• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physiotherapy modality

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Aortopulmonary Fistula Presenting without an Endoleak after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair

  • Sica, Giacomo;Rea, Gaetano;Bocchini, Giorgio;Lombardi, Romilda;Muto, Massimo;Valente, Tullio
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2017
  • Herein, we report the case of a 60-year-old man, a smoker with a history of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. After computed tomography (CT) for an episode of hemoptysis, the patient underwent elective thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) because of a degenerative aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta. The area of perianeurysmal pulmonary atelectasis reported on the CT scan was not considered. Three months later, he developed an aortopulmonary fistula without endoleaks. Although TEVAR is a relatively safe procedure, no detail should be overlooked in the preoperative evaluation in order to avoid life-threatening complications. Further, the effectiveness and modality of prolonged antibiotic prophylaxis and/or preoperative respiratory physiotherapy should be assessed in such cases.

Clinical Efficacy of a Mouth-Exercising Device Adjunct to Local Ointment, Intra-Lesional Injections and Surgical Treatment for Oral Submucous Fibrosis: a Randomized Controlled Trial

  • Patil, Pravinkumar;Hazarey, Vinay;Chaudhari, Rekha;Nimbalkar-Patil, Smita
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1255-1259
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    • 2016
  • Background: Oral physiotherapy or mouth exercise is considered to be an adjunct but mandatory treatment modality for oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF). This study planned to evaluate the clinical efficacy of a newly designed mouth exercising device (MED) in OSMF patients receiving local ointment, intra-lesional drugs and surgical treatment. Materials and Methods: A total of 231 OSMF patients were selected and treated with basic regime including topical corticosteroids, oral antioxidants and the icecream-stick exercise regime and allotted randomly to two equal groups A and B. Group-A patients were additionally given MED. Subgroups A1 and B1 patients with an inter-incisal distance (IID) 20-35mm were not given any additional therapy; subgroup A2 and B2 patients (IID 20-35mm) were treated additionally with intra-lesional injections. Subgroups A3 and B3 with IID<20mm were managed surgically. IID was measured at baseline and at 6 months recall. The change in IID measurements was calculated and statistically analyzed using 2-way ANOVA and Tukeys multiple post hoc analysis. Results: Average improvement in IID after six months of recall visits was observed to be 8.4 mm in subgroup-A1 (n-53) compared to 5.5 mm in B1(n-50) (p<0.01). The IID improvement in subgroup-A2 was found to be 9.3mm (n-46) compared to 5.1 mm in B2 (n-48) (p<0.01). In the surgery group, mouth opening improvement was observed to be 9.6 mm in subgroup A3 (n-18) compared to 4.8 mm for B3 (n-16) (p<0.01). Conclusions: Use of the MED appears to be effective for increasing oral opening in OMSF patients in conjunction with local, injection and/or surgical treatment.

Nasolabial and extended nasolabial flaps for reconstruction in oral submucous fibrosis

  • Qayyum, Muhammad Umar;Janjua, Omer Sefvan;Haq, Ehtesham Ul;Zahra, Rubbab
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The objective of the study was to evaluate the results of nasolabial/extended nasolabial flaps as a modality for treatment of oral submucous fibrosis. Materials and Methods: Eleven patients of Stage III or IVa maximum interincisal opening were selected to be operated. Nasolabial/extended nasolabial flaps were done for both the sides. All of the flaps were done in a single stage and were inferiorly based. A similar flap harvest/surgical technique was utilized for all the cases. Results: The preoperative mouth opening ranged from 5 to 16 mm, with a mean of 10.09 mm. At 6 months the mouth opening ranged from 29 to 39 mm. Some of the complications encountered were poor scar, wisdom tooth traumatising the flap, decreased mouth opening due to non compliance and too much bulk. All of theses were managed satisfactorily. Conclusion: The nasolabial flap is a very reliable flap to restore the function of oral cavity. Important adjuvant measures are habit cessation, lifestyle changes, and aggressive physiotherapy.

