein pattern of contrast group. In the algorithm which detect protein spots, previous 2DGE image analysis is applies gaussian fitting, however recently Watersheds region based segmentation algorithm, which is based on morphological segmentation is applied. Watersheds has the benefit that segment rapidly needed field in big sized image, however has under-segmentation and over-segmentation of spot area when gray level is continuous. The drawback was somewhat solved by marker point institution, but needs the split and merge process. This paper introduces a novel marker search of protein spots by watersheds-based hierarchical threshold, which can resolve the problem of marker-driven watersheds.

Automatic Extraction of Roof Components from LiDAR Data Based on Octree Segmentation (LiDAR 데이터를 이용한 옥트리 분할 기반의 지붕요소 자동추출)

  • Song, Nak-Hyeon;Cho, Hong-Beom;Cho, Woo-Sug;Shin, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2007
  • The 3D building modeling is one of crucial components in building 3D geospatial information. The existing methods for 3D building modeling depend mainly on manual photogrammetric processes by stereoplotter compiler, which indeed take great amount of time and efforts. In addition, some automatic methods that were proposed in research papers and experimental trials have limitations of describing the details of buildings with lack of geometric accuracy. It is essential in automatic fashion that the boundary and shape of buildings should be drawn effortlessly by a sophisticated algorithm. In recent years, airborne LiDAR data representing earth surface in 3D has been utilized in many different fields. However, it is still in technical difficulties for clean and correct boundary extraction without human intervention. The usage of airborne LiDAR data will be much feasible to reconstruct the roof tops of buildings whose boundary lines could be taken out from existing digital maps. The paper proposed a method to reconstruct the roof tops of buildings using airborne LiDAR data with building boundary lines from digital map. The primary process is to perform octree-based segmentation to airborne LiDAR data recursively in 3D space till there are no more airborne LiDAR points to be segmented. Once the octree-based segmentation has been completed, each segmented patch is thereafter merged based on geometric spatial characteristics. The experimental results showed that the proposed method were capable of extracting various building roof components such as plane, gable, polyhedric and curved surface.