• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physical Cause

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Case Report: Cardiac tamponade in a patient with isolated posterior myocardial infarction presenting with syncope (실신으로 내원한 후벽 단독 심근경색 환자에서 발생한 심장눌림증 1례)

  • Kang, Min Seong;Oh, Seong Beom;Kim, Ji-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2021
  • Cardiogenic syncope occurs due to arrhythmia (bradycardia and tachycardia) or decreased cardiac output, and if proper treatment is not provided, it can lead to acute sudden death. A detailed medical history and physical examinations are required to determine the cause of syncope, and clinical approaches, including 12-lead ECG, are important. The 12-lead ECG does not have a chest lead in the posterior wall of the left ventricle; therefore, ECG of the isolated posterior wall myocardial infarction caused by left circumflex artery occlusion is not observed with ST elevation. Therefore, the significantly higher appearance of ST depression and R waves than S waves from V1 to V3 of the chest lead must be interpreted meaningfully. Isolated posterior wall myocardial infarction is small in the area of myocardial necrosis, and tension is increased in the necrotic area due to the contraction of the normal myocardial muscle, which can cause ventricular wall rupture. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally check Beck's triad, such as jugular venous distension and decreased heart sound, in patients with low blood pressure with an isolated posterior wall myocardial infarction on 12-lead ECG in patients with syncope.

A Study on the Failure Characteristic of Excavation Puddle by LPG Explosion using AUTODYN (LPG 폭발로 인한 건설현장 굴착웅덩이의 구조물 파손 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eui Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2022
  • Gas explosion accidents could cause a catastrophe. we need specialized and systematic accident investigation techniques to shed light on the cause and prevent similar accidents. In this study, we had performed LPG explosion simulation using AUTODYN which is the commercial explosion program and predicted the damage characteristics of the structures by LNG explosive power. In the first step, we could get LPG's physical and chemical explosion properties by calculation using TNT equivalency method. And then, by applying TNT equivalency value about the explosion limit concentration of LPG on the 2D-AUTODYN simulation, we could get the explosion pressure wave profiles (explosion pressure, explosion velocity, etc.). In the last step, we performed LPG explosion simulation by applying to the explosion pressure wave profiles as the input data on the 3D-AUTODYN simulation. As a result, we had performed analyzing of the explosion characteristics of LPG in accordance with concentration through the 3D-AUTODYN simulation in terms of the explosion pressure behavior and structure destruction and damage behavior. The analyses showed that the generated stresses of the structures were lower than the compressive strengths in cases 1(two lane) and 2(four lane), while the generated stress in case 3(six lane) was 8.68e3 kPa, which exceeded the compressive strength of 5.89e3 kPa.

Analysis of microstructural characteristics and components of red and yellow ink pigments used in permanent makeup

  • Hyun Sook Jin;Byung Soo Chang
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.52
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    • pp.3.1-3.8
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    • 2022
  • Our purpose in this study is to analyze the microstructural characteristics and constituent elements of inorganic substances added to the yellow ink and red ink pigments used in permanent makeup. We observed the microstructural properties of inorganic pigments added to the ink using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analyzed the constituent elements of the inorganic pigment particles using an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). In red wine-colored ink, cubic titanium dioxide with a diameter of 110 to 200 nm was the major component, and rod-shaped iron oxide was rarely observed. Most of the ingredients of taupe yellow ink were rod-shaped yellow iron oxide, and a small amount of cubic titanium dioxide was observed. Red wine-colored ink and taupe yellow ink contained lumps composed of titanium dioxide particles. In red wine-colored ink, lumps were formed by agglomeration. However, we observed that the surface of the lump composed of titanium dioxide in the taupe yellow ink had a smooth surface caused by external physical compression. The titanium dioxide particle mass which found in taupe yellow ink in this study is an artificial product. When this mass accumulates in the dermis, it may cause a color mismatch. Therefore, permanent makeup using fine pigments should be free of foreign substances that may cause trouble in the skin. In addition, there is a need to improve the quality of the ink so that the required color can be safe and long lasting in the dermis.