Effects of Low-Intensity Wearable Ultrasound Technology on Pain, Muscle Tone, and Body Temperature in Women: Randomized Control Trials

  • SungYeon Oh;Jaeho Yu
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study investigated the effect of low-intensity wearable ultrasound technology on pain, muscle tension, and body temperature compared to normal medical ultrasounds. Methods: A total of 36 women volunteered to be in this study. Participants were randomly distributed into a wearable ultrasound group (WUG) (n=10) and a medical ultrasound group (MUG) (n=10). The intervention was conducted on a one-off basis. We measured pain using KSF-MPQ, VAS, and an algometer; muscle tension was measured using a Myoton PRO; body temperature was analyzed using an IRIS-XP. All measurements were evaluated using a paired t-test and an independent t-test. Results: In this study, low-intensity wearable ultrasound positively affected pain, muscle tone, and body temperature. In the independent t-test, there was a significant difference in muscle tension in both groups (p<0.05); in the case of stiffness, there was a significant difference in the WUG (p<0.05). For elasticity, there was no significant difference in the MUG (p>0.05), although there was a significant difference in the WUG (p<0.05). In the stress recovery time, elasticity, relaxation, and creep there were no significant differences in the MUG (p>0.05). For body temperature, and in the KSF-MPQ, VAS, and algometer assessments, there were significant differences noted in both groups (p<0.01). Conclusion: First, wearable therapeutic devices using low-intensity ultrasound significantly affected pain, tenderness, muscle tension, and body temperature. Second, wearable therapeutic devices using low-intensity ultrasound can be as effective as traditional medical ultrasound devices.

Effect of a Four-Week Exercise Training on Knee Indices, Pain Perception, Wellness and Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Control Trial

  • Ojo, Israel Arogundade;Adeyemi, Wale Johnson
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2024
  • PURPOSE: To determine the effect of four weeks of exercise training on knee circumference and range of motion (ROM), pain perception, wellness, and VO2max in patients at Osun State University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria. METHODS: Forty subjects who met the inclusion criteria were randomized into control and experimental groups. patients were subjected to four weeks of flexibility and strengthening exercise, which included squatting exercise, ROM exercise, both groups were given some cardiovascular exercise. VO2max), Wellness score and circumference. RESULTS: Compared to the baseline values (week 1), there was increase in the knee ROM, and decrease in the pain perception in both groups after four weeks. However, the improvements seen in the experimental group, were significantly better relative to the control group after four weeks of intervention. owever, knee ROM and wellness scores of the experimental group, and the VO2max of both significantly increase, but significantly decrease in the knee circumference and pain perception of both groups following 4 weeks of exercise was recorded. CONCLUSION: he exercise modality in the study promote cardiovascular endurance, knee joint integrity, reduce pain perception in subjects. xercise intervention s beneficia to both groups since both reduction in the pain felt and also in knee swelling.

Histological Observation of Osteochondrosis Dissecans Occurred in Mandibular Condyle (하악과두에 생긴 박리성 뼈연골증의 조직학적 관찰)

  • Choung, Pill Hoon;Kim, Soung Min;Lee, Suk Keun
    • The Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2018
  • A 57 years old female complained of severe pain on the right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area. Her right condyle had been partly resected under surgical operation 13 years ago due to condyle hypertrophy, thereafter she felt dull pain on TMJ area and recently the lesion became severely swelled and painful leading to cancer phobia. The present radiological views showed slightly enlarged and sclerosed condyle with increased radiopacity, but its articular sliding function was almost disable during mouth opening. The patient's TMJ lesion was carefully managed with conservative physiotherapy and pain treatment. The microsection of condyle head obtained from the previous operation was re-evaluated histologically, and it was finally diagnosed as osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD), exhibiting hyperplastic proliferation of cartilage in condyle head and marked vascular dilatation in epiphyseal zone. This abnormal cartilage tissue was distinguishable from normal cartilage tissue found in the peripheral cartilaginous cap of the same microsection. The involved cartilage cap showed thick hypertrophic chondrocyte zone with horizontal and vertical clefts accompanying diffuse hyaline degeneration. The superficial fibrous zone of cartilage cap was thickened and frequently peeled off, while lower hypertrophic zone of cartilage cap was highly cellular and proliferative. Consequently, the endochondral ossification became aberrant and resulted pre-mature apoptosis of many hypertrophic chondrocytes, followed by diffuse and mild inflammatory reaction in the underlying marrow tissue. Therefore, it was suggested that this hypertrophic condyle lesion, OCD, be differentiated depending on radiological and histological features from ordinary condyle hyperplasia, osteochondroma, and osteoarthritis, and that the pathological confirmation of OCD may provide a reliable modality for dental and medical treatment of chronic and painful TMJ lesion.