Factors and Treatments Influencing the Unilaterally Unerupted Maxillary Central Incisor (상악 중절치의 편측성 맹출 장애 원인 및 치료)

  • Choi, Hyojung;Nam, Soonhyeun;Kim, Hyunjung
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.334-343
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the cause of eruption disturbance in the maxillary central incisor and establish the effective treatment plan by analyzing the vertical distance, angulation of long axis and root development of the tooth with eruption disturbance using the cone-beam CT. The average age of 134 patients diagnosed with unilaterally impacted maxillary central incisor was 7.9 years old and the male was 2.1 times higher than the female. The most common cause of eruption disorder was physical obstruction, especially mesiodens and odontoma. Of the teeth with unilateral eruption disorder, 78 cases erupted spontaneously and 56 cases erupted non-spontaneously after removal of physical obstruction. The possibility of spontaneous or non-spontaneous eruption in the unilaterally impacted maxillary central incisor depended on several factors, such as vertical distance, angulation of long axis and root development of unerupted tooth. The spontaneous eruption of the impacted maxillary cental incisor was most frequent at the angulation of long axis of 50 to 90 degrees, which is similar to the angulation of long axis of the normally erupted maxillary central incisor. In addition, the spontaneous eruption period of impacted maxillary central incisor was more influenced by the vertical distance than the angulation of long axis and the root development. Most of the teeth that showed non-spontaneous eruption had orthodontic traction, and these teeth were usually erupted within about 12 months. The period treated with orthodontic traction was no statistical significance with the vertical distance, the angulation of long axis, and the root development. This study will provide information on the cause of unilaterally impacted maxillary cental incisor and help to establish the future treatment plan.

A Study on the Musculoskeletal Disorders among the Visiting Housekeeper (가사노동자의 근골격계질환 자각증상과 관련요인)

  • Yoon, Songyi;Choi, Jae-Wook;Kim, Hae-Joon;Lee, Eun-il
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.14-29
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to survey the extent of pain and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system among visiting housekeepers, above all concerning neck, shoulder, back, wrist, knee, and arm pain and to find possible relations between symptoms and various working conditions. Method: A questionnaire was answered by 174 woman visiting housekeepers living in Kyeonggi-do and Seoul from December 1, 2003 to February 30, 2004. The symptoms of musculoskeletal system were coded by the pain index which illustrates the extent of the symptoms, and analyzed in view of NIOSH guideline and Kim, et. al.'s notion. Result: 1. As to the complaint rate of subjective musculoskeletal symptoms by body region, the figure was the highest for shoulder with 78.2%, followed by back with 66.7%, knee 53.6%, neck 56.3%, wrist 40.2%, and arm 29.2%, respectively. The logistic analysis showed shoulder pain and arm pain have no relation with working and health conditions, and back pain was significantly related to current health condition. In same way, knee pain and wrist pain were found to be mainly related to marital status. 2. Following the NIOSH guideline, the positive rate of subjective musculoskeletal symptoms was found out in following order: shoulder 69.5%, back 59.2%, knee 54%, neck 46%, wrist 32.8%, and arm 25.3%. To investigate the main cause of each disease, the symptoms were classified by pain index, where the value of more than 3 comes to the NIOSH case, and analyzed in term of complaint rate using discrete logistical method : shoulder pain was highly related to the housekeeping time after work, back pain was to current health condition and the heavy weight carrying and neck, wrist, arm pain were commonly related to the ordinary health condition. For knee pain, working speed was a main cause. 3. In view of Kim et. al.'s standard, where the pain index is over 7, the positive rate was showed in order slightly different from previous analyses : shoulder 33.3%. knee 29.9%, back 28.2%, neck 17.2%, wrist 17.2%, and 16.7%. From the logistical analysis, insufficient rest was shown as the main cause of shoulder, back, arm and wrist pain. For neck pain, ordinary health condition was mainly related. In case of knee pain, any apparent relation is not found. Conclusion: According to the logistic regression analysis of musculoskeletal system, there was strong suggestion that the less insufficient physical rest, the more significant disorder complaint. This means that the most musculoskeletal symptom among the visiting housekeepers can be prevented and cured by sufficient physical resting.

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Outbreaks of Yuzu Dieback in Goheung Area: Possible Causes Deduced from Weather Extremes

  • Kim, Kwang-Hyung;Kim, Gyoung Hee;Son, Kyeong In;Koh, Young Jin
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.290-298
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    • 2015
  • Starting in 2012, severe diebacks usually accompanied by abundant gum exudation have occurred on yuzu trees in Goheung-gun, Jeonnam Province, where severely affected trees were occasionally killed. On-farm surveys were conducted at 30 randomly-selected orchards located at Pungyang-myeon, Goheung-gun, and the resulting disease incidences were 18.5% and 39.6% for dieback and gumming symptoms, respectively. Black spots on branches and leaves also appeared on infected trees showing a typical dieback symptom. Morphological and molecular identifications of the isolated fungal organisms from lesions on the symptomatic leaves and branches revealed that they are identical to Phomopsis citri, known to cause gummosis. In order to find the reason for this sudden epidemic, we investigated the weather conditions that are exclusively distinct from previous years, hypothesizing that certain weather extremes might have caused the severe induction of pre-existing disease for yuzu. There were two extreme temperature drops beyond the yuzu's cold hardiness limit right after an abnormally-warm-temperature-rise during the winter of 2011-12, which could cause severe frost damage resulting in mechanical injuries and physiological weakness to the affected trees. Furthermore, there was an increased frequency of strong wind events, seven times in 2012 compared to only a few times in the previous years, that could also lead to extensive injuries on branches. In conclusion, we estimated that the possible damages by severe frost and frequent strong wind events during 2012 could cause the yuzu trees to be vulnerable to subsequent fungal infection by providing physical entries and increasing plant susceptibility to infections.

Effective Actions of Public Official's Drunk Driving (공무원 음주운전 대응방안)

  • Shin, Jae-Hun;Kim, Sang-Woon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.395-401
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    • 2017
  • This study has aware of the seriousness of public official. and come up with an effective counterplan about public official. This research is a study on previous research on government and officer crime. And understanding is the status about public official. It proposed ways to solve the problem Drunk driving is illegal to drive a vehicle while drunk act. Drunk driving is likely the potential to cause a traffic accident. As a result, drinking and driving is decreasing since the mid-2000s. The cause of the change is to strengthen social awareness, regulations for drunk driving. and public official was decreased. However, it did not disappear. Cause of drunk driving is wrong, such as dinners and cultural distrust of the deputy driving, drinking after misjudgment on his physical condition. public official is a bigger influence. It is a social problem. Personally great damage to organization. Therefore, this study is an analysis of international practices and domestic best practices. Officials drunk driving drunk driving prevention measures are proposed to strengthen preventive measure, it is proposed the organization of internal control measures, union officials supporting the improvement of company dinner.

Diaphragmatic hernia in a Jeju horse (crossbred) broodmare

  • Yang, Jaehyuk;Koh, Yang-Nam;Hwang, Kyu-Kye;Lim, Yoon-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.351-354
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    • 2009
  • Diaphragmatic hernias, whether congenital or acquired (traumatic), are rarely observed in the horse. Acquired diaphragmatic hernias typically occur secondary to trauma or an increase in intraabdominal pressure due to falling, heavy exercise, or parturition. Diaphragmatic herniorrhaphy is difficult to perform in adult horses and the horses with symptomatic diaphragmatic hernias usually die. A 10- year old, 340 kg, Jeju horse (crossbred) broodmare with sudden onset of gait disorder and a moderate emaciation was examined. Findings on physical examination included conjunctivitis, dehydration, shallow breathing, dyspnea, weaken heart beat, lack of auscultatable sounds from the gastrointestinal tract, and anorexia. Rectal temperature was 38.4C and respiratory rates were moderately increased. There were slight signs of acute colic. The broodmare died one day after non-specific treatment of fluids, nutriment, antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The cause of death was strangulation of the small intestine through a diaphragmatic hernia. The rent was about 2 cm in diameter and located in the central right part of diaphragm. Around 60 cm of small intestine was protruded into thoracic cavity through the rent. The cause of the hernia could not be ascertained. The broodmare had been pastured with many other horses, and the groom had not noticed any aggressive behavior among them. It was, however, speculated that trauma by stallion's attack may have been the cause of the diaphragmatic hernia, because the new horse may be the object of behaviors ranging from mild threats to seriously aggressive kicking, squealing, rearing, and biting.

A study on stress in Children (소아(小兒) stress에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Ki-Bong;Kim, Jang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.105-124
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    • 2002
  • With the progress of civilization, the disorders due to the stress, which derived from the social-structural complexity and diversity, are on an increasing trend in our times. Accordingly, the accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for them are required. Especially in the current years, children's disorders delivered by the emotional problems keep increasing. In this research, the researcher tried to figure out the cause of the children's stress and its treatment, studied the theories of the stress in the modem medicine and the sever emotions in oriental medicine, and came to the conclusion as follows: 1. The stress can be defined as the combination of the reaction to noxious stimuli and its defense mechanism of the body, In oriental medicine, it is considered as pathological notions which includes seven emotions as the internal factor, six evils as the external factor and other foods, expectoration, ecchymoma as the non-internal/external factors. 2. Children usually get stressed by various reasons in a growth process such as schooling, relationship with friends, the opposite sex of family, or change of surroundings, and these can cause the various disorders. 3. In the study of the children's stress symptoms, it is found that the silent reaction is uncommon. It usually appeared in both reactions: firs, physical reactions such as stomachache, vomiting, headache, neural frequent urination, bronchial asthma or excessive respiration and/or, second, behavioral reactions such as a decline of performance, alimentary disorder, e.g. anorexia nervosa or bulimia, sleep disorder, e.g. nightmare or panic in sleep, anthrophobia, refusal to a school attendance or hyperactiveness. Besides, the peculiar mental disorder such as paroxysm of anger, tic, autism, nocturnal enuresis, lack of attentiveness, impediment in linguistic development, learning difficulty, intellectual decline, etc. can be appeared, and the heavy stress during the babyhood can cause the regression of behavior or the immaturity of formation of character. 4. The appropriate treatments for the children's stress are Osteopathy, Manpulation, Aroma Therapy, Alexander Technique, Autonomic Never Control Treatment, Biofeedback, Chiropractic, Dance Therapy, Feldenkrasis Technique, Gravity Therapy, Homepathy, Aquatherapy, Hypnotherapy, Naturopathy and Meditation.

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Cause Analysis Ignited at a Far Infrared Radiation Heater (원적외선 히터에서 출화된 화재의 원인분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Ook;Choi, Chung-Seog
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2008
  • This research studied about the cause analysis of fire that was occurred in far infrared rays heater to base on the fire examples. Fire of electric heater was apt to commit error that handled an over-heating accident by judged molten mark in heat ray. Molten mark which was attached in heat ray was appeared to the form of layer short circuit by other metal material, but other metal material was not found beside the ingredient of heat wire which was mixed to an alloy of Fe-Cr-Al according to result of ingredient distribution by SEM/EDX. Also, the result of overheating experiment by layer short circuit and overvoltage showed higher febrility than normal, but there was no possibility of fire occurrence. This paper will be contributed to science for cause analysis of electric fire through analyzing physical, chemical and flame features of burnout heater on the basis of diagnosis of fire that was happened in infrared rays heater.