The Survey for Improvement in Clinical Practice Curriculum of Physiotherapy (물리치료 임상실습 교과내용 개선을 위한 조사연구)

  • Jang, Su-Gyeong
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.659-674
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    • 1998
  • This Study was to investigate elaborated research themes and direction through specifying the problems of clinical practice education and looking for the direction of improvement. It was in the basis of the viewpoint of the educators that professors and therapists who were the subjects of this study. Perform this study, the 15 colleges' professors and the 55 hospitals' therapists was made up questionnaire, and the data was analysing by Chi-square test and percentage. The results were as follow : ${\cdot}$ In a personal history among the general qualities, professors have little clinical practice history(l-5 years, 53.3%), and therapists have little lecture career(1-5 years, 43.6%, have no 49.0%), ${\cdot}$ The 78.6% subjects were unsatisfied of clinical practice systems. ${\cdot}$ The correlation between clinical history, school career and lecture career and the satisfaction level of clinical practice systems has no(P<.005), ${\cdot}$ The subjects were agreed to that clinical practice curriculum should be changed(67.1%), reinforced(82.9%), and specified(90.0%). ${\cdot}$ The clinical practice credits are 11 points averagely. ${\cdot}$ In the clinical practice curriculum, it made no difference in the practicum of diseases, modality, and the therapeutic techniques between professors and therapists. ${\cdot}$ The 100% professors said that the practicum of the patients' assessment is necessary, and the 63.6% therapists were training for that. ${\cdot}$ The 66.7% professors said that the practicum of the clinical psychology is necessary, and only the 20.0% therapists were training for that. ${\cdot}$ The 93.3% professors said that the practicum of the patients' management is necessary, and the 50.9% therapists were training for that. ${\cdot}$ The 66.7% professors said that the practicum of the medical ethics is necessary, and the 34.5% therapists were training for that. ${\cdot}$ The 46.7% professors said that the practicum of the hospital administration is necessary, but the 54.5% therapists have not training. ${\cdot}$ The 33.3% professors said that the practicum of the pharmacology is necessary, but the 81.8% therapists have not training. ${\cdot}$ The 86.7% professors said that the practicum of the patient's education is necessary, and the 43.6% therapists have training. ${\cdot}$ The 66.7% professors said that the practicum of the prosthesis and brace is necessary, but the 14.5% therapists have not training. ${\cdot}$ The 60.0% professors said that the practicum of the exercise prescription is necessary, but the 25.5% therapists have not training. ${\cdot}$ The 53.5% professors said that the practicum of the emergency treatment is necessary, but the 52.7% therapists have not training. ${\cdot}$ Drawing up the plan about the curriculum of clinical practice, the professors (46.7%) were agreed to national master plan framing by an expert advisor, but the therapists (58.2%) said that the plan that make the most of hospitals' characteristics should be specified. ${\cdot}$ It was found that a clinical special therapists(54.5%) was good as a person in charge of clinical practice education, in that each therapist's own good time (34.5%) was. ${\cdot}$ It made use of the form framing by college(40.0%) as the clinical practice textbook, the form framing by hospital (42.9%) and each therapist(22.9%) as the plan, and the form framing by college (74.3%) as the measurement. ${\cdot}$ The most difficult point in clinical practice education was the lacks of the theory-praciticum linkage(78.2%). ${\cdot}$ It was found that the period of clinical practice was in the second semester-third grade (40.0%) and the desirable period was in the first semester-third grade(50.0%). ${\cdot}$ Professors (53.3%) were agreed that the desirable clinical practice duration was from four months to six months(60.0%), and the therapists (60.0%) were agreed that from one month to three months. ${\cdot}$ This study presented the lacks of rearing the experts, the lacks of cultural education, and the lacks of the theory-clinical practice linkage. There were need to develop the systematic programs, clinical practice textbooks, the measurements and the special hospital for clinical practice. And it was need to reduce the gab between of the hospitals for clinical practice, to cut down the costs. and to improve the labour conditions of leaders. In view of this findings, it takes notice of that both professor and therapist were dissatisfied at the present clinical practice systems. These results point out the problems of clinical practice systems, and do not make expect to us the successive and positive clinical practice. The general, specific and intensive plan about the problems and the direction of improvement that establishing the level of hospital for clinical practice and physiotherapy can be elaborated.

